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(FE4) Tag-Team Draft


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Sylvia's Defender and Laylea's Barrier Sword are the only weapons that are any different, so I have no idea why you brought up Balmung. Daisy giving Shanan Balmung is precisely the same as Warp/Hero Sword/Berzerk Staff/Return/whatever: a "Talk conversation that does not require the participants to be lovers."

That said, I'm not opposed to the two villages being free, but the point stands that Talk conversations are allotted for in the rules where these houses are not. And since we're using a whitelist instead of a blacklist ...

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Sylvia's Defender and Laylea's Barrier Sword are the only weapons that are any different, so I have no idea why you brought up Balmung. Daisy giving Shanan Balmung is precisely the same as Warp/Hero Sword/Berzerk Staff/Return/whatever: a "Talk conversation that does not require the participants to be lovers."

That said, I'm not opposed to the two villages being free, but the point stands that Talk conversations are allotted for in the rules where these houses are not. And since we're using a whitelist instead of a blacklist ...

Hey, Sylvia's Defender is under the Secret Events Page on the site. It says secret events are free. ;/

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If you want to play the semantics game, the site very clearly lists them as Secret Events while the rules very clearly list them as Hidden Events. Do you really want to play at semantics with me, Psych?

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Hm. Well, in my drafts it also considers Sylvia's Defender, Laylea's Barrier Sword, and Daisy giving Shanan the Balmung free. Since that last one is basically the other conversations like Warp.

And you explicitly stated it when? Like Integrity has said, them being free wouldn't matter too much. However, proclaiming it halfway through a draft when everyone followed the standard rules is another matter.

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And you explicitly stated it when? Like Integrity has said, them being free wouldn't matter too much. However, proclaiming it halfway through a draft when everyone followed the standard rules is another matter.

I have always followed those as free, along with Dew's Wind Sword. Looks like I am retroactively deserving of some penalties.

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To ISAAC: 16 turns clear = 16 turns total

Forgot Ganeshire AGAIN. Jesus. I think it was like 11 or 12.

To RIVOUGH: 7 turns clear = 23 turns total

Celice had to stop for a turn to get that coveted 18. Not sure why.

To YIED: 11 turns clear = 34 turns total




Through ISHTOR: 7 turns clear = 41 turns total


For the first time ever, Daisy did NOT glitchmarry Celice. LEAF HAS A HERO SWORD TOO BICTHES

To LAYLEA: 5 turns clear = 46 turns total

I'm still convinced she'll save that and more later.

Through BLUME: 7 turns clear = 53 turns total

Arthur Wrathed the FUCK out of him. Time for that boy to promote!

Through FUCKING BLUME AGAIN: 7 turns clear = 60 turns total

Arthur saved a turn! What a guy!

To uh..THE END: 6 turns clear = 66 turns total

Skipped Hawk, natch.

Food, then finish.

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Except for getting left behind by Celice a lot, amazing. We're gonna see if he does what I need him to do now, though.

HANNIBAL WHO?: 2 turns clear = 68 turns total

Meh. Poor guy. I tried running by and Seizing the far castle, but that would require Ballsack to live so fuck it.

Through LUTHER: 3 turns clear = 71 turns total

It bothers the fuck out of me that Leg Ring Celice is ONE SQUARE short of 2-turning this run, no matter how you slice it.

To ALTENNA: 7 turns clear = 78 turns total

If you Seize GRU, Altenna poofs. Are you fucking kidding me. Celice had to just dick around for four turns to recruit her. Is She Worth It? Fuck, I hope so.

To THRACIA: 6 turns clear = 84 turns total

I love having figured out how to get by Arion with only Celice.

Again forgot the first, but C10'S SECOND CASTLE IN 7 turns clear = 91 turns total

WHEE! Tinny is actually really shining right now.

To MILETOS: 3 turns clear = 94 turns total

Leafy wonders, that's what.

To CHALPHY: 7 turns clear = 101 turns total

Arthur did *okay* at Alvis-killin'. I could have shaved a whole turn but for a RETARDED string of Great Shield procs from that buttfucker.

On the other hand, Arthur actually did damage to Alvis unlike almost everybody else, so no complaints.

To EDDA: 3 turns clear = 104 turns total

Holy Holepunch, etc.

To DOZER: 4 turns clear = 108 turns total

Fin makes a better cohort for Celice in the run.

To FREEGE: 2 turns clear = 110 turns total

It's ASTOUNDING how much Leaf alone improves team mobility. A surgical Holsety strike knocks out all of the Gelbritter by letting Cel Seize.

VELTHOMER in 6 more = 116 turns total


And JULIUS in 5 more = 121 turns total


Now I'm going to bed. Wrapup and stats in the morning!

EDIT: Oh, that makes our

312 turns total clear

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So yeah, 312. That's a good clear, if not spectacular! I look forward to seeing the other results.

After a mass exodus from Julius to Velthomer, STATS!




This guy, he, good Lord.

He capped STR and I think SPD when he promoted in the C7 base.

It didn't actually matter, because he fought almost nobody in all of C7, though.


Look further to see.

Fond of Mana, but fuckit I say he married Tinny for no reason.



It is ASTOUNDING what Leaf does for a team's mobility on his own. That broken staff down there is Rescue. He can move shit like a motherfucker. Hero Sword and - later - Tinny's Elwind from Levin ensured that he killed a good deal. Interestingly, my plan was for Daisy to glitchmarry Celice so I was budgeting on Leaf getting the hundred-kill Silver Sword but I didn't have to.

That said, Leaf has convinced me that Ethlin may be the single best draft in FE4 period at all.

Fond of Janne, who isn't? He can have Laylea instead. He deserves those tits.




