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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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As the group pulled into the outpost town for the night, many of the travelers went off to find themselves their own rooms. One of the people who had been in the merchant caravan, a young Tsaen woman dressed in simple and plain robes, went to her own room. As she entered within, Sumomo took a seat upon her bed. The journey had been eventful to say the least, being assaulted by nomads was not a common occurrence in ones life to be sure. Yet the young trader had not been unprepared. As she sat down upon the bed, she slowly opened her robes and pulled out a long, slim sword she had kept concealed under them. She had not needed to use it, thankfully, but had kept it close to her from the moment she had left Tsae just in case she needed it. However, beside the sword was a small satchel that she also took out. She opened it up, pouring the contents out into her hand, two small ivory hairpins and a glass butterfly hairclip, which she squeezed tightly and whispering a small prayer before putting them back inside their bag and reattaching them.

Though the group had just arrived at this small town, there was little time for her to waste. She was a stranger in a strange land dressed in a strange way. Already on the long journey she had felt the heat of the hot land and that she knew she would need clothes of the land or else be subtly eyed by the Emocni as she traveled through their land, and now she needed clothes... and if she met one of the people who had fought to save the merchants, to thank them as well. However, the clothes came first, something to allow the eye of people to slid over her without note. She left her room in Kabinah, stilled dressed in her Tsaen clothes, as she headed out into the town, eager to find some common womans clothes before nightfall.

Edited by Snowy_One
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"Didn't know that. How about that one instead?" She asked, glancing at the man that seemed to be bodyguarding the noble she had been waiting for. "Think you can take that one instead?"

While she said this, she deftly juggled the five gold coins she held in her hand.

Yep, I'm trying to provoke Rakael into a fistfight with Qaahir

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

The woman with one eye hidden caught his attention. He had a vague gut feeling that he had barely spotted her when he had his discussion with the group outside the barracks, as well watching him briefly the moment he entered the tavern. Seeing her speaking to the spearwoman and eyeing him and his lot, Lord Tzang decided he should approach her. If only to find out what her intentions are. If she wanted to plan a fight, it might be wiser to butt in before she could plot anything.

Standing up, Lord Tzang beckoned the two Emocnians with him to follow. Reaching the table housing the three Rekamite woman, Lord Tzang asked Salicia, "I noticed you have been observing me for a while now. Were you perhaps one of the many bystanders near the peacekeeper barracks?"

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"Near the Barrack? Maybe, maybe not, depending on who's asking." Salicia answered, with a slight smirk on her face.

"T'was a pretty entertaining show your folks put up though. Too bad that overgrown lizard didn't actually eat anyone. Would've paid to see that."

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OOC: Sorry for taking too long. I blame FE Radiant Dawn for being epic.


Rine forces his back agaisnt the wall only to support his own weight while "resting". By doing that, he noticed how sturdy the wood was. He never made his wyvern break through walls before, but this one had been made of wood only, Ragnos was young but Rine didn't doubt his strenght. "Yes, I think so", he answers, trying to not leak as much info as he could.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Right, I'm glad you have been entertained," said Lord Tzang offering himself a seat directly opposite Salicia, causing Qaahir to panic slightly, but decide to keep his attention on the drunk spear woman nearby. Her current state makes her dangerously unpredictable. Some mercenaries find such actions...intrusive, and he did not want a fight to happen to get them thrown into prison. He then continued grinning, "I'd have charged people for the show, if only I were to have set it up as a performance. I'm assuming you probably heard of my...predicament here. I'd like to know why do you think I'm here, and maybe, what you're capable off? Depending on how you answer them I might have a job for you, so impress me. Unless you're just here for cheap lodgings, then we're just wasting each other's time."

Lord Tzang spoke in the bored tone he normally used when he wanted to hire someone for something important, to sound as if the task he wanted to accomplish was of no big deal. It had successfully made some would be hirelings think that he had other options. It did not work often, but there was always no harm trying. Hopefully this woman here's one of those 'shady' types the captain spoke off, would be nice to not need to talk to everyone in the room, thought the Tsaen nobleman.

Omair did not know what he was supposed to look out for. Speaking to Qaahir earlier yesterday was already intimidating enough knowing the man could swing his axe before the mage could even start drawing upon his tome's energies. In a place filled with sell swords and possible murderers, Omair decided to keep his gaze darting back and forth between various patrons of the tavern when they suddenly get close. He knew that made him looked like an inexperienced rookie, but that was true he had much to learn about the world beyond his 'father's' mansion. When no one else was close, he'd instead watch the least terrifying looking Rekamite at the table, the one with two good eyes and not spewing words of valor.


