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3DS Slide Extension


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Isn't this intended for the Monster Hunter game...?

This is like ranting that Nintendo sucks for having that Guitar Hero adapter thingy on the original DS available to people who wanted to use it. For an optional adapter intended for use with few or even one game. Hey You! Pikachu's wonky getup isn't any different than this :/

Other than this adds in another stick and a second set of L and R buttons. And adds a headphone jack to somewhere not-stupid. No one's forcing anyone to use this adapter unless you're playing said Monster Hunting game. And it might even be optional in that game too.

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Hey You! Pikachu's wonky getup isn't any different than this :/

I'm pretty sure people made fun of Hey You! Pikachu as well, so I'm not sure why you're offering that up like it's a defense.

No one's forcing anyone to use this adapter unless you're playing said Monster Hunting game.

Japanese terrorists have kidnapped the president! Word is, he's playing monster hunter on the 3ds at gunpoint!

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I'm pretty sure people made fun of Hey You! Pikachu as well, so I'm not sure why you're offering that up like it's a defense.

Exactly. And it's not representative of Nintendo, neither there nor here. These are simply gimmicks, and nothing more. It's not an extension or an addendum to the system as it is, but only an accessory intended for a selection of games which want support for it. Which at the moment, is only one (1).

Nintendo Continues to Attempt to Destroy its Reputation

These gimmicks have been going on for generations of systems.

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Isn't this intended for the Monster Hunter game...?

Nintendo wouldn't make sure a major addon for one game. Stuff like the microphone are minor, this is an extra control stick and can benefit any game with a moveable camera.

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Nintendo wouldn't make sure a major addon for one game. Stuff like the microphone are minor, this is an extra control stick and can benefit any game with a moveable camera.







But they have been .-.

Microphone minor? For a game to make use of that takes more than adding in a couple extra button inputs.

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Ooh nooo, an add-on from a third party. This will surely destroy Nintendo this time!

edit: Official? It's not even as big as the DS Phat. Come on, where are my magnifying screens!

I want my monstrosity of a pimped out Gameboy brick again! They've found a new source of Nintendium, baby!

Edited by Chalis
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Not made by Nintendo, as far as I know.

Isn't this just a shell? You can use that for any game that requires shooting.

Unless this was a super special thing, couldn't you use this for any game that used the zapper?

You can't use a microphone in the same way you can use an extra stick.

Image doesn't work, but I know what that is. Not made by Nintendo.

Could be replaced by a link cable, does not create an entirely new control scheme.

But they have been .-.


Microphone minor? For a game to make use of that takes more than adding in a couple extra button inputs.

Which is why nobody ever uses it. Any game that has a camera could greatly benefit from a second stick.

Edited by Saloma
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I'm aware Nintendo (and other companies) have been doing stuff like this for years. It's just that this comes right on the heels of the badly-received 3DS launch, the sudden 3DS Price Drop (which most are okay about, but there are some angry people), and the whole Operation Rainfall deal. Nintendo's been getting some bad press lately, so this is just another thing on top of all that.

Furthermore, what makes me mad is not that the the 3DS is getting a second analog stick. I'm happy it is. It needs one. My problem is that it should already have a second analog stick. They created a system that very obviously didn't have a vital input, and are now trying to sell us a bulky add-on for additional cost so that we can play games (trust me, this thing is not going to be limited to MH) that we should already be able to play. That's a load of crap. And odds are the inevitable 3DS Lite will have the second stick built in, so that late adopters don't have to buy the obnoxiously huge cradle. The whole point of handhelds is to be portable, yet this system-peripheral unit is gigantic.

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I guess it really is the hip thing nowadays to criticize everything Nintendo does to try and bring a more enjoyable gaming experience to gamers.

GIMME FIVE! Seriously, I'm tired of all the Nintendo bashing. If you don't like them, just move on. I love Nintendo because they brought us some gems. They're not perfect, but they're still pretty awesome in my books. Hell, we wouldn't even be on this forum without them!

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The whole point of handhelds is to be portable, yet this system-peripheral unit is gigantic.

Not really, no. Unless they put in a super-sized man to hold it all, I'm pretty sure it looks just as big as the original DS, which was perfectly portable.

Furthermore, what makes me mad is not that the the 3DS is getting a second analog stick.

You called the creation of it "Nintendo continues to attempt to destroy its reputation". That was very clearly at them making this peripheral. Yes, tehy should've had it from the start, but why didn't you complain about it then, and not now?

Man fuck nintendo, they're only listening to what people want and find problematic with their portable console.

I take back what I said about it not looking that bad, it doesn't look bad at all.

now trying to sell us a bulky add-on for additional cost so that we can play games (trust me, this thing is not going to be limited to MH) that we should already be able to play.

Oh noes, 10 pounds for better gaming quality. Not worth it at all.

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GIMME FIVE! Seriously, I'm tired of all the Nintendo bashing. If you don't like them, just move on. I love Nintendo because they brought us some gems. They're not perfect, but they're still pretty awesome in my books. Hell, we wouldn't even be on this forum without them!

Oh, don't take this as me completely hating Nintendo. I've owned every major Nintendo handheld ever, and three consoles, so I'm a big fan. However, even fans are allowed to point out when Nintendo majorly screws up and sells us a $250 overpriced prototype that's missing a major input device (alongside virtually every feature they promised, thought that's all been rectified).

EDIT: And the lack of the second circle pad was addressed and bemoaned when the system was announced. NOW, however, they've finally listened when it's too late, and their solution is a bulky extra peripheral that we'll all have to buy at additional cost, because we know this thing will be required to play games we want.

Not really, no. Unless they put in a super-sized man to hold it all, I'm pretty sure it looks just as big as the original DS, which was perfectly portable.

Try putting a 3DS on its charging cradle and shoving it in your pocket. Then imagine at least another inch or so added to one side and a fraction of that to the other side. That's pretty huge. Unless you have really big pockets it will likely just barely fit, which is not what I consider a good size. I have an original DS, and while bulky, it's not that big.

Edited by Ragnell
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Then don't put the extension with the analogue stick on with the 3DS and just put it in your other pocket. You don't even have to carry it around if you really don't want to. For those who don't mind, there's no problem, for those who do mind, there doesn't need to be one.

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