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S-Rank Playthroughs, HHM + EHM

General Horace

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Well, I've decided to do EHM, I might do the other modes, and give people following this the choice in who I promote, just for fun. I'm not doing Lyn Mode again, fuck that. I'm also not doing videos for EHM, as they are 90% redundant.

Chapter 11

Easy chapter. Steel Sword!Lowen + Eliwood kills all enemies sans the boss on the map, and Lowen + Rebecca get all the level 1 bandits. Steel lance Marcus convieniently leaves level 2 bandits at 1 HP, although I only did this once, and Dorcas and Bartre have solid chip damage as well. I bought a couple of vulneraries midchapter. Eliwood managed to get the boss kill after Lowen weakened him. Could have finished in 6, but i'm lazy, and didn't want to restart. Tactics isn't an issue in EHM anyway.

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       02.84   19   5    6    8    7    5    1   C Sword
Marcus     ??/01.04   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         03.01   24   7    5    7    3    8    0   D Sword D Lance
Rebecca       02.36   17   4    6    6    4    3    1   D Bow
Dorcas        03.61   30   7    7    6    3    3    0   C Axe
Bartre        02.97   29   9    5    3    4    4    0   D Axe

EXP Gained - 583/450

Turns Taken - 7/8

Chapter 12

I forgot Hector and Oswin don't show up for a while >.< Not that they take long to clear the north. Marcus ran to the village, then handed his statboosters off to Rebecca so he could go shopping. Myrmidon!Eliwood is doing well in the first few chapters. Lowen got a nice level of Strength and skill to end the chapter. Eliwood killed this boss too.

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       04.99   20   6    6   10    8    6    2   C Sword
Hector        02.09   20   8    4    6    3    8    0   C Axe
Marcus     ??/01.07   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         04.23   24   8    5    8    3    8    0   D Sword D Lance
Rebecca       03.81   18   4    7    6    5    3    1   D Bow
Dorcas        04.05   31   8    8    6    4    3    0   C Axe
Bartre        03.44   29   9    5    3    4    5    1   D Axe
Oswin         09.24   28  13    9    5    3   13    3   B Lance

EXP Gained - 709/550

Turns Taken - 8/8


EXP Gained - 1292/1000

Turns Taken - 15/16

Chapter 13

Bartre and Dorcas went north, to get the village. This isn't a great chapter for them anyhow. Lowen lead the charge south, and to my surprise, Guy doesn't move until turn 5 O.o

Oswin, Rebecca, and Lowen stayed back to kill the reinforcements, Matthew went shopping for handaxes, and Marcus weakened the boss for Hector to kill. This chapter is substantially less annoying than it's HHM counterpart, as Pegasus Knights don't exist.

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       05.76   20   6    7   10    9    7    3   C Sword
Hector        05.16   23   9    6    6    3    9    0   C Axe
Marcus     ??/01.18   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         05.36   25   8    5    8    4    9    0   D Sword D Lance
Rebecca       04.68   19   4    7    6    5    3    1   D Bow
Dorcas        04.67   31   8    8    6    4    3    0   C Axe
Bartre        03.94   29   9    5    3    4    5    1   D Axe
Oswin         09.40   28  13    9    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       03.33   19   4    5   11    3    3    1   D Sword
Serra         01.80   17   2    5    8    6    2    5   D Staff
Guy           03.64   21   6   11   11    5    5    0   C Sword

EXP Gained - 974/750

Turns Taken - 9/12


EXP Gained - 2266/1750

Turns Taken - 24/27

Chapter 13x

This chapter is actually ridiculously easy in EHM. Like, Lowen was a point of speed away from doubling Nomads, and he OHKO'd some of them with a Steel Lance. Marcus got the village, Guy and Matthew took care of the south, and Rebecca ended up getting the bosskill, because her level ups quite frankly have blown horsecock, so she needs to take what she can get.

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       07.09   21   7    7   11   10    7    4   B Sword
Hector        05.48   23   9    6    6    3    9    0   C Axe
Marcus     ??/01.23   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         06.86   26   8    5    8    4    9    1   D Sword D Lance
Rebecca       06.11   20   5    9    7    6    3    3   D Bow
Dorcas        05.24   32   8    9    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre        05.02   31  11    7    3    5    5    1   D Axe
Oswin         09.82   28  13    9    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       04.23   19   4    5   12    4    4    1   D Sword
Serra         02.46   17   2    6    8    7    3    6   D Staff
Guy           04.74   21   6   11   12    5    5    0   C Sword

EXP Gained: 846/700

Turns Taken: 8/7


EXP Gained: 3112/2450

Turns Taken: 32/34

Chapter 14

I can't believe I'm saying this, but a support bonus saved me a turn here :facepalm:

Marcus went shopping, Dorcas killed all the knights at the start (Bartre just flat out OHKO'd the ones in the field with Steel). Fed Bartre the bosskill. Lowen was able to lure in the far west enemies before the rain came. Erk sniped stuff from his cliff and got the Iron Blade. Eliwood fell one strength of ORKO'ing the Bandit on the last turn, but that was remedied by his support with Hector.

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       07.43   21   7    7   11   10    7    4   B Sword                    C Hector
Hector        06.21   24   9    7    6    3   10    0   C Axe                      C Eliwood
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         08.01   27   8    6   10    5   10    2   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       06.49   20   5    9    7    6    3    3   C Bow
Dorcas        06.04   34   8   10    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre        07.14   33  13    8    4    6    6    2   C Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       05.39   20   4    6   13    4    4    1   D Sword
Serra         02.90   17   2    6    8    7    3    6   D Staff
Guy           05.11   22   6   12   12    5    5    0   C Sword
Erk           02.21   17   5    7    7    3    2    5   D Anima
Priscilla     03.00   16   6    6    8    7    3    6   C Staves

EXP Gained: 888/850

Turns Taken: 7/10


EXP Gained: 4000/3300

Turns Taken: 39/44

Edited by General Horace
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Last post was getting kinda long.

