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Pokemon Genesis Mafia Wins!

Fear The Pika

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the phase won't end until the current tie is broken. I'm not sure which to vote for, though so.

votes are luka and lorddomu

umm random.org ##Vote: Mysterio

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Since I don't like ties and I think he should be lynched anyway...

##Vote: Lorddomu

umm I could accept random voting but why exactly do you think this person specifically ~SHOULD~ be lynched. He doesn't appear to be under different conditions from other people. Actually he has posted more recently than a couple people I think!!

I'm onto you!


##Vote: DarthPichu

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1 Luka M (Kay)

2 Lorddomu (Eclipse, DarthPichu)

1 DarthPichu (Hikarusa)

Without even saying a word in his defense, Lorddomu watched as the gathered people and Pokemon alike found a wild Snorlax that has nothing to do with this game whatsoever and tossed it on him, making him nothing more than a bloody smear on the ground. The Snorlax woke up and walked away, scratching its posterior as it went.

Bulbasaur (Type: Grass/Poison)

You are Bulbasaur, a tiny plant dinosaur. You're pretty new, so you can't do much. Heck, you can't even do anything unless your trainer, Red, tells you to. But who knows? Maybe you'll gain more power if you level up.

Lv. 7

ROLE: Vegetable

If Red decides to activate your ability, he will choose one person for you to target. That person cannot post during the next day.

You are in a mason group with (Red). Pokemon Red captures get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If you Red dies, you die.

Win Condition: All Rockets and their Pokemon must be dead.

Begin Night 3. Night 3 end at 11:59 PM (EST) on Friday, October 21st.

Edited by Fear The Pika
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Red looked around as he got up, ready to perform his chosen action for the night. Silently, he searched for his target, knowing he could try to prevent any harm that came to that person. He quickly found the person he was looking for and went up to him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to protect you," he said in a whisper.

"Sorry, Red, but I just want to kill you," Giovanni replied as he revealed a gun and shot Red straight in the heart.

The sun rose early, illuminating another slaughter.

Kiku-Ichimonji had been shot, and Hikarusa's body was lying next to him.

Eclipse was found with her face punched in, and Mysterio's body was lying next to her.


You are Red, the greatest battler on the face of the planet. You heard that Team Rocket was coming here to capture Mew, so you came to stop them with your team of unbeatable Pokemon. Too bad all your Pokemon vanished, save one Bulbasaur, so you’re just going to go with what you’ve got.

Items: 3 Poke Balls, 300 Poke

ROLE: Trainer Battler

Once during the night, you must choose to either:

A. Use the power of one of the Pokemon you have (the same power cannot be used on consecutive nights).

B. Go to an area to search for a wild Pokemon or a trainer battle (if you have more than one Pokemon, you must chose which Pokemon you’re using when you pick your area. The mechanics for battles, both wild and trainer, and wild Pokemon encounters will not be revealed. If you have no Poke Balls, you may not choose this option.)

C. Choose a player. Any roles targeting that player during the night will be redirected towards you, with a 50% chance at being nullified before it has any effect.

D. Go to the Poke Mart and buy Poke Balls. You must buy at least one Poke Ball. If you do not have 100 Poke, you may not choose this option.

You are in a mason group with Lorddomu and Hikarusa. Pokemon you capture get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If you die, any Pokemon that you have captured die with you.

Win Condition: All Rockets and their Pokemon must be dead.

Mightyena (Type: Dark)

Lv. 6

ROLE: Snatch

If Proto decides to activate your ability, he will choose one person for you to target and choose a person. The target must cast his vote for that person during the next game day and cannot change it to anyone else.

You are in a mason group with Kiku-Ichimonji (Red) and Lorddomu. Pokemon Red captures get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If you Red dies, you die.

Win Condition: All Rockets and their Pokemon must be dead.