Hearing Rine's words, Ken blinked and uttered, <"Huh">

Chaen Lang raised his finger to his lips to silence Ken. <"Quiet Ken, we're in prison for murder. And we're working out how to get out here in case we're not allowed to go free anytime soon.">

Then to Rine, <"Good, ok, now we just wait for word from Lord Tzang. Without help from outside, we would not know where to go, and possibly cause more trouble to our comrades outside if we try to escape alone. So now we can only just wait for good news and conserve our strength.">

Sitting down cross-legged, Ken asked, <"In the mean time we just wait here and rot?">

<"Yes, that's what we do. We can probably just sleep or talk about our life story amongst ourselves to stave off boredom,"> answered Chaen Lang shrugging, <"Although I doubt the two of you are old enough to have much to tell, then again some of you might surprise me. So what was your hometown like Ken?">

<"My hometown was Fuzoku, a boring place just a few days journey from the eastern coasts. There were some iron mines nearby that the children would play around, some believing they would find gold around it,"> said Ken snorting at the last part, <"Everyday, people would go to the mines while father repaired their tools and make swords, a boring task.">

<"So you left home because you found making them boring, eh?"> inquired Chaen Lang smiling.

<"No, our family had always believed in mastering the sword, not just by its uses...but also how to make them. My father preferred making them, I, like my great grandfather preferred using them. I'm travelling the world to learn the techniques from other nations as well as Letamite smiting if I can. I intend to forge my own sword, a better one I can truly call my own.">

<"Heh, a goal in life, nice, nice,"> said Chaen Lang chuckling, <"What about you Rine? Want to join our little conversation or you rather rest?">

For Rapier

It's ok, sorry about the confined environment Rine now is in. Also, Rine should speak in Tsaen language with the '<>'s since that way they can all speak more or less comfortably together. Rine can choose to join in the conversation...or sleep until something eventful happens on their end

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"Nice try sounding bored, old man, but try that on rookies instead." Salicia countered with a smirk.

Then, lowering her voice, she leaned closer to Tzang to keep their discussion private. "I think you already know I know why you're here. Those in the jail are yours, and you want them out, without paying the bail gold. Am I right or am I right?"

"Two Thousand five hundred gold per head is highway robbery. I can get those out by midnight for half that... per head." She added, the smirk never once leaving her face.

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OOC: I apologize if this is wrong. I am still trying to find my balance and am not fully caught up in topic. If this is unacceptable, I will correct tomorrow. In fact, putting it in spoilers for now just in case.

Though the group had just arrived within the outpost town, Sumomo found them to be oddly light-hearted. The assault upon them by the nomads, though clearly not forgotten, seemed to have given way to people seeking some degree of normalcy. As she traveled down the streets, she could see some of the merchants bargaining, hear people making jokes, and generally seeming at least like they were trying to go about their lives. Sumomo held her arms closer to her body, as if trying to make herself smaller, as she tried to search for the clothes she would need.

As she looked at the various wares carried by the merchants, seeking one carrying a bundle of clothing, she spotted one among the merchants who seemed to be carrying a satchel of herbs. Slowly, she approached the man before tugging at his sleeve and bowing in greeting.

"Excuse me sir, I am looking for some herbs." she said, trying to get straight to business. "I noticed you have a satchel full of them and I am interested in knowing what they do."

The man smiled as he opened up the satchel, pulling out several of the plants. "That depends on what you want them to do. This herb here is great for giving a man a boost of energy in the morning, this one here can be ground into a fine paste that keeps bug bites from itching, this one will make you vomit and is good for the sick, and this one just tastes good on foods. What kind are you looking for?"

"Something to deal with illness. My sister, she is horribly sick, and I want to find a cure for her." offered Sumomo. "I want her to get well and left Tsae to find a proper cure when I could find none for her."

The man frowned as he rubbed his head in mild confusion. "I just came from Tsae myself. Most of my herbs are from there so I can't help you. If she needed a herb from beyond the border, I wouldn't have it. I'm sorry."

Edited by Snowy_One
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Eastern Emocnia, Aman

Knowing that Salicia seemed interested in his predicament, and might possibly be what he was looking for, Lord Tzang leaned closer, "Heh, you have been following me."

"Poor you, must have had a hard time chasing me, while I rode around Aman," smirked Lord Tzang as he shook his head before making a gesture towards his face, "to see more of my fine features."

He then continued in a softer voice, "Half you say...I have quite a bit of heads to cover, and I could hire probably twenty fools to act as bait for me as I have the barracks stormed for the same amount of gold. I estimate I would only need an additional eight man for a direct confrontation, if only because they would be fodder, while I and my men make our quick get away. Why should I part with so much gold for your services, hmm?"

Edited by Rothene
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"I'll admit you might have looked quite... attractive... but that was twenty years ago." Salicia answered, matching Tzang word for word.