Chapter 15

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Hector, Lowen, Priscilla, Serra, Erk, Guy, Matthew

Lyn's group joins. Looks like the autolevels are nice to Kent, and that's about it.

Hector walks across the mountains, while everyone else goes south. Kent and Sain buy some swords and lances, and weaken stuff for Lyn. This chapter was really boring, just kinda moved forward and killed shit. Hector killed the boss.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       08.45   22   8    8   11   11    7    4   B Sword                    C Hector
Hector        08.05   26  11    8    7    4   10    0   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           05.62   19   5   10   12    5    3    1   C Sword
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         08.74   27   8    6   10    5   10    2   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       06.49   20   5    9    7    6    3    3   C Bow
Dorcas        06.04   34   8   10    7    5    4    0   C Axe
Bartre        07.14   33  13    8    4    6    6    2   C Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       06.06   21   4    7   14    5    4    1   D Sword
Serra         03.69   17   3    6    8    7    3    7   C Staff
Guy           05.98   22   6   12   12    5    5    0   C Sword
Erk           04.68   19   5    8    8    4    3    6   D Anima
Priscilla     03.67   16   6    6    8    7    3    6   C Staves
Florina       04.21   19   6    9   10    8    4    5   D Lance
Wil           04.42   21   6    5    6    7    5    1   D Bow
Kent          05.68   23   8    7    8    4    6    1   D Lance D Sword
Sain          04.33   22   9    5    7    5    7    0   D Lance D Sword

EXP Gained: 1235/1100

Turns Taken: 8/7


EXP Gained: 5235/4400

Turns Taken: 47/51

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Good job on beating HHM. I've yet to accomplish this, but it will be something I do when I get the time.

Recording etc. is a waste of effort, the most I think I'll do is just keep information posted, for my own sake more than anyone else's.

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but a support bonus saved me a turn here :facepalm:

Eliwood fell one strength of ORKO'ing the Bandit on the last turn, but that was remedied by his support with Hector.

Eliwood x Hector C doesn't give any attack bonus though.

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Chapter 16

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Serra, Priscilla, Kent, Sain, Lowen, Matthew, Dorcas, Erk, Wil; (Lucius, Raven)

Correct me if I screw up a chapter number, I almost screwed up this one. Used to Hector Mode.

Eliwood slowly trudged up to the throne with the excellent escort of Dorcas, Wil, and Erk, Kent and Sain stayed back to take care of the cav reinforcements, and Lowen carted Matthew around. Matthew actually had all chests by turn 12, but I underestimated the amount of space Lowen could cover. Dorcas ORKO'd (Yes, he doubled) the boss with the hammer.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       09.49   23   9    9   12   12    7    4   B Sword                    C Hector
Hector        08.05   26  11    8    7    4   10    0   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           05.62   19   5   10   12    5    3    1   C Sword
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       06.49   20   5    9    7    6    3    3   C Bow
Dorcas        09.02   35   9   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        07.14   33  13    8    4    6    6    2   C Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       06.17   21   4    7   14    5    4    1   D Sword
Serra         05.01   18   4    6    9    9    3    7   C Staff
Guy           05.98   22   6   12   12    5    5    0   C Sword
Erk           08.15   22   9   10   10    5    3    6   C Anima
Priscilla     04.69   17   6    7    8    8    3    6   C Staves
Florina       04.21   19   6    9   10    8    4    5   D Lance
Wil           06.67   23   6    7    7    8    6    1   D Bow
Kent          07.39   25   8    8    9    6    8    3   D Lance D Sword
Sain          06.80   23  10    6    7    5    7    0   D Lance D Sword
Lucius        03.00   18   7    6   10    2    1    6   D Light
Raven         05.27   25   8   11   13    2    5    1   C Sword

EXP Gained: 1797/1100

Turns Taken: 13/18


EXP Gained: 7032/5500

Turns Taken: 60/69

Chapter 16x

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Lyn, Guy, Raven, Priscilla, Florina; (Canas)

Lyn killed Damian. Raven is like, 5HKO'd at base by the iron axe dudes, even the silver axe guys weren't particularily threatening. Florina got all the villages before chatting to Fargus. Guy used his killing edge to great success.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       10.05   24   9   10   13   13    7    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        08.05   26  11    8    7    4   10    0   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           08.50   21   6   12   15    7    4    1   C Sword
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       06.49   20   5    9    7    6    3    3   C Bow
Dorcas        09.02   35   9   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        07.14   33  13    8    4    6    6    2   C Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       06.17   21   4    7   14    5    4    1   D Sword
Serra         05.01   18   4    6    9    9    3    7   C Staff
Guy           09.05   26   8   15   14    7    5    2   B Sword
Erk           08.15   22   9   10   10    5    3    6   C Anima
Priscilla     05.05   17   6    8    9    9    4    7   C Staves
Florina       04.31   19   6    9   10    8    4    5   D Lance
Wil           06.67   23   6    7    7    8    6    1   D Bow
Kent          07.39   25   8    8    9    6    8    3   D Lance D Sword
Sain          06.80   23  10    6    7    5    7    0   D Lance D Sword
Lucius        03.00   18   7    6   10    2    1    6   D Light
Raven         06.63   26   8   12   14    2    5    2   C Sword
Canas         08.46   21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark

EXP Gained: 896/700

Turns Taken: 5/10


EXP Gained: 7928/6200

Turns Taken: 65/79

Edited by General Horace
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  • 2 weeks later...

And it's an update.

