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FE12 PMU Playthrough

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Maybe I can get Gordin to B magic by then so that he can use Excalibur? I'll also have Cecille and Chris on bows and, depending on how many people I have promoted and what weapon levels look like, potentially seven Wyrmslayer users. Also, I thought they had 1-2 range breath on everything but normal mode? Well, I won't complain about them not having 1-2 range.

Are you implying I may not be able to get the complete ending? Or am I missing something because I've only played through once?

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No it's just...well I'll spoiler tag the reason for people who haven't played this game:

The reason is because the Shield of Seals will remove all the Earth Dragons from the map when it's a player phase and it's unlikely you'll have to engage them in an enemy phase.

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Isn't there one in the Southwest of Ch. 20, where there was a Manakete in SD? I mean, it's entirely skippable, but... anyway, there's some kind of dragon there, and I believe it's Earth.

EDIT: I've got a savefile in the prep screen for twenty. One would hope I could have thought to check sooner. My memory did not fail me, in any case; he's there.

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You still don't need to fight him. Berserker MU with the Starsphere, Lightsphere, Hauteclere (or Forged Silver) warped and agained can kill Hardin and get the Shield of Seals for Marth. You then warp Marth over after get all the treasure you want and then you win.

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I don't have the luxury of a Berserker MU, unfortunately.

Chapter 2: Great flaming Swiss cheese, Warren has even worse stats than Cecille. At least he can steel bow the dracos this chapter. Also, Marth gets a +2 MT Rapier forge.

Turn 1: People move forward. Only Catria can enter the enemy's range, and I don't want her getting killed before she recruits Warren, so nothing exciting happens.

Turn 2: Warren is recruited, some enemies are killed.

Turn 3: Not much to say. Cecille and Gordin get some EXP and some units are killed. Marth continues his journey north.

Turn 4: Marth uses his Rapier, a draco is dispatched. Oh, and I was unaware the boss moves. Awesome. Warren, get your butt up here.

Turn 5: Warren takes out the boss, Gordin takes out a cav. He gets a nice level up, but no MAG. Marth moves up again.

Turn 6: Chris takes out a draco and Marth seizes.

Marth   9.12  29 10  0   13  13  12  9   0
Chris   11.31 30 17  2   16  15  8   12  0
Gordin  6.05  22 4   3   6   6   6   4   3
Cecille 6.97  20 8   0   11  8   8   7   0
Ryan    8.47  25 10  0   15  14  4   9   0
Warren  3.00  23 8   0   5   8   1   4   0

Turns: 6/47. Unless I failed to move Marth some turn, this is the fastest this can be done. He moved his full movement every turn. There was one turn he moved one less square, but I don't think that made a difference. Also, pirate!Warren has better STR, SPD, and DEF, which is nice. 2 SKL with axes? We'll see how that goes.

Edit: So, any tips for efficiently beating chapter 2 while recruiting Julian? Also, Warren is reminding me of Cecille when she joined. He's 3.00 (got a level up to get there, actually) locked to melee, and has worse durability than my archer, who, ironically, is now Cecille.

Edited by Rewjeo
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Chapter 2: Great flaming Swiss cheese, Warren has even worse stats than Cecille.


Also, pirate!Warren has better STR, SPD, and DEF, which is nice. 2 SKL with axes? We'll see how that goes.

That SKL won't be a problem when he promotes, though. There is a method to the madness! Though not a very good one...

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Skill doesn't matter. Even if he had 5 more skill, that would barely affect his hit rates. What's more important is getting that weapon rank up: it's a while until you get the +5/10/15 hit from C/B/A Rank, but it's something to look forward to.

Simpler just to have him use forges with + hit. Even +5 hit on an Iron Axe is only 160G: +10 hit is only 640.

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Yeah, I was thinking that I'd just be making forges for him. A SKL growth can hardly do anything. The base is what matters most. Given he has a base 82 HIT with an Iron Axe, I don't think a growth will ever make that very good.

