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Krom For Super Smas Bros. 4?


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I really can't see any Fire Emblem characters appearing as playable fighters bar Marth (the only certainty I think, represents the series and is very popular), Ike, 'Krom' (possibly replacing Ike) and maybe Roy who could be put back in for old times sake.

If FE3DS is released outside of Japan then I think Krom will appear, following the tradition of the 'newest' FE Lord appearing alongside Marth (Roy - Melee, Ike - Brawl, Krom - 4?). Possibly replacing Ike much like Ike replaced our boy Roy, although certain characters being omitted from Brawl pissing people off may make Sakauri think twice about Ike being replaced. On top of it being tradition it also makes for good advertising as well as showing both the origin of the FE series in Marth and where it is now in Krom. If FE3DS isn't released outside Japan then it'll almost certainly be Marth and Ike again, there'd be no point putting Krom in the game other than as a sticker or trophy.

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replying the topic question....

I hardly think that...because if Nintendo makes a SSB4, would appear there Ike, Marth...maybe Lyn or another Lord from the first FE for America (I mean, the "most famous" Lords). Krom is a new Lord and when SSB4 appears, FE 3DS will be a little known game....more, who knows if there is a SSB4...or already Nintendo said something about it??:huh: (don't know!! the university isolate me from the outside world...(?))

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  • 2 weeks later...

It actually didn't. The big cusp of the fandom accumulated in a small group hoping for FE6 to be localized. This eventually emerged into FESS, but not before Sigurd's Pants came out. It wasn't a very large group at first which banded together in anticipation for FE6. Before that, it had a following comparative to any other non-localized series of the time.

Meanwhile, the Earthbound series was freaking huge not only long before that, but long since as well, as far as a cult-following is concerned. Fire Emblem lost that cult following with the steady flow of games--it's now just a series with fans for American and European fans. Meanwhile Earthbound continues to accumulate a mass cult--its seclusion breeds the interest.

While that might be true, I believe you forget that no game from the Mother series ever made it to Europe, and thus you really can't talk about a fanbase out there. Fire Emblem, though, does have a large community of hardcore fans all over the world. Moreover, Mother 3 never made it out of Japan, and the director of the series has claimed having no desire to do a fourth game, ever. While he might change his mind someday(and I sure hope he does, being a fan myself), this fact is still widely known within the Mother's fanbase, which will thus decrease, little by little. That's unavoidable.

I do agree, though, that regularly getting a new Fire Emblem game no matter what, every two years or so, might have made us hardcore fans into something more, well, generic. But don't be fooled by the relative lack of interest on FE12's localisation. After all, it still IS a remake, and very few people will fight for a remake's localisation these days. I believe, though, that if FE13 isn't released worldwide, considering that the 3DS is region locked, we might get an outburst of fans asking for the game.

On topic, I am still hoping for Roy's return in ssb4, but I really don't see it happening, sadly. Marth will be there for sure, along with the most recent FE's lord, I guess(probably no Chrome.). Ike... Well, call me crazy, but I see him getting left out, with his style of fighting given to Ganondorf so fewer people complain.

"Imagines Ganondorf using Aether"

... Okay, never mind. Ike will definitely be in.

Edited by Cysx
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  • 3 weeks later...

I really desperately want Roy to return--I wouldn't be posting on this forum without him!--but the odds of that happening are just too slim to warrant much attention, in my opinion. I doubt Nintendo is going to say, "Herp-a-derp! We made a mistake in Brawl! Here's Roy again!" With any luck, maybe SSB4 will be advanced enough that a set of FE-themed skins will be available, but, assuming that no new FE games are released between SSB4 and FE3DS, I have no doubts that Krom will be the new character, whether or not that means dumping Ike. To be honest, I was really hoping for Eliwood for some reason. As I said above, I really don't think Roy will be returning, but Eliwood would be amazing compensation. I'm certain that Nintendo will go the Marth + New Character route though. :/

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  • 1 month later...