Chapter 17

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Serra, Priscilla, Florina, Lucius, Kent, Sain, Matthew

Eliwood ORKO'd a shaman when nescessary, and killed the boss. Serra and Prissy, healed, Florina killed shaman and their reinforcements, Lucius softened up Shaman for Matt and got quite a few himself, Kent and Sain took care of the east, then the south. Matthew stole various goodies, inculding two pure waters, a vulnerary, and the bosses Guiding Ring.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       11.73   24   9   10   14   14    7    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        08.05   26  11    8    7    4   10    0   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           08.50   21   6   12   15    7    4    1   C Sword
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       06.49   20   5    9    7    6    3    3   C Bow
Dorcas        09.02   35   9   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        07.14   33  13    8    4    6    6    2   C Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       08.14   22   5    7   16    6    5    2   C Sword
Serra         06.00   19   4    7   10   10    3    8   B Staff
Guy           09.05   26   8   15   14    7    5    2   B Sword
Erk           08.15   22   9   10   10    5    3    6   C Anima
Priscilla     06.16   17   7    8    9    9    4    7   B Staves
Florina       06.98   21   7   10   12    9    4    6   D Lance
Wil           06.67   23   6    7    7    8    6    1   D Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          10.09   27  12    7    7    6    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        06.04   20   8    8   10    2    1    7   D Light
Raven         06.63   26   8   12   14    2    5    2   C Sword
Canas         08.46   21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark

EXP Gained: 1769/1450

Turns Taken: 11/11


EXP Gained: 9697/7650

Turns Taken: 76/90

Also, do you gain exp at a quicker rate in EHM than HHM, I've taken part in one less chapter, and I have 1000 more exp, I don't think Marcus and Lyn Mode use would affect that much.

Edited by General Horace
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Also, do you gain exp at a quicker rate in EHM than HHM, I've taken part in one less chapter, and I have 1000 more exp, I don't think Marcus and Lyn Mode use would affect that much.

Looks like a lot of that comes from 16/17, where in the HHM run you only take out one of the reinforcements. Also in EHM you can presumably do a bunch more in 13x.

Edited by zahlman
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Herp derp, I forgot the EHM enemies were piles of suck.

Chapter 18

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Serra, Priscilla, Florina, Lyn, Wil, Rebecca, Erk, Lucius, Raven, Bartre, Matthew; (Dart, Fiora)

Eliwood, Serra, Erk, Lucius, and Raven headed south towards Uhai (Erk was one Magic away from OHKO'ing nomads with Thunder), Bartre, Rebecca, Matthew and Prissy went north, and Dart and Wil went through the middle. Lyn and Florina (well actually just Lyn, Florina didn't get any exp this chapter) stayed back to recruit Fiora and kill Pirates. Fiora herself went to take out the other Pirate reinforcements. Uhai was killed by Eliwood, because Raven missed 3 attacks in a row, and Eliwood missed once, but fuck restarting.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       13.11   25   9   11   16   14    8    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        08.05   26  11    8    7    4   10    0   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           10.12   21   7   13   17    8    4    3   B Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       07.36   21   5   10    8    7    3    4   C Bow
Dorcas        09.02   35   9   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        08.52   34  13    8    5    6    6    3   C Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       09.35   23   5    8   17    7    5    2   C Sword
Serra         06.99   19   4    7   10   10    3    8   B Staff
Guy           09.05   26   8   15   14    7    5    2   B Sword
Erk           10.11   23  10   10   11    6    3    7   C Anima
Priscilla     07.13   17   7    8   10   10    4    8   B Staves
Florina       06.98   21   7   10   12    9    4    6   D Lance
Wil           07.08   24   7    7    7    8    6    1   D Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          10.09   27  12    7    7    6    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        07.85   20   9    9   11    3    1    8   C Light
Raven         08.68   28  10   12   14    4    6    2   C Sword
Canas         08.46   21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark
Dart          08.41   34  12    8    8    3    6    1   B Axe
Fiora         08.01   22   8   12   14    6    6    7   C Lance

EXP Gained: 1698/1100

Turns Taken: 9/10


EXP Gained: 11395/8750

Turns Taken: 85/100

Forgot since I'm not doing videos, I don't need to split every chapter into a separate post :facepalm:

Chapter 18x

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Priscilla, Fiora, Florina, Matthew, Raven, Bartre, Dart.

Florina got the village on turn one, and Matthew hung around to steal the Elysian whip from the Peg once it arrived. Bartre took the point, and eventually got enough strength to OHKO mages with the hand axe, and 1RKO knights, so he kinda tore shit up this chapter. All of Kishuna's Guards were killed, and the Silver Card was stolen. Raven killed the boss.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       13.96   25   9   11   16   14    8    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        08.05   26  11    8    7    4   10    0   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           10.12   21   7   13   17    8    4    3   B Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       07.36   21   5   10    8    7    3    4   C Bow
Dorcas        09.02   35   9   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        11.55   37  14    8    8    7    6    4   B Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       10.89   24   5    9   17    7    6    3   C Sword
Serra         06.99   19   4    7   10   10    3    8   B Staff
Guy           09.05   26   8   15   14    7    5    2   B Sword
Erk           10.11   23  10   10   11    6    3    7   C Anima
Priscilla     07.85   17   7    8   10   10    4    8   B Staves
Florina       08.66   23   7   11   14   10    5    7   C Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           07.08   24   7    7    7    8    6    1   D Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          10.09   27  12    7    7    6    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        07.85   20   9    9   11    3    1    8   C Light
Raven         11.07   31  11   13   15    5    6    2   C Sword
Canas         08.46   21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark
Dart          09.72   34  13    8    9    4    7    1   B Axe
Fiora         10.50   22   9   13   15    6    7    9   C Lance

EXP Gained: 1381/1000

Turns Taken: 10/10


EXP Gained: 12776/9750

Turns Taken: 95/110

Chapter 19

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Wil, Rebecca, Priscilla Serra, Dart, Florina, Lucius, Canas, Matthew, (Legault)

Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Lucius and Priscilla headed for Darin, Dart killed the southwest spawns (archers, Pegasi), Rebecca spammed the killer bow on the fighters and Archers (she was 3HKO'ing, so I had to speed it up.), Florina, Serra, and Wil took the middle room, and Canas killed the mage spawn. Got all treasure. Lyn killed both bosses. This chapter required one restart because I thought Hector was the main lord. Didn't buy anything at the secret shop because quite frankly, none of it is needed, and It's not worth selling a gem for.