"I'm saying that I can handle your problem with minimal fuss, nice and clean, nobody dead and we're all gone by sunrise... all you need to do is to pick them up once I got them out. Of course, IF you prefer a more... economical approach, I might be able to cut you a discount... but no guarantees that it'll be a clean job that way."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Few other things could set the Tsaen nobleman's blood on fire than the prospect of discounts. Spending less somewhere if it was worth it always meant more left to invest elsewhere...for better returns if done right.

"Hey, my peers say that I look pretty much the same now as I was back then," said Lord Tzang grinning, "I don't quite care who dies if they get in the way, I just rather avoid giving the military reason to pounce on us. Things get too noisy and I'll need to leave behind people as bait to get out, I'd rather avoid that because such actions generally create enemies. Either way, I know I can't truly avoid arousing suspicion since it's MY men in the cells who disappear."

"So how much of a price cut are talking about?" asked Lord Tzang just enough for Qaahir and Omair to hear it...and the other two Rekamites at the table.

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"One-third what the peacekeepers ask for, for starters." Said Salicia. She knows that said price was still astronomically high. but it's never a bad idea to start your bid high in these cases, in case the employer is stupid enough to take the offer as-is. "Per head."

"There are ways to keep the attention of the guards elsewhere... though one way or another I would not plan on returning to this town anytime in this decade once we're done, or at least till they switch out all the guards." She whispered, with a rather conspiratorial tone.

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Cora watched and Tzang attempted to purchase a few more hands. She slid over to Omair, and whispered to him. "I know he's sort of our boss or the boss' boss or whatever, but why does he need more soldiers? I'm sure you could sell off some of the cargo he's transporting and make some easy cash to spring Lang and the others."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"A third...tempting," remarked Lord Tzang dryly. "Maybe if I fully knew your capabilities and have made good use of your services for a good decade or two, I might consider it...but no, I'm more inclined to spend far less to have people cause an uproar while my remaining men use brute force to muscle their way into the prisons. Only real set back is me never being able to set foot here again forever. Which I'm fine with, for I'm no trader who needs to leave his home frequently."

"The only use I can see in you, if your capabilities are true, is that less ruckus leads to less buildings burning, and maybe easier forgiveness from the locals next time I'm forced to pass through here," explained Lord Tzang, "I can only offer four hundred per head."


"I think you're mistakened, Lord Tzang's no trader with wares to sell, he's a traveler, planning to see the world. He has no real sway over the other traders, whom all travel for their own reasons," whispered Omair to Cora so that only the two of them could hear the conversation, "as in he doesn't own them or their wares, so he can't sell those for extra money."

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"Seven hundred."

"I get the impression that the locals don't like the peacekeepers that much, or for that matter, the laynian order. I could limit the damage mostly to those groups, in which case the fuss should be minimal... minus the peacekeepers."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Five hundred," said Lord Tzang sitting up straight with his elbows on the table, "Peacekeepers, whether they're liked or not, I'd rather avoid making an enemy out of them entirely. I'm not familiar with Emocnian laws and their system, but based on what I observed from the old captain of the wall, they do wield quite some power despite their perceived incompetence. Enough power to make a veteran fear earning their ire."

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"Based from what I know, their replacements would privately thank you for getting rid of those above them so they could take over anyway. And that old lard sack of a captain is just senile and don't want to risk his comfy retirement..."

"Six hundred, plus some room in your wagon for my belongings."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"My, my, you flatter me, my wagon sure is quite expensive," said Lord Tzang, "How much space would your belongings take up?"

"And these two," asked Lord Tzang eyeing the other two nearby Rekamites women, "Are they yours?"

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"I see," said Lord Tzang stroking his chin, "You decide on how much of the six hundred per head you will share with them, for it's you I'm employing. Note that it's four people that need freeing."

"We'll be travelling to Central Emocni, beyond there and it will cost you more for the space you take up. Do we have a deal?"

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"Central Emocni you say? Hmm..." Salicia contemplated for a moment. That is a bit further than she had planned to travel, but then again, traveling that far practically demands a group to travel with... "If you intend to travel all the way there, I won't mind working for the passage... For the roads tend to be a bit hazardous."

"Three of your people are in jail, while the fourth in the laynian compound, is that correct?"

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"Waive the travel fees and I'll do that one for you personally, free of charge." Salicia said with a malicious glimpse in her eyes. While she does not cherish losing that part of the pay, she does have her personal reasons... and chances like these don't come by that often. "Deal?"

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Free?" as much as the thought brought great pleasure to the Tsaen noble, it also aroused his suspicion, "What about the Laynians that would make dealing with them a free task?"

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"It's something... Personal." She said, slightly reluctantly. "I could bore you with the story when we're on our way to central Emocni if you want, but let's just say that the Laynian order and I go way back..."

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