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Schoolboy Mafia


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You look at the picture you took. . .then curse the quality of your camera. It's horribly blurry! All you can make out is red hair, a cape, and a golden. . .sword? Something else is in the picture. . .you trot over to where Paper was found, and much to your delight, you pick something up!

You recovered a Hall Pass. You may choose to invoke this by replying to your role PM at night "Night X - I'm FREE!" If you successfully invoke this item, you will be allowed to break your posting restriction for the following day and night phase. Once invoked, the Hall Pass will find a new owner. You may not give this item away.




##Vote: Roy

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Heya Folks!!!


Results from last night

You saw Haze and Core visit Snike.

N0: idled

N1: Psych

N2: Psych

N3: Rothene

Basically I was a failure of an oracle, another resource to possibly catch Raymond.

Now that I've claimed, I hope that Slayer isn't afraid to do the same.

So if I'm not mistaken, Core's ability has 3 uses...why did you go to Snike last night?

And did Roy become a murderer Sho? 8]

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##Attack with Heirophant green: Roy

Slayer claimed Roy, but since we can vote for Roy himself, that'll take Slayer out anyway if he claimed his actual character. If not, we still hit Roy. Not too bad I guess. I'd hit Roy before your mom.

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So guiz

here is my claim


Dear Snike comma

You are Genis Sage period An experiment went awry and you were sent to the future period Scared and confused comma you decided to spend the night in a storage closet period When you woke up comma you heard voices period School was in session exclamation point You decided to stick around to see if anyone could help you return home period

Because of the time travel comma you only have enough TP for one spell colon

dash You have learned the thunder magic Indignation comma and you will do your best not to call on it unless absolutely necessary period Once during the night comma you may respond to your role PM with quote mark Night X dash Use Indignation on open bracket PLAYER close bracket exclamation point quote mark You will cast Indignation comma and open bracket PLAYER close bracket will die period You have a specific target in mind comma detailed in your win condition period

You may keep up to two items in your inventory period I will give you the option of discarding an item before adding new ones period

You stopped by the nurse apostrophe s station comma and snagged some bandages period They will protect the holder from dying comma at a very heavy cost period You can apostrophe t use these comma but if you were to give them to someone else ellipse

You still have one magic lens left period This item can be used to reveal someone apostrophe s abilities period Once during the night comma you may respond to your role PM with quote mark Night X dash Use Magic Lens on open bracket PLAYER close bracket exclamation point quote mark The Magic Lens will reveal that players apostrophe role PM to you comma then break period

Posting restriction colon You may not post in the main game thread period This restriction is subject to change period

You are allied with the town. You win slash lose under the following conditions colon

dash If you successfully kill the other hidden player with Indignation comma you win

dash If the town would otherwise win comma you win

dash If the mafia reaches parity with the town open parenthesis not counting yourself close parenthesis comma you lose

You no longer win by killing the hidden player comma as the lynch kinda did that for you period You still win with the town comma and lose if the mafia reaches parity with the town open parenthesis not including you close parenthesis period This is still subject to change period

Your post restriction has changed to colon No punctuation period Ever period Otherwise comma these humans would not be able to understand you exclamation mark

Since you are no longer hidden comma your win condition is colon

You are allied with the town period You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated period

Edited by Snikitty
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Dear Core,

You are Odd Della Robbia. You are straight, yet wear a skin-tight purple jump suit. You came to this school because you need to work on your grades.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Kiwi, go to <PLAYER>". You will send your pet dog Kiwi to stand near <PLAYER>. Anyone who attempts to kill <PLAYER> will be scared off by Kiwi's barking, because pets aren't allowed (supposedly).



You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Why else would I have been so hesitant to claim? Furthermore, Slayer's claim wasn't very high quality, and Slayer should've died last night.