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       14.30   26   9   11   16   14    8    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        10.06   27  12    8    9    4   11    0   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           13.00   24   9   15   19   10    6    3   B Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       09.69   22   6   12    8    8    3    4   C Bow
Dorcas        09.02   35   9   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        11.55   37  14    8    8    7    6    4   B Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       10.89   24   5    9   17    7    6    3   C Sword
Serra         07.66   19   5    7   10   10    4    8   B Staff
Guy           09.05   26   8   15   14    7    5    2   B Sword
Erk           10.11   23  10   10   11    6    3    7   C Anima
Priscilla     08.84   18   8    9   11   11    4    8   A Staves
Florina       09.54   23   8   11   15   10    5    8   C Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           09.35   25   9    9    7    8    6    2   C Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          10.09   27  12    7    7    6    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        09.94   21  10   11   12    3    1   10   C Light
Raven         11.07   31  11   13   15    5    6    2   C Sword
Canas         09.86   21  11    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark
Dart          11.63   36  14    8   11    5    7    2   B Axe
Fiora         10.50   22   9   13   15    6    7    9   C Lance
Legault       13.87   27   9   12   16   11    8    3   C Sword 

EXP Gained: 1964/2100

Turns Taken: 10/16


EXP Gained: 14740/11850

Turns Taken: 105/126

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Chapter 20

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Hector, Dorcas, Priscilla, Rebecca, Wil, Matthew, Florina, (Ninian)

Fuck this chapter.

I know I did a poor job on it, but 13x aside, this is by far my least favourite chapter.

Eliwood and Hector ran ahead, with Hector killing most of the stuff, along with Dorcas. Rebecca stayed back and dealt with the monks (they have like, 6 attack, it's sad), whilst Florina bought some weapons and Matthew and Wil stole kills when they could. Prissy spammed Torch, and got the restore staff. Eliwood could have 2RKO'd the boss O.o

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       14.92   26   9   11   16   14    8    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        12.35   29  12    9    9    6   12    1   B Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           13.00   24   9   15   19   10    6    3   B Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       10.57   23   7   13    8    9    4    4   C Bow
Dorcas        10.41   36  10   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        11.55   37  14    8    8    7    6    4   B Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       12.69   25   6    9   18    9    6    4   C Sword
Serra         07.66   19   5    7   10   10    4    8   B Staff
Guy           09.05   26   8   15   14    7    5    2   B Sword
Erk           10.11   23  10   10   11    6    3    7   C Anima
Priscilla     09.89   18   9    9   12   12    4    8   A Staves
Florina       10.48   24   8   11   16   11    5    8   C Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           11.57   26   8   10    7    9    6    2   C Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          10.09   27  12    7    7    6    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        09.94   21  10   11   12    3    1   10   C Light
Raven         11.07   31  11   13   15    5    6    2   C Sword
Canas         09.86   21  11    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark
Dart          11.63   36  14    8   11    5    7    2   B Axe
Fiora         10.50   22   9   13   15    6    7    9   C Lance
Legault       13.87   27   9   12   16   11    8    3   C Sword 
Ninian        01.72   14   0    0   12   10    5    4   Dancer

EXP Gained: 1196/1200 (Fuck you too, game)

Turns Taken: 7/9


EXP Gained: 15936/13050

Turns Taken: 112/135

Chapter 21

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Guy, Priscilla, Ninian, Serra, Rebecca, Lucius, Canas, Legault; (Isadora); (Heath); (Rath)

Boring chapter... Isadora's job was to rescue Rath's cavalier out of harms way and grab the secret shop, the other member of Rath's unit was nice and got crit blicked by a monk. Eubans was killed by Rebecca (somehow) after Hector got a hand axe and a Wolf Beil off on him. Serra gained 2 levels this chapter by spamming Barrier O.o. I ended this on turn 10, because I had everything killed (except the boss) and no more enemies spawn on turn 11.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       15.35   27   9   11   16   14    9    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        14.09   31  14   10   10    6   12    1   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           13.64   24   9   15   19   10    6    3   B Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       12.21   24   8   13   10   10    4    4   B Bow
Dorcas        10.41   36  10   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        11.55   37  14    8    8    7    6    4   B Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       12.69   25   6    9   18    9    6    4   C Sword
Serra         09.70   21   5    7   10   10    4    8   A Staff
Guy           10.82   26   9   15   15    8    5    3   B Sword
Erk           10.11   23  10   10   11    6    3    7   C Anima
Priscilla     10.92   18  10   10   12   13    4    9   A Staves
Florina       10.48   24   8   11   16   11    5    8   C Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           11.57   26   8   10    7    9    6    2   C Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          10.09   27  12    7    7    6    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        11.90   22  11   12   14    3    1   12   B Light
Raven         11.07   31  11   13   15    5    6    2   C Sword
Canas         11.69   23  13    9    9    7    5    9   B Dark
Dart          11.63   36  14    8   11    5    7    2   B Axe
Fiora         10.50   22   9   13   15    6    7    9   C Lance
Legault       14.07   28   9   13   16   11    8    3   C Sword 
Ninian        02.99   14   0    1   13   11    5    5   Dancer
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         09.21   30  11   10    7    7   12    1   B Lance
Rath          11.26   29   9   10   11    5    8    2   B Bow

EXP Gained: 1897/1700

Turns Taken: 10/11


EXP Gained: 17833/14750

Turns Taken: 122/146

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Heh, I always found chapter 20 to be a reprieve from all of the annoying mid-game chapters, fog of war or not. I just took my time and spent all 9 turns to kill all of the reinforcements (used a Sleep staff on Oleg to keep him at bay). Chapter 21 was just stupidly annoying because of Euban's range and the fact that he's in the middle of the map instead of in a corner. And the ballistae you can't attack easily without pulling Eubans.

