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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Taek grinned impishly. The look on Sumomo's face was funny to him, <"Ah, you can always call yourself a traveler, very respectable title. Perhaps you can help me sell my wares? That should give you some life experience as a trader?">

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Alena nodded at Qaahir's statement. "I suppose being a shield wasn't what I had in mind when I signed up for this. Ah, well, I guess I can't be too choosy about my work yet. It's still my first job."

"I wish our employer would hurry up. I'm glad I got a little pocket change, but I'd really like a bit more to my name."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

<"Well now," said Taek rubbing his hands together, "I think we should get back to the convoy where I can explain all my wares to you.">

As soon as the Tsaen finished his sentence, he started walking back towards the convoy, his green robes flowing gently to the chill breeze coming from the east.


As if acting on cue with Alena's desires, Lord Tzang came riding in on the group already assembled as soon as she finished speaking. Qaahir could only chuckle at the timing.

Getting off his horse, Lord Tzang surveyed those gathered. Not much of a fighting force, but if Salicia's plan works, they should not be encountering any resistance.

"Alright I'll speak to Chaen Lang's second in command and the mage, they would fill the rest of you in with the details later," said Lord Tzang beckoning the two he mentioned to come with him. They spoke and listened in hush tones for sometime before returning to those under them to explain the night's plan.


"So boss, what's the plan?" asked Qaahir quietly, the area maybe empty of passerby's, one can never be too careful.

"It seems we'll be stomping the barracks," Qaahir's face paled, prompting Omair to hesitate briefly before continuing, "but, those Rekamite mercenaries Lord Tzang has hired should incapacitate most if not all the peacekeepers with poison. We'd only need to take out those who had not fallen prey to the poison, or managed to resist it."

"Poison, I don't like this Rekamite's ways. How does she intend to use it? What if it kills those we are to rescue?" questioned Qaahir.

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"I think further explanation would be best, because we are gonna look stupid if we kill off our captives," Alena cut in. "If she can somehow poison all the enemies, it would make slitting their throats easier, but is it really necessary?"

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Finding Alena's tone and question more favourable to respond to, Omair continued, "Well, we don't have to kill the peacekeepers, we just need to handle the ones who are in any condition to slow us down. Also, we'd be given enough antidote to help the captives when we reach them. The soldiers from Tsae would be around to secure our escape path."

"So we get the hardest task," muttered Qaahir not too softly.

"Not really, I heard one of the Rekamite's going to rescue the other captive in the temple alone," said Omair.

Qaahir whistled in astonishment. Then something registered in his mind, "Hold on, you said antidotes for the captives? So they'd be poisoned too?!"

Sighing, Omair said, "Well, the poison would be slipped into the food source, so in the event the captives share food with the peacekeepers...you get the picture right? Just be thankful it's not quick acting."

Qaahir shooked his head, "I don't quite like the idea of poisoning the ones we save, but I'm getting paid so I'll shut up."

"Good, we'll also have one of the Rekamite guide us through the barracks with a map of it so that we don't get lost. Any questions?" asked Omair.

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"Yeah, just one. . ." Alena mumbled.

"Is this poisoner coming with us permanently? If she carries this much poison, then she'd be free to betray us, and there'd be nothing we can do to stop it."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Both Emocnian man stood in silence as they digested Alena's words. After the long pause, Omair spoke up first, "I don't know. That's for Lord Tzang to decide."

"This means we'll have to just prepare our own meals. The Rekamite can't possibly have that much poison with her now can she? Poisoning a whole barrack should require she use a lot of what she has with her," said Qaahir trying to reassure himself, great, now I've got to be all paranoid.

"I say, if she's tagging along with us, we should keep a close watch on her until we reach Central Emocni, from there we would probably be able to part ways. I'm sure Lord Tzang would do the same," said Omair, "For now, we'll have to suffer her existence since we'll probably be travelling with the Tsaen for a while."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Approaching the caravans, Taek noticed the small crowd of familiar faces gathered around it.

"Hmm...do you suppose I should show you my wares some other time, when it's less crowded here?" the Tsaen asked Sumomo.


Lord Tzang looked at the sky and could see that the sun was already setting. The day had been a very long one and he was tired. Where's that Rekamite?

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Preparations for the gig was fortunately mostly in place - has been in place since months ago - and it did not take Salicia long to contact her "associates" in the underworld. Even so, it was nearing sunset by the time she finished.

She got to the agreed-upon meeting point with Tzang just as the sun has set, with Alyssia in tow. She herself was dressed like a poor, decrepit refugee, dressed in rags and with dirt and grime covering her features. To any casual observer, she'd look just like a street bum who had just taken a long trip.

Salicia smiled when she noticed that Tzang did not notice her already being there, or more precisely, not recognizing her the way she looked at the moment. She quietly said. "Everything is ready."

