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Seven Deadly Sins

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Night 1 item? It would be the Sapphire, or 'Iceberg', which was collected from me by the classy one. It was basically worth two items, so Thieves would have loved to hear it.

Also, 10 (11?) /5/3 doesn't really make sense, so IDK where that's coming from.

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It's 8 anti-town, versus 10 or 11 town. Considering multiple kills are confirmed, yeah, I don't necessarily buy the 5 scum theory.

I wish we had another Soothsayer Token. =_=

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I dunno Core, conversations can be faked. And a mafia wouldn't admit to already knowing someone else's item so easily. Though I agree that bit of info would lend itself to almost clear Snike, I'm still going to be a little cautious of it.

And SNike I dunno if you can count thieves as anti-town. Afterall they weren't killing town and I doubt we needed them dead to win or escaped to have one. But I do agree with you 5 seems a little much. Ive never been in a game with a 5 person mafia.

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Fact is, thieves have a win-condition that is detrimental to the town. Get out alive with the most items. They have votes, so after the first killing cycle of phases they can just force NL during the day phase and try and steal from each other, while the mafia whittles down the helpless town.

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23:51Core_While we were talking, I was also reviewing all my PMs

23:51clipseykittyIs this information I'm supposed to have?


23:52clipseykittyWhat's in your PMs. I was never in a position to get information, because half the players were suspicious of me from the outset.

23:52Core_I have a group PM including Psych, Proto, Kay, and I

23:53Core_this is where I pulled a few quotes out of against Proto


23:53clipseykittyHowever, I'm not a part of them, so how am I supposed to use this information to draw conclusions?

23:53Core_in this PM, Psych lazily noted that he had no clue that Rein had investigated him

23:53Core_An unlikely statement if they were mafia buds

23:54clipseykittyI'd say Psych's actions clear him more than anything.

23:54Core_And Psych wanted Rein lynched first


23:54clipseykittyI went along with it because Psych requested it.

23:54clipseykittyI wasn't sure why, but I'm glad he was right.


23:55Core_Kaoz said he was the one who influenced Psych

23:55Core_to go for Rein

23:55Core_which makes it less likely for him to be bussing

23:55Core_so by that logic, Psych=town

23:55clipseykittyI'm pretty sure Psych isn't mafia. . .but if that was me doing it, would it be suspicious?

23:56Core_Moreso, but not decidedly

23:56clipseykittyThe problem is that I've been under suspicion ever since the mafia started. Nothing short of a Token would clear me, and I have no idea why none was used on me!

23:57Core_Me and Kay first were suspicious because you seemed less active than usual

23:57clipseykittyTherefore, any other actions I do will look suspicious. Including disagreeing with you, despite not having your info.

23:57clipseykittyI was busy planning my own mafia.

23:57Core_I repeat, I am not suspicious of you for disagreeing

23:57Core_This was after your mafia started

23:57Core_but its still something we considered

23:58clipseykittyI think you

23:58clipseykittyer. . .

23:58clipseykittyI think you'll have to use something other than things like activity level and flavors to figure this out. I planned and ran my own mafia in the middle of this one, and SDS doesn't seem very interested in being consistent.


23:59Core_That is what I'm doing

23:59clipseykittySo use whatever info you have in there, bearing in mind that Proto was mafia, and try to come up with something more conclusive.

00:00Core_The most conclusive thing is that you are mafia though.

00:00clipseykittyBased on what little conversation you've had, as well as the fact that you never had to deal with Blitz on a constant basis?

00:00Core_Nobody else has anything incriminating EXCEPT when I roleblocked strawman

00:00Core_Blitz is unknown still

00:00clipseykittyIn other words, you're gonna random just because?

00:01clipseykittyThat's not good town leadership.

00:01clipseykittyIf you're so certain that Strawman is scummy, why aren't you lynching him?

00:01Core_Because you yourself roleblocked him

00:02clipseykittyOkay. I can buy that for now. But the fact is that someone's dead, and you're clearing two other people on what I think is kinda spurious evidence.

00:02Core_I'll concede that Blitz isn't so clear

00:03Core_But, I feel I would've died instead of Kaoz if we was mafia


00:03Core_contributing to my opinion of him


00:03clipseykittyNo, you wouldn't have.

00:03clipseykittyBlitz may be incomperhensible at times, but guess who told him about the players on this board during BS Mafia?

00:04Core_I subbed inn to BS mafia

00:05clipseykittyI was on the same faction as Blitz then. I told him what I knew about the players in the hopes that he'd stop shooting my faction in the foot.

00:05Core_and prior to that, I had only subbed in during SFMafia

00:05Core_So, I don't think you told him anything about me

00:05clipseykittyI think the board knows what I think of Kaoz.

00:05Core_Did you rate Kaoz highly?

00:05clipseykittyI told him that it's like a less crazy version of me.

00:06Core_Also, you would've rather killed Kaoz, too

00:06clipseykittyNot a chance in hell.