Anyways, I told you I'd make an account to cheer you on. :D You seem to be doing decent enough with experience thus far. Good luck!

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Chapter 22

Deserts blow. I bought a torch staff in the secret shop to spam here, then there was no FoW :facepalm:

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Serra, Ninian, Fiora, Lucius, Legault; (Hawkeye)

Pent was brought to 1 HP on turn 2 (don't ask how) and he still insisted on running around killing things instead of using his elixir. Fiora eventually airlifted him out after dropping Legault. Lucius ended up picking up the body ring (he had like 4 chances to), and Legault got the rest. I probably should have left Hector behind and deployed Matthew, would have saved a couple of turns, as I could have had everything dead by turn 6, with all but the hero crest collected, because I had to steal the white gem. I'm glad I bought chest keys, so I don't have to use one of them next chapter.

[spoiler=Unit List]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       15.55   27   9   11   16   14    9    5   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        14.62   31  13   10   10    6   12    1   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           15.09   25  11   15   20   10    6    3   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       12.21   24   8   13   10   10    4    4   B Bow
Dorcas        10.41   36  10   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        11.55   37  14    8    8    7    6    4   B Axe
Oswin         10.06   29  13   10    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Matthew       12.69   25   6    9   18    9    6    4   C Sword
Serra         12.48   22   5    8   12   13    5    9   A Staff
Guy           10.82   26   9   15   15    8    5    3   B Sword
Erk           10.11   23  10   10   11    6    3    7   C Anima
Priscilla     10.92   18  10   10   12   13    4    9   A Staves
Florina       10.48   24   8   11   16   11    5    8   C Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           11.57   26   8   10    7    9    6    2   C Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          10.09   27  12    7    7    6    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        14.29   24  14   13   16    5    1   14   B Light
Raven         11.07   31  11   13   15    5    6    2   C Sword
Canas         11.69   23  13    9    9    7    5    9   B Dark
Dart          11.63   36  14    8   11    5    7    2   B Axe
Fiora         12.26   23  11   15   17    6    7    9   C Lance
Legault       15.45   29   9   13   16   11    8    3   C Sword 
Ninian        03.90   15   0    1   14   12    5    6   Dancer
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         09.21   30  11   10    7    7   12    1   B Lance
Rath          11.26   29   9   10   11    5    8    2   B Bow
Hawkeye    ??/04.05   50  18   14   11   13   14   10   A Axe

EXP Gained: 1145/1200

Turns Taken: 10/9


EXP Gained: 18987/16950

Turns Taken: 132/155

And hey there KoT. You should make a topic here about your log too!

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Damn, did better than me on Chapter 22 treasures when I was doing itn. I had to give up the Light Brand, Hero Crest and Body Ring to 10 turn it (which I later regretted a bit when I had a 42 turn lead on tactics by Final Facepalm_emote_gif.gif). Then again, I had Fiora pick up Pent on like turn 2 and Eliwood recruit on turn 3 because I was absolutely paranoid about experience and meeting requirements for the Gaiden chapter -- the mass of enemies left in the middle made it almost impossible for me to safely drop Legault near the Eclipse/Fila's Might.

Btw, I didn't see this, but did you manage to steal the Guiding Ring from the monk? He has a nasty tendency to suicide himself on Pent on turn 1 enemy phase; if Pent has 10 health or less, even if you're in his attack range, he'll prefer to attack (and do no damage to) Pent and die in the counterattack, forcing you to reset if you don't want to 10,000G hit to funds.

I really think I'm going to prefer the HHM version of this map, even with the fog of war. The EHM version has the two warriors charging straight at you, with a starting position far away from Hawkeye and the Ocean Seal -- it's so frustrating. With Fiora dashing towards Pent, Legault and Eliwood moving south, Ninian and Serra doing full-time physic/mend medical care, I was left with Matthew/Hector/Erk to fend off both bosses, a bunch of casters, a knight, a nomad, a cavalier, and a wyvern knight, all of whom charged in by turns 2-4. I think it was this chapter that stole a bit of what little sanity I was born with. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

...Anyways, I'll upload my S rank log on these forums. I'm sure people will enjoy seeing a log about a guy who has no idea how to play FE...a Serennes forum equivalent of the AFV/3 Stooges/Dumb and Dumber.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Chapter 22x - Lazy Edition

So, I ended up bringing Matthew, then deployed him in the wrong position, then realized too late that I needed him to open Kishuna's door, so I spent 4-5 turns carting him from the silver blade chest to Kishuna's door, but tactics is so easy in EHM that I didn't bother restarting.

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Hawkeye, Hector, Priscilla, Matthew, Sain, Oswin, Ninian

Hector killed everything in the middle room with aid of Filla's Might, and capped his level. Oswin used the heavy spear on the generals, who were weakened by Hawkeye. Sain picked up some scraps, and Matthew got a chest and opened Kishuna's door.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       17.00   29  10   12   16   16    9    6   A Sword                    C Hector
Hector        20.00   37  16   14   11    8   14    5   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           15.09   25  11   15   20   10    6    3   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         10.05   29   9    7   10    6   11    3   D Sword C Lance
Rebecca       12.21   24   8   13   10   10    4    4   B Bow
Dorcas        10.41   36  10   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        11.55   37  14    8    8    7    6    4   B Axe
Oswin         13.69   32  14   11    7    5   14    4   B Lance
Matthew       13.59   25   7    9   18    9    6    4   B Sword
Serra         12.48   22   5    8   12   13    5    9   A Staff
Guy           10.82   26   9   15   15    8    5    3   B Sword
Erk           10.11   23  10   10   11    6    3    7   C Anima
Priscilla     13.75   19  12   12   13   13    5   11   A Staves
Florina       10.48   24   8   11   16   11    5    8   C Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           11.57   26   8   10    7    9    6    2   C Bow
Kent          10.33   26   9    9   10    7    8    4   C Lance D Sword
Sain          11.19   27  13    8    7    7    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        14.29   24  14   13   16    5    1   14   B Light
Raven         11.07   31  11   13   15    5    6    2   C Sword
Canas         11.69   23  13    9    9    7    5    9   B Dark
Dart          11.63   36  14    8   11    5    7    2   B Axe
Fiora         12.26   23  11   15   17    6    7    9   C Lance
Legault       15.45   29   9   13   16   11    8    3   C Sword 
Ninian        06.10   17   0    1   15   14    6    7   Dancer
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         09.21   30  11   10    7    7   12    1   B Lance
Rath          11.26   29   9   10   11    5    8    2   B Bow
Hawkeye    ??/05.76   51  18   14   12   13   14   11   A Axe