"Alyssia here will guide you through the jail. She has the map." Salicia added.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

As soon as Salicia spoke up, Lord Tzang turned around swiftly, "Who...oh, you're here." Listening to the rest of her words he grunted, "Alright, Alyssia right? go over to the group over there with the non-Tsaens. You'll be guiding them as they navigate through the barracks. Oh and tell them that Sahul must die."

Looking at Salicia from head to toe, "I presume you'll get inside pretending to be in need of their charity yes?"


"Well, I'm just hoping we didn't stumble upon something we have no business chancing upon. I suppose life's full of risks," muttered Taek approaching the crowd gathered. A soldier stepped forward to stop him as a few more started to surround him and Sumomo, <"Hold there merchant, private matter's being discussed here, you shall proceed no further till the lord has moved away from here, and you will speak nothing of it for the group of the empire.">

<"I see, I just want to show my friend here some of my wares.">

<"That can wait.">


Elsewhere in Aman...

"Why are we doing the bidding of the Black Arrow, Hamad?" whispered a Emocnian dressed in servant gear carrying some vegetables in a basket walking through the barracks.

"Shut up, we owe her a favour, so do as you're told," and that was all the two spoke as they got close enough to the cauldron containing the soup of the day to be fed to the peacekeepers. Swiftly, one of them emptied a bottle of strange liquids into it, colourless and odourless, it quickly dissolved into the soup. With any luck, most if not all the peacekeepers would take a long time to wake up after their meal. Screw using our best poisons, you don't owe us enough to take these lives.

In a certain Rekamite temple, the same task was done.

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Alyssia walked hesitantly toward the small group, resisting the urge to check once more that Salicia's map was still in her satchel.

"Excuse me, I'm supposed to lead you through the barracks? Also, and I need to tell you that someone by the name of Sahul has to be killed," she said to the least intimidating person there, the Emocnian mage from the tavern.

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"In need of charity and salvation of the soul, yes indeed..." Salicia replied with a mischievous smirk on her lips. "Tis' as they say, Lord Tzang, the devil won't come in unless you invited it in."

"Do you have any special instructions to take care of? If not, I'll be off." She said as she stood up.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Qaahir noticed the approaching Rekamite before anyone else, or at least earlier than Omair, whom the fighter had to tap his shoulder to notify. "Hey, I think someone's coming your way."

"Hmmm?" mumbled Omair turning around to face Alyssia, "I see...kill Sahul?!"

"So we do get the hardest task, did your friend give you the antidotes we're supposed to use for our comrades in case they got poisoned?" asked Qaahir frowning. The use of poisons still left the man feeling uncomfortable.


In a Rekamite temple...

"Zoey? Are you awake?" asked Dave entering the room with a bowl of soup with some bread. Walking beside Zoey, he placed it on a small table beside her before tapping her lightly on the shoulder, "Wake up, you need to eat."


In a barrack...

"Oi outsiders! Here's your dinner," shouted a peacekeeper as he slid three plates of soup under the cell that held the three Tsaens, "Be grateful now, I expect those finished by the time I get back."

Starving, Ken quickly took one and started drinking hungrily, after all, he had not eaten yet.

Tsk, kids these days, don't they know that it's improper to eat before their elders, thought Chaen Lang shaking his head. Taking a plate, he passed it to Rine, <"Here, you'll need some, we've missed lunch so I bet you're hungry to."


Lord Tzang shook his head, "No, you may start moving, just remember to meet at the western gate when you have the Letamite, a red haired girl named Zoey if the descriptions from the ones who remembered her are right. Also, keep the fire small. We can't afford the off chance the poisoning wasn't potent enough to keep the peacekeepers or some of the army from acting too quickly. Sha'ari rather the place be salvageable for his image in exchange for unmolested escape from the outpost."

Then he added quickly, "Also, if it becomes too risky to wait for you, I'll leave with your pay. You'll have to find us later to get it, and if you come without the Letamite you only get half your pay, not three quarters."

Edited by Rothene
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"I'll probably be the one waiting for you, Lord." She replied. "Be seeing you later tonight."

With that, she turned around and walked away, quickly blending into the populace and out of sight.

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Rine had stood silent most of the time, waiting for the chance that he will be able to call his wyvern and escape if things go wrong. He was thinking that things -would- go wrong, because everything seemed to happen so suddenly. Getting attacked and then arrested for defending himself is a nice trap, and the commander or whatever-he-was didn't care about their reasons. "They've got Chaen Lang, one of the most important men with us. I don't think it's a coincidence.".

The chances of a conspiracy were low, but they existed nevertheless. Surely a topic to share with Chaen Lang, even if Rine felt that he wouldn't want to reveal much to him. "I should speak to him, no use on being quiet forever...". He stared at his surroundings first before talking with him. <"Commander, there's something that I need to ask you about.">. Before actually asking, the peacekeeper interrupted him with the plates. He picked his plate and drunk it a bit, before taking it out.

