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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Pleased to have someone follow him, Ken slowly lead the way to the arena, where there was disappointingly few people around. What disappointed Ken futher, was that he had misled himself. The word arena really meant a circular place where events were held for a large audience. What those events were could be anything.

Coming in believing that it would be a place of fighting, Ken shook his head when he learned that the arena was for theaterical performances, and was closed till evening when it would reopen to allow a play to run when it was cooler.

After swearing a bit in Tsaen, Ken turned to Zoey and said with his head hung, "Erm, well, sorry for dragging you out here. I was hoping to get into a sanctioned fight where we can both compare our skills in a controlled environment. It seems I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. For wasting your time, I'll treat you to lunch, are you fine with that?"

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Zoey giggled with a very slight blush... it was her natural reaction to getting asked out for a meal... though it was going to be far from romantic. "That sounds fine Ken, it's okay... not like I was doing anything with my time anyway." She said to him, idly re-adjusting some of her armor so that it fit a little better.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Deciding on a place to eat was simple for Ken. The taverns were always welcome with its cheap fare and volatile nature. With any luck, a fight might break out. Heading towards the infamous tavern of Agrah, the tavern for those short on cash. "We'll be having our lunch in Agrah, the fares are low there, and with any luck a fight might break out," said Ken cheerfully.


"Medan Marian? I've never heard of that place. Must be very new around here," remarked Qaahir stepping forward folding his arms, "Well, sounds like a decent place to spend our gold on I suppose, you up for Rekamite cuisine, Alena?"

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"Bandits... Very well. I think I'll bring Ragnos along, but I'm not sure this is a good idea", he replied, ready to follow Chaen Lang after they decide to move on. His wyvern stood still next to them, sometimes looking around, but most of the time looking at them. "I've never seen Chaen Lang fight, but I know he's one of the strongest soldiers in this camp, if not the strongest. My father always recognized him as a strong man, and respected him. I hope we get to fight together someday."

To be honest, he wasn't used to fighting enemies without his wyvern. There were times in which he had to train without him, but those were rare exceptions. Most of his skills were based in fighting on his wyvern, like attacking and then retreating to above so they could evade other attacks. With that in mind, he hoped his commander wouldn't mind about it.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Alright then," said Qaahir heading off leading the way. Finding the shop district was a simple task. The various colourful attention grabbing signs were hard to miss in the sandy coloured outpost town. Finding Medan Marian's restaurant was even easier. It stood out by being one of the places in the outpost that took up more space than the average shop to accomodate customers as well as its kitchen, yet not so large that it became a building on its own. Also the various merry noises that came accompanied by the aromatic smell of freshly cooked meat seasoned in various herbs made sure anyone passing by hunger in their minds would at least spare a glance in its direction.

"This looks like the place," said Qaahir crossing his arms reading the sign, "Marian's Place"

Qaahir boldly strode in, his sandals pattering loudly as he entered, intending to match its loudness with the one from the customers already present. He failed. Sheesh, look at all those people, locals and foreigners alike, thought Qaahir, this might be why Kabina's been so quiet lately, all the the travelers must be switching to this new place.

As soon as he got a table and seats for himself and Alena, a young Rekamite woman came forward and asked, "What would you like to have for lunch good sir and miss?"

"Hrm...it's our first time here so I would like to know what you have here," said Qaahir.

"Ah, it's all written on the board over there good sir," said the woman pointing to a large wooden board with a list of words written with chalk in Emocnian. "I shall give the two of you some time to decide on what you would both like to eat. Note that we have written our customer favourites with thicker strokes."

With that final advice, the Rekamite left her two newest customers to think while she approached a table of weary patrons who called to her.


"Sure you must bring Ragnos with you. We wouldn't want him to suddenly eat some horses. I've seen wyverns behave badly in the absence of their riders," said Chaen Lang chuckling lightly as he slowly made his way to Agrah with Rine, "besides, having a wyvern with us would discourage potential muggers, and grant us leverage to bargain for a lower price from mercenaries. It's amazing how far the threat of being fed to a wyvern can set off the less veterans sellswords out there."

"So tell me how have your training been? Have you been assigned to watch the Great Barrier?" asked Chaen Lang, wanting to stave off boredom with trivial chatter, as well as catch up on how had his old friend's son been taking military training while he was not around.


Also trying to stave off boredom, Ken asked his companion, knowing that the trip from the arena to Agrah would take a while, "So did you have a mentor to train you your spear techniques or did you join the army?"

- I've never mentioned this but...Emocnian is the Common language as it's the language all traders and scholars learn since Emocni's the 'centre' of the continent in a sense

- The Great Barrier is an imaginary line on the Tsaen Western region marked on maps that divide the border between Tsae and Nialp, it's the area various fortresses are built by Tsaens to strengthen their hold on the region. So 'watching' the Great Barrier actually involves occasionally sent out to attack North Nialpian tribes when they stray too close.

- This specifically for Zsword: Zoey and Ken would reach Agrah AFTER Chaen Lang and Rine makes their way there.

For Alena(whatever's written on the menu board, you may order as much as you want, Character Gold will be spent on some of these foods for a reason):

Chicken Stew - Plot Gold: 2/ Character Gold: 3

Salad - Plot Gold: 1/ Character Gold: 1

Roast Chicken - Plot Gold: 5/ Character Gold: 5

Beef Steak - Plot Gold: 5/ Character Gold: 5

Cheese and ham sandwich - Plot Gold: 2/ Character Gold: 3

Cabage soup - Plot Gold: 1/ Character Gold: 0

Lasagne - Plot Gold: 3/ Character Gold: 5

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The heck? PASTA?!

