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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Cora did her best to give a small curtsy, as these people seemed much wealthier than she had first thought. "My apologies. I know it may seem a bit far fetched, but I happened to be passing through. I...am currently on my way to Rekam for...education. I'm sorry I can not explain better, but it's a bit of a sensitive subject. My presence has been requested. I am from a tribe to the southeast of here, and my father thought it best of me to go as the northern raiding tribes have been getting more and more violent and aggressive. I came upon your little camp here moments before the raid, but it seems to be in good fortune, me saving the man here and a young girl earlier."

Cora let out a held breath. She always got a bit nervous around important people. Unfortunately that odor was stronger than she though, so she had to turn her head away and cover her mouth.

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Western Nialp

"I...see. Your arrival is too much of a coincidence to me, but I suppose as these are Nialpian lands, I'm to expect to see Nialpians," replied Chaen Lang to Cora not the least bit impressed by her little curtsy, "If I appear too unfriendly, understand that it is because I am in charge of the safety of this group. Hence anything happens it is my responsibility. Although I shall accept that you bear us no ill will as you have indeed saved the lives of our people, but you would be watched as a precaution as there is no one but yourself to vouch for you group behavior. But I would at least have your name."


With nothing else to do and hoping to lighten the atmosphere by breaking the silence near him, Qaahir decided to talk to Zoey, "Hey, I am Qaahir from Emocni and this here," gesturing to Alena, "is my partner Alena. What would a young girl like you be so far from home? You wear the armours of a Letamite...yet you're a little too fair skinned for the typical Letamite...Yracian or Rekamite blood in you?"

Edited by Rothene
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"Oh uh... hey Qaar... hey Aneda... Uh yeah, I'm actually not exactly sure where my bloodline leads..." Zoey said awkwardly, mostly dizzy from blood loss, she began to idly take off the plating on her once wounded arm, just to make sure it was completely all right, it went numb a while ago. "My uh... my parent's where killed when I was uh... very young... yeah..." she prattled on.

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The wounded person in front of her looked unsteady on her feet. As she loosened her armor, Alena saw blood spurt anew from the wound on her arm.

"You might want to keep that armor on, unless you wish to bleed out here."

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Western Nialp

Noticing from the corner of his eye Zoey's less steady movements, Chaen Lang sighed and said, "I suppose we should all sit down."

He then sat down in a cross legged manner. Qaahir followed suit as Omair sat upright, feeling better.

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Western Nialp

Omair tossed Qaahir a pouch and said, "Here's the rest of the payment," before sitting next to Chaen Lang and asked, "So now we at least know that it is secure?"

Chaen Lang patted his chest saying, "Yes, you can trust me to do my job."

"Qaahir, Alena," said Omair facing them, then gesturing to Chaen Lang, "This is Chaen Lang, an acquintance of my...father."

"Erm...pleased to meet you," said Qaahir reaching forward to shake the Tsaen's hand. Chaen Lang returned the shake...dismayed to find out that the Emocnian had a stronger grip than his. Addressing Omiar, Qaahir said, "Now I can see what you meant he'd be the one protecting us instead of the otherway round. Which makes me wonder, why were we needed in the first place?"

"My...father, likes contigency plans...and it happened to be us," answered Omair.

"Anyways, I suppose we need some food, so I'll go get something to eat for all of you," said Chaen Lang as he exited the caravan, "All of you behave, and Zoey, try not to spill any blood on the floor. I'd tell all of you to make yourself at home as typical Tsaen hospitality demands, but unfortunately this isn't my property."


Feeling the weight of the pouch, Qaahir proceeded to count the gold quickly and handed Alena her share, "Here you go, how does it feel to earn your first gold?"

Approaching Cora, Omair said, "Thank you for saving my life back then Nialpian."

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Alena allowed herself a small smile. It was the first time in a long time she'd earned her keep, and she told her herself it wouldn't be the last.

"Hmmm, not bad. I could get to like this. Well, not that," she said, as she motioned towards Omair.

This is only the beginning. I can't allow myself to get lax, or I'll never be able to go home. Guess I'll need to tolerate these people for now.

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"My name is Cora, Cora Lemura. I hail from a tribe to the southeast here if I did not already mention it."

As the young man she had saved from earlier approached her, Cora blushed a little. "Y-you're welcome. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I...actually haven't known much magic for more than a few weeks. That was my first time ever healing under the stress of a battle. My family....has a minor string of magic in our bloodline, even if I shouldn't admit it, but your flame spells seemed quite impressive. I'd be honored if you could show me more of your spells sometime."

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Western Nialp

"Only a few weeks ago you suddenly discovered your ability to wield magic or had you been learning about it and taught the basics leading to you casting your first successful spell a few weeks ago?" asked Omair.

Seeing the girl in armour just...collapse, Qaahir got worried and called out to Cora, "Erm...healer? I think this one here still needs some tending to," pointing at Zoey.

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"I suppose my ability was awoken. I'm not quite sure of how all these magic things work yet. Just a second, if you'll excuse me." Cora heard her name being called, looking around. It seemed to be the young lady from earlier that she had helped.

"Oh no, what did you do now? You probably were too rough and re-opened the wound." Cora grabbed her Mend staff, and set the young girl down. The staff's magic seeped into the wound, drawing the blood back in and sealing the wound, while somewhere far off there seemed to be the sound of a horse's whinny.

"Here, wait a second." Cora searched through her bags, looking for bandages, before wrapping one around the girl's arm. "Is it not too tight? It needs to be able to stay, but I don't want it to be too tight. You'll need to be a bit careful for a day or two though. And what was your name again?"