EXP Gained: 1920/650

Turns Taken: 18/25


EXP Gained: 20907/17600

Turns Taken: 150/180

I sometimes wonder if this chapters exp rank was supposed to be 1650. Time to spend like 45 turns in FFO, since VoL doesn't exist in Eliwood Mode.

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Chapter 23

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Ninian, Guy, Matthew, Heath, Rath, Kent, Lowen, Dart, Priscilla, Serra, Erk; (Geitz)

Started using the arena around turn 7, and didn't stop until turn 37. Dart mowed down countless Wyverns, Heath dropped Guy on the archer's island to deal with the pirates. Erk nearly gained 1000 exp this chapter. Dart killed Linus with a swordreaver. Stole the red gem, and got all the villages. Promoted Erk at the chapters end.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       17.37   29  10   12   16   16    9    6   A Sword                    C Hector C Ninian
Hector        20.00   37  16   14   11    8   14    5   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           15.09   25  11   15   20   10    6    3   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         13.40   32  10    7   11    6   13    4   B Lance D Sword
Rebecca       12.21   24   8   13   10   10    4    4   B Bow
Dorcas        10.41   36  10   11    8    6    4    0   B Axe
Bartre        11.55   37  14    8    8    7    6    4   B Axe
Oswin         13.69   32  14   11    7    5   14    4   B Lance
Matthew       16.80   28   8   11   20   10    7    6   B Sword                    C Guy
Serra         18.64   24   8   11   15   15    7   12   A Staff
Guy           12.86   28   9   17   17    8    5    3   A Sword                    C Matthew
Erk        20/01.00   31  16   16   17    9    7   12   A Anima E Staves
Priscilla     19.25   20  13   16   15   16    7   15   A Staves
Florina       10.48   24   8   11   16   11    5    8   C Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           11.57   26   8   10    7    9    6    2   C Bow
Kent          14.40   30  12   10   11    7    8    4   B Lance D Sword
Sain          11.19   27  13    8    7    7    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        14.29   24  14   13   16    5    1   14   B Light
Raven         11.07   31  11   13   15    5    6    2   C Sword
Canas         11.69   23  13    9    9    7    5    9   B Dark
Dart          16.78   38  17   10   14    5    6    2   A Axe
Fiora         12.26   23  11   15   17    6    7    9   C Lance
Legault       15.45   29   9   13   16   11    8    3   C Sword 
Ninian        09.83   19   0    1   18   17    6    8   Dancer                     C Eliwood
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         14.20   33  13   13    8    8   15    1   A Lance
Rath          15.55   33  11   11   13    6    9    4   A Bow
Hawkeye    ??/05.76   51  18   14   12   13   14   11   A Axe
Geitz      ??/05.85   42  18   12   14   11   11    4   B Bows B Axes

EXP Gained: 5460/1900

Turns Taken: 37/22


EXP Gained: 26367/19500

Turns Taken: 187/202

Yep. EHM is more of a joke than I thought. Checking funds here in a sec.

After promoting Erk, I can promote Dart, and two other units without losing the 5* in funds.

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IIRC the funds requirements are kinda hax near the end like the exp requirements are (though not nearly as bad).

Yep, Sands of Time is especially brutal. But when you have the Silver Card, funds are fairly trivial, and I don't promote many units in the first place in most games.

Chapter 24

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Pent, Louise, Sain, Dorcas, Bartre, Legault, Ninian, Priscilla, Wil, Raven, Florina, Guy

Boring defend chapters. Florina bought some killer weapons with the silver card, Legault stole the knight crest.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       18.90   30  10   12   16   17    9    6   A Sword                    C Hector C Ninian
Hector        20.00   37  16   14   11    8   14    5   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           17.29   27  11   15   20   12    7    4   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         13.40   32  10    7   11    6   13    4   B Lance D Sword
Rebecca       12.21   24   8   13   10   10    4    4   B Bow
Dorcas        11.05   37  10   11    9    6    4    1   B Axe
Bartre        12.06   38  15    8    8    7    7    4   B Axe
Oswin         13.69   32  14   11    7    5   14    4   B Lance
Matthew       16.80   28   8   11   20   10    7    6   B Sword                    C Guy
Serra         18.64   24   8   11   15   15    7   12   A Staff
Guy           14.11   30  10   17   18   10    5    4   A Sword                    C Matthew
Erk        20/01.00   31  16   16   17    9    7   12   A Anima E Staves
Priscilla  20/01.25   23  15   18   15   17    9   19   A Staves E Anima
Florina       13.35   26   9   12   18   12    5   10   B Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           12.93   27   9   11    8    9    6    3   C Bow
Kent          14.40   30  12   10   11    7    8    4   B Lance D Sword
Sain          12.57   27  13    9    7    7    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        14.29   24  14   13   16    5    1   14   B Light
Raven         12.21   32  11   13   16    5    6    2   B Sword
Canas         13.79   25  15   10   11    7    5   11   A Dark
Dart          16.78   38  17   10   14    5    6    2   A Axe
Fiora         12.26   23  11   15   17    6    7    9   C Lance
Legault       15.73   29   9   13   16   11    8    3   C Sword 
Ninian        11.08   20   0    1   20   19    6   10   Dancer                     C Eliwood
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         14.20   33  13   13    8    8   15    1   A Lance
Rath          15.55   33  11   11   13    6    9    4   A Bow
Hawkeye    ??/05.76   51  18   14   12   13   14   11   A Axe
Geitz      ??/05.85   42  18   12   14   11   11    4   B Bows B Axes
Louise     ??/04.78   28  12   14   17   16    9   12   A Bows
Pent       ??/06.88   33  18   21   17   14   11   16   A Anima A Staves

EXP Gained: 1898/1500

Turns Taken: 12/11


EXP Gained: 28265/21000

Turns Taken: 199/213

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Chapter 25

I got Kenneth's version like always, because I'm not too fond of Raven or Guy.

