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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Cora nodded vigorously, quite embarrassed. "Oh yes, quite. I was looking for you in fact, trying to give it back before we leave. If you'll excuse me, I must prepare myself for the day's ride. Please give my regards to Sir Omair." Cora handed Lang the bowl, before quickly striding away trying to leave the situation behind.

Cora went back to her things to finish getting ready and mounted up preparing for the trip.

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Western Nialp

Packed and ready, bellies filled, the group began their inevitable journey to the west, all the way to the gates of Aman, all the while keeping watch for any Nialpian attacks. After what happened the last night, none of the traders were eager to spend even another day or night longer on Nialp.


Eastern Emocni, Aman

By noon, the group had reached the Eastern Gate of Aman, seeing it's walls of sand magically held in place. The dealings with the guards did not take long as Emocnians was used to large numbers of traders suddenly entering their lands everyday.

Entering the outpost city, Chaen Lang declared that the group would spend the night there comfortably before they traverse the unforgiving deserts from tomorrow onwards. Choosing the meeting time to be at dawn the next day at the western gate of Aman, Chaen Lang warned everyone that they would be left behind if they did not turn up on time. The traders quickly got to work, that is heading to Mariyar to find a dwelling for some, while others went to Kabina.

Chaen Lang called out to Zoey, Cora and Rine as the group dispersed, wanting to talk to them.


Qaahir told Alena and Omair, "Well, now I've got to return Badem to Faizal...or extend our rights to keep him with us longer," then addressing only Omair, he asked, "Will you be needing our services any longer? Our obligations ended when we ward off that assault, but that does not mean we can't form a new contract."

Omair thought a bit then said, "Well, we could always use the extra help to protect the convoy, since outlaws still roam about, but this time round, I'll pay based on whether we are attacked or not, with some payments in advance, that sounds good to the both of you?"

Qaahir shook his head and said, "No, you need to give us a figure to decide. The way you phrase it can mean anything from a hundred gold per battle to a loaf of bread."

"Hmm...Alright, thirty gold, then forty more for every fight between Aman and Central Emocni. How does that sound?" asked Omair. He was worried, if more than one raid came upon the group, that would be a lot of gold to pay, and he was not aware that he had been paying above the average rates a person would pay a mercenary for a simple protection duty.

Qaahir tried his best to hide his smile. So far he had been making easy money, "Yes, that sounds decent, I'd take that offer," turning to Alena, "Are you okay with the sum our employer has offered us?"

Edited by Rothene
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After reaching the city with his wyvern and getting inside it with the rest of the group, Rine saw as the group went on different directions. Maybe now they would have enough time to rest, because sleeping in the ground next to a firecamp isn't really the meaning of comfortable... After speaking with Chaen Lang, who just called him.

He didn't waste any time. Rine approached him and noticed the other two doing the same thing. "One of them rides a horse, so she must be a stranger. And the other one uses an armor... She must be a stranger, too".

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Hmm, so this is how to haggle? Truth be told, I kind of like these merchants. They cook well, and they haven't given me grief for being a woman. Or at least, not to my face. The old guy seems happy. I guess now's the time to smile and follow.

"I'm in. Worst case scenario, it's thirty gold for group travel with people who know how to cross the desert." Alena gave her most charming smile to Omair.

This adventuring excuse is working out good so far. I hope my luck continues!

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Seeing Rine approach first, Chaen Lang took out a few small pouch that he had prepared earlier in the day. Noting that one was lighter than the other two, he handed the lighter one to Rine saying in Tsaen, <"I'm not sure how much gold you brought with you, and I'd be ashamed if you were to end up being unable to pay for your lodgings, so here's twenty gold for you spend.">

Taking the other two pouches, he handed them to Zoey and Cora when they reached him, telling them that is was payment for their contribution for defending the camp.

"So, will the two of you still be venturing with us or will you two be going your separate ways?" Chaen Lang asked Zoey and Cora.


"Right..." Omair said, "I'll pay you the full sum when we reach Central Emocni." Somehow, I feel like I'm doing this...pricing thing wrong, I better actually try to fight for lower pay next time, thought Omair gloomily as he returned to Chaen Lang's side.