00:06clipseykittyWhy do that, when Snike's alive?

00:06Core_if you are mafia

00:06Core_Snike isn't cleared though

00:06clipseykittyOne of the running jokes is that if I'm on one side, and Snike's on the other, we kill each other.


00:07clipseykittyI'd probably kill Snike just because he's more vocal, and thinks very much like me.

00:07Core_...Leaving two cleared players?

00:07Core_I doubt it

00:08clipseykittyBlitz wasn't cleared.

00:08Core_Do you mean, you'd have killed Snike instead of Kaoz?

00:08clipseykittyYep. Some things must be followed.

00:08Core_Or kill Snike much earlier in the game?

00:09clipseykittySnike would've turned up dead instead of Kaoz.

00:09clipseykittyPrecisely because he wasn't clear.

00:09clipseykittySince he wasn't clear, the odds of him having a protective item from you guys would be low.


00:10clipseykittyAt this point in the game, if I were mafia, I'd be focusing on having my kills succeed, rather than risk having a failed kill.

00:11Core_Which would take away a suspect for me and Kaoz

00:12clipseykittyIf the kill didn't go through, then it means that I'd have to survive another day, and hope that it does go through next time.

00:12clipseykittyThat's not a good position for a mafia to be in.

00:12Core_No, but at this ppoint, you'd have to take some risks

00:13clipseykittyI don't take unnecessary risks. If we're ever mafia, you'll see my play style.

00:13Core_leaving me and Kaoz means that there would be one of us left for Lylo

00:14Core_whereas killing one of us means that on lylo, nobody will be clear

00:14clipseykittyThat's not how I think.

00:14Core_assuming no more items clear anyone

00:14Core_I don't know how you think, though

00:14clipseykittyI'd be going after guaranteed kills.

00:15clipseykittyThe more likely a kill will succeed, the more likely I am to take the shot.


00:16clipseykittySo I'd keep my focus away from the leadership, and snipe at the surroundings.

00:16Core_However, you might've known that anything protective would go on me

00:17clipseykittyHow? I can't know that for certain.

00:17Core_since I have access to more information

00:17clipseykittyAnd if I don't know it for certain, then I can't factor it into my equation.

00:17Core_I pulled quotes against Proto

00:17Core_Kaoz didn't

00:17clipseykittyYet Kaoz was the one that got Rein lynched.


00:18clipseykittyAnd you didn't vote for it, for some reason.

00:18Core_Kaoz was unbelievably secretive

00:19clipseykittyYou didn't trust him?

00:19Core_I trusted him because I cleared him

00:19clipseykittySo why not go with his suggestion?

00:19clipseykittyIn my case, Psych said please, so I complied.

00:19Core_He didn't suggest it to me

00:19clipseykittyYet his vote was right there.

00:21Core_Because, I didn't know the basis for it

00:21Core_I was pondering lynching Proto

00:21clipseykittyAnd he didn't bother explaining it? That's super-weird.

00:22Core_And I had thought Rein was town, tbh

00:23clipseykittyWell, everything turned out okay, you got a Token, and you were able to get Proto lynched.

00:25Core_I'm still most suspicious of you.

00:25Core_But, I'm waiting to hear from Blitz, as well

00:26clipseykittyMind unvoting me for the time being? Your suspicion is warranted, but the vote isn't.

00:26Core_Well, a lynch is 100% necessary today

Lots of details in there.

Edit for formatting (and spoiler)

Edited by Kumquat
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I don't know how I can help, but all info on my items are on Paper's list.

If I remember correctly, Proto's lynch list was 1.Snike-2.Life-3.Me-4.Eclipse.

His list didn't exceed 4.In Ivalice Mafia, Proto had me saved up for last because he knew I was the perfect Scrape goat(since I won't be able to fend myself well enough and would be easy to lynch and it almost worked too except that someone forgot to shoot Kevin which made us win). Well, also Eclipse would NEVER be an easy lynch to win a game.Since life was mafia, Proto would need to my N0 item Tablet of command to have gained majority or lynch Eclipse or another mafia member(which is not likely).

Also another piece of info I got from Proto is that him claiming the Straw gave Paper a coin,no ideas on the why though.

Also I am sorry I couldn't help much.

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Okay, now it's unanimous, I hardly think I need to wait the last hour.

As the dust settled, eclipse lay dead in the town square. Yet another ghost seeped from the body, but unfortunately not the last. It looks like there's still work to be done.

eclipse has been lynched. She was Possessed. It is now Night 6.

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I'm likely dieing tonight, so remember.

Psych isn't technically clear, but all of his actions would be ridiculous if he were mafia.

Blitz was suspicious of Eclipse, and I still find him townish.

Strawman getting blocked last night no longer means anything because Eclipse turned up mafia. It now makes sense that the mafia's kill was unaccounted for two nights ago when Strawman was blocked, but still went through on night 6 when Clipsey blocked him.

I trust Snike, although the fact that he isn't dead is questionable.

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