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FE12 PMU Playthrough

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Well, I have nothing to do for the next five days, and even after that I'll have plenty of time, so I figured I would try one of these. These are the guidelines I'm going to have for myself.

-Classic H1 (unless you guys give me a horrible team...)

-12 unit team, including Marth and My Unit. You guys get to decide what build I use for MU and names and looks if you feel like it. I have male reclass limits removed, so you guys can choose whatever class for the unit(s) you choose.

-Bond Drop, Growth Drop, Statboosters from beating Lunatic, and Rainbow Potion are available, but the Rainbow Potion and statboosters will only be used if the unit needs it. Like if you guys give me Arran to use the whole game, for instance, he will get the Rainbow Potion and possibly some statboosters from the prechapter shop lategame.

-No online shop. Seeing as I'm emulating it, I couldn't even if I wanted to.

-I'll go for fairly low turncounts, but I've only beaten the game once, so don't expect anything amazing.

-If a unit is forced on a map, I'm allowed to use them. Especially in cases where it is unavoidable, like chapter 4.

-If I really need to, I will reclass one of my units or use one that wasn't chosen. This shouldn't happen, but if it does, this is here as a disclaimer.

Well, without further ado, pick my units!

1: Marth

2: My Unit (Orphan, Kindness, Enlightened, Mercenary/Archer->Horseman)

3: Warren Pirate->Swordmaster

4: Ellerean Mage->Sage

5: Raiden Cavalier->Paladin

6: Est Archer->Swordmaster

7: Samuto Cavalier->Dracoknight

8: Vergil/Belf Hunter->Sniper

9: Ryan Myrmidon->Berserker

10: Gordin Mage->Sage

11: Cecil Archer->Sniper

12: Feena as a combatant

13: Rickard as a combatant (must use maturity drop on him)

Edited by Rewjeo
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Use My Unit as a horseman once promoted, before archer or mercenary as you wish. The build doesn't matter for me, if anyone else wants to define it so be it, if not, you choose tongue.gif

EDIT: I could emulate the wifi shop with the desmume, you should give it a try

Edited by paladin21
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And this is what the Rainbow Potion is for.

Edit: So, you finally get her to 20/1, and, compared to Warren who will also be a swordmaster after promotion, she has .4 STR, 2.2 SKL, 5.9 LUK, and 2 DEF on him. In exchange, he has 20.3 HP. Yeah. And he shows up how many chapters before her?

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Well, that's everyone, then. Although no one has yet to give me a MU build. Does this mean I get to make up my own?

Edit: Actually, that's one more than everyone, but whatever. Rickard, Feena, and Est may be using up quite a bit of rainbow potion... Also, I appear to have no healer. Well, at least not until one of my mages promotes.

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Go with an Orphan. I was under the impression that he was starting Merc, going to Archer and ending Horseman. EDIT: Nevermind, I managed to miss the post allocating you that about four times.

Edited by Furekitty
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Use whatever MU build you feel like!

Sorry for minorly derailing this topic but

Use My Unit as a horseman once promoted, before archer or mercenary as you wish. The build doesn't matter for me, if anyone else wants to define it so be it, if not, you choose tongue.gif

EDIT: I could emulate the wifi shop with the desmume, you should give it a try

Really? How did you access it? I hope I'm not asking too much, because I don't really know what the menus say.

Edited by Anouleth
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Sorry, I was already given mercenary/archer->horseman. And have orphan in there? Alright. Starting my run now. Edit: Got Orphan, Kindness, Enlightened. Oh, and he's a mercenary. Fear him. He glares at you through his excessively long teal bangs. MUtealbangsglare.png

Prologue 1: 3 turns. Chris ORKOd the soldier, walked up to Jagen. Both 3HKOd. Hit on my turn, then his, then mine for the KO.

Chris 21 9   2   11  11  3   6   0

Prologue 2: 2 turns. Ryan chips Luke, Chris KOs and gets HP STR SKL DEF. Then Rody runs up and gets himself almost killed against Chris, who is also almost killed. I let Ryan take this kill.