I seen alot of people like Roy and Ike, I do like Roy and I do want Roy return in the sequel, despite that he's not in brawl. And I seen alot of people in the Brawl tournaments using Ike and mostly Marth. I think theres like alot of Ike fans.

Edited by King Marth 64
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  • 2 weeks later...

I gave this some more thought and saw that the thread was still open, so... :awesome:

Ideally, instead of the Marth + New Character formula, I would love it if they dumped Ike and Marth altogether and opened up three slots for Fire Emblem characters, filling them with Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector. If Star Fox can have three clone characters, why can't FE have three interesting, unique looking, and perhaps also uniquely behaving characters?

FE7 itself holds a bit of clout because it was the first Fire Emblem game to hit an international market, and it obviously has a huge fan-following even after all these years. It was also lauded across the board, and had a good lead-in from SSBM. For those who haven't played it, that's just another marketing opportunity for Nintendo; they could add FE7 to the virtual console if it isn't already there.

Individually, the characters make fairly strong cases as well. Lyn was very well received as an Assist Trophy, and we could always use more attractive ladies in the roster. I would imagine that she would have a fast and light play style, similar to Marth, with the added bonus of using a bow as a long range attack, and perhaps some physical elements, such as Ike's ability to kick people when you tap A. Hector would be amazing as well, and would be a great replacement for Ike. Obviously he would wield an axe and be a heavy, slower, stronger sort of character. I could easily see a Hand Axe type of weapon available to him as a long range attack, and he would certainly dispel the pansy pretty-boy stereotype that non-FE players seem to have these days. Finally, Eliwood would be the "classic" Fire Emblem character, as in, a perfect sword-wielding blend of Marth, Roy, and possibly Ike. Not too fast or too slow, well balanced in terms of strength, and just an all around solid character. They could also add a unique lance/spear attack if they wanted to change it up, although I'm not sure what the mechanics behind that would look like. And, naturally, including Eliwood would most certainly appease many of the players who were upset about Roy's absence. It's not the same, but it's as close as you can get without flat out bringing Roy back into the mix, which seems very unlikely for a lot of reasons. If there is concern over too many swordsman characters, they could include fun Fire Emblem staples such as mines or light runes, or variable elements like the occasional critical. (Similar to how tripping is randomly triggered.)

I'm not necessary against Krom being in SSB4, but I think a lot of interesting older characters will continue to get overlooked if the "new lord" formula is used over and over again, and as someone else mentioned earlier, this could be a serious detriment if the game is a flop or doesn't make it overseas. You can argue that including older characters will confuse and irritate the non-Japanese gamers, and I'm sure that that is the primary reason why we won't see any, but if they were to be included, that would be a great way to charge up the series again. In the same way that Marth and Roy invoked a lot of mystery and curiosity with gamers--curiosity that led to localization--it might be a risk worth taking to include old favorites like Celice or Sigurd instead of the flavor of the week.

Edited by Popo
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If Star Fox can have three clone characters, why can't FE have three interesting, unique looking, and perhaps also uniquely behaving characters?
They weren't clone characters in Brawl :(

I'm in favor of a Sigurd (with a Celice alternate costume)/Ephraim/Krom/Ike/Marth SSB4, but oh well. THATS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Too much blue as well :newyears:

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They weren't clone characters in Brawl :(

As far as I can tell, they have different animations for the same old stuff. :/ Blaster, jet pack, reflector, kick, same Final Smash. I'm not looking to start a debate though. XD

Honestly, I wouldn't like to see random crits in SSB.

Just an example of how they could modify the swordsman characters. :3

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Since the five unlockable Melee fighters that didn't made it to Brawl that appeared in the newer games after Brawl since:

Dr. Mario made an appearance in the new Dr. Mario games in the WiiWare and the DSiWare, and rereleased the Game Boy version on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console.

Pichu is usuable in the third Pokemon Ranger game and also used in the remake of Pokemon Gold and Silver.

Young Link is in the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 3DS and possibly going to make a remake for Majora's Mask. (If Nintendo makes a decision about it.)

Mewtwo made as a boss in the Pokemon: Rumble on the WiiWare and also used in the remake of Pokemon Gold and Silver.