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Zoey smiled gratefully at Cora. "It's fine... thanks...uh... Cora, my Name is Zoey" She said to the kind healer girl, sitting a little straighter. So... either magic isn't is as perfect or I thought... or this girl isn't quite great... either way though... I'm alive, and not bleeding anymore...

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Alena watched the two in front of her, and chose to say nothing.

At least the one in armor isn't bound to drop dead any time soon, but who the heck is this other person?

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Western Nialp

Bored with nothing else to do, Qaahir decided to ask Omair, "So, now that the threat has been fended off I suppose this ends our work?"

"Yes it does, but after the attack, there would be traders who would hire more arms to protect them anyway. Even when one has enough men to protect them, one would still feel insecure and need more protection anyway," said Omair.

"Heh, more job opportunities," remarked Qaahir turning to Alena, "Why so silent? An advice for you Alena, as an adventurer you might want to talk around more. You might learn about job opportunities or certain rumours that way. Knowing what's going on is very important for an adventuring life."

At this point Chaen Lang came in with two large pot full of stew, a tub of rice and enough bowls for everyone in the room. Setting them down, Chaen Lang handed the bowls around with chopsticks and spoons saying, "Dig in guys. Be careful of the red coloured stew that smells like Tsaen spice...because it's choke full of it."

Qaahir immediately turned from the rather red coloured stew and took from the darker looking content of the other pot.

Seeing that Qaahir's reaction, Omair laughed and said while scooping some of the stew flavoured with Tsaen spice, "Haha, seasoned adventurer unable to handle a little spice?"

"There's enough spice in the life of an adventurer, more unpleasant ones at that," said Qaahir looking at Omair darkly while eating his meal.

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Alena saw Qaahir shy away from the lighter-color stew, and smiled a little. Though she didn't get to eat spicy food often, it was something she enjoyed. She took a bit, and sampled it. This wasn't too spicy at all! Her arms ached, but she did her best to ignore it. If she was going to be employed in the future, she couldn't show any weakness. She looked at the two newcomers.

"The red one reminds me of home, where stuff is spicy. You might want to avoid it."

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Zoey took her portion of the meal, and a bowl of the not so spicy stew, and began to slowly nibble away at it, she was moving slowly as to not open up the wound again... she was light headed... and tired... "So... I haven't exactly looked at a map in awhile... how far are we from Emocni?"

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Western Nialp

"Western Emocni?" repeated Chaen Lang raising a bowl of stew to his lips, "That's less than half a day's trip from now. If we leave at dawn, we'd be at the gates of Aman by noon."

Chocking down the contents of his well spiced stew, Omair asked Chaen Lang with some tears in his eyes, "So once we reach Aman, will you still be in-charge of this convoy of traders?"

"Yes, all the way till central Emocni," answered Chaen Lang.

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Cora watched the other eating.. She wasn't extremely hungry, but thought it rude of her to start eating with this people. She still was cautious of her manners and these people. "If you don't mind my asking, what are you taking all the way to central Emocni to trade? It would have to be something rare and expensive, am I right?" Cora rubbed her arms, and tried to pull her cloak around her in the night's chill.

Edited by arachnidsGrip
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Alena polished off the last of her stew, and wished she could curl up somewhere and sleep. Her arms ached, she'd had more fighting in one day than she'd ever imagine seeing, and her stomach was full. The healer next to her hadn't bothered touching her food for whatever reason.

"Aren't you hungry?"

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Zoey shudderred, trying to not just pass out from pain and exhaustion and blood loss. "Great... atleast it's going all the way to central..." she mutterred out. "Has anyone seen my gear?" She asked, looking around the group, referring to her helmet, shield, and sword that she had dropped after nearly getting her arm torn off.

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Western Nialp

Chane Lang looked at Cora and said, "This lot is mainly filled with traders. Everything we trade is expensive, else why would we take such a risk to travel so far from home?"

"Anyway, we have used the lord's carriage for far too long. We would need to get out of here," said Chaen Lang collecting the empty bowls ignoring Zoey's question as he did not know the answer to it, "I've got some of my men to put up the tents I loaned from the traders for all of you, try to not to make a mess of them, they're made of some very fine materials."

"Return the bowl to me when you're done, " instructed Chaen Lang to Cora as he reached for the door to open it.

Qaahir stood up and stretched himself before saying to Alena, "Well, don't presume there'll always be a comfortable tent waiting for you at the end of every mission. I'd say this work was awfully easy and comfortable by mercenary work standards go...apart from the fact we almost lost our employer," Qaahir cocked his head at Omair who was getting up slowly.


<"Hey Ken, what're you doing with all those...gear?"> asked a soldier in Tsaen.

<"These belonged to that Letamite fighting alongside us...she forgot to pick them up after the fight,"> replied Ken tossing the shield carrying Zoey's helmet and sword and spear into the tent prepared for the newcomers.

<"Heh, this is why womanfolk should not be fighting,"> said the soldier.

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Cora stepped out of the carriage, carrying her bowl. She didn't feel that hungry, but she went over to George, and unwrapped her bedroll. She didn't feel comfortable yet, borring a tent. She laid her bed a few feet from the fire, the warmth comforting her and thinking of home. She took a bit of the digh the man had given her, before realizing it was pretty good and finishing it off. She could give him the bowl in the morning.

Cora laid and looked up at the stars. The sight always made her think of home, and Cora just laid on the ground in thought.

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