Chris 22 10  2   12  11  4   7   0
Ryan  basebasebasebasebasebasebase

Prologue 3: 2 turns. MU barely ORKOs one of the two fighters, then Rody and Luke chip the merc and Ryan finishes it. Enemy phase, Caeda kills Luke and the other fighter comes over and gets knocked down to 1 HP. Turn 2, Ryan KOs Caeda for a 2 stat level up *sigh* and Chris KOs the fighter.

Chris 3.70 22 10  2   12  11  4   7   0
Ryan 2.30  19 7   0   4   5   3   7   0

...why is it that Ryan has a higher base DEF than this Chris? Seriously, why would a bow locked unit have more DEF than a sword locked one? I just don't understand. And then Chris proceeds to obliterate Ryan offensively...

Prologue 4: 4 turns. I had to actually move MU back to block the opening on the first turn. This stopped me from having to RNG abuse to get him to dodge enemies and not die and have enemies only attack him and Ryan. This took care of the soldiers and merc. Next turn the myrm, archer, and Athena showed. Fail AI saved me here. The archer took up one of the spots next to Chris and attacked Ryan. Myrm attacked Chris. Next turn, those enemies were taken care of. Athena attacked Chris on turn 3 enemy phase, then Ryan+Chris KOd her on turn 4. Oh, and Chris got two good levelups here.

Chris 5.70 24 11  2   14  12  5   9   0
Ryan 2.70  19 7   0   4   5   3   7   0

Edited by Rewjeo
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Use whatever MU build you feel like!

Sorry for minorly derailing this topic but

Really? How did you access it? I hope I'm not asking too much, because I don't really know what the menus say.

I followed someone's instructions on youtube, but the most important thing to note is that you have to be physically connected to the net (no wifi)

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Ah, well that's an issue for me unless plugging my phone into my computer counts as physically connected to the internet.

Prologue 5: 4 turns. Athena gives Chris her sword. He then heads south and takes out one of the bandits. Enemy phase, any remaining bandits commit suicide on him, the thief and two hunters head over and attack him. Next turn, Ryan KOs the thief and Chris takes out one of the hunters. The remaining hunter, in all his brilliance, attacks Ryan. Ryan actually manages to 2HKO this guy. Turn 3, Ryan finishes him off, and Chris uses a vulnerary in front of the boss. Turn 4, Chris hits the boss again and Ryan gets the kill. Awesome level up, too.

Chris 6.77 25 12  2   14  12  6   10  0
Ryan 4.33  21 8   0   6   7   4   8   0

Prologue 6:

Turn 1: Hey, I have another frontliner now! And Cecille has 2 less HP and 3 less DEF than Ryan. Awesome. I love when my cavaliers are barely not 2HKOd. Still, Steel Swords and a Steel Bow are appreciated. Not as much as actual defense, though. It's damn hard just getting no one to die on turn 1 without pulling back. So that's what I had to do. I pulled people back so they were only in the range of the soldiers. Oh, by the way, Cecille also 3HKOs enemies and doesn't double. Yay.

Turn 2: Ryan finishes off Cecille's soldier in a square that will draw out the archer. Cecille eats a vulnerary. The first of many, I suspect. Chris moves over to draw out the mage. By the way, I know I made that comment about Ryan's defense being weird, but I'm liking it. He's actually taken out a lot of hunters/archers, and him 2HKOing them while being 4-6HKOd in return is great.

Turn 3: Chris one-shots the mage with his shiny new steel sword and Cecille finishes off the archer. She is also positioned to lure out Draug, who almost OHKOs her... Yeah, that goes well. But it served the purpose.

Turn 4: Cecille hides and looks pretty. Ryan chips for a little EXP, and Chris finishes him off.

Chris    7.70  26 13  2   14  12  6    11  0
Ryan     4.81  21 8   0   6   7   4    8   0
Cecille  3.51  19 6   0   8   9   6    5   0

4/19 turns.

