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Aureola's Unfortunately Named Sprite Gallery


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Chainmail or not wouldn't really effect whether physics apply to it, but honeybadger's right, it is meant to be cloth.

Not really sure how to fix the robe movement; like, it's going to move with his legs, because his legs are inside of it, pushing the cloth, and that's what cloth does.That's also why I've made all of his movements things he can do without moving his legs too far apart, because he is in fact in a rather movement-limiting robe. Any suggestions on how to make it look more cloth-like in the animation?

Edited by Aureola
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I agree with the landing looking awkward. He jumps back with his legs kinda straight down ready for maybe a slight bend landing, but then you see his left leg just completely kick out for the landing.

Also, you can tell his arm grows at the end of the slash, the one that ends up on the ground. Other than that though, it looks really nice and clean. Can't wait to see the rest and maybe a promote :)

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There should be a shadow on all of the frames, and the shadow on the first one should be under he is, not where he was

And not being able to figure out how an outfit would possibly work with an animation is generally a sign you need to use a different outfit :J

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I wrote this several hours ago but couldn't post it because my internet cut out so some stuff might be old, but bear with me:

I think the jump back could use a couple more frames or something. Seems just a tad choppy. He doesn't have a shadow when he jumps back, though I suppose you plan to rectify this. See bandit or Eliwood anim, maybe?

One thing that I find really strange is the two motion blur frames when he strikes. I know that Merc Lord suggested you put in the second one but it just looks odd to me. FE battle sprites seem to have this action-consequence pattern going on where the action is only one frame and the consequence is several. Er... if that's not very clear, take a look at Eliwood. He only has 1 motion blur frame for a strike but we spend 4-5 frames on what happens as a consequence of such a fast movement. Having a second motion blur makes him look like he moves his sword again in another direction after the strike when really it's all one fluid movement. What I would suggest if you're going to do two frames for the strike is to split them into two equally (instead of unequally like you have now) like with Lyn's animation. The first would be just before the initial hit and the second afterwards. The second would also need some blurring on his body, probably. i dunno i'm talking out of my ass

Back to the action-consequence thing, it might also be good to have his clothes (they look quite baggy/loose) sort of "catch up" with his body afterwards. If you jump forward wearing a robe the front of the robe will press up against your body and then afterwards when you land the robe still has that forward momentum that will probably push it past your body. See how Lyn's dress thing waves around quite a bit after she returns to her initial position? That's kind of what I'm talking about.

Looking at it again, there's a just before the animation ends where he's putting down his sword which looks weird because the sword isn't moving far enough for it to give the illusion of animation. Instead it has that same sort of "doubling" effect that Lyn Lord has on her critical frames where she's unsheathing her sword. I also think that his left arm should bend a little instead of remaining straight when he's pulling his sword back to ready the strike.

Edited by Agro
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Trying to salvage this guy without changing the overall shape too much so I can keep the existing animation...


slight changes...


edit: mooore variants. Hopefully at least one of these is going in the right direction.


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The one without pauldrons looks better IMO. Also I think the legs on this one:


Look better than these 2:


I like the one without too.

so i guess now you go to do dodge animations huh? *is exited, wants to use this animation in a personal hack.*

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This took awhile. Tried to base it more off of POR halberdiers and less off a fancier soldier. But it's still not called a halberdier


I'm trying to compromise with the pose because standing upright with an upright lance looks too much like the soldier, lance pointed down looks too much like all those Ephraim halbs out there, and full crouched looks too much like yeti's. So we have this.

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This took awhile. Tried to base it more off of POR halberdiers and less off a fancier soldier. But it's still not called a halberdier


I'm trying to compromise with the pose because standing upright with an upright lance looks too much like the soldier, lance pointed down looks too much like all those Ephraim halbs out there, and full crouched looks too much like yeti's. So we have this.

i like the first pose, but don't bend the knees, it doesn't look quite natural.

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i like the first pose, but don't bend the knees, it doesn't look quite natural.

(they're the same pose, just flipped and recolored to provide two different views)

Anyway, do you mean that you don't like the prospect of bent knees, because I'm probably not going to bend on that (I'm so sorry), or that you don't like these bent knees in particular?

If it's the latter, I've fixed up the legs a little.


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(they're the same pose, just flipped and recolored to provide two different views)

Anyway, do you mean that you don't like the prospect of bent knees, because I'm probably not going to bend on that (I'm so sorry), or that you don't like these bent knees in particular?

If it's the latter, I've fixed up the legs a little.


A LOT better IMO

and just sayin' it was the latter~~

Edited by Dominotheif
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That 2nd tier sprite's sword looks weird. It seems like it would snap at the cross-guard if you actually hit someone with it. The rest of the shading, namely on the shield, is a little bit weird as well, but I can't help there, since shading is really trial and error for me.

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The loin cloth angle doesn't really seem to match up with the rest of the pose.

It's curving away from his body when it should probably fall a lot straighter on his body.

I really like the sword users though, especially huge shield man. Though like Merc said, the sword could use some extra thickness.

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Think I've fixed the loincloth and sword issue. I was going for some sort of perspective on the big one's sword, but it was a little too exaggerated.



Also continuing to mess with little things until I've got something I like.

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I don't feel like there's enough contrast between the two shades on the blue guy's shield. Loincloth seems legit. His hands seem a little small for that lance, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gave the halberdier new colors (eliwood blue, I think) and made his hand bigger. And then there were a whole mess of other tweaks to get it look more FE styled.


And messed with this guy some more because I have no idea what was going on with the shading. I'm currently working on reanimating him, I'll post something up here once the stick figures are done.


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This time it actually makes sense to have a shadow under the weapon:


Also been messing with these guys some more.


The deal with the spearshere (lets just pretend for the purpose of this example that I ever do something with all these sprites), is both classes can use lances but are enemy only and only ever come with a single use, fairly powerful javelin, Roman legionary style because if they could use lances and came with legitimate lances they'd basically be better soldiers. But then again, everything's a better soldier.

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