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The devil has taken your soul


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However, for the fun of it, suppose that you must choose a number and are forced to reveal it if the devil guessed right. In that case, what number would you choose?

There's a loophole in all contracts. Let's review the stipulations of the challenge (While I put this in a spoiler because it's long):

1. You are forced to choose a number.

2. The number must be between one and one thousand.

3. If the devil guessed your number right you must reveal.

4. The devil has nine guesses.

There are multiple ways out of this, but I'll start with the fact that I could choose two numbers. One number is any number between 1 and 1000, and the other number I choose is what I'd call my number. You know what the second number is? 1001. All that was specified was that I had to pick a number between 1 and 1000. It didn't say /that/ had to be my number.

Admittedly that's stretching it, so here's another loophole. The safest way to play this is to choose variable "x." 1000 > x > 1, but x is not specified. Therefore it is /a/ number in between 1 and 1000 without actually being a specific number. Two ways to proceed here. Either I also stipulate that x <> g, g being the devil's guess, or... After he makes his first guess, I change my number to the one he guessed. Unless he guesses the same number I'm safe.

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What tricks did you use, foul beast

My friend wanted me to do something for him, so I told him I would only do it if he sold me his soul. Poor fool indeed. The contract is hanging up on my wall, bendable toward my will.

That being said, would anyone be interested in purchasing a one of a kind beverage with their soul?

Edited by 55caasi
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Now see, this is a trick.

If I announce what number I would pick here, then the devil would know it in advance when he conducts the test.

I'm onto your schemes!

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Now see, this is a trick.

If I announce what number I would pick here, then the devil would know it in advance when he conducts the test.

I'm onto your schemes!

Well, aren't you a cautious one?

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Now see, this is a trick.

If I announce what number I would pick here, then the devil would know it in advance when he conducts the test.

I'm onto your schemes!

So post a fake number here, and he'll guess this number. But he'll be oh so wrong!

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