And Roy might possibly be promoted for his game for the 3DS Virtual Console until Nintendo makes a decision for the Game Boy Advance games to be released for the public. And also, he did appeared in the Fire Emblem: 20th Anniversary Encyclopedia.

And I seriously doubt that none of the Original, Melee, and Brawl characters won't be removed in the next sequel.

And also, I think that will possibly give a promotion if they'll possibly rerelease Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Wii U's Virtual Console (if Nintendo will rerelease the GameCube games, just like they did for the GBA games for the 3DS.)

Edited by King Marth 64
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  • 1 month later...

Honestly, I would want to see a non-sword user from FE. Hector would be cool, although I wouldn't mind another FE7 lord. I'm not going to complain if they add any FE characters. They'll almost certainly bring back Marth... Unless they want rioting for some reason... I think they'll probably bring back Ike as well, but I would really like them to change him up a bit. He's just so slow and he's nothing like that in FE9. Alternatively, I would feel better about Ike being so fat and slow if they used his look from FE10 instead of FE9. Personally, he just seems stronger and slower in that game.

As for Krom, he could appear in the next SSB. It would be cool if he made it on the 3DS version of the next SSB as it would promote his game/appearance on that system.(Since Nintendo said to have a new SSB game for both 3DS and WiiU.)

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*Totally agrees*

Personally I would like to see Hector or/and magic user (Micaiah, Hugh or Tormod I guess... w/e, almost any magic user would be cool).

E: Oh hell yeah, Laguz/Mamkute into SSB! X3

Edited by Serene Flight
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Ooo, A laguz or manakete, now there's something I didn't think about. Though realistically, neither of these has any main characters or someone "important" to warrant a character spot. Maybe they can make an appearance as assist trophies or something of the like? As far as magic user go, they at least have Micaiah as a main character. But since they already included Ike and not her, I doubt she'd make it in the next either.

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I liked Popo's idea of the three FE7 Lords.

Each wielding their Prf weapons.

Lyn would be the super-quick-light-damage-like-Marth-style fighter using the Mani Kati.

Eliwood would be the mid-range - pretty quick, quite strong, specialising in lunging attacks with the Rapier.

Hector then, self-explanatory. Kind of like Ike, but with the Wolf Beil. Slow but very strong.

Their Final Smashes (if they will even exist from SSB4 onwards), would be equipping their Legendary Prf weapons and performing their critical animations, sending hit opponents flying.

Wishful thinking.

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Their Final Smashes (if they will even exist from SSB4 onwards), would be equipping their Legendary Prf weapons and performing their critical animations, sending hit opponents flying.

Wishful thinking.

Considering that they planned to have them starting from the first game in the series (the final smashes), I don't think it's gonna disappear now that they finally got it moving :p

Edited by Celice
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Considering that they planned to have them starting from the first game in the series (the final smashes), I don't think it's gonna disappear now that they finally got it moving :p

Nnnngh. Do not want. >o< If the Final Smash does come back, they need to level the playing field between characters a bit more.

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Just because they have final smashes does not mean that you have to use them. And for the most part, without the final smashes, Brawl seems much more balanced than Melee. *coughmetaknightcough* It's easier for less experienced people to play and combat more experienced players. It's not nearly as good for competition though. But overall, I'd say most characters have balanced chances.

As for the FE7 lords, theoretically, it would be much more likely that they would use their legendary weapons the whole time; Marth uses Falchion, Roy uses the Sealed Sword/Sword of Seals, and Ike uses Ragnell. Although, I could see them going for Mani Katti for Lyn instead. Not that this matters much because they probably won't be playable characters. Hopefully Lyn won't be the only assist throphy/FE item thingy next time.

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Just because they have final smashes does not mean that you have to use them. And for the most part, without the final smashes, Brawl seems much more balanced than Melee. *coughmetaknightcough* It's easier for less experienced people to play and combat more experienced players. It's not nearly as good for competition though. But overall, I'd say most characters have balanced chances.

A bad player being able to beat a really good player solely due to character choice isn't good balance at all

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