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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Rine sighed. Walking in a place so hot while using armor wasn't an easy task, and besides, his Wyvern had to be dragged so he could follow them. That question bugged him a little. "The Wall... It's true that I'm striving to join them, but they haven't assigned me yet... Maybe someday they will. I can't figure out why they didn't already". The attention his wyvern was dragging began to annoy him, as kids stopped playing to see such a big creature and comment about his size and ask out loud how someone was able to ride such a thing or if it's going to eat them for breakfast, so Rine turned his face to his commander. "But you can count on me. I'd like to show you what I can do... and also see what you can do too, if I'm lucky then we're going to be attacked as predicted".

Edited by Lorddomu
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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Hearing Alena's offer to trade meals made Qaahir sat up straight, "You want to swap meals? Sure!" I hope that did not come off as overly eager. By then the steak arrived and Qaahir cut out a fair chunk of it and placed it on the lasagne plate. Chewing another piece he cut for himself, Qaahir noted that the beef was cooked nearly to the point of being burnt. It was salty and slightly spicy as it was seasoned simply with salt and pepper. Simple, but decent, thought Qaahir as he chewed.


"Hmm...well to be honest, once you serve your time at the Great Barrier, you wouldn't want to again. Chances are that would be the place where you kill your first enemy for the sake of the nation," Chaen Lang said closing his eyes briefly in recollection of his days at the Great Barrier.

After the brief moment of personal silence, Chaen Lang continued, "Hah, if you were lucky, we'd not have a fight on our hands. Also, about what you can do, I would advice you to be careful with your wyvern in a fight here. These enclosed spaces would be difficult to fly appropriately in. It was such terrain that our wyvern riders suffered their first defeat at the hands of Aesean pegasus riders long ago."

Reaching Agrah, Chaen Lang looked up at the sign. "Well, this is the place," said Chaen Lang entering, "I presume Ragnos' disciplined enough to wait outside patiently."

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Rine walked towards his wyvern, tapped his neck thrice and mumbled something to him. He replied with a faint growl, before finding a place near the wall to stay. "Be careful for what you wish for, is what my father would have told me. He was a strong and honoured soldier... No, he was more than a soldier, his morale affected everyone nearby and made them draw closer to him. I want to be like him. So friendly and composed... Yet a terrible opponent in battle". Then, he walked towards his commander, showing now a serious expression. "I don't like warfare nor I like deaths, but that's the sacrifice I'm willing to do in order to help my siblings and my mother. If I have to join the Great Wall and kill my enemies, I'll do it... I don't want to sound arrogant, but all I want is some sort, no, any sort, of recognizement".

As he waited for a response, Rine followed Chaen Lang inside the place.

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This is kinda boring compared to the lasagna, Alena mused to herself, as she chewed on the steak that Qaahir had donated to her.

"So, what didn't you like about this lasagna?" she asked, between mouthfuls. If she was ever rich enough, she'd have her mom cook this for her entire family.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"No one truly likes war boy, absolutely nobody," muttured Chaen Lang in response to Rine's words.

Upon entering Agrah, Chaen Lang noticed the patrons in there glance up at the two Tsaen, then resumed their eating or boasting. Or both. There was not many people in the tavern in this hour, although there were a few barely recognisable shapes of people sleeping on the floor.

Noting a group of burly looking Emocnians and Aeseans, their dark tanned skins being an immediate telltale sign of where they came from, Chaen Lang faced Rine and said, "That group over there look like guard material. The question would be their trustworthiness. I would like you to watch me from a seat near the entrance in case of any hostilities, and not accidentally step on anyone," Chaen Lang pointed at the various slumbering forms on the floor.

Threading carefully, Chaen Lang made his way to the group that caught his attention and asked, "Good sirs, are any of you interested in convoy guarding?" The whole group looked at Chaen Lang, then his blade, then back at him.

"What's the matter Tsaen? Not enough men?"

"For how long?"

"What would the convoy be bringing?" The rest of the group glared at the last man who spoke. "What? I'd take no part in transporting Letamite refugees."