Getting onto Alena, Qaahir asked, "Since we'll still be following this group, do you want stay with them until I get back or follow me to ask for an extended rental of Badem?"

In summary of gold you all should be recieving by now, Rine gets +20 Gold from Chaen Lang, Zoey and Cora gets +30 Gold each from Chaen Lang as well, Alena has +35 from Omair

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Oh, that kind of centre," said Chaen Lang, "I believe they call them academies or institutes in Emocni. Magical Centre might mean a focal point where the Spirits converge at, where mages can call upon the aid of more Spirits quickly. Or one of those recent places some sages have set up where they warp you around Emocni for extremely high prices."

"Well, the best ones are in Central Emocni, where sages and druids gather to share knowledge. Although there are many scattered around Emocnian cities, the big ones at least, not like this outpost," said Chaen Lang, "Well, if you're interested in learning magic, I suppose Central Emocni's a good place to learn. They have master spellcasters there who are on the look out for talented mages to appear and fund, although those masters are rare."

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Cora graciously received the bag, a bit shocked that Lang was paying her. "That, um, depends. Where is your group going? My destination is Rekam, so I may be able to continue with your group a little longer. You all were quite exciting and I'm sure my healing powers will be of some use. Otherwise I may be able to travel with Zoey for a little while, I just need to see a map to get my bearings."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"We're heading to Central Emocni, and to get to Rekam, you would be passing through Central Emocni anyway," said Chaen Lang, "Well, if the two of you decide to continue following us, I would pay the average wages I pay my men. We could make good use of your healing magic."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Qaahir helped Alena get onto Badem with his strong arms before lifting himself onto the horse. It did not take long for them to reach Faizal's stables.

There, they were greeted by Dave, who called Faizal out.

Dismounting, Qaahir said, "It seems I might be in need of borrowing Badem for a longer time."

"Oh, this job being more than it seems, eh? Well, I'm glad you and the girl came back with Badem in one piece. So how long are we looking at?" asked Faizal, starting to mentally decide on the discount he would provide for an old comrade.

"For now it's all the way to Central Emocni, caravan protection. Scratch that, convoy protection duty. There's quite a few caravans those traders have," said Qaahir.

"Central Emocni...that's quite far. You're looking at a month's worth of travelling to the nearest magic centre for warping and months of journey if you do not spend your gold on those magical services," said Faizal.

"I don't know...Maybe I can buy the horse?" asked Qaahir hopefully.

"No, I have too few horses to support my business. I'm sorry but that's too far a distance to risk losing this one," said Faizal shaking his head, "Since you would be travelling with these traders, I doubt you would need to travel fast. Why not get a camel or just follow by foot? After all, we've done it long ago."

"Aye, and we might have a healer, so she can take care of those blisters," said Qaahir. He loathed to not have a mount to ride, but he was not rushing anywhere now, unlike the night before.


Rushing forward to check on Badem for any signs of injury, gleefully noting none existing, Dave turned to Alena and asked, " So was it scary fighting off raiders?"

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Alena chuckled at the boy's innocent question.

"It was dark, and I wasn't accustomed to fighting off horse units. I think we did okay. It wasn't as bad as those drunks that were chasing you!"

Then again, it was a two-on-five fight, and I didn't have room to run around.

"One of the people with the caravan is an interesting girl. She uses staves like you, and she rides a horse. Think you could pull that off?" she said, with a twinkle in her eye.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Pleased with settling the matter of 'compensation' to the two girls, Chaen Lang said, "Yes, you may follow us. Just remember to pull your own weight. For now the two of you had better find a place to stay for the night. I recommend Kabinah for its affordability and safety. Or you two might want to pick up somethings in some of the shops set up. They close at nightfall."

"Rine," Chaen Lang said turning to speak to Rine, "I would like you to accompany me. I'll be scouting the outpost for mercenaries. Emocni still has its fair share of bandits after all."


"Hah, using a staff, that I can do. But horse riding is not something I've been taught," answered Dave truthfully, although part of him wanted to say he could pull it off. Lying was not something practiced in the temple of Laynia's faithful, "If she could handle a horse and still use her staff, this girl must be a Nialpian."


