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Aureola's Unfortunately Named Sprite Gallery


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Various battle sprites ahoy.

[spoiler=stills of individual units]

(all names are basically placeholders)





Standard bearer (possibly: signifer)




Not a Halberdier






[spoiler=animations in progress]

animating the old legionaire:


Zealot magic attack:


Saint magic attack:


That's about all I have so far, I'll probably remember to update this with all my most recent sprites whenever there's enough new material to make it worth doing.

[spoiler=old first post]I made an account a while back and have intended to post up some sprites for quite awhile now, never quite got around to it/never had enough quality sprites to warrant starting a thread.

But now I've spent several days pumping out some new things and revamping some of my older stuff.

So... Sprites:


A mercenary pre-promote, I started work on animating him but I figured I'd throw it up here for critique before spending countless hours animating him. Made from scratch, though the head is grafted on from some unit or another because I'm lazy.


Just a mercenary edit to be armored, it always bothered me how there's an armored and unarmored hero, but only a boring unarmored mercenary.


Male recruit, slightly more armor and stuff.


Soldier edit, mostly just recolored with a less ugly shield.


Roman legionary-esque unit. Another custom sprite. I've sort of got an animation of it in progress, but the shading's been changed so much since then that it doesn't really work anymore. Since soldiers are now available to the player, I wanted to make some sort of other enemy exclusive class. Going for a really simplified version of a standard roman shield, didn't quite work out. I'll probably make a promoted version at some point, but I'm currently at a total loss as to what to make.

Most of the colors for these came from Wallace, I think I took the trim/skin color from Amelia. Didn't leave it at plain red because red is boring.

Aaaand that's all I have at the moment besides a few really ugly old works.

edit: slowly animating the legion


not sure about the timing, but the frames are all there.

Edited by Aureola
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Haven't updated this in awhile; here's a bunch of battle sprites:


First ones just a recolor of an earlier edit to have shiny new red armor and test out a new pants color.

Next is the same but with an axe (think axe/sword mercenaries, but not both on one unit)


Legionary from before with better colors/shading and a legionary promote. Intended to be a semi-heavy sword user with high defense and strength.

I'm really happy with the legionary promote; it was made from scratch, though I think I referenced the general for the shoulder pads.


Standard bearer thing. Meant to work like a dancer but for the enemy. Something doesn't seem quite right about this, but I'm not sure what.


Red soldier with less fancy trim than before and brown pants.


Blue soldier, soldier promote. Soldier promote is not being called a halberdier because it is not holding a halberd.

The as of yet unnamed soldier promote was from scratch, and a bit of reference from Nephenee for the shield.


Some sort of tier zero (or possibly regular) monk. A friend and I want to give the monk some sort of item to attack with so he's not just waving around his sparkly fists.


Cavalier with fancier shoulder pads that look less silly.


A guy with a big sword. He's a sort of lord class (i.e. unique), though not actually a lord.


The beginnings of the painfully slow process of giving the soldier a more interesting critical. I haven't timed the frames that need to be longer longer yet, since it's not done.

Also apparently he looks like he's not wearing pants to some people, though I'm not seeing it.

Any critique on these would be appreciated. I'm not really sure how to further improve all of these, but I'm sure there's a decent amount of things that can be fixed.

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i think the skin colored pants is whats making the soldier look pantless. Some of the stuff looks oddly proportioned i.e. legionary promote has a huge shield, small straight legs, and a tiny head and huge fist, and the soldier promote has oddly straight and skinny legs. The soldier crit is definitely more interesting than the in game one (though weapon twirls are really damn common now). Keep up the work.

Edited by deranger
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Hopefully most of what you mentioned is fixed now? I made the fist a bit smaller and changed the sword position, thickened the legs (also made the boots better), and made the head a bit bigger. I didn't go too much bigger with it though, as it was just a pixel or two smaller than a standard general's head, and I figure any bigger than that is far too large.

I also raised the shield so it looks more natural, though I kept it big because the type of shield is meant to be able to cover most of the body.

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  • 1 month later...



Edit of my earlier halberdier thing, fixed up the armor and stance lots in what hopefully fixes the earlier stance issues. Quite happy with how this turned out, though something's bothering me about the shield.


Made the legionaire look significantly more fire emblem-y in a third and hopefully final revamp of it before I get to animating.


Whole bunch of changes once again on the legionaire promo; made it more in keeping with the revamped legionaire, fixed his legs, made the colors make more since, made things more fire emblem-y, and I just generally like it better.

Hopefully these have all reached a semi completed stage, as I'd like to try my hand at animating them in the near future. Comments/critique is appreciated, as always.

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  • 1 month later...

Haven't updated this in awhile...


Fixed up the colors on my monk prepromote, I now dub him acolyte.

Not sure if the cross should stay, it seems kind of blatantly christian for fire emblem. It does promote into a bishop, though.


Gave the monk something pretty to swing around other than those silly fists...