Prologue 7: Great leaping frog pies only one enemy on this map fails to 2HKO Cecille. She also 3HKOs everything except one archer (who she 2HKOs) and Est (who she... 5HKOs) and doesn't double anything. In fact, Est doubles her. Let's see how this goes, shall we?

Turn 1: Chris heads up north and takes out a fighter and sits on a fort. Cecille hides in a forest where only one enemy can reach her. Gordin positions himself so an enemy archer attacks him. Ryan critted him. That was good.

Turn 2: Chris finishes up a merc and Ryan+Cecille take out the merc that attacked her.

Turn 3: Instead, Cecille heads onto the northeast fort. She gets attacked by an enemy who- wait for it- only does 8 damage to her! Ryan and Chris beat up the enemies that attacked them.

Turn 4: Archer and Est are taken out. Cecille eats a vulnerary so she survives this enemy phase- with 1 HP.

Turn 5: Chris takes out a fighter and Ryan weakens a cav for Cecille to kill.

Turn 6+7: Chris moves in range of the last enemy, who suicides on enemy phase.

Chris   9.19  28 15  2   15  13  7   11  0
Ryan    5.68  22 9   0   7   7   4   9   0
Cecille 4.31  20 7   0   8   9   7   6   0

Cecille made me reset twice. Once, she got a perfect level up except magic (yes, even RES) then reinforcements appeared and killed her :facepalm: Then she decided to get a SKL only level up. I was not happy. HP/STR/DEF/somelessimportantstat, though, was good.

7/26. Seems ugly compared to all the 4 turns, but I don't know how much better that could have gone without luck. I even got a crit from Ryan. I'll keep a save here for now, anyways.

Prologue 8: MUtealbangsglare.png->sdf.png

Katarina gave him a headband. Oughta help him... kill her? He looks actually happy now, too. Anyways, I now have Est and Marth, so things oughta be easier than with Cecille. Also, thanks to that level up Cecille got, the Silve Axe guys here don't OHKO her. Thank goodness. Gotta go, we'll see how this goes when I get back.

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Prologue 8:

Turn 1: Well, attacking the thief on the right requires the unit to be able to handle a hunter and two silver axe brigands. So I stay on the left. Ryan+Marth take care of the first guy, and Chris+Est position themselves for enemy phase. Cecille hides. Enemy phase, Marth is awesome and dodges the 24 attack silver axe guy.

Turn 2:Cecille finishes up the thief from the righthand side who attacked Est. MU is ridiculous. You know those silver axe guys? They 3HKO him. At 56 HIT Meanwhile, he does 17x2 damage. Anyways, Ryan+Marth take out the Silver Axe guy and Est takes out the hunter. Chris moves to lure the next few enemies.

Turn 3: More positioning. High enemy density+high attack=Chris doing a lot of tanking.

Turn 4: Everyone else moves down and they take out some enemies while Chris chugs a vulnerary.

Turn 5: Man, this is slow. Finally KO the second silver axe guy. Now I just have 11 ATK mages coming. Vulneraries are chugged.

Turn 6: Some enemies are dispatched and some vulneraries are chugged. Mages who 2HKO everyone but Marth and Chris (who are low on HP since they've been tanking because they have high HP) and freaking Katarina make advancing very slow. So slow.

Turn 7: A mage is dispatched and I position to lure more enemies in. I'm now down to four vulnerary uses, by the way. Crap.

Turn 8: Chris one shots the mage, I set up to lure the last thieves out, along with Katarina. Est can just barely take it. Loving that peg knight RES now. Then Katarina MISSED Est. And Marth critted a thief.

Turn 9: Thief is KOd by Cecille and Katarina by Est. Those two need the EXP the most.

Marth    7.54  27 9   0   11  11  10  8   0
Chris    9.86  28 15  2   15  13  7   11  0
Ryan     7.07  24 11  0   9   7   4   11  0
Cecille  6.37  22 8   0   10  10  8   8   0
Est      6.93  21 7   2   7   14  12  9   6

9/35. I could probably go a little bit faster, but I'm not gonna obsess over a turn or two. Besides, Est could only tank at the end there thanks to her getting HP and DEF in her level up. If not, I would have needed an extra turn at the end. Overall, I'm fairly happy. Silver axes and mages just really hamper your progress.