Lt. Surge

You are Lt. Surge, Vermilion's Gym Leader gone to the dark side. You are second only to Giovanni himself, but too bad this doesn’t mean anything as it’s only you and Giovanni on this mission. You get to do all of the grunt work, and that means finding and capturing Mew. Who knows? Maybe you could go it alone if you succeed...

ROLE: Rocket.

You are a Rocket. You are a Rocket with with xxx. Each night, you must chose to either:

A. Use the power of one of the Pokemon you have (the same power cannot be used on consecutive nights). You may not choose this option until you have obtained a Pokemon.

B. Go to an area to search for a wild Pokemon or a trainer battle (if you have more than one Pokemon, you must chose which Pokemon you’re using when you pick your area. Encounter and capture rate is 100% for the first Pokemon you find. The mechanics for battles, both wild and trainer, will not be revealed.)

Pokemon you capture get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If you die, any Pokemon that you have captured die with you.

Win Condition: Eliminate all other trainers (excluding Giovanni) and the Pokemon on his/her team and all wild Pokemon must be captured or killed.

Riolu (Type: Fighting)

Lv. 5

ROLE: Foresight

If Eclipse decides to activate your ability, he will choose one person for you to target. You have a 25% chance of learning that person’s alignment.

You are a Rocket, albeit a Rocket’s Pokemon. You are a Rocket with with xxx.

Pokemon captured by Lt. Surge get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If Lt. Surge dies, you die.

Win Condition: Eliminate all other trainers (excluding Giovanni) and the Pokemon on his/her team and all wild Pokemon must be captured or killed.

Begin Day 4. Day 4 ends at 11:59 PM (EST) on October 25th. (10/25)

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Okay, since no one else has posted anything, I guess I will. Unless I'm wrong, this is the last day left in the game. Because once we lynch someone, we will be down to three people. After that, the mafia will kill someone during the night, and there would be two people left for the day. And unless the townie had a role that would allow him to kill Giovanni before he was killed, then it would be over. And looking at the updates, it appears that there is another killing role besides the mafia. So I guess its also possible that the game could end tonight.

But anyway, since we have don't have any way of knowing who Giovanni is, I guess it will have to come down to random voting.

##Vote: Kay

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Yeah, it's basically LYLO. I'm not sure of the role distribution, but I think it's reasonably likely that the remaining roles are Lance, who would be the other killing role, and be some kind of independent, Yellow + 1 wild Pokemon, and a Rocket, probably one of Sabrina, Koga, or Giovanni. Although, the win conditions seem to require total annihilation of the opposing faction, even for mafia, so it's possible that there are two Rockets left.


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Yeah, it's basically LYLO. I'm not sure of the role distribution, but I think it's reasonably likely that the remaining roles are Lance, who would be the other killing role, and be some kind of independent, Yellow + 1 wild Pokemon, and a Rocket, probably one of Sabrina, Koga, or Giovanni. Although, the win conditions seem to require total annihilation of the opposing faction, even for mafia, so it's possible that there are two Rockets left.


I agree that the non-rocket killing role is probably an independent. And as for the win condition, I think that its probably last man standing. But I've never played a mini mafia game before, so I don't know how common something like that would be. And I don't think Yellow is in this game. Besides the possible independent, there is Giovanni, Blue (we know this because we killed his Charmander) and a wild Pokemon. Although by now the wild Pokemon has probably been caught. But anyway, I don't see how Yellow could be in this.

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And I don't think Yellow is in this game. Besides the possible independent, there is Giovanni, Blue (we know this because we killed his Charmander) and a wild Pokemon.

Oh, right, forgot Blue was still unaccounted for.

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There really is nothing to talk about. :/

That's not entirely true. While there isn't much to talk about, there is some stuff we can discuss.

For example, Luka Megurine has hardly posted this game. And two of his post's were made after he was called out for being inactive. And even then, he didn't say anything about his inactivity. So you see, if you look hard enough there is usually something that can be discussed.

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