Alena sighed. Was that writing? Her parents couldn't read, and she had always been busy with other things.

"Uh, Qaahir. . .can you, er, read off what that says?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zoey looked at Ken, kinda suprised that he had asked such a spontanious question. "Uh, yeah, I had a mentor, I had him teach me both Spears, a little in swords, as well as how to properly maintenance my armor and all that... why?" She asked him in return, trying to not seem overly intrusive herself.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Hmm...you can't read?" asked Qaahir raising an eyebrow. He was what his fellow Emocnians would consider an uneducated brute, but then again, Emocni was the centre of learning, and its citizens were very much literate with a proper schooling system where all children had to attend until they were twelve. Sometimes, children of beggers were dragged off the streets to fit into charity schools. Like he was.

"Well, I suppose it can teach you some words later," sighed Qaahir looking at the board, reciting the list slowly and lazily.


Hearing Zoey's response, Ken chuckled and said, "Well, I thought I'd learn a bit more about who I'm traveling with while we walk all the way to Agrah. It's quite a distance from here after all. Any questions for me in exchange?"

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Alena mutely considered her choices. She's been raised mostly on fish, and some of those items sounded very different. Part of her wanted to be cautious, but the her stomach growled.

"I'll order, uh, the Beef Steak and Salad."

She silently grumbled at her parents for making her eat whatever veggies they could get when she was younger. Now it felt like a habit.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Alright then, eating well," Qaahir said grinning, waving his hands to attract the attention of the Rekamite who was taking orders. As the woman approached, Qaahir said, "We would have a beef steak, two bowls of salad and a...uh Lasagne...erm that's how you pronounce it right?"

Smilling the Rekamite answered in response to Qaajir's question, "Yes, would you two like some wine?"

"Yes," said Qaahir, "What about you Alena? Care to get a drink?"

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"No thanks," Alena told the waitress. Most of her meals were washed down with water, and she wasn't certain if eating a heavy meal with alcohol would make her sick. Besides, they had to meet their potential employers after this, and it would be bad if she showed up puking her guts out.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Bowing slightly, the Rekamite woman quickly went to the kitchen to relay the orders of the restaurant patrons. Before leaving, she mentioned to Alena, "The steak would take a while to cook, I hope you do not mind."

Looking at Alena, Qaahir grinned while patting his stomach muscles as he asked her, "Afraid your liver is not up to task?"

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Alena frowned.

"I want to make a good first impression on my potential employers, and staggering into them before throwing up is not the way to do it," she stated flatly. She waited a bit before letting a small smile find its way to her mouth.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Potential employer? Haha!" laughed Qaahir heartily, "If you've forgotten, we're still employed by that mage. He's already gotten whatever first impressions of you he'd need."

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"We might be employed to that mage for now, but I don't think he'll need our services forever. What of the others he's with? I do not want to pass up a potential opportunity to work with them, if they think they need me." Alena's stomach interjected. She glared down at it. Just how long was this steak supposed to take?!

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"That's a smart mind you got there," said Qaahir leaning back, "thinking ahead. Wish I was as contemplative. Ah look our meal has arrived!"

The Rekamite woman placed the lasagne and two salads on the table and poured Qaahir his wine. The woman addressed Alena, "Your steak would be ready earlier if you like, but can you stand meat slightly raw and bloody?"

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Poking his salad with the fork provided, Qaahir sorted out the slices of tomatoes from the letuce and beetroots in there. He decided he should eat the salad first, just so that by the time he started eating the lasagne, Alena's steak would arrive. Would seem terrible to torment her with eating his main meal before she could start on hers.

"So you like your beef thoroughly cooked, eh?" muttered Qaahir as he munched on some beetroots.

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The salad greens were something Alena was completely unfamiliar with. She took a bite, then wrinkled her nose. It was bitter! Her appetite won out, and she managed to choke down another mouthful of greens.

"Never had steak before, but the thought of eating something bloody didn't seem appetizing."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Well, there are those who claim that beef taste better, and feels better in the mouth when slightly on the raw side," said Qaahir eating another beetroot before taking a gulp of his wine. Quickly, he ate up the rest of his salad, leaving out the sliced tomatoes. The curious little main meal he ordered seemed to call to him, asking him to try them and banish his curiosity of what they tasted like.

Scooping up a chunck of it, Qaahir put the dimunitive piece into his mouth. Hmm...not bad, nice feel. And this taste...sweetish sour...oh, snapped Qaahir in his mind, tomatoes...

Qaahir fought the urge to spit out the offending food from his mouth, for he did not want to make a show in front of the Aesean girl with him. With great effort, the Emocnian man swallowed his lunch. A miniscule piece of it at least.

Smilling weakly, Qaahir asked Alena, "D...do you want to try some of my...erm...lasagne?"

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Qaahir pushed the lasagne towards Alena slowly. If she likes it, I should ask her if she would want to swap meals, thought Qaahir, his hopes soaring, hopefully my expression did not make her wary of the meal.

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Alena took a bite of the strange dish. Hmmm. . .somewhat salty, yet sweet. Something else caught her taste buds. It was mild, yet creamy. She could get to like this!

"How 'bout we swap meals? I'd like a bite of steak, though, since I've never had it before."

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