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Ring Wraith

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You clearly, clearly haven't seen any of the Planet of the apes movie.

Planet of the Apes is FICTION, genius.

We certainly posses a vast wealth of knowledge, but that most certainly doesn't make us the most intelligent creatures on the planet. We're actually pretty fucking stupid as a species.

Knowledge is what you know.

Wisdom is knowing how you use what you know properly.

Intelligence is both.

I personally consider anything classified as an Apex Predator(ie. Orcas) smarter than us by a mile.

Funny. Humans ARE Apex Predators ourselves. Does that make us smarter than ourselves by a mile?

Pfft, sure. Is that why we kill each other over money/land? We sure are a smart bunch.

Look at all the shit on the news, people killing people over the most stupidest shit.

I said intelligent; I never said we aren't petty. That's not even a trait unique to humans- Panthers are on the verge of extinction because they're even worse than we are over territorial rights.

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So, if because I'm more intelligent than you, I have a right to force you into slavery. Cool story, bro.

What, you want to pay the goat? It gets shelter and food, and that's all it really wants.

And when it gets big and plump, it's quickly euthanized and carved up for food.

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What, you want to pay the goat? It gets shelter and food, and that's all it really wants.

And when it gets big and plump, it's quickly euthanized and carved up for food.

How do you know that's all it wants? Maybe it wants a better type of food. Maybe it wants to roam free on the prairie. You can't know that, and you shouldn't make it's decisions for it.

Okay, so if because I'm smarter than you, I can carve you up and eat you?

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Okay, this is starting to get ridiculous...

Guess what, dude. Humans are predators (or omnivores, really). We eat smaller (and sometimes bigger) animals than us. Complaining about a human eating a goat or a cow is like complaining about a cat eating a mouse, or a bear eating a deer. You're asking for us to go completely against our natures.

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Okay, this is starting to get ridiculous...

Guess what, dude. Humans are predators (or omnivores, really). We eat smaller (and sometimes bigger) animals than us. Complaining about a human eating a goat or a cow is like complaining about a cat eating a mouse, or a bear eating a deer. You're asking for us to go completely against our natures.

So what you're saying is, I can eat you as long as I can overpower you. Cool story, bro.

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If you're a cannibal.

Which I'm pretty sure is fucked up, even in nature.

There are plenty of animals who eat their own kind. It's in my nature to pursue happiness, and it would make me very happy to eat you, thus it is in my nature to eat you.

Although, you've already agreed to let me eat you, you just said I'm a wacko because of it. Cool story, bro. Lemme tell you another cool story. I will find you, prove I'm more intelligent than you, overpower you, and then eat you, and you should be totally okay with it, due to your logic.

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There are plenty of animals who eat their own kind. It's in my nature to pursue happiness, and it would make me very happy to eat you, thus it is in my nature to eat you.

Although, you've already agreed to let me eat you, you just said I'm a wacko because of it. Cool story, bro. Lemme tell you another cool story. I will find you, prove I'm more intelligent than you, overpower you, and then eat you, and you should be totally okay with it, due to your logic.

You'll only get 10% of his energy.:awesome:

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Funny. Humans ARE Apex Predators ourselves. Does that make us smarter than ourselves by a mile?

Incorrect. Many humans arrogantly consider us to be Apex Predators simply because we meet the basic requirement, which is being no other species' natural prey, but the problem lies in the fact that Apex Predators have more qualities than that.

As one example, Apex Predators exist to bring balance to ecosystems by hunting both other predators and their prey, preventing either species from ever suffering from a rapid decline in population which could lead to extinction.

We can't even come close to claiming that level of basic intellegence, we hunt shit to near extinction until someone points out it's not a good idea, and even then sometimes we carry on.

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Incorrect. Many humans arrogantly consider us to be Apex Predators simply because we meet the basic requirement, which is being no other species' natural prey, but the problem lies in the fact that Apex Predators have more qualities than that.

As one example, Apex Predators exist to bring balance to ecosystems by hunting both other predators and their prey, preventing either species from ever suffering from a rapid decline in population which could lead to extinction.

We can't even come close to claiming that level of basic intellegence, we hunt shit to near extinction until someone points out it's not a good idea, and even then sometimes we carry on.


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