"Easy now," said Chaen Lang waving his hands, "Perhaps we should discuss comfortably. May I have a seat?" Some of the Aeseans in the group made some room for the Tsaen to sit properly. As Chaen Lang began his lengthy and loud talk on how dangerous he believed the largely uninhabited dessert of Emocni was, some of the other patrons stirred at the prospect of getting a job. And more than a few cloaked figures started watching the Tsaen soldier with interest, their knives swirling reflexively in hand.


"Well, you see, ever since young, I hated tomatoes. I believe that should be sufficient explanation?" answered Qaahir.


"What is the wyvern doing out there?!" exclaimed Ken aloud. Various people passing by Agrah could not help but gawk at the sight of the large winged beast outside the tavern. Ken had only seen one wyvern in the area thus far. This one could only belong to that rider who came in the night. Seeing a few men approach the Ragnos piqued Ken's interest. Hmmm, those guys must be too curious for their own good, thought Ken, until he saw some of them brandishing their swords while approaching the wyvern from the back, surrounding it, something's not right.

Tapping Zoey's armour to get her attention, Ken gestured at the armed men, "Ready your weapon, we might have a fight happening."

I'm not sure how perceptive is Ragnos, but those men outside are closing in to kill him. don't worry about motives, I've got that covered. I leave it up to you to decide if Ragnos alerts Rine in any way or not. While Rine is not mounted on Ragnos, take note that his stats are of the unmodified by trait form. Might want to keep track of it.

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Ragnos observed the city's moviment quite bored, everyone on the streets had their interest piqued on him. He was big, rare and strong looking, yeah yeah, that was annoying to him. But one came too close to him. At first, the wyvern didn't mind his presence much, and he disappeared quickly. Then, after that, another human tapped someone on her armor and pointed at his direction. This action was sufficient to annoy him, making him face another direction to cool off.

As he turned to the other side, the wyvern saw a group of strange men walking at his direction, trying to ambush him from the side (since his back is to the wall, I assume they are trying to hit him from his blind side). They were too close to him, and their brandished swords were enough to allarm the giant. He growled, flapped his wings and tried to fly as soon as he could, since humans can't fly and he'd have a clear advantage here. Worried about his rider, Ragnos kept growling to drag his attention.


Meanwhile, Rine had already sat down in a chair next to the door as Chaen Lang ordered. He didn't observe only his commander, as the scenario they were in was useful on it's own. If something were to happen, knowing where you're fighting and who you're fighting is essential. Their questions about what he's protecting and if he was short of men increased his suspicious, and some of the eerie cloaked figures were paying attention closely. He had a bad feeling about this. Certainly, it wouldn't end well. "Heh... Wasn't I saying just now that I wanted to fight? If they dare to make a wrong move, I'll show them what I'm able to do. And then Chaen Lang will see my abilities closely. But even so, I hate this place...".

The growl of Ragnos startled him on the moment it came to his ears. He wasn't only growling, he was actually -flapping his wings and growling repeatdly-! There were some cases in which his wyvern acted that desesperately, and all those were bad ones. Rine "jumped" from his chair, grabbed his Iron Axe and took it as quickly as he could.

- Commander! - He yelled - Something bad is happening!

Without thinking twice, Rine ran to the outside. The sight was self explanatory, the battle had already began. He swapped his Iron Axe for a Hand Axe and threw one on the closest armed man. "Ragnos!!"

Edited by Lorddomu
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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Hearing Rine's call, Chaen Lang got up...and was tripped down immediately. Instinctively the Tsaen rolled away just as a few daggers stabbed the ground he was lying on not too long ago. Kicking away a few tables and seats, Chaen Lang managed to press his back against the wall with his zhanma dao drawn as the other patrons ran out of the establishment. The tavern master wisely chose to remain out of sight. Chaen Lang spat at his adversaries and watched their movements while he inched closer to the entrance. Whatever Rine was dealing with outside, would be best done without anymore interference from the lot inside Agrah.

What compels these men to attack me so suddenly, wondered Chaen Lang, do they know of the artifact...