Seeing the rest of the traders dispersing and noting that several of the soldiers were heading off to the taverns, Ken wondered on what to do with his free time. He had learned of the whereaboutsof the arena in Aman, and planned to visit it. But going there alone was a bad idea. Deciding he might be able to see glimpse of Letamite swordmanship if he dragged one with him there, Ken waited near Zoey to ambush her with an invitation to join him in such a venture.

In case anyone doesn't know, it's noon as of now, and descriptions of the major inns/taverns can be found in the first post of the Chapter.

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"Hah, I guess so. And here I thought you could give her a run for her money!" Alena playfully winked at Dave, and giggled.

Why do I feel like such a little kid around him? He kinda reminds me of my younger brother. . .

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"I'm not sure if my skills are as good as that person...I'm just a simple follower of Laynia's ways. An acolyte with little experience," said Dave trying to sound as humble as possible, "But if you're ever in Aman and are injured, you may seek me out to tend to your wounds. Or your mount's one if you have any."


"It's a shame not to be with Badem anymore. Just one whole day and night with the stallion makes me miss him. Very smart one you have here. Managed to feel comfortable even when galloping at full speed," said Qaahir sighing.

"You think Badem's good? Wait till you try the others. Ridzal's a fine one, he feels like the you're riding on the clouds," said Faizal thinking about his best horse.

"Are you trying to make me feel bad now Faizal?" asked Qaahir raising an eyebrow, one of his fist clenching in irritation.

"Hah, hold your anger back Qaahir. As much as I would like to help you, I need to look after my business first. And Badem being my remaining good one for the next few weeks means I cannot afford letting him go too far for too long. I need to keep at least one good breed behind for breeding purposes in case something happened to the others," explained Faizal.

"So what about your cheaper variety? The less impressive ones?" asked Qaahir.

Faizal smiled at Qaahir's question, "Yes, I do have some left over. I could use your help in teaching them how to get from here to Central Emocni and back."

"I see, and what if we use a warp to pass most of the desert?" asked Qaahir.

"Oh...in that case...sigh, then it's a shame they do not learn fully how to cross the desert," remarked Faizal sadly.

"If you're not willing to part with them for such a distance, then I suppose I have no right to persuade you," said Qaahir.

"I'm sorry for not being able to provide you with much help. I suppose if you have no where to spend the night, you and the girl can stay at my place tonight?" asked Faizal.

"That would be wonderful, maybe we can recount some of our past 'heroics' to Alena," said Qaahir laughing.

"Heh, 'heroics'," muttered Faizal chuckling as he shook his head, "Well, I close the stables at sunset, be back by then. I rather you not stay here and disrupt my business," said Faizal with a wink.

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Cora pondered a moment, about just how much those average wages were. She had enough thanks to that bag she had just been payed, but she didn't want to be caught in some seedy inn for the night farther out on the road. Cora turned to Zoey. "If you don't mind, do you think you could share a room with me tonight? It could save us both some money. I'll go ahead and reserve us a room at the Kabina."

Cora lead George ahead of her to the stables to place him there for the night, while she wandered the streets looking at the various shops. She looked over the food and the swords, though neither caught her interest, and she was pretty sure that one animal was still alive on the table. Cora made a note not to try too many of the local delicacies. Cora wandered down an allie, looking for some kind of magic shop or fortune teller. She found a small sign, and entered the shop not knowing what to expect.

Edited by arachnidsGrip
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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Dulhamid sat down tossing a ball of yarn at his cat Fitna. Business was slow and the sun was keeping as much people indoors as possible. A skinny man with a wrinkly face that looked like it was hit by a shovel did not help endear him to any patrons despite his attempts at being gentle in his speech. Only in his mid forties, half of his remaining hair on his balding head was grey with worry for his business.

The Emocnian's business was a strange one. He had no real stock, but instead sold whatever he could get his hands on. In order to keep said stock interesting, he would in return purchase whatever was sold to him at the market price of Aman if the customer would buy a total value of objects worth more than the ammount he had bought from them. Unfortunately, what objects he had was of little interest to the everyday person, and only the most inexperienced of adventurers would have need of his odd wares.

Seeing someone enter shop, the Emocnian stood up and happily greeted her with the widest grin he could manage, "Welcome to Dulhamid's True Trading Shop."

"Anything in particular you seek madam?" he asked.

