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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Omair folded his arms and frowned when he heard the full story from Cora. Chaen Lang still had the object he was to retrieve, that meant he would need to get the Tsaen freed from the local authorities. Maybe there was a fine to pay. In central Emocni, the criminals would be brought before the shamans to discern their involvement in the crime. In an oversized outpost town like Aman, far from the reaches of the rulling archsages, rule of law was more or less loosely enforced here. Not that Omair had much of such knowledge. But Qaahir did know something.

Stepping next to Omair, Qaahir said, "The peacekeepers suddenly being in the scene of the crime seems odd to me," shaking his head, "Ever since they became a separate unit from the soldiers manning the wall, those cowards tend to only arrive in time to clean up the place."

"Well, anyway, we wi...we'll need to...erm...talk to the soldiers that took our comrades to ask about their charges," said Omair nervously as he had never needed to question law enforcers before, "and someone would probably need to contact Lord Tzang. He can be found in Mariyar if I recall correctly. Any volunteers to con..."

Lord Tzang was then seen galloping past the group on horseback towards the barracks.

Slapping Omair's back, Qaahir chuckled as he began to dash off to follow the Tsaen noble, "I volunteer! Expecting a bonus for this!"

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Salicia's interest grew when the saw the man - some minor noble at least judging from his attire - ride past, especially when she noticed that those three she had watched apparently recognizes the man. This is looking to be better and better by the moment, not to mention lucrative.

Putting up the hood of her cloak, she blended in with the crowd, and while keeping a safe distance, tailed the group. Their destination was easy enough to tell - the way the nobleman rides to leads to the barracks - so she took shortcuts which puts her ahead of the bunch. Dressed in typical Emocnian attire, it was hard to tell her apart from the rest of the populace as long as she keeps her hood up and her face looking down.

Just the right place to be to "overhear" some more, indeed.

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That place was indeed odd for a prison for it's weak structure. If he wanted to, he could break free from it by calling Ragnos. As soon as Chaen Lang gave him that idea, Rine had bad thoughts about the situation. Surrounded by the enforcers, they could kill them at anytime and hide it, as the stable seemed to be abandoned. So, without wasting any time, he walked past his commander, whispering his response to him, "Yes, tell me when".

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Reaching near the barracks, Lord Tzang stopped before actually showing himself to the guards. The Emocnian who chased him seemed familiar. Wary the Tsaen nobleman got off his mount and took his bow as he retrieved his arrows while watching the street. After waiting for a while, he recognised Qaahir appearing just beyond the bend as one of the mercenaries who protected the convoy the night before, Lord Tzang kept his weapons as he watched the other familiar faces appear from the street.


"Huff...heff...stupid horse," mumbled Qaahir out of breath. Omair was not too far behind the fighter as he collapsed to his knees upon reaching Lord Tzang.

"My my, what's with all that running?" asked Lord Tzang crossing his arms, amused at the thought that these people tried to chase him while he was on horse back. Patiently the Tsaen let them regain their breath.

Speaking first, Omair said, "My lord, apparently Chaen Lan..."

"Has got himself arrested, so I heard, that's why I'm here to inquire about the severity of the charges," finished Lord Tzang not wanting to waste time.

"Oh, then our efforts were wasted," grumbled Qaahir.

"Actually, no," said Lord Tzang smilling at the Emocnians, "You being here would prove handy to me. I'll need someone else to inquire about the situation in my stead."

"What?! Why?" asked Omair, "can you not ask them personally?"

"Oh no...a lord never exposes himself to potential danger when he can afford it. He must use proxies to speak in his place. Such a task falls upon the two of you to work out the price of their release."

"What danger? Sheesh what's with you nobles," remarked Qaahir in frustration.

"Well, I can't have the peacekeepers remembering me. You guys on the other hand, can pass off as common sellswords," explained Lord Tzang as he withdrew some gold from his pouch.

"Right! Understood sir," said Qaahir rubbing his hands. Omair blinked at Qaahir, puzzled in the other man's quick change of mood. Qaahir answered Omair's gaze with a shrug, "Hey, peacekeepers are here to keep the peace. They shouldn't hurt us. No harm talking to them for some extra coin."

"I see," muttered Omair as he prepared to follow Qaahir to the barracks.


