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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Western Nialp

"The last one standing is the victor...what other terms are there to dueling?" asked Ken puzzled, "Although a friendly one means both challengers are to try their best to not kill each other. Also for this, case, we shjould be limited to swords."

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Clop, clop, clop, clop

How did people stay on horseback for extended periods of time? The sound of the horse's hooves as it hit the pavement only added to the slight queasiness she felt as she bounced along on this creature. They were traveling through the city far faster than she had when she was on foot. Alena briefly wondered if the pegasi in her land were as jarring on the nerves as this horse was.

If I need to learn how to ride this thing to be a proper adventurer. . .ugh.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

The rest of the journey on horseback proved eventless as noon was approaching and the streets began emptying due to the heat. Qaahir was glad that his companion had been wise enough to be in the suitable Emocnian attire, large concealing robes draped upon whatever he wore underneath. He recalled the last time he worked with Aeseans, lovers on the run, they had roamed Emocni in the typical cotton light clothing of Aeseans, too thin to block out the heat by day and cold at night. He had to purchase some new clothings for the duo.

He also acquired the impression back then, that Aesean females wore much more attractive clothing than the skimpy ones in worn by the belly dancers in Emocni...which he never thought was possible.

By the time the two of them reached the eastern gates of Aman, Qaahir spotted Omair on a brown horse wating by the shadier part of the wall with two burly Emocnian city guards.


Omair saw the pair he had hired earlier approach and brought out the bag of gold he had prepared in advance. Riding out of the shade, Omair flung the bag at Qaahir who caught it deftly with one hand and shook it slightly.

Handing the bag of gold to Alena, Qaahir told her, "Here, hold on to these. Between the two of us, it's riskiest on me as my fighting style is less evasive than yours, hence the bag might get sliced off me."

Omair signalled to the Emocnian city guards and they opened the gate. "Alright, let's head off now," said Omair as he galloped off.

Qaahir turned back and said, "Well, I'll be moving at a faster pace now. So if you're not used to the movements on horseback, I suggest you hold tight," Qaahir leaned forward and squeezed his legs, to indicate to the horse he intended to move quickly as he said, "Be thankful that we're riding on solid grasslands instead of the desert."

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Alena was glad his back was to her, so he didn't see her frown. As the horse picked up pace, she tightened her grip around his waist and clung for dear life.

Falling off at this speed will probably hurt. Best keep my balance!

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Zoey shook her head. "If we're just limited to sword then you would have the advantage, I only carry a sword as a side arm incase I meet an axe or hammer wielder, otherwise I try to stick to spears..." she said to him, looking a little unsure about the concept behind the duel...

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Western Nialp

After some time of riding, Omair rode closer to Qaahir and Alena to say, "I intend to stop for lunch."

Qaahir blinked at his employer and said, "Eh...sure."

Turning back to grin at Alena, Qaahir said, "Well, fortunately for you, we'll be stopping for a while," then facing Omair he asked, "You didn't happen to bring extra food now did you?"

Omair tapped the large bags around Hakkibe and said, "I came prepared." He then rode ahead to a large group of standing stones and stopped to indicate that was where he planned to set up his lunch. Settling down as Qaahir arrived to leave Badem with Hakkibe, Omair took out a large stone bowl from the bag and held fort a red tome.

Omair started chanting the mantra that he had learned to stir his Spirit Self. Mages by his age usually were able to do so without word and immediately, but Omair had awakened at a very late age, hence he was years behind the average mage.

As he continued chanting, a dung beetle made of earth crawled out of the ground and the tome he held started throbing in reddish ghostly colour. The 'dung beetle' grabbed onto the air and started rolling it. Within its grasp, a red ball began to form, swiftly taking the form of a ball of fire. The 'dung beetle' then swung itself into the stone bowl and within it, a fire erupted then shrank, leaving behind a moderately big fire.

Omair turned to Qaahir and Alena and said, "I can sustain this fire for as long as it takes for us to eat to ward off the cold," as he took out a few buns and dried meat from his bag for all of the to eat in the cold Nialpian winter.

With some bun in his mouth, Omair warned his companions, "Night will come soon, which is when Nialpian raiders would strike most boldly. We'll have to be wary in case we stumble upon the predicted raiders before they even began their raid.


