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Save Point?!?!?!

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I was looking around the official site, and I saw a screenshot of a glowing white circle, with text reading (in Katakana) "Save Point", and a menu option reading "Save". [ in glowing green text]

What is this? It's probably the same function as RD's Battle Save, but you can only do it at certain places. (and thus slightly preventing level up abuse) But still, IMO, having save points seems very un-Fire Emblem. (perhaps the game's going to feel like Final Fantasy?)

What do you guys think?

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Well, if the game does end up with save points, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I'll probably like it. I mean, you don't have to use them if you don't want to.

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Going from what Vince said, you're allowed a limited or single save when a unit chooses to use them. The description was that they are usually found near dangerous or vital areas.

I'd rather have the chance to choose to save once at will throughout the chapter, but that's just me.

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If Save Points are a localized version of Radiant Dawn's Battle Save but you're still allowed a 'I'm in class and probably shouldn't be play-crap the teacher*turnsofDS*' suspend I'll be happy.

I want the ability to just turn off the game at will, not have to go 'damnit, I need a save point' whenever I'm getting off or on a train/getting on or off shift at work/someone's realized I'm not paying attention to them/etc.

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I was looking around the official site, and I saw a screenshot of a glowing white circle, with text reading (in Katakana) "Save Point", and a menu option reading "Save". [ in glowing green text]

What is this? It's probably the same function as RD's Battle Save, but you can only do it at certain places. (and thus slightly preventing level up abuse) But still, IMO, having save points seems very un-Fire Emblem. (perhaps the game's going to feel like Final Fantasy?)

What do you guys think?

Yes, I like the idea

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If Save Points are a localized version of Radiant Dawn's Battle Save but you're still allowed a 'I'm in class and probably shouldn't be play-crap the teacher*turnsofDS*' suspend I'll be happy.

I want the ability to just turn off the game at will, not have to go 'damnit, I need a save point' whenever I'm getting off or on a train/getting on or off shift at work/someone's realized I'm not paying attention to them/etc.

Yes, that must come back. It was so nice.

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You know, the DS can suspend itself as well, when closed. And unless you have a certain Slot-2 device, the battery should last quite some time--you can always just shut. It's not nearly the same effect, but conserving battery is nice if you can't save it entirelty.

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You know, the DS can suspend itself as well, when closed. And unless you have a certain Slot-2 device, the battery should last quite some time--you can always just shut. It's not nearly the same effect, but conserving battery is nice if you can't save it entirelty.

Tru Tru.

But the save point thing seems a bit odd to me. I guess its so after you save, if marth gets criticaled by a archer 4 turns later our of the 26 turns you already spent on that stage you can reload on turn 22. But will you be able to KEEP reloading said save file if you reset again?

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Tru Tru.

But the save point thing seems a bit odd to me. I guess its so after you save, if marth gets criticaled by a archer 4 turns later our of the 26 turns you already spent on that stage you can reload on turn 22. But will you be able to KEEP reloading said save file if you reset again?

I thought it would be more like you get to reset from the save point once and only once.

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