Leaning against the wall while applying pressure to it, Chaen Lang was able to test it's strength. He learned to his dismay that it was not as flimsy as he had actually thought. Although a mature wyvern should have the strength to break through it. Speaking to Rine in Tsaen, <"Not anytime soon. I hope Lord Tzang gets here soon and be allowed to see me to form an escape plan if necessary. I just needed to know whether Ragnos was a viable option.">

Around that time Ken stirred from his sleep. Reaching for his sword as he got up, Ken realised it was no longer within his grasp and bolted upright face full of fury bellowing, <"Where's my sword?!!!">

"Shut up outsiders!" came a shout from the room nearby.

Chaen Lang sighed as he got up to placate the confused Ken.


For the two Emocnians, getting past the guards was easy, the mere mention they were sent by Lord Tzang caused the guards eyes to light up with avarice. Clearly their leader had been filling them in with good news. Talking to Sahul however, had proven to be unpleasant.

"You want two thousand gold a head for their release?" asked Qaahir slamming his hands on the table.

"Why yes, murder of fellow Emocnians is a serious offense. You of all people should know how grave that is," replied Sahul looking at the quiet Omair instead.

"Murder? They were fighting in self defense! People die around Agrah nearly every week, yet why do so many others walk cleanly free of that? I never even remembered a prison here before," said Qaahir.

"Well, it seems unfortunate for your friends that...a new ruling had been reached recently. Why, this prison was completed just a few days ago," explained Sahul.

"Oh? Then yesterday when I fend off some drunkards where were your peacekeepers?" asked Qaahir angrily...then realised what had he actually been saying, "I...erm...blargh..."

Sahul grinned broadly and leaned closer, "Oh yes...that little scuffle. So it was you. Tsk ,tsk. You sell swords can't seem to stay out of trouble."

Shaking his head Sahul added, "Well, it seems that I'm feeling generous today. Throw in an extra five hundred gold each...and I'll let that one incident slide. Deal?" Qaahir could only start imagining his axe smashing into Sahul's face while Omair continued staring at the table in silence.

A few minutes later, Qaahir was seen stomping out of the barracks with Omair following him silently like a shadow.

"I presume negotiations did not go well, did you get to speak to Chaen Lang?" asked Lord Tzang dryly with narrowed eyes.

"No...and my employer here just sat still and said nothing while that dog Sahul insisted on two thousand five hundred gold per person," answered Qaahir, "and no, Sahul said that Chaen Lang specifically requested for Lord Tzang only."

There was a brief silence as Lord Tzang digested the sum. Speaking up softly, "Why didn't you just axe the man?"

"You daft Tsaen? The place has guards there, though they're a pathetic lot, Sahul's a real soldier, in terms of courage and combat prowess. I can take on him, it would be suicide and caused more trouble," said Qaahir.

"Right...two thousand five hundred. It's a crazy sum to even pay for one release," said Lord Tzang leaning on a wall as he thought about paying the necessary gold. He had enough to cover the bail, but spending almost half ones gold so early into the travel would be very unwise. Hmm...I wonder if it would be cheaper to approach the military and bribe them to our side instead, thought the Tsaen nobleman.

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Alena blanched when she heard Qaahir's report. What in the world were the peacekeepers thinking?! She thanked whatever happened to be listening that the peacekeepers hadn't bothered her yesterday!

"If I got half that much picking locks. . ." she mumbled to herself.

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"Two thousand and five hundred gold per person"

The sound of that almost made Salicia laugh out loud. Even she knows that a sum like that is nothing more and nothing less than highway robbery. Not even a king would pay that much to release people from prison. Still, the time was not right. it would be better if she waited until that Tsaen - the one that looked like a noble, and likely enough, loaded - exhausts his options first.

After all, it's not a good idea to offer your services when it's not asked for... yet.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Such ridiculous price seems too much. I suppose we'll have to make do without them. I've paid Chaen Lang some gold in advance, which is regrettable. You, Emocnian, how much do you charge to protect convoys?" Lord Tzang asked Qaahir, wanting tosalvage the situation in his own way. Damn that Chaen Lang getting caught. What type of convoy guard gets himself arrested?

Hearing Lord Tzang attempting to buy his services rubbed at Qaahir's pride and said, "I'm sorry but, I believe I've already implied that I'm already employed by someone," as he pat Omair's back not too harshly. Omair yelped at the impact, which he quickly blushed in embarassment.

"Right," said Lord Tzang, good...this Emocnian looks like someone with loyalty to the contract over coin, for now.