Stats of NPCs and Enemies


Name: Ken

Status Ailment:

Class: Thief

Traits: Foot

Level: 2

Stats: Vit:3|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:7|Spd:7|Luk:7|Def:3|Res:2|

Health: 16/16

Abilities: Truestrike


1)Killer Sword(Killing Edge): (Atk:8|Hit:30|AS:5|Eva:13|Crit:13|CEva:7|Def:3|Res:2|)

Name: Chaen Lang

Status Ailment:

Class: Battle Mage

Traits: Foot, Mage

Level: 8

Stats: Vit:7|Str:6|Mag:6|Ski:8|Spd:7|Luk:6|Def:6|Res:6|

Health: 39/39

Abilities: Improved Sword rank x 2, Battlemage(Imbued Strike)


1)Horseslayer Sword(Zhanmadao) (Atk:13/27(effective)|Hit:29|AS:3|Eva:9|Crit:7|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)

2)Lance Lightning Tome (Atk:13/10(range)|Hit:27|AS:6|Eva:12|Crit:9|CEva:6|Def:6|Res:6|)


Name: Generic Swordman,GS

Status Ailment:

Class: Mercenary

Traits: foot

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:4|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:5|Luk:1|Def:4|Res:2|

Health: 18/18



1)Slim sword (Atk:5|Hit:32|As:5|Eva:6|Crit:5|CEva:1|Def:4|Res:2)

Name: Generic Axeman,GA

Status Ailment:

Class: Mercenary

Traits: foot

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:4|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:4|Luk:2|Def:3|Res:1|

Health: 18/18



1)Slim Axe (Atk:11|Hit:28|As:2|Eva:4|Crit:5|CEva:2|Def:3|Res:1)

List of Hp

Ken 16/16

Zoey 18/18

Chaen Lang ??/??

Rine 22/22

GS A 18/18

GA A 18/18

GS B 18/18

GS C 18/18

GA B 18/18

GA C 10/18

Note: These are 3 separate 'teams', which is not too relevant for now since no one sports any 'team' targeting abilities. Also, currently Ken and Zoey are a 'team' meaning they cannot defend Rine if they wanted to nor can he defend them (exception for Rine's case being when Rine's mounted, because Flying trait allows the character to Defend or attack any pair at anytime, consequently joining other teams). Rine's on his own for this one, but he managed to score a free hit on GA C. Rine starts unmounted. But he may spend a Player Phase to get Ragnos to come to him and mount.Or he can have Ragnos 'distract' one of the 3 pairs while Rine fights a pair alone. No need to stat Ragnos' fight, he'll just hold back the enemy not kill them outright.

Stats of PCs involved

Name: Zoey

Status Ailment:

Class: Knight

Traits: Armoured

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:4|Str:4|Mag:4|Ski:4|Spd:3|Luk:0|Def:6|Res:4|

Health: 18/18



1) Item Steel Spear (Atk:12|Hit:21|As:-1|Eva:-1|Crit:4|CEva:0|Def:6|Res:4, melee)

2) Item Iron Sword (Atk:8|Hit:25|As:1|Eva:1|Crit:2|CEva:2|Def:6|Res:4, melee)

Name: Rine

Status Ailment:

Class: Wyvern Rider

Traits: Wyvern, Flying

Level: 1

Stats: Vit: 6|Str: 6|Mag: 0|Ski: 5|Spd: 5|Luk: 3|Def: 4|Res: 0|

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Charge


1) Iron Axe (Atk:14|Hit:23|As:2|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:0, melee)

2) Throwing Axe (Atk:15(12 ranged)|Hit:21|As:1|Eva:4|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:0, melee & range)

3) Vulnerary 3/3

Name: Rine(without mount)

Status Ailment: Dismounted

Class: Wyvern Rider

Traits: Foot

Level: 1

Stats: Vit: 6|Str: 4|Mag: 0|Ski: 6|Spd: 6|Luk: 3|Def: 3|Res: 0|

Health: 22/22

Abilities: Charge


1) Iron Axe (Atk:12|Hit:25|As:2|Eva:5|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:3|Res:0, melee)

2) Throwing Axe (Atk:13(11 ranged)|Hit:23|As:1|Eva:4|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:3|Res:0, melee & range)

3) Vulnerary 3/3

Acting upon bloodlust, Ken rushed forward and delivered a swift strike towards the axe wielding foe standing closest to him as soon as it was clear they had foul intentions for the wyvern...

Ken vs GA A: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3253804/ 13, 11, 4, 16, 8, 17

Ken Hit = (30-4+3WTA) > 13 = Hit!

Ken Crit = (13-2) = 11 = Crit!