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so you know how i said I had no new tricks question mark

I lied

Dear Snike comma

You are N period You got lost comma and decided to spend the night in a storage closet period When you woke up comma you heard voices period School was in session exclamation point You decided to stick around to see what this school apostrophe s like period

You don apostrophe t like to keep Pokemon longer than you should comma but these two refuse to leave your side period

dash Sneasel insisted on following you after you gave it some food period During the night comma you may respond to your role PM with quote mark Night X dash Send Sneasel to openbracket PLAYER closebracket comma openbracket ITEM closebracket quote mark period Sneasel will visit openbracket PLAYER closebracket comma and steal his item. If he doesn apostrophe t have an item comma Sneasel will steal his role PM instead. If you send Sneasel with an openbracket ITEM closebracket comma it will drop it off on openbracket PLAYER closebracket apostrophe s bed.

dash Zekrom chose you comma and you will do your best not to call on it unless absolutely necessary period Once during the night comma you may respond to your role PM with quote mark Night X dash Use Fusion Bolt on openbracket PLAYER closebracket exclamation point quote mark Zekrom will follow your orders comma and openbracket PLAYER closebracket will die period You have a specific target in mind comma detailed in your win condition period

You may keep up to two items in your inventory period I will give you the option of discarding an item before adding new ones period

You stopped by the nurse apostrophe s station comma and snagged some bandages period They will protect the holder from dying comma at a very heavy cost period You can apostrophe t use these comma but if you were to give them to someone else ellipse

Posting restriction colon You may not post in the main game thread period This restriction is subject to change period

You are allied with the town period You win slash lose under the following conditions colon

dash If Zekrom successfully kills the other hidden player comma you win

dash If the town would otherwise win comma you win

dash If the mafia reaches parity with the town open parenthesis not counting yourself close parenthesis comma you lose

You no longer win by killing the hidden player comma as the lynch kinda did that for you period You still win with the town comma and lose if the mafia reaches parity with the town open parenthesis not including you close parenthesis period This is still subject to change period

Your post restriction has changed to colonNo punctuation period Ever period

Since you are no longer hidden comma your win condition is colon

You are allied with the town period You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated period

Night 0 i checked Excellen because I thought he was playing

He was not

Night 1 i sent Sneasel to papermole with bandages and to steal from kevin period My action failed for papermole but I got this from our good friend colon

You picked up an Item Finder period This device will beep if the person openparenthesis s close parenthesis you target have an item. Your target open parenthesis s close parenthesis will hear the beeping period If you want to give this item away comma you can respond to your role PM with quote mark Day X dash Pass Item Finder to open bracket PLAYER close bracket quote mark period

Day 2 i tried to find the hidden and failed

Night 2 i gave the bandages to brothene and inspected JB

Brothene got the bandages and I got JB apostrophe s role PM but JB died afterward

Day 3 you guys lynched the hidden so I failed there

Night 3 I checked Kay and got her role PM

Day 4 I idled and called the Fusion Bolt on Kay which ended up accidentallying the night

Day 5 idled

Now here is the interesting part trollfaceperiodjpg

Night 5 - Send Sneasel to Core

Dear Core comma

You are Odd Della Robbia period You are straight comma yet wear a skindashtight purple jump suitperiod You came to this school because you need to work on your gradesperiod

During the nightcomma you may respond to your role PM with quote mark Night X dash Kiwi comma go to open bracket PLAYER closebracket quote mark period You will send your pet dog Kiwi to stand near open bracket PLAYER close bracket period Anyone who attempts to kill open bracket PLAYER close bracket will be scared off by Kiwi apostrophe s barking comma because pets aren apostrophe t allowed open parenthesis supposedly close parenthesis period

Posting restriction colon open bracket SNIP close bracket

You are allied with the town period You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated period

I cannot use punctuation in quotes either but I believe that is sufficient for my purposes

Core is the doctor

You are not

hash mark hash mark Elect Colon SlayerX

Also ty Haze for the Megaphone

Edit colon My PR clips

Edit 2 my PR for my edit line

Edited by Snikitty
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and yes

his PR is snipped

Also i sort of night killed a mafia and lynched one right afterwards

if i were anti-town why would i do that

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and as for the core report

A i just got it

B I had to reedit my role PM due to my PR

C I had to compile my night results

Fact is there are at least 3 people with results against you Slayer

at this point in the game it is highly unlikely that 3 people would be scum

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And I did not see Core apostrophe s role claim while I was posting

If you did not notice I only posted 3 minutes after him

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like there is bussing and then there is this

come on sir comma dammit

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