I dunno what to say about Fin, except for PRAYER. Jesus. He managed SO much fighting he shouldn't have been able to (C8 Lenster comes to mind) because somebody dicked him to ~10hp followed by pure dodge spam. I LOVE Prayer.

Can't marry in Gen 2, which I think is pure bullshit so he married Julia.



Celice topped him by ONE. ONE.

Let's list Arthur's accomplishments:

6: Soloed Johalva's brigade for XP, visited villages for dosh.

7: After Celice promoted and sold the Elite Ring, I took all these rings (Pursuit, Magic, Skill?) that Darros had handed me down and sold them for a cool 40k for the Elite Ring.

7, cont: Arthur spearheaded every assault from Ishtor to Blume and in fact killed both of the aforementioned - Blume with a Wrath crit. Also he recruited Tinny - who I have words about - and readied himself to promote.

8: Promoted, did some lightcore fighting (clearing Celice to run to kill Blume again), sold the Elite Ring and bought my best purchase of the game: the Bargain Ring.

9: Killed Trabant so Altenna would show faster, otherwise sat at home.

10: Spearheaded the entire assault through Ishtar and bridgeblocked so I could get Celice to Tyrfing faster. With a helpful money transfusion, got his Pursuit Ring back.

F: Killed half the Axe Knight Brigade (the other half's on Leaf's Hero Sword). Made a critical hole for Celice to Seize Freege. Finally, I parked him in a forest and watched him kill the entire Dark Knight Brigade in two turns. That was GLORIOUS.

So final results: Arthur cost NOTHING and saved either heartache or turns everywhere.

Mana was on his mind, but I say he gets to fuck Janne.



And my use of Oifaye continues to decline.

Fond of Mana. Whatever.



MONEY! HOLY FUCK! Daisy's village-visiting and subsequent laundering ability was incredibly helpful for Laylea (Knight Ring), Arthur (Pursuit Ring) and Leaf (...just look at his inventory). Even though she never fights, I love her so.

In love with Shanan. YOU GO GIRL.



Arthur sorta supplanted her, but that doesn't mean she didn't contribute a hell of a lot where she did. First up, she was my only staffer to keep Arthur going in the first part of Chapter 7. Then she tanked Tinny's group so Arthur wouldn't gib her. Then, uh, she sorta petered out. But you know what? I didn't draft her, so I'm happy anyway. NARGA MOTHERFUCKERS

Oh, you may be wondering about that Leg Ring. After I nicked Velthomer, I had Celice sell it before he recruited Julia. After she grabbed Narga, Julia bought the Leg Ring (with her new arena dosh) so she could make it back to Julius and kill him in two turns flat. Thanks, Laylea and Leaf!

No feelings, but married Fin. Duh.



Yes, 15. For a unit with no utility other than killing.

Oh well. She DID kill the stupid bastards en route to kill Tyrfing, and she DID recruit Arion so Arthur could keep fighting. I think that was worth 5 turns.

No feelings for anybody, maybe her and Oifaye got it on or something.



I didn't expect her to pick up B Staves after promotion, and boy howdy did that help. Had I known what I could do with her, she'd probably have more than 22 kills but I sorta sandbagged her initially.

Now that I know, Tinny can actually be a worthwhile combatant - if slow. And now that I'm thinking about it, she probably could have dicked Arion in the same way Hawk usually does. Hm...

Leaf is on her mind, but deep down she knows Cel's ponytail is sexier.



Dancers are always fun! Dancers with Canto are EVEN MORE FUN. Dancers, with Canto, with a Leaf with Rescue are MAXIMAL FUN.

Fond of Ares, but screw him she got Leaf.



I didn't figure Leaf would promote so fast and Tinny would gain B and Janne would be totally invalidated. Oh well. Not like I got her at the expense of much, right? She's still cute.

Leaf was on her mind, at least until she remembers Arthur.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Hannibal. He died on Turn 1 of C9.

And now, exit Integ. Good game, Darros. It was an honor, and I'm proud of both of us!

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Holsety on Wheels honestly didn't open too many strategies for me until the very end. All he really did was secure my sound strategies and saved turns in F.

Leaf, now ...

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Chapter 7: Fucking Damnit- 42+7 turns

In case you couldn't tell, I hate this chapter. I really hate this chapter. I have a hard enough time working through this chapter in my normal PTs, where I take my time. Now I have to rush through it? Fuck!

And If I had any hope of beating Integ, it's long gone.


Guess what the first thing I'm doing next chapter is.

Linda's not up there since she didn't do anything.

It started off with a combination of arena abuse and RNG abuse so that Shannan doesn't die. All well and good. Fin, Leaf, and Janne headed south-west; I need to keep Leaf alive so he can recruit Altenna so she can neutralize Arion. I made it through this alright. Shannan ended up dying, but since Celice was right there to seize Yied, it was fine. Then Patty gave Celice the Hero Sword! YES! After that I had to fight Ishtore's army. This was tricky. I had Skasaher and Lakche inch south in the mountains with Celice running like a bat outta hell to give them his leadership support. Again, I managed.

After seizing Melgen, though, is when shit hit the fan. Aless ended up getting attacked by one of Jabarro's troops, netting me a nasty +7 turn penalty, so I used him and Fin to choke off the rest of Jabarro's army with Julia healing them.

Then I had the mage trio to deal with. Let me say that I resat about 50+ times until I could get passed them without anyone dying. Then Not-Tinny Linda tried running off, so I blocked her and recruited her with Amid. Then I had to fight Blume. Oh fuck. This was hell. After another 50+ resets, I finally managed to beat him. Aless and Fin ended up dying, but Julia, thank God, was safe. So after Blume went down, I had Julia get one more attack in, had Patty finish abusing the arena (I left her at Yied), then seized Alster.

Shin, you are lucky.

Edited by crashman_alpha
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