Ken Deals (8 - 3 + 2 WTA)x2 = 14 Damage

GA A Hit = (28 - 13 - 3WTD) > 4 = Hit!

GA A Crit = (5-7) < 14 = No Crit

Ken Deals (11 - 3 - 2 WTD) = 6 Damage

Ken Hit = (30-4+3WTA) > 8 = Hit!

Ken Crit = (13-2) < 17 = No Crit

Ken Deals (8 - 3 + 2 WTA) = 7 Damage(KO)

...and was rewarded in a shower of his foes' blood as his first strike bit deep into the lung of the unfortunate axe user. In his death throes, the dying man managed to clip Ken's left leg, before Ken loped off his head in anger. The wound was not fatal, but it was bleeding badly.

Ken 10/16

Zoey 18/18

Chaen Lang ??/??

Rine 22/22

GS A 18/18

GA A 0/18 (pool of blood)

GS B 18/18

GS C 18/18

GA B 18/18

GA C 10/18

Player Phase has begun!

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Seeing that he was on a clear disadvantage, Rine decided to stay away from his enemies as much as he could before facing them head on. His Hand Axe would be extremely helpful now. "Ragnos, get them!", he shouted, before shooting at his target.

*Rine attempts a ranged attack with his Hand Axe*

1d20 → [5] = (5)

- Rine's Hit is 21 (-4 Evade) = 17

1d20 → [17] = (17) (...)

- Rine's Crit is 4 (-1 Luck) = 3...

Attack: 11-3 = 8.

*Rine managed to hit the Axeman on the chest. but it wasn't enough to stop him. From the looks of it, he'd need one more hit in order to finish him*

Meanwhile, Ragnos rushes towards Generic Swordsman C in an attempt to slow him down as his master ordered.

Edited by Lorddomu
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The Knight... trudged, forward, it was more like a trudge than a charge, ramming her lance deep into an Swordsmans... off shoulder, a heavy wound, but only good for blood loss, for the man quickly retaliated, but could not get past the lancers mighty shield. (Heck, it didn't even look like he was trying to get around it, as he beat on it uselessly.)


Zoey hits for 10 damage!

The Generic Swordsman A Flails against the armor to avail!

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

While the two swordsman were kept occupied by Ragnos, not willing to commit fully to take on the wyvern and risk being eaten, the kept their distance in hopes that as long as their comrades take down its master, their task would be made easier.

Realising his slashes were proving ineffectual, one man attacking Zoey decided to switch targets to softer...more vulnerable targets. His slash was sudden, but Ken's legwork proved more decisive, turning a deadly slash into a minor cut on his shoulder. Ken then responded with a deadly trust to the bleeding man's abdomen, twisting his blade as he withdrew the katana from his foe's twitching body.

Seeing a knight proving her imperviousness to his fellow comrades, one of the two axe user engaging Rine broke off to face the female knight. His first strike showed his careless nature, for despite the successful blow he landed, it left him wide open to a point blank attack from Zoey. Despite a foot length of steel spear through his abdomen, the man made a panicked swing at Zoey. At that proximity, the axe bit hard into the side of her armour, digging deep. Whether it proved fatal or not, his foe's grip on her lance weakened, allowing him to quickly kick her away. Clutching his wound, he prayed hard that the knight had not pierced any of his vitals.

The remaining assailant leaped at Rine, hoping hard his attacks would land painfully.

GS A vs Ken: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3255226/ 4,16,9,2,1,18

GS A Hit = (28 - 13) > 4 = Hit!

GS A Crit = (5-7) < 16 = No Crit

GS A Deals (5 - 3) = 2 Damage >_<"

Ken Hit = (30-6) > 9 = Hit!

Ken Crit = (13-1) > 2 = Crit!

Ken Deals (8 - 4 )x2 = 8 Damage(KO barely)

GA B vs Zoey: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3255227/ 9,15,12,2,3,1

GA B Hit = (28 - 1 + 3WTA) > 9 = Hit!

GA B Crit = (5-1) < 15 = No Crit

GA B Deals (11 - 6 + 2 WTA) = 7 Damage

Zoey Hit = (21 - 4 - 3WTD) > 12 = Hit!

