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PS2 Controller

Lord Raven

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So my suitemates trying to get me into Madden, and we have to stick with '09 cause we're cheap and we don't feel like buying another DS3. However, we're dealing with his DS2 and it's not working at all -- the problem is that the circle button, regardless of what we do, is pretty much acting as if it's being held down all the time. We tested this for like a full hour and nothing we did different fixed it. We also broke open the piece of shit and that did absolutely nothing to fix the situation. In fact, after breaking it open and taking off all the cover and buttons and everything and pretty much only connecting the circuit board in the end, it kept on acting as if someone were holding down the circle button constantly.

Is there any fix to this or should we just get a new PS2 controller? We're leaning towards the latter, but...

The weird part is that his controller hasn't even seen action in a month so I'm not sure what could've gone wrong. My controller is fine, though... maybe it's the PS2 itself? Even though the PS2 is perfectly normal with my controller...

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Maybe there is a particle or dirt where the electrons can pass through from, effectively skipping the button, making it seem like it's held down. You could try cleaning the circuit board and after that, if you have a teeny-tiny drill, use it to make small gaps between the metals going in and out from the button (you don't have to trill a long hole, just a dent inbetween will do fine). I had a similar problem once with a controller I made.

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Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in again?

look, somebody had to ask

I've had similar problems with controllers, and this is actually the only way I've fixed it.

Probably gonna need a new controller though...

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It's probably fucked.

I love my PS2. Haven't really played it for a few years, but over the last week I've been firing it up, playing some Ace Combat 5 and Worms Armageddon.

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As for the circuit thing- I'll probably go around campus and find a computer engineer that *may* know how to screw around with circuits and see if they can help with it. It's either that or a new 15 dollar controller, and we're both leaning towards the latter this weekend (we may get two -- a second one for me because my wireless was completely fucked, 5 dollar piece of shit and one for him).

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