Just a color swap to go with the halberdier thing.


As of yet unnamed soldier promote; changed the color so I could see what was going on with the shading and fixed a bunch of things. I'm liking the new shield much better than the old one, personally.


Zealot class, theoretically wields swords and light magic. Referenced Athos for the robe shading, I think I got it down pretty decently. Not sure whether I prefer it with or without the shoulder pad.


Saint, a zealot promote. I really like how the armor and robe turned out on this one. Wanted to show more of the sword, but any other way of holding it looked too silly. But then if and when I ever animate him there can be plenty of shiny sword action.

I'm pretty happy with all of these, critique, as always, is welcomed. If anyone could direct me to some information on animating them (namely, where to position the units at the start of an animation and how far forward they need to move in order to line up properly with an enemy), it'd be quite helpful as well.

Edited by Aureola
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To do the animation, maybe try to line them up with this?


That's what I've used for the couple edited animations I've done. Just put your class roughly where the thief (me) is standing, (Paste over it, w/e) then when they attack they should hit good old Batta the Beast. When you're done, just go through and erase Batta, but he makes a good reference for actual hit frames, good to judge distances and such XD That pic is also 248x160, so it's FEditor compatible as long as your frames all use the same 16 colours xD Are these animations gonna be public?

Also, if you need any help scripting them, let me know.

Edited by Jubby
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, the sprites are pretty cool, but... urgh, there's something about them that I can't put my finger on that makes them slightly less awesome than they could be. yeah, this line of thought isn't going anywhere... >_>

Well the only thing I can figure is that some of your swords look really small. For example:

You say he has a big sword but compare it to say, the mercenary--I think it's actually not that big. Rather, it should be a bit greater in length more than anything else. I know that real swords often times aren't as long as swords in video games and anime but if it's going to look natural... :P

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  • 1 month later...

Mmmm I really don't feel like going through and separately cropping all the things I've changed so here's my workspace full of enemies.


Basically I fixed the sword on the big legion, fixed the everything on the small legion, and made a much improved standard bearer.

I'm just scrapping the example you pointed out with a small sword because it's just generally a bad sprite, but I think I've gotten them all to more typical FE sizes now?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Think I fixed the colors and all, though the big one may be too small in comparison now. Might just need to scrap him and try again.


e: more fixes on the colors of all the friendly units that aren't in need of complete redoing. Also adjusted a lot of sizing on the guy on the far right.


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  • 2 months later...

I haven't updated this in quite awhile...

Been playing around with colors and redone several sprites.

Not Halberdier:




Centurion or something:


Critique is, as always, great. A few main things I'm unsure about are color choice (is it painfully obvious which color these were originally sprited in, is there enough/ too little contrast, etc.), stance, and shading. Also of note, all three of these colors are not taken straight from any of the GBA games, as I wanted to try my hand at making my own colors so I wouldn't be so limited by the preexisting ones.

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Heyyy these are pretty cool. I've got an issue with the Legionnaire's stancw, though; it's actually incredibly impractical to hold a sword like that, you'd be using all the weaker muscles in your arm and you'd tire yourself out holding the sword. I'm not sure what stance would be practical in this case, though...

Also, the colours look great as far as I can see, though I'm no expert on that. I think the lightest green tone needs to be a bit darker though? Something about that palette is a bit unsettling.

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I can slowly see improvement with each post, and I really love all your sprites :) Also love how you plan on animating them, unlike many others. I especially like the concept of the Zealot and the pre-promote mercenary, as well as his armoured counterpart.

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Thanks for all the feedback so far!



Fixed his sword holding to a more logical position and changed the brightest green to be less eye searingly bright (this is changed in the others, too, there's just no point in reposting them with slightly different colors).


Thanks for reminding me about this trainee, Sai, I had completely forgot about this guys existence. Updated his colors and made his anatomy significantly more possible.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not really sure what I'm doing here.


If you look closely at the first frame, you can see that I made the right arm pop a little more, hopefully it's enough.

Also the animation's intended to hang a little bit on the frame where he raises the sword above his head before charging, but apparently gimp just ignored the delays I set for it, so I'll have to fix that at some point. it should definitely make the attack look more powerful once I add that in though.

Anything need fixing so far? Does it look too, dunno, confident, for a tier zero attack?

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  • 2 months later...

So I've neglected this topic for a very long time. Haven't done any fire emblem spriting for awhile but I thought I'd fix up some old things because I'm never quite happy with them.


Legionaire edits~


Centurion overhaul. Changed him up because whatever, this looks more like a legitimate centurion.


Standard bearer and an unfortunate attempt to make him wearing a bear head thing.

So as usual, fire away with the critique! I'll need to start back up on that mercenary trainee animation as well, though now it'll need some tweaking to the base sprite.

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Have at it. Feel free to do it here, too, I really don't mind. I'm sure there's all sorts of issues with them, as I haven't sprited anything FE style in months and even back when I was I wasn't doing it particularly well.

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