Zoey Crit = (4 - 2) = 2

Zoey Deals (12 - 3 - 2WTD)x2 = 14 damage

GA B Hit = (28 - 1 + 3WTA) > 3 = Hit!

GA B Crit = (5-1) > 1 = Auto Crit!

GA B Deals (11 - 6 + 2 WTA)x2 = 14 Damage(KO)

GA C vs Rine: http://invisiblecast...r/view/3255231/ 8,3,11,7

GA C Hit = (28 - 4) > 8 = Hit!

GA C Crit = (5-3) < 3 = No Crit

GA C Deals (11 - 3) = 8 Damage

Rine Hit = (23 - 4) > 11 = Hit!

Rine Crit = (4 - 2) < 7 = No Crit

Rine Deals (13 - 3) = 10(KO)

Ken 8/16

Zoey 0/18

Rine 14/22

GS A 0/18

GA A 0/18

GS B 18/18

GS C 18/18

GA B 4/18

GA C 0/18

I leave flavour writing to you Lorddomu

Enemy Phase ends...Player Phase begins again! Also, Chaen Lang's busy fighting stuff in the tavern so he;s not helping...

Edited by Rothene
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Rine watched as the armored knight fell in the battlefield, the axe man infront of her bleeding and holding his grip in the axe difficultly. The other swordsman with the odd weapon had a cut on his leg, but before that he managed to kill one of the enemies quickly. If his math was right, he'd be able to take down the hurt axe man while Rine deals with one of the swordsman.

But it had to be done now, while the enemy was tired. He yelled, "Hey, you! Could you finish him for me, please? I'll take care of the others!".

*Rine activates his ability Charge!*

1d20 → 11

*Rine's HIT is 23. He hits!*

1d20 → 5

*Rine's CRIT is 4. He doesn't crit!

11.2 = 22, - 4 = 18.

*Rine deals 18 damage to GS B!*

He ran towards the swordsman being "held" by his wyvern, then sent his right hand back before shooting the Hand Axe at him. It hits the swordsman on the forehead and instantaneously makes him drop the sword and fall on the ground, either dead or badly hurt. One more time and this'll be over.

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((OOC: Kinda forgot about this, sorry.))

Cora left the shops, empty handed and full of pocket. She thought it was good she didn't spend money. She had only gotten paid this morning. Maybe eventually she would be able to afford a new staff or some clothes. Though maybe she should focus on the staff she had right now. No telling how a new one could turn out.

Cora shielded her eyes and looked up at the sky. There was practically a cloud in the sky, though a desert town probably didn't get much rain anyway. This heat was beginning to be a bit much. Hopefully it would cool as the night came.

Cora walked down the streets, looking for the inn she was supposed to be spending the night at.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

His present foes slain, Ken whirled around to slice of the head of the unsuspecting adversary who just took down his partner with deadly precision, as if the whole world had aligned himself for that one perfect strike.

Ken vs GA B: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3256188/ 18,18,9,104,19

Ken Hit = (30-4+3WTA) > 18 =Auto-Hit!

Ken Crit = (13-2) < 18 = no Crit

Ken Deals (8 - 3 + 2 WTA) = 7 Damage(KO)

Player Phase Ends

Flicking the blood off his sword, Ken watched as the last remaining swordsman backed away and ran. Then he felt a strange sensation envelop him. A presence that gave off an aura of endless hunger envelop him whole...

Bjol performs a range attack against Ken: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3256209/ 2, 13

Bjol Hit = (17-13) > 2 = Hit!

Bjol Crit = (2-7) < 13 = no Crit

Bjol Deals (14 - 2) = 12 Damage(KO)

...and felt his vitality sucked out of him. The darkness took the form of a goat in its final moment and stomped on him, sending him crashing to the ground before returning into a tall pale skinned man in grey robes. As Ken collapsed, the fleeing Swordsman returned to the side of the robed man shouting, "Master Bjol! Forgive my incompetence."

"Shut up!" rasped Bjol and pointed at Rine and Ragnos, "Keep them both away from me as I prepare another spell."

GS B Defends Bjol!

