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Skyward Sword or PoR?

Ring Wraith

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Hmm... I've actually heard many people saying they enjoy WW more than TP... But idk, it could just be the people I've met.

But yeah I would say decisions can't be entirely based off of what others felt about games.

But if not our opinions on which we feel would be more enjoyable, what is the decision in this topic going to be based off of? Just what seems.... smarter? Financially or based on quality? Because then it gets to others' opinions again.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Hmm... I've actually heard many people saying they enjoy WW more than TP... But idk, it could just be the people I've met.

Or the people I've met.

But if not our opinions on which we feel would be more enjoyable, what is the decision in this topic going to be based off of? Just what seems.... smarter? Financially or based on quality? Because then it gets to others' opinions again.

Yeah, I realized that after my last post...fail.

Personally, I don't care about finances that much at this point. $30 won't make a substantial difference. I've just heard very mixed things about PoR, and I have a lot of faith in the Zelda series. So, quality. Technically, SS isn't out yet, so it's all based on expectations, which is even worse than opinions, haha.

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Worried about buying an old game, and a new game that won't be out until November.

You could probably find PoR cheap somewhere, and still have enough for Skyward Sword. And, personally, I only expect to have fun.

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I've played both TP and WW many many times. WