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Schoolboy Mafia


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Well, psych got silenced right after you visited him.

I'm not sure. If he is, we may have to rethink our strategy, as he visited psych last night, and I've never heard of a vig that has two visits. (Although assumption making is pretty stupid.)

Three people visited Psych that same night, so while any of us could be the silencer, Psych's own results make me the least likely candidate, due to the situation of my target being killed before I visited them the night before, which would be highly unlikely were I a mafia member. And if Yoshiya is the one who killed RD, andCore is Yoshiya, it is a decent possibility that Yoshiya is a mafia silencer, who was chosen to perform the mafia kill that night. While it has been said he seems more like a Serial Killer-esque role. that is at this point no more than speculation.

I would rather not claim this early, but if I must, I will tell you what I am. Though the cherries will be dissapointed... I don't want to dissapoint the cherries, they are delicious.

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Wow, if Sho's conclusions are correct I will be incredibly impressed with your ability to recognize characters lol. ##Vote: Yoshiya Kiryu

Also, I got a weird result last night. I'm still teying to figure it out. And I can't figure out how to not write in bold now. What the heck.

And and the reasoning for my vote. Sho has presented impressive evidence related this character to the types of kills done, therefore he should be lynched.

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From a single suspicion, came a rally cry. From the cry, came a hunt. Right before lunch, someone they'd never seen was found, fiddling with his cell phone under a stairwell.

"You guys are pathetic," he said with a cocky grin, and as someone moved in to restrain him, he vanished.


Joshua took note of his new surroundings. He was in a small, messy room, and someone's back was to him. Two steps later, and that someone turned around and glared at him.

"The hell are you doing in my room? First, take your shoes off! Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep the floors clean?"

"And why should I trust you?"

"I'm the one running the game. Looks like your warp shenanigans brought you here. You get to read your own role PM after you do something about your shoes."

He glared, but he was in no shape to warp again, so he did as the apparent owner of the house asked, and read what was on the computer screen.

Dear Raymond,

You are Yoshiya Kiryu/Joshua. You were invited to this school, but were laughed out the door when you came dressed in Lapin Angelique. You snuck back in, intent on making those losers pay!

Starting from N1, you MUST respond to your role PM with "Night X - Screw you <PLAYER>, <NUMBER>!" <PLAYER> will be killed. <NUMBER> is a number.

If your victim had an item, you will obtain it. You may keep up to three items. If you would go over this limit, I will give you the option to discard items before adding new ones to your inventory. Instructions for item usage are on each item.

Posting restriction: You may not post in the main thread.

You are allied with yourself. You win when everyone else is dead.

"Well then, have fun watching the rest of the game," she said with a lopsided grin. He chose to stay silent. What was a woman doing in charge of a school full of boys?


Edited by Clipseykitty
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Oh, right. . .

As the players celebrate, Psych peeks out of his room. You see a massive bruise on his throat.

Pariah staggers in from the other direction, a very unhappy expression on her face. She immediately runs into the bathroom, holding her mouth.

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