Name: Bjol

Status Ailment:

Class: Shaman

Traits: Mage

Level: 1

Stats: Vit:5|Str:0|Mag:8|Ski:4|Spd:3|Luk:1|Def:2|Res:6|

Health: 15/15

Abilities: Arcane Shift


1)Gluttony Dark (Atk:18(14 Range)|Hit:17|As:-1|Eva:0|Crit:2|CEva:1|Def:2|Res:6)

Note: Gluttony Tome = Nosferatu in FE, but it heals only 50% round up of caster's Hp of damage dealt instead. And when a character is defended, damage against the defended character is directed at the defender instead, and both the defender and the one they are defending gets to counter attack. But the one being defended must perform a ranged attack to counter, or else they do not get to counter. Ranged attacks by pass the defender, not proccing a counter attack from them.

Enemy Phase Ends

As the shaman resummoned his Spirit Self to utilise the dark spirits of Gluttony aimed at what he percieved as the more dangerous foe, Ragnos, Chaen Lang stumbled out of the tavern covered in cuts and bruises, bleeding all over. Seeing the shaman aiming his spell at Ragnos, Chaen Lang took out his tome and summoned fort his Spirit Self. A small ethereal rabbit poked its head out of the ground, then hoped into the tome in the battlemage's hand. The tome glowed blue and then Chaen Lang held a spear of lightning in hand. Arching his back, he threw it at the swordsman guarding the shaman twice in quick succession...

Chaen Lang blasting GS B: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3256252/ 2,8,16,11

Chaen Lang Hit = (27-6+3WTA) > 2 = Hit!

Chaen Lang Crit = (9-1) = 8 = Crit!

Chaen Lang Deals (10 - 2+2WTA)x2 = 20 Damage(KO)

Bjol counterattacks Chaen Lang instead: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3256261/ 15,13

Bjol Hit = (17-12+3WTA) < 15 = Miss

Bjol Crit = (2-6) < 13 = no Crit

...the first shot striking the man with enough force to knock him far away from his original position, rendering the second lance of magic pointless. Bjol panicked and unleashed his spell on Chaen Lang, but unfortunately, the experienced soldier managed to evade the anticipated attack.

Turning to Rine, Chaen Lang commanded in Tsaen, <"The magic user's wide open! Charge at him now!">

I made changes to the Charge mechanic, made it only usable once every two turns. But since I did it in the middle of a combat, changes do not apply yet.

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Rine nodded to Chaen Lang before facing the enemy. Trusting his abilities, he chose to fight him while ranged, so that it could end quickly and without risks for him or the others. "I have to end this with one hit...", he thought, holding the Hand Axe in his right hand and preparing to throw it. "Die!"


*Rine activates his Charge ability, and throws his Hand Axe agaisnt Bjol!*

1d20 -> 3

*Rine's HIT is 23. He hits!*

1d20 → 13

*Rine's CRIT is 4. He doesn't crit!*

11.2 = 22, - 2 = 20.

*Rine deals 20 damage to Bjol. Bjol is defeated!*

[spoiler=Victory Fanfare!]

The young squire watches as his enemy is hit by the axe right on the head. It was very unlikely he survived that hit on the middle of his face. It was a clear hit, and he attacked him with all his strenght.

"Commander, we've won! What should we do now? There may still be enemies around!".

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Looking at the bleeding corpse of the dark magic user whom Rine struck down, Chaen Lang sighed. He had underestimated Rine's strength it seems.

"Heh, I was hopping we could capture this one alive, since he seemed to be in a commanding position. Among this lot," said Chaen Lang as he sweeped his gaze to check their immediate surroundings. He had failed to achieve anything less than killing his foes back in the tavern. Trying to aim to maim them was too difficult for the battle mage, for branching out his skills meant they could not achieve the controlled finesse dedicated practitioners could. "We better leave before...crap."

As Chaen Lang finished his sentence, a group of Emocnian peacekeepers arrived astride their horses with spears ready. The one with more ornate decorations on his turban spoke up, "What happened here?!" then looking at the tavern sign of Agrah, then back the the dead bodies, "Bloody cutthroats and sellswords."

Signaling to the other cavaliers behind him, the leader of the peacekeepers commanded as he gestured at Ken and Zoey's unconcious forms, "Get those two," then looking directly at Chaen Lang, "And hands off your weapons. Both of you."

Chaen Lang immediately raised his hands, knowing better than to get on the bad side of a law enforcer. At least if we get ambushed right now, we'd have more meatshields...