Turning to Alena and Cora, "What about the two of you? How much is the price of your services?" he asked, then facing Alena solely and asked further, "I've not seen you in combat...are you even any good?"

"Hey, the girl's good!" spoke up Qaahir angrily. Lord Tzang paid the man no mind but kept his gaze at Alena watching her expression closely.

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"I do what I must to survive," Alena said, staring straight back at the strange man who asked her the question. "I am currently employed with Omair, so if he wishes for me to aid you in this situation, I will." She felt for her toolkit, which she'd taken with her when she fled from Aes.

"If what you seek is behind locked doors, I might be able to do something about it. . ."

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Eastern Emocnia, Aman

"Ah, a thief," said Lord Tzang frowning slightly. At the back of his mind, useful, but now I'll need to watch my pouch.

Not bothering to wait for Cora's response as he did not have much time, Lord Tzang turned to face Omair, with whom he was unimpressed with, asking deliberately, "how much will you charge for your services and those you employ?"

"I'm sorry, but unless Chaen Lang follows, you cannot afford my price," said Omair feeling insulted by Lord Tzang's words.

"Hmm...it seems you do have a spine when appropriately insulted," said Lord Tzang grinning briefly. Then he resumed frowning. One quality Chaen Lang had was trust. Chaen Lang was no mercenary, he was a military man whom Lord Tzang had to pour out huge sums to employ with a track record of loyalty to the nation. The kind one did not need to watch one's back around every moment. There was also the matter of a few soldiers who came for free with the package.

He continued, "But what if," he reached to his pouch earlier and withdrew a few coins to feel and asked Alena, "I offer more than your current employer? Like say double the amount, will you serve me instead? Don't worry about your employer, I'll also pay him back the money he spent for your services if he already gave them to you."

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"And what kind of reputation would I get if I jumped employers at the sign of more money? Omair has done me no wrong."

The money might be worth it, but if I'm known as disloyal, then I can't land more jobs in the future! Or, that's what dad said when he was selling fish. . .

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Lord Tzang chuckled at Alena's answer. If he had not been scolded since young for laughing loudly among his peers and breed about how unsightly it was, he would have been doing so now.

"Well, now, it seems I can't move forward without getting Chaen Lang rescued. Only a fool would travel the desert without guards," said Lord Tzang sighing. He was both happy, yet displeased.

"So Qaahir, you seem to be the senior among this lot who should know more about this place and their law system," said Lord Tzang addressing the fighter. Now to start getting clues, this whole thing is awfully suspicious, no one asks for that much bribe money, it's almost as if this peacekeepers don't want to let go of their prisoners, "Anything you find odd about the peacekeeper's activity?"

With the subject changed to something more...relevant to their present situation, Qaahir spoke, "Yes. The amount they asked for, it's a sum for a kings ransom, no one but the rulers of their nation might be able to pay that...I think," you're a lord from Tsae, I heard they were rich there, but how rich, "and the very fact those thugs tend to arrive after the law breakers had left. Especially in the more dangerous parts of Aman. Another thing is that the last I visited here, there was no prison in the barracks, instead, criminals were sent directly to the nearest city for trial if actually caught, and that was a few years ago. I never realised that it was built until just recently."

A king's ransom, Lord Tzang smirked, you have no idea how a king's ransom is paid in Tsae, Emocnian. The last time in history that a clan noble was ransomed an entire forest burned and the noble perished with his captors by the hands of his own family as an example to both the kidnappers and the other nobles. Since then cases almost never happened beyond Tsae due to the low frequency of Tsaen nobles leaving the nation.

"Hmm...this strangeness shouldn't go by unnoticed by the military, my prior learning is that the peacekeepers and the army are two different groups. Am I correct?" Qaahir and Omair nodded in unison as Lord Tzang continued, "And so, I shall have a word with them."

Before he got onto his horse, he paid the gold he promised Qaahir and Omair for confronting Sahul in his stead and mentioning something along the lines of him going to talk to the wall guards on his own this time. I have a feeling I'm getting involved in something I'd rather not now, Chaen Lang, what is this you have dragged me into? You're supposed to have kept me out of trouble darn you, not draw me into one.