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Ninian, Bartre, Dorcas, Erk, Rebecca, Canas, Raven, Fiora, Priscilla, Lucius, Wil, (Karel)

I got Karel this time for shits and giggles, I doubt he will ever see any action though. Brought a door key and a 3 use chest key for nabbing the treasure, since thieves are a PITA. Canas killed all the mages and the sage in the room near Merlinus with a pure water boost, then killed the reinforcement wyverns. Bartre and Dorcas lead the charge north, they actually doubled the steel lance guys.

Eliwood hung around and waited for Karel, then slowly trudged to the throne. I died a little inside when Bartre and Dorcas doubled the boss.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       19.23   30  10   13   16   17    9    6   A Sword                    C Hector B Ninian
Hector        20.00   37  16   14   11    8   14    5   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           17.29   27  11   15   20   12    7    4   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/01.27   31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         13.40   32  10    7   11    6   13    4   B Lance D Sword
Rebecca       14.64   26   8   15   12   11    5    5   B Bow
Dorcas        12.95   37  11   11    9    7    5    1   A Axe                      C Bartre
Bartre        15.10   41  17    8   10    8    7    5   B Axe                      C Dorcas
Oswin         13.69   32  14   11    7    5   14    4   B Lance
Matthew       16.80   28   8   11   20   10    7    6   B Sword                    C Guy
Serra         18.64   24   8   11   15   15    7   12   A Staff
Guy           14.11   30  10   17   18   10    5    4   A Sword                    C Matthew
Erk        20/02.14   32  16   16   17    9    7   12   A Anima E Staves
Priscilla  20/02.09   24  15   19   15   17    9   20   S Staves E Anima
Florina       13.35   26   9   12   18   12    5   10   B Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           13.70   28  10   11    9    9    6    3   C Bow
Kent          14.40   30  12   10   11    7    8    4   B Lance D Sword
Sain          12.57   27  13    9    7    7    8    0   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        16.34   26  14   13   16    5    1   16   A Light
Raven         13.40   33  12   13   17    6    6    4   B Sword
Canas         16.18   27  17   10   12    8    5   12   A Dark
Dart          16.78   38  17   10   14    5    6    2   A Axe
Fiora         14.65   24  12   15   18    8    8   11   B Lance
Legault       15.73   29   9   13   16   11    8    3   C Sword 
Ninian        12.48   21   0    1   20   20    6   11   Dancer                     B Eliwood
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         14.20   33  13   13    8    8   15    1   A Lance
Rath          15.55   33  11   11   13    6    9    4   A Bow
Hawkeye    ??/05.76   51  18   14   12   13   14   11   A Axe
Geitz      ??/05.85   42  18   12   14   11   11    4   B Bows B Axes
Louise     ??/04.78   28  12   14   17   16    9   12   A Bows
Pent       ??/06.88   33  18   21   17   14   11   16   A Anima A Staves
Karel      ??/08.00   31  16   23   20   15   13   12   A Sword

EXP Gained: 1987/1550

Turns Taken: 15/18


EXP Gained: 30252/22550

Turns Taken: 214/231

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Chapter 26

Those Heroes are actually really bulky, 15 Defence. Toughest enemy I've seen thus far, including bosses. Maxime loses like 22 HP, lots of defence, and like 8 strength off his HHM self.

Units Fielded: Eliwood, Ninian, Priscilla, Kent, Sain, Lowen, Marcus, Raven, Legault, Erk; (Nino)

I managed to feed two thieves, two generals, and a hero to Nino, so that part of the chapter went well. Lowen was at 1 HP and trapped in Zepheil's room for quite a long time (because of Bolting). Kent, Sain, Marcus, and Prissy took the left, and the others went right. The enemy thieves got the chests for me, and Legault stole the Earth Seal from the druid in the corner.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       19.68   30  10   13   16   17    9    6   A Sword                    C Hector B Ninian
Hector        20.00   37  16   14   11    8   14    5   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           17.29   27  11   15   20   12    7    4   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/03.55   32  15   17   11    8   10    9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         15.21   34  11    7   11    8   14    6   B Lance D Sword
Rebecca       14.64   26   8   15   12   11    5    5   B Bow
Dorcas        12.95   37  11   11    9    7    5    1   A Axe                      C Bartre
Bartre        15.10   41  17    8   10    8    7    5   B Axe                      C Dorcas
Oswin         13.69   32  14   11    7    5   14    4   B Lance
Matthew       16.80   28   8   11   20   10    7    6   B Sword                    C Guy
Serra         18.64   24   8   11   15   15    7   12   A Staff
Guy           14.11   30  10   17   18   10    5    4   A Sword                    C Matthew
Erk        20/03.91   33  16   16   17    9    8   13   A Anima C Staves
Priscilla  20/04.10   24  15   19   15   19    9   20   S Staves E Anima
Florina       13.35   26   9   12   18   12    5   10   B Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           13.70   28  10   11    9    9    6    3   C Bow
Kent          16.80   32  13   12   12    7    8    5   B Lance D Sword
Sain          14.82   29  15   10    8    7    9    1   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        16.34   26  14   13   16    5    1   16   A Light
Raven         15.75   35  14   15   19    7    6    4   B Sword
Canas         16.18   27  17   10   12    8    5   12   A Dark
Dart          16.78   38  17   10   14    5    6    2   A Axe
Fiora         14.65   24  12   15   18    8    8   11   B Lance
Legault       18.76   32   9   16   18   12    9    4   B Sword 
Ninian        13.88   21   0    1   21   20    6   12   Dancer                     B Eliwood
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         14.20   33  13   13    8    8   15    1   A Lance
Rath          15.55   33  11   11   13    6    9    4   A Bow
Hawkeye    ??/05.76   51  18   14   12   13   14   11   A Axe
Geitz      ??/05.85   42  18   12   14   11   11    4   B Bows B Axes
Louise     ??/04.78   28  12   14   17   16    9   12   A Bows
Pent       ??/06.88   33  18   21   17   14   11   16   A Anima A Staves
Karel      ??/08.00   31  16   23   20   15   13   12   A Sword
Nino          09.19   21   9   10   14   12    5    9   C Anima