"Well the point of the duel was for me to see if I could squeeze out some knowledge of Letam swordsmanship as I've not fought a Letamite wielding swords before. But if you're not confident enough, then I suppose you have truly given yourself over to the path of the spear," said Ken, losing interest in his conversation with Zoey and stood slightly further away from her.

Despite it being barely a few hours after noon, the sun already started dipping. Despite the coming darkness, the Tsaens intended to continue marching on till dinner.

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"It's not that I'm not confident in my skills with a sword, it's that I'm confident you are better than me." She said to him, kinda feeling awkward that she couldn't tell if she had hurt his feelings or something...

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Western Nialp

Hearing Zoey's words, Ken turned to her and said, "I understand. I guess I let my passion make myself appear too eager. Also, I would like to point out that while I have already introduced myself, you have not. I would like to know your name and why you travel, if such knowledge is not too private."

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Alena watched, fascinated, as the fire started in front of her. She knew the wind mages in her country were something to be feared, but she never got to see them in action. The lunch in front of her was simpler and lighter than breakfast. She munched on the buns, while looking at the sky. The scenery was so different around here. Instead of an ocean, it was a sea of grass. She missed the smell of the ocean already! But she couldn't return. . .not yet. . .

"What are the Nialpian raiders like?" she asked her companions. This job had best be worth her time!

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Western Nialp

Omair stopped eating for a while and said, "I know they favour riding into combat astride horses. The northern Nialpians generally shoot from afar with their bows while the southern Nialpians would use throwing axes. Nialpian warriors tend to be very agile and sharpshooters, but less well armoured since they travel light from what I've read. The raids tend to involve few raiders as they cannot afford leaving their own small tribes defenseless. That's about as much as I know about them."

Qaahir shook his head and said, "With so little experience, you're going out with so few of us. I'll tell you what I know based on experience. You two better make good use of the horse as your cover, for they love shooting those with few armour first with their ranged tactics. Then they go after anyone on mounts, who can chase them, leaving those heavily armoured foes for last who'll never catch up to their horses. You say they come in small numbers? Ha, that fact exists only because most large raiding group ensures there are no survivors, leaving those who manage to take down or scare away some small group to tell the tale most of the time."

Qaahir paused for a while to drink some water before continuing, "They always come with more than one horse per raider, hence there is no escaping them, unless you're on horseback or something, at which point they won't bother even giving chase. They also enjoy rushing in at night to kill as much watchers as possible, then leave as soon as anyone gets organised. I've survived a large raid before, only because we managed to drive them away with the help of a real sage who took out a third of their raiders with a single spell. As you are not a magic user of such caliber based on my, mercenary experience, I presume that our real mission isn't to defend the Tsaen traders."

"Why would you assume that?" asked Omair.

"Sigh...from my experience in dealing with magic users, they are smart, if they had the power to predict a dangerous raid, I presume they would not send someone as inexperienced as you to protect it...which leads me to ask, are we really here to save the caravan or retrieve something from it under the cover of the raid?" asked Qaahir leaning closer.

"Both," said Omair looking away from Qaahir and Alena, "If possible, we make sure the caravan is safe, but if things look bleak, we are to retrieve the target object and leave with the aid of its possesor."

"Ah, so we'll be having an extra person to protect," said Qaahir feeling disappointed.

"To protect?" said Omair chuckling, "When you see the man, youll think he would be doing all the protecting."

"So I take it you know the man. So how are the two of us hirelings going to identify this object you seek? Will it have a magical trap placed on it?" asked Qaahir.

"No traps, but only I can find it with my Spirit Self," explained Omair.

"I see," muttered Qaahir, then addressing Alena, "Well, for this fight, I recommend you seek as much cover as possible, including using me as one. I've got some decent armour, you have not. You're attire's a prime target for their arrows. Also, never give chase, those crafty Nialpians like to lure others away from the group as on horseback, they can open and close distances in a heartbeat. Also be wary of those horses, they are fierce creatures who are bred to fight and will bite you or stomp on you if you're not careful. All in all, they aren't very nice to handle and worst of all, they aren't drunk like the ones we faced this morning."

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As the wind blew and the sun began to set, Cora pulled her cloak closer to herself. It got chilly on the plains at night, and she didn't carry many blankets with her. She rode across the plains, looking for a good place to make camp for the night. She likely wasn't going to reach a town before nightfall, so a place to camp was essential.

Cora checked her bag for something to make a fire with. Just herbs, which were probably better used for something else. Next time, she needed to remember to buy some matches or something.