Edit: Wow, Chapter 1 looks easy. Like, Ryan, Marth, and Chris ORKO everything except the boss with an iron sword easy. Of course, Cecille and Gordin 3RKO everything... That's an issue, isn't it? They can't even work together to get KOs. At least, not unless I give Gordin a forge. I guess I'll have to do that, huh?

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So, this topic has over two hundred views and no comments on my actual run? Can you guys at least tell me how my turncounts are? Especially if you have any ideas about Prologues 7 & 8. I think I could go faster if I had Chris tank both Silver Axe guys, but that has a 25% failure rate, and I'm a fan of reliability.

Chapter 1: Bond Drop goes to My Unit to accelerate the rate at which he gives people bonuses. Gordin gets a +4 MT forge. Dracoknight Arran is deployed to get the money from the cave. Malicia/Malesia/Malliesia isn't recruited.

Turn 1: Arran gets the Bullion. Cecille+Gordin take out a bandit and get me a much needed vulnerary. The others position themselves so Gordin doesn't die and Marth works his way towards the boss. It's a shame he doesn't explode anymore.

Turn 2: Some mopping up is done and Marth moves again towards the boss. Unfortunately, the number of enemies up there prevents him from moving his full 7 spaces. Arran goes and hides where no one can find him. Enemy phase, Marth is left at low HP but gets an awesome level up.

Turn 3: Marth eats a vulnerary and sits on the fort while Chris kills the thief that spawns in the cave and everyone moves towards the boss.

Turn 4: Marth eats yet another vulnerary use on his way towards the boss. Other people move up behind him.

Turn 5: The last killable enemy is dispatched and Marth talks Lorenz into committing suicide for us.

Turn 6: Marth seizes the throne.

6/41 turns 12350 gold

I don't know if I could have shaved a turn off here without luck. Maybe if Marth took a use of the Rainbow Potion, but that's being saved for allowing units to be used. I contemplated giving Cecille and/or Gordin it, but it makes Cecille ORKO most enemies (royally screwing Gordin) and on Gordin only saved me needing to forge two points.

Marth    8.35  28 10  0   12  12  11  9   0
Chris    10.16 29 16  2   15  14  8   12  0
Gordin   5.55  21 4   3   5   5   5   4   3
Cecille  6.75  20 8   0   11  8   8   7   0
Ryan     7.58  24 9   0   15  14  4   9   0

Look at all those fives in Gordin's row! Of course, given how poor those fives all are, that's not such a good thing.

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So, this topic has over two hundred views and no comments on my actual run? Can you guys at least tell me how my turncounts are? Especially if you have any ideas about Prologues 7 & 8. I think I could go faster if I had Chris tank both Silver Axe guys, but that has a 25% failure rate, and I'm a fan of reliability.

One possible explanation is that your post are ass-boring. There's nothing very exciting about averages and what-I-dids and numbers for most players.

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Well, I wasn't expecting a ton of feedback. Honestly, I was more surprised by the 200+ views than the no replies, but with 200+ views having no replies seemed weird. No comments on my turncounts or even how crappy Cecille is. Any tips for making it more exciting?

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My turncounts for the Prologue chapters are usually lower, but then again I spam the hell out of Athena without worrying about Luke/Cecil/whoever's levels (I play it like I would any other chapter really).

I found H1 pretty easy until about chapter 6, just because MU can crush most stuff before that, trying to train Gordin and Cecile is probably making things harder IMO. Those midgame dragons should be...interesting.

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It's really the Flying Dragons that are the biggest threat since they are amazingly fast and have 12 move. Of course none of the dragons are as bad as in H2 or H3, where the breath weapons get 1-2 range.

You won't have to worry about Earth Dragons. In fact, you might not even end up engaging them. You'll see what I mean.

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