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Cora walked into the town square to a variable blood bath. Chaeng Lang and the others of the group seemed to be in trouble, and the large wyvern from earlier was roaring quite loudly as well.

Some soldiers seemed to be accosting Lang and Cora's...friends? She wasn't sure if that was the right word to use. Yet, anyway. But she should at least do something. Cora didn't want to get dragged along with the soldiers, but she was prepared to follow them.

"Lang! What's going on?" Cora tried yelling. How much money did she have? Enough to bail 3 people out?

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Hearing the call of the Nialpian who recently joined his convoy, Chaen Lang wondered, why in the world is she here?

Cora's cries did not go unnoticed as a large Emocnian rode up to her and asked while another cavalier rode behind her to cut off her escape route, "Do you know this lot?"

"Just bring her over," snapped the their leader, "The sooner we're done with this, the sooner we can get our lunch."

"Come with us girl," said the Emocnian in front of Cora gently, "If nobody resists, this will be over peacefully."

The one behind rode forward, as if to herd Cora to his companion.

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Cora tried to keep a cool face, but she was unsure of what to do. She didn't want them all caught up in jail together. And where were the other Tsaenes? She had to get out of here and find help.

"I-I wasn't involved with the fight. I'm just...lost." Cora took the chance as the two men were turned around, and ran, ran for her life. She ducked down alleys and turned down streets, trying to lose them. She weaved through crowds of people and almost tripped more times than she could count. On foot, she could easily lose the mounted soldiers thanks to all the people in the streets.

She ducked into a stall, hoping to hide there until the coast was clear and make it back to Qaahir or Omair and see what they could do.

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Rine dropped his axes as soon as Chaen Lang dropped his weapons. He was angry, angry enough to try and fight his way throught he enemies, ride his Wyvern and leave, but he had to compose himself infront of his commander. He ilooked around, then sighed. "I'll have to obey them for now... Damn it".

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

The peacekeeper leader rubbed his temples in frustration when his men let Cora slip past them. Damn gentle rookies, it's soft men like them that allow random fights to break out so often in these parts. "Leave that girl be you two louts, and don't look at me, It's probably your faces that scared her away."

"Sir, four more dead inside the tavern," called out the men who went to investigate the tavern bringing out the owner of Agrah, "Two Emocnian and two Aeseans. Seems they started the fight or something according to the tavern keeper."

"Wulid, why is it that men seem to enjoy having a bloodbath at your establishment every now and then," grumbled the leader adressing Agrah's owner, "Tell me what happened."

"What can I say Captain Sahul, sometimes people who come here would murder each other over trinkets employment prices or even singing," said Wulid picking his nose thinking back on an unfortunate bard a few years back, "Some upstarts picked a fight with these two Tsaens, and I persumed they were after that wyvern there, for it was roaring madly before the young fellow there," pointing at Rine, "ran out to investigate what happened. I then took shelter as soon as the four dead men in my tavern attacked the man with the big sword."

"And you did nothing to keep them at bay? I was not informed of the fight until some of your patrons came screaming about it along the streets. If you fail to hire proper guards to keep the peace of your tavern, I'll see to it that it closes down next time," threatened Sahul, he had enough of Agrah and its reputation.

"Strange, fights break out now and then, death happens in most of them, yet you're so intent on making a scene out of this one, why is that?" asked Wulid, "The incident yesterday where you were unable to explain the sudden appearance of a few dead bodies caused your superiors to doubt your abilities hmm?"

"Watch your tongue, dog," Sahul said, "I'll be taking these few with me into custody for shedding blood in the outpost. I expect less killing happening in Agrah next time."

"Then post some of your men around these parts, we could all use the extra security," suggested Wulid cheekily with his arms wide.

Sahul looked at the paling faces of his men at the mention of guarding this unsavory district and sighed. Like any of them would be of any use, thugs and bullies themselves when not near me. They just walk around stupidly and boast about how they keep Aman safe. Why can't the real soldiers volunteer to leave the walls and patrol the streets instead.

"You...Tsaens, come along now, and tell that wyvern not to eat any of my men or I'll...I'll have the archers at guarding the wall shoot it. You two!" Called Sahul gesturing at the two cavaliers that let Cora slip away from them, "Let our 'guests' saddle up with you."