<"Well... Let's talk about this later, I know you must be hungry too, sir.">.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Dave sighed and left the room. Before leaving, he turned around to tell the peacekeeper with Zoey, "And no, you do not eat her food. The one in charge here decreed that you go look for your own meal instead or starve here. I advice you leave to grab your own meal instead of sit here. You can trust us to not simply let her go."

With that, the Rekamite left the room to start a long task of storing bottles of Light-blessed water that some of the elders had been making. It would be a long and tiring task. He suspected he would miss sleep for the night. To add to that, he was not allowed to have dinner tonight, but who was he to complain? Undisciplined behaviour had to be punished after all.


Sitting down with his soup, Chaen Lang drank it slowly at first, then picked up his pace to wolf down the unappetising stuff. Wiping his mouth, Chaen Lang turned to Rine and asked, <"What was it you wanted to talk about?">


Seeing the arrival of newcomers, Lord Tzang quickly walked over to see who they were. Excellent, one of the merchants!

<"Taek! Your arrival is splendid. I'd like you to carry a message back to the other merchants," said Lord Tzang producing a scroll and handing it to Taek swiftly, "See to it that all the merchants read it. Now begone!">

Holding the letter Taek stared at it blankly at first, then turned to Sumomo, <"Well, looks like I'll show you my wares a bit later, I've got errands to run it seems..."> showing the Tsaen girl a parchment that came with the scroll. On it were vague promissory notes to withdraw an indicated sum of gold from the Tzang clan.

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Sumomo looked Tzang in the eye as he handed Taek the letter, her eyes narrowing in wonder. She wasn't sure if Taek was just a normal merchant now for sure. If he had been given a order like this by someone with a degree of importance, he was either lucky, or not what he seemed. "<I see... Taek, I am your apprentice. Knowing how to handle these things seems to be a critical matter for me to learn, no?>" she asked, trying to see exactly what was happening.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

<"Come on, we better get going now, there's possible money to be made when one makes life easier for nobles,"> piped Taek cheerfully as he began heading to Kabina. There was much to speak to the other merchants.


At Kabina...an hour later

<"Hmm? Lord Tzang's going to do that?"> spoke one of the merchants gathered by Taek. The scroll required Taek to read out the jailbreaking attempt for the night to the other merchants. The parchment granted the whole lot of them to withdraw a total some large sum of gold from the empire...for their silence and lack of acknowledgement of any association with Lord Tzang.

That only applied to those who decided not to give up one night's comfort in their rooms. Others are to meet at the western gate before they see the Rekamite temple burn. Those too late would be left behind. The men old and young muttered amongst themselves debating on which was more worthwhile. Going later meant some compensation back in the empire, but they would need to hire their own guards from now on. Going earlier meant they would risk getting caught up in what Lord Tzang was attempting, but they get to be protected till Central Emocni.

<"So, my new apprentice, what are your thoughts in this? Follow or stay?"> Taek asked the Tsaen girl.

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"<Follow! If Tzang is to attempt a jailbreak, that... will require... ummm... They will need supplies. Even something as simple as rum to get the guards drunk will be a great boon! I would like to do my best to aid if at all possible as well.>" she said as her hand moved to her hip, resting upon the hilt of her sword under her clothes. "<If we lose our protection, we are all in danger, no?>"

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

<"Hah, I doubt we're to get ourselves involved with the attempt. We'd probably get in their way."> chuckled Taek, <"But I do plan on following them. Having free security should be worth it, although let's hope they don't get into more trouble. My wine're for sale, not aid. I'll not part with them unless decent amount of coins are involved.">

<"I suppose we should leave the others to their inner debates, I need to go and prepare my caravan so that we leave when the streets are empty."> looking out of the nearby window, <"Which I say is about now.">


Darkness reigned, and the new moon had risen, invisible to all but those who cares, thus the hour for all manner of deviousness was at hand...

"Alright, looks like whatever the poison did worked," whispered Qaahir pointing to the two guards lying asleep in their posts. Although I was expecting the poison to leave them in pain, maybe I was jumping to conclusions too quickly.

"Good, then let us rush in now to retrieve our partners, won't want to loose to that poisoner," said Omair quietly, "Okay, question, we kill Sahul first or we get our friends first?"

"I'd kill Sahul first, never know when the effects might wear off, and I heard he was a formidable foe," suggested Qaahir. Then he grumbled, "Although I wished we could bring along those other soldiers instead of leaving them behind to 'secure' our getaway."

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"<I would very much like to meet Lord Tzang in person and get to speak to him for a bit. You clearly know him by some degree, former trading companion I assume? Or hired out by him before?>" asked Sumomo, tilting her head curiously at Taek. "<But yes, the security would be great and useful and... The farther we head from home, the more likely we are to run across an exotic cure for my sister.>"

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