Wares(Note that for this special case(rather shop), you can sell ANY of your items for the price listed in the OP. But only if you're willing to buy a net total of items worth more than what you sell him)

Vulnerary: 20 Gold

Recovers target's Hp by 10. 3 uses.

Antidote: 15 Gold

Removes Poison effect from target and grants them immunity to poison for 3 rounds. 3 uses.

Torch: 15 Gold

Character does not suffer the effects of Fog of War or Darkness for the entire battle per use. 3 uses.

Stimulant: 30 Gold

Removes Sleep effect from target. 3 uses.

Tsaen Flash Pellet: 15 Gold

Reduces the Hit of all enemies in target enemy team by 2 that lasts for 3 rounds, does not stack with itself. 3 uses.

Tsaen Lightning Rod: 50 Gold

Has a 50% chance to reduce target enemy in enemy team's Eva to 0 for 3 rounds. 5 uses.

Nialpian Eye Cleanser: 15 Gold

Reduces Hit reduction effect on target by 3, does not increase Hit on target beyond their base Hit chance. 3 uses.

Nialpian Herbs: 35 Gold

Recovers target's Hp by 15 or removes Poison effect. 3 uses.

Emocnian Magic Seal: 60 Gold

When activated, the next Magical attack(from tomes or staves) that target the user has 2 added to it's Hit/Activation Roll. 3 Uses

Emocnian Lesser Sand Breaker: 100 Gold

Character's carrying this accessory suffer 1 less penalty of any kind induced by the desert terrain in combat by losing less water due to the scorching heat, while keeping warm in the freezing nights.

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Zoey started to respond to Cora that she was okay with the idea... but the girl was already gone, off doing her own thing... Zoey sighed a little, and began looking around... not sure what to do with herself in the slightest.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Ken's patience was well rewarded. As soon as the Nialpian left Zoey, he immediately closed in on her and asked, "Zoey, you seem bored and aimless at the moment. Would you care to join me in a trip to the arena?"


Setting down their belongings, Roune immediately leaped onto the bed nearest to the window while his father took out new sets of clothes. "Nice place isn't it?" asked Lord Tzang touching the seemingly cool walls or Mariyar.

"It's so hot out there...I just want to stay here and sleep all day," said Roune rolling around the bed, wrapping himself in the blanket, "It will only get hotter after this right?"

"I'm afraid so. But remember it's not as hot as it should be due to it being winter now. Although most of the colder winds do not reach here, some do, and they make all the difference," said Lord Tzang.

"What? It's actually much hotter than this? How do people stand living here?" asked Roune shocked.

"Hmmph, humans are strong. They adapt or use magic to make living in harsh places comfortable," explained Lord Tzang, tossing some clothes onto the bed Roune was on, "Here, don't sleep yet, we need to head to the bath and then grab lunch. After that I'll bring you around Aman."


With pretty much nothing to do, Omair headed off to Kabina to get himself a room as early as possible, and lunch.


Finished with talking to Faizal, Qaahir turned to face Alena. He was hungry, but decided to let Alena finish her conversation with Faizal's personal horse healer.

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"I'll keep that in mind, Dave. Even if horseback riding is something that I'm not accustomed to." She winked at him, and frowned as she heard her stomach growl.

"Seems those rice balls didn't last long. Where's a good place for a decent lunch?"

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Dave frowned a bit at Alena's question. He did not eat out too much as Faizal's pay was little and the temple handed out charity wrought meals. Agrah, which he frequent, was in no way 'good' apart from the pricing, and ever since that last incident, he planned to stay away from there for a while. Apart from the common establishments, he had indeed heard of places of splendid meals from some of the faithfuls who visit the temple...

"Well, for places good to eat, I've heard that there's a place around the shopping districts called Medan Marian that opened up recently that was good. They say the cook there specialises in Rekamite cuisine. I haven't been there though, so I'm not sure if what I've heard is true," said Dave sheepishly for not being of much help.

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Zoey jumped a little as Ken snuck up on her, but after a quick second to catch her breath and realise that is was Ken, she smiled. "Uh... sure, I guess, I don't have anything better to do..." She began to glance around, looking to see if this arena was in sight, and if it wasn't, well, she awas ready to follow Ken all the same.

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