Edit: Looking at drafts, 14 turns is pretty standard for chapter 3, so I'll take a high turncount here.

Chapter 2: Chris got +SKL and SPD from the clock bonus (because 16 SKL/15 SPD just wasn't cutting it /sarcasm) and I also got the frying pan (just in case I want Warren to do less damage?) and Polish... What does Polish do?

Anyways, not gonna give you a turn by turn. Basically, Chris is awesome and ORKOs dracos and Marth rapier'd all of the cavs to death on one turn. Gordin baited the ballista so that Marth could survive and he got the boss kill. Palla hid on a fort and pwned reinforcments. Then she died so that I could get the Master Seal draco to move. No one else really did... anything. Wait, they took out the ballista.

Turns: 15 (I thought I moved Marth his full movement every turn. I missed the first village by one square- is that supposed to happen?) Funds: Somewhere around 10000

Marth   9.95  29 10  0   13  13  12  9   0
Chris   15.46 34 19  2   19  18  11  13  0
Gordin  6.88  22 4   3   6   6   6   4   3
Cecille 7.06  21 9   1   12  9   8   7   0
Ryan    8.55  25 10  0   15  14  4   9   0
Warren  3.50  23 9   0   2   10  1   5   0

Edited by Rewjeo
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Okay. It would be nice if the description was more than "A staff owned by Wrys, an Altena curate."

Chapter 3x: Warren, Cecille, and Gordin all got a use of the Rainbow Potion to boost their performance against the knights. Chris can ORKO them, so this shouldn't affect my turncount much, if at all, but it will make it so they actually, you know, get used. Warren also gets a +10 HIT forge. 95 HIT is much nicer than 82. But first the RNG goddess is gonna troll me like no other, so I'll try again later.

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He's actually very solid. He was ORKOing in chapter 1. He and Marth faltered more in chapter 2, though. Well, except Marth's +2MT Rapier meant that he butchered all of the cavs, and he was left the boss alive with ONE hit point. Still, the EXP was needed elsewhere.

Sorry, I spent nine hours on shoes for our church's Share Your Soles thing and then I spent all day today at a sheep herding competition. I haven't had all the free time I was expecting.

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  • 1 month later...

So life came out of nowhere and screwed over all that free time I had, and then I just sort of lost interest... but I'm back!

Chapter 3x:

Warren, Gordin, and Cecille have a Rainbow Potion use on them, Ryan has +SKL and +RES from the clock bonus, and Chris switched to archer so that other people can get some EXP. Not efficient (+1 STR/DEF for -5 SKL/SPD and -2 HP/MOV...) but what's the point of a PMU if only one unit actually does anything? Clock also gave me flycatcher, a glass axe, and sleet. The last two are actually nice for their rank. I currently have zero lance users, though, so no flycatching.

Also, if you're curious, to compare archer MU to archer Cecille with the Rainbow Potion.... he has 11 HP, 9 STR, 1 LUK, and 5 DEF. She has 1 MAG, 2 SKL, and 2 RES.

Starts off with Marth and Gordin each ORKOing a knight and Cecille+Ryan taking out the last. EP, AI continues to suck and go after Gordin with archers despite the fact that he is the one unit who can counter attack them.

Turn 2, Cecille and Warren mop up the archers. Oh, Wrys is running for now.

Turn 3, people move forward.

Blah blah blah, Wrys gets himself killed because I don't care about him, AI is stupid as usual, etc. Seize on Turn 7.

Funds: same as before, I think

Turns: 7/54

Marth   10.42 29 11  0   13  14  13  9   0
Chris   got no EXP
Gordin  8.02  23 4   4   6   7   7   5   3
Cecille 7.57  21 9   1   12  9   8   7   0
Ryan    8.93  25 10  0   15  14  4   9   0
Warren  4.20  24 9   0   2   10  1   5   0

Edited by Rewjeo
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