As she rode over a hill, she noticed a large caravan around a fire. These idiots. And tribes coming upon them would see easy targets. You never made a fire out on the open plains.

Cora rode closer, wanting to see who these people were.

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"It's not that." Zoey said, kinda tilting her head as she thought about. "In fact, quite the opposite, I've read tales of soldiers, warriors who combined might and magic together in a bueatiful, deadly harmony, using techniques that would turn one's own defences against them... and I desire to learn these arts... it seems like they were a rather important in my famy's history..." Though why I had to discover this after the event... and they didn't tell me before... I don't know....

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Western Nialp

"I see," said Ken not the least bit interested in magic, "Well, you follow your own path and I shall follow mine."

With that he walked off to join the group of soldiers.

The sky was very dark by then, and the caravans had to pull over and stop by near some hills. A large fire was set up near the largest caravan that belonged to Lord Tzang.


Standing near the edge of the caravans, one of the Tsaen gurds spotted Cora approaching and and signalled for another guard to come to him as he called out, "Hey who goes there?"


Looking at the sky darkening rapidly, Omair waved his hands over the stone bowl, causing the fire to float in midair as he packed the stone bowl and said, "Come on, saddle up, we need to continue our journey."

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Western Nialp

After he finished his daily teaching of using anima magic to Roune, Chaen Lang came to join his group as the ones not on guard duty huddled around the fire while the traders started preparing to cook their meals. Spotting the newcomer nearby, he was pleased to see her trying to fit in with the rest. Or at least that was what he thinks she was trying to do.

"Hey Zoey, getting comfy among soldiers?" asked Chaen Lang as he sat down next to her.

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I was usually able to survive because I was more mobile than my opponents. What happens when I'm clumsier than them?

She swallowed hard at the thought. She'd have to think of something, but what? A harder-than-normal jolt snapped her back to reality.

Concentrate on not falling off the horse. I'll be down before the battle begins if I fall off this stupid animal and break my arm!

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Western Nialp

"Wise..." muttered Chaen Lang taking out some of the dried mutton the group had purchased from the Nialpian tribe earlier to cook, "So, do you have anything to eat? Or you'll be going to the traders and buy some of their meals?"

He placed the meat into a large pot the other soldiers had filled with now boiling water. Some of the soldiers started slicing some carrots and onions for the stew after seeing their leader put in the meat for the stew. The only thing left for them to do was get steamed rice from one of the traders, which they would when their stew was finished.

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Cora rode up to the man. "I'm simply a traveler passing by. I'm headed east. Though I don't know what you people think you're doing out on these plains. You're fires make you stand out like a sore thumb. Raiders would have an easy time picking you off. Most merchants know to hire mercenaries, but a real Nialpan doesn't stand out in the middle of the open plains. I don't think I'll be able to make it to the next town by nightfall, but if you are all camping here, would you perhaps mind my staying? I can heal minor injuries and wounds, if anyone in your party is hurt."

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Western Nialp

Seeing Zoey stare at the stew longingly, Chaen Lang coughed a bit and said, "Erm, well, if you want some of these, I'm sure I can spare you a piece or two of the meat. Mind you, I have a large group to feed here, you're better off purchasing your own meals. Those traders tend to cook more than they need for the night, since my boys go get some extra food from them anyways."


The two Tsaen soldiers laughed at Cora's words and one said, "Well, we're Tsaen soldiers and we can fend for ourselves."

The other stepped forward and added, "If you want to join us, you'll need to speak with our leader. He's in charge of the safety of this lot."

The first one then trust a hand forward and said, "Do you have any weapons on you? If you do, place them on your mount before dismounting. I'll bring you to our leader after that."


Omair halted Hakkibe as he noted some shapes moving far in the distance towards the same direction as him. Fortunately for him and his companions, the moon was out and lit up the grasslands enough for them to find their way around.

He suspected that those shapes are the Nialpians predicted to attack the caravans. Had they set off sooner, they might have stumbled into that whole group. Omair shuddered at the thought.

"Qaahir, it seems you'll be earning the remaining gold. Now we go after the Nialpians," said Omair.

Qaahir nodded as he too noticed the dark shapes moving away from them and mentioned to Alena, "Hold on tight now, we'll be going at full speed."

Both riders immediately tightened their knees to tell their horses to begin galloping.

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