Sahul leaned back, alone in his office. After some quiet contemplation, he went to a chest he kept nearby and opened it. Slowly, he reached into its contents and with trembling hands he removed a well made gauntlet. Weeping, he thought of the days in his youth when he was part of a cause that meant something to him. Back when his was called Sulaiman. A fearsome commander in a rebel army who led the doomed attempt of the last group of rebels who tried to overthrow the current hold the archsages and druids have over Emocni. He was spared and had his face altered painfully by some of the druids upon his capture...and after his apparent 'death' before his men to serve them.

They were and yet were not part of the current rulling group. And they now would have him pay his debt for their mercy with the deliverance of what they seek to them. The tools they gave him flared hotly the morning when a group of Tsaens entered Aman with some strangers. Alerting one of his current masters' agent in the area, the fool shaman got himself killed, forcing Sahul to capture those he deduced were his targets. Sending away the girl was a test to see if she held the item, but the tool remained as hot, meaning among the three Tsaens, one of them carried what his masters sought.

The message sent out, all he had to do was wait for a few days for the other agents to come collect their prize, then he would be allowed to be free of this empty, unwanted life he lived in now. Until then, all he can do was pick up his old two handed axe and swing it around, imagining himself slicing through the imaginary dark chains that bound him to the service of his masters, wishing he had died along his brave rebels as Sulaiman.

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Cora narrowed her brow. She wasn't sure what she should do. On one hand, she might get paid for simply traveling with a caravan, but on the other she had helped Omair and Lang and did feel a bit of interesting in Lang. His magic impressed her, but she was on her way towards formal schooling.

Before Tzang left, Cora spoke up. "I...am a simple girl. I have come from Nialp, but meeting Lang's group was good fortune. I may have to part ways with them sooner or later, but I am just a healer. I....am not even formally trained. You may make of that what you will, but my honor lies with whoever can protect me and guard me to my destination."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Reaching the western gate, Lord Tzang dismounted and adjusted his robes. It was always hot during Emocnian days, or so he heard. There was little he could do to look..important after rushing between two places in a short span of time, the need to look their best being the key reason that nobles tend to let themselves travel in carriages. The Tsaen noble was not used to so much activity on horseback, but he had no time to show his wariness.

Approaching the steps Lord Tzang requested for an audience with the guard captain. He hoped that his audacity would at least make him appear important.

"What business do you have with the wall guards? If you seek to leave, there's no one stopping you," said the nearest soldier. His partner took a step back and started watching the area for any suspicious activities. No one approaches guards and people generally just ignore them as they pass through the gates.

"It's a matter of the peacekeepers attempting to ransom some of my men," answered Lord Tzang coldly. The two Emocnian soldiers looked at each other and sighed.

"Damn peacekeepers," muttered one of the soldiers, "Jalsif, tell the captain a Tsaen wishes to see him." The other soldier nodded and ran up the steps.

"Thank you for your cooperation," said Lord Tzang

"Don't thank me, chances are, the captain might not see you. We just like to have our captain come and clarify stuff with you in case you assume that we and the peacekeepers work together," said the soldier.

Not too long later, the other soldier came running back and calling Lord Tzang to follow him up the steps to one of the small sand huts built into the wall. In there the guard captain offered Lord Tzang a seat.

Looking at the man he was going to speak to, Lord Tzang saw the grey hair with various white strands and wondered if the man was too old to go up and down the steps to oversee the wall.

"I am Lord Tzang from the Tzang clan," said Lord Tzang giving a short bow to the figure of authority in the room. He also made sure to keep his arms to his sides as he let his small clan sigil show on it.

The guard captain widened his eyes as he recognised that clan name, although not the sigil. This far to the east, the Emocnian would at least know a thing or two about the major clans in Tsae. Hurriedly, the old man stood up and returned the bow saying, "I am Captain Sha'ari. So what does a noble from Tsae seek?"

"It seems that the peacekeepers have arrested my guards for defending themselves...and set the price for their release at two thousand five hundred gold per prisoner," explained Lord Tzang taking a seat and leaning back, "I heard that such procedures are uncommon here."

Sha'ari rubbed his mustache slightly and frowned as he too sat down. "Them actually arriving on the scene in time is something I never heard off."

"Strange isn't it? You are of higher rank here, and as there are no other elders in the place, complete authority falls into your hands."

"Yes, but, what can I do? The peacekeepers ranks are separate from the military one. Your men spilled blood, Emocnian blood or so I heard. That's enough to warrant them ending up sent away."

"I see, but surely, your superiors have given you some sort of power to charge Sahul for corruption and arrest him right?"