Chaen Lang smirked as he was approached by the cavaliers. He pitied the captain, for one of the worst things a person could do with his or her life was to be in a commanding position with no inspirational talent. <"Rine, just follow what they tell us to do and we'll be alright."> advised Chaen Lang in Tsaen as he got onto the mount after getting his hands tied. As someone who occasionally enforce the law in his country, he could respect the wishes for such security, although he noted the knot was so poorly done that he could easily break out of it. The consequence of constantly tying things up, you eventually master how to untie them quickly.

I hope Rine doesn't do anything reckless...with Lord Tzang around, we'd have no trouble in terms of bribery or negotiations. Fighting law enforcers on the otherhand, tends to be unforgivable universally.

Edited by Rothene
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Rine simply does the same thing Chaen Lang is doing, trying his best not to mess up infront of his commander in a time like this. He trusted him, and he'd probably find a way to solve this problem. Before letting himself get handcuffed, he turned to his wyvern and waved to him. He immediately flapped his wings and tried to leave the city, going to a random direction. "At least they won't attack him again".

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Erm, sir, is it wise to let the wyvern just fly off on its own?" asked one of the peacekeeprs as he rode up to Sahul. The leader shook his head in frustration and turned to Rine, identifying him as Ragnos' master, "Hey you, red hair, tell that wyvern of yours to follow us, setting that beast loose to roam the place would create panic, and maybe invite an arrow from the archers around here. We have a large roof where you're going. The beast can stay there."

"Sir, if you don't mind, the girl in armour there," Chaen Lang spoke up to Sahul as he craned his neck towards Zoey's unconcious bound form, "She needs to see a healer, soon, the wound looks very deep. I don't think a standard vulnerary would be enough."

"Right. You two!" shouted Sahul to the cavalier with Zoey and another cavalier who's mount was not shared with anyone else, "Get the girl to the nearest healer. I want her back at the baracks when her wounds have been seen to quickly."

As the two men departed, Sahul signalled for his lot to continue their ride to the barracks. He did not bother checking on whether Ragnos was following them or not, his mind occupied with thoughts on how miserable the day was, and his men mentioned nothing of the matter, for the prospect of a wyvern sitting on their roof was a terrifying idea.


Finishing his meal, Qaahir leaned back and started counting out the gold he had to pay lazily. This time round, he had no obligation to pay for Alena's meal, she had her own gold now.


"Daddy look over there!" shouted Roune excitedly as he pulled his father's sleeves. They had both began to walk along the market district.

Following his son's gaze, Lord Tzang saw the object far away that caught his son's attention, A wyvern! What is it doing flying without a rider?


Seeing the rest of Chaen Lang's men come back from their meals, Omair felt it safe enough to leave the protection of the caravans to them. Shoving the last piece of bread, that was his lunch into his mouth, Omair decided to take a stroll through Aman with Hakkibe.

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Alena smiled lazily. That had been quite the meal.

"Tomatoes, eh? Your loss. That was excellent."

She happily left her share of the gold on the table. It had been worth it!

The state of Alena's purse:

20 (start)
+15 (spoils from bar fight)
+35 (for a job well done)
- 1 (breakfast)
- 5 (lunch)
64 gold

Will fix any and all errors~!

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As soon as the captain made the threat, he decided to keep his wyvern alive, for a Wyvern Rider without a wyvern is nothing but a sham. And besides, they shared a strong bound, fighting for their lives on the battlefield and struggling to survive together. Ragnos was a gift, a courtesy of one of his father's most loyal friends, although he couldn't remember his name now. On one of the many training sessions he had on the academy, that friend visited him sometimes, and they talked about Rine's father, a conversation which pleased them both. "The way you swing an axe reminds me of him... And, from what I've heard, he earned his wyvern with skill and perseverance. The same should be done with his son." With a smile, he continued, "I'll be happy to oblige.".

His pet knew exactly what to do, as he whistled and waved to him only once, before following the guards once again. And so did Ragnos, sounding a faint growl in response. "I'll follow their orders by now, just like Chaen Lang is doing, until my time comes. But I'll seize opportunity as soon as I can, as they expect of me... The time has come to raise".

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