EXP Gained: 2394/1800

Turns Taken: 16/15


EXP Gained: 32646/24350

Turns Taken: 230/246

I'm way ahead on funds, I can promote 8 units without losing the 5* in funds.

Edited by General Horace
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I died a little inside when Bartre and Dorcas doubled the boss.

Don't worry, I know the feeling. I died a little bit when I read your Chapter 23 log. sleep.gif

On a side note, did you use the Ninis' Grace trick for the arena farming? You've basically guaranteed yourself the experience 5*.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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No I didn't use the Ninis Grace trick, I just took the sub 800 gold enemies, which were often or Knights. I'll leave the poll up until I finish EHM, curse you guys for voting for Lyn, somebody pick somebody else, quick.

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 26x

Eliwood and Ninian got their A support :newyears:

Units Deployed: Eliwood, Ninian, Erk, Priscilla, Dorcas, Bartre, Heath, Jaffar, Oswin, Matthew, Nino, Lucius.

just flew around and killed shit

I got all the treasure, Nino with Ninis Grace soloed the treasure island (seriously, that's the worst place they could have put it). Bartre and Dorcas took turns whacking Limstella with Killer Axes, (they started on like, Turn 15). Stole both the Blue Gem and Angelic Robe.

Far less enemies than in HHM. Time to piss off all the reinforcements in Cog of Destiny!

[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT          LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Eliwood       20.00   31  10   14   17   18    9    7   A Sword                    C Hector A Ninian
Hector        20.00   37  16   14   11    8   14    5   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Lyn           17.29   27  11   15   20   12    7    4   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus     ??/03.55   32  15   17   11    8   10    9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen         15.21   34  11    7   11    8   14    6   B Lance D Sword
Rebecca       14.64   26   8   15   12   11    5    5   B Bow
Dorcas        15.21   40  13   12    9    8    5    1   A Axe                      C Bartre
Bartre        17.29   43  18    9   11    9    7    5   B Axe                      C Dorcas
Oswin         14.29   33  15   11    7    5   15    5   B Lance
Matthew       17.44   28   9   11   20   11    7    7   B Sword                    C Guy
Serra         18.64   24   8   11   15   15    7   12   A Staff
Guy           14.11   30  10   17   18   10    5    4   A Sword                    C Matthew
Erk        20/07.32   36  16   16   19   10    8   15   S Anima B Staves
Priscilla  20/06.34   25  16   19   15   20    9   21   S Staves D Anima
Florina       13.35   26   9   12   18   12    5   10   B Lance                    C Lyn
Wil           13.70   28  10   11    9    9    6    3   C Bow
Kent          16.80   32  13   12   12    7    8    5   B Lance D Sword
Sain          14.82   29  15   10    8    7    9    1   C Lance D Sword
Lucius        19.72   28  14   15   17    5    1   18   A Light
Raven         15.75   35  14   15   19    7    6    4   B Sword
Canas         16.18   27  17   10   12    8    5   12   A Dark
Dart          16.78   38  17   10   14    5    6    2   A Axe
Fiora         14.65   24  12   15   18    8    8   11   B Lance
Legault       18.76   32   9   16   18   12    9    4   B Sword 
Ninian        16.00   23   0    2   22   23    7   13   Dancer                     B Eliwood
Isadora    ??/01.05   28  13   12   16   10    8    6   A Sword B Lance D Axe
Heath         17.25   35  14   15    9    8   15    2   A Lance
Rath          15.55   33  11   11   13    6    9    4   A Bow
Hawkeye    ??/05.76   51  18   14   12   13   14   11   A Axe
Geitz      ??/05.85   42  18   12   14   11   11    4   B Bows B Axes
Louise     ??/04.78   28  12   14   17   16    9   12   A Bows
Pent       ??/06.88   33  18   21   17   14   11   16   A Anima A Staves
Karel      ??/08.00   31  16   23   20   15   13   12   A Sword
Nino          17.83   26  12   14   20   16    5   10   B Anima
Jaffar     ??/13.67   34  19   25   24   10   15   11   A Sword

EXP Gained: 2852/1900

Turns Taken: 21/28


EXP Gained: 35498/26250

Turns Taken: 251/274

And with that, my HHM EXP surpasses my EHM Exp, finally.

In other news, I don't know who to deploy for Cog, most of my units are nearing capping their level, the enemies fail, except Lloyd is wtfrape.

Edited by General Horace
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*applauds* Nice. I like reading people's EHM/HHM logs (Kngt_of_Titania, your EHM and HHM logs are downright hilarious. Annoyance Factor. I think If I ever log runs, I will do those...). I just hate doing HM runs. I've never done EHM or HHM. I got 4 chapters into SD's H5 mode. I got 1 into H2 and decided that was boring. So, I am lazy and don't like HM...

Wow, that sidetracked. But on topic, congratulations, Horace.

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