"Unfortunately no. The peacekeepers uphold the law here now, that means they, not us who have that kind of power. I can't help you Lord Tzang. The best I can offer you is to not stop your attempts to free your men," said Sha'ari apologetically. Lord Tzang slowly reached for his pouch. Noticing the Tsaen's actions and knowing what it meant from years of service, the Emocnian captain shook his head and said, "No, I've been guard captain of this walls for so long for a reason, I'll not be bribed and have my reputation be dragged down so close to my retirement."

Leaning closer to Lord Tzang, Sha'ari threatened, "And If I find out that you try to buy over the services of my men, I will see to it that you and your men do not leave Aman in peace."

Sighing, Lord Tzang could see the resolve in guard captain's eyes and knew the man would not budge. There was also the sense of respect for seniors that Tsaens were raised to uphold. That did not help Lord Tzang's will at all.

"Alright then, I shall find other ways to free my men," said Lord Tzang standing up to take his leave.

"I hope you successful in your other attempts Tsaen. I recommend you find people skilled in shady activities. I've made use of some myself long ago to catch a serial killer back in my day. A reason why I let them exist around Agrah as long as their activities do not get too noticeable. Also, If you do manage to secure some help, let me know of your movements so that I can advice you on ways to avoid getting into more trouble, if you trust me enough," said Sha'ari with a wide grin.

Lord Tzang smiled at the captain, as he left the hut.


Returning to the group, Lord Tzang said, "The best case scenario did not happen, but neither did the worst. For now, we can assume the wall guards are not going to get in our way, but now, it seems I'll have to seek the help of...shadier individuals. Know where I can find such people?"

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This time Salicia didn't bother pursuing the Tsaen noble. If people fail reasoning with the peacekeepers, common sense dictates that they'd go to the guards. Ha! Tough luck with that. From what she knows of the old coot in charge of the garrison that man just wants to keep things quiet until he retires. Unlikely the kind of man who'd risk his hide for a bribe.

Besides, the noble was on horseback. no point in trying to catch up with him.

Instead, she just slipped into an alley and made her way back to Agrah, suspecting that if that noble decided to look for... "other" means to get his men out, someone would tell him that'd be the place to look for.

Always best if the customer comes to you instead of the other way around.

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The hard-faced woman from Rekam was hanging around at the inn, just as she had said she would be. Alyssia had long since decided she might not have been cut out for the life of a mercenary, when she remembered one of the first things her father had taught her. There is more strength in numbers than you would guess. No matter what you do, never fight alone. No matter what happens, someone else who knows that can always be found to team up with.

Taking his advice to heart, she started searching for other mercenaries who might be able to use a bit of help in a fight. Finding someone who fit that requirement was lucky enough, but she had been immensely glad to find fellow Rekamites, too. While she didn't strongly believe that the dark arts were anything to fear especially, the people of Emocni still seemed strange and unnerving, and it was only out of desperation that she stayed in the area. There had been little to no work to be found in Rekam - while the army was useless when it came to taking any initiative, at the very least they could drive off the occasional bandit.

"So, did you find anything out?" Alyssia asked, sitting down next to the older woman at the otherwise vacant table. She could see the merits of that location immediately; they could see everything that went on in the large room, while still being inconspicuous. It occurred to Alyssia that she should have lowered her voice more, but it was too late to do anything about that.

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"You missed something fun, lass." Replied Salicia.

"There were some idiots killing each other just a while ago. Was entertaining, to say the least." She went on, keeping her voice loud enough to be heard.

Then, lowering her voice so that nobody but Alyssia would be able to hear her, she got to the matter at hand.

"Some of them got brought to the prison, which was odd enough. Never seen them peacekeepers show up on time. And they ask for some ridiculous ransom too." She explained. "Saw a loaded guy apparently trying to get them out. Bet you five gold pieces he'll show up here before this day comes to an end."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Well, best place to find the sort of folk you're looking for my lord, is Agrah," said Qaahir shrugging, "Also, you'll need some protection if you go there, dressed in those robes."

"I presume I can count on you all?" asked Lord Tzang raising an eyebrow. Omair nodded.

"Alright, then, lead the way to Agrah my good Emocnian," said Lord Tzang retrieving a cloak from his saddle to cover his robes with.


"Sheesh, running around all over the place now are we," grumbled Qaahir to Alena while Lord Tzang was lost in his train of thought, "At this rate, I might need to get another meal before dinner. You interested?"

By the time the group reached Agrah, the sun had already began shifting, a sign it was late afternoon.

Looking at the traces of blood on the sandy ground, Lord Tzang shook his head, uneducated brutes, at least they serve some purpose when the situation calls for it.

"I'd rather not leave my mount behind unattended around here, anyone volunteers to look after it? I'm offering five gold for the task, and not you Qaahir, I need you inside with me," said Lord Tzang

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There was a shattering of glass from the bar.

"And I'm telling you, Garrick, I'm the finest pikeman to ever walk the land!"

The voice was brash, loud and yet unavoidably and inexplicably female. Rakael, the mercenary in question, was not about to let a jab what passed for her honour go unfought.

"Sure. You just keep sayin' that, might be it'll come true one day." Garrick chuckled.

"Fuck you!" spat Rakael. In a rush of blood and rum to the head, she tipsily stepped onto the table, barely keeping balance by leaning on her pike, and slammed it against the ground.

"HEY! EVERYONE! This shithead don't think I can take this 'bad motherfucker' gig to the streets alone! He don't think I got the moxie for solo work! Yeah... well... fuck him! I can take on any job you guys got for me! Lay it the fuck on!"

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Not these stupid pack animals again! But, I could use the money.

"Sure, I'll watch the horses.. I don't think I'd be of much use in there, anyway," Alena grumbled.

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"We'll be needed to break them out, you think?" Alyssia asked, lowering her own voice this time.

She glanced at the firebrand yelling from atop a table. Well, there's a good example of the importance of temperance. I'm glad I don't have to resort to associating with anyone like that.

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"I can guess what you're thinking, lass." Replied Salicia, still keeping her voice low.

"Don't diss the loud-and-brash types. They come in handy enough... especially when you need something to hide behind." She added.

"But yes, I know of some ways on how to get people out of that place..."

In fact, I had prepared some ways - and people - for such a circumstance several months ago, when I first came to this town. Never, ever go somewhere without a way to get yourself out of their jail... just in case... And in cases like these, they'd repay the investment spend with interest, too.

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Garrick smirked. "Yeah. Sure. This is working."

"Shut the FUCK up, Garrick," Rakael spat. "That chick totally looked at me just then."

"Uh... who?"

"The whispery one. I'mma try and do this subtly."

"Rakael. You're drunk. Really, you ought to sleep this off-"

The drunk pushed Garrick aside and clinked forward to the table where the 'whispery one' was, and in a remarkable show of tact, slammed a gauntleted fist on the table. It warped.

"YOU! You look like you need a warrior!" She barked a short, sharp laugh. "Probably! And the best warrior EVER is... me! Rakael! I will RAPE people with a SPEAR and LAUGH! I am also REMARKABLY inexpensive!" She leaned in, a little awkwardly, breathing heavily on the pair. "So... what d'you say?"

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"Best Ever, huh?" Salicia responded calmly.

She slapped down five gold coins on the table, loud enough to certainly get the loud-mouth's attention. "Five gold says you can't take on that Garrick guy over there." She said with a smirk.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

With someone to look after his mount, Lord Tzang ordered to Qaahir to enter first. What was happening inside, the Tsaen could hear things getting nosier for a moment. Best to let the brute bear the brunt of a flying bottle.

Before Qaahir opened the door, he turned his head to tell Lord Tzang, "In case you've forgotten, I'm not actually employed by you."

"Oh, right. Why thank you for your cooperation so far then. May you step through the door good sir?" said Lord Tzang smiling.

"Grr...well, my obedience is because your actions are aiding my employer, once you cease being helpful, I'll stop taking your orders," warned Qaahir as he stepped into Agrah.

"I'll bear that in mind," muttered Lord Tzang as he entered followed by Omair.


The first thing that caught Lord Tzang's attention, apart from the odour of sweaty travellers and possible sellswords, was some woman with a spear saying words that brought images of a dark Spirit that laughed menacingly as it trust its spear beneath others. The mental image was not something pleasant for the nobleman. At least I won't have to work with such people, it's the stealthy ones I want.

But how to find such a person in this crowd?

Picking a vacant seat, uncomfortably close to the loud spearwoman, Lord Tzang told Qaahir in hush tones to start surveying the tavern patrons. To try to identify anyone who might visually qualify as 'shady' individuals, while he watched a possible scene unfold. Something about the boasting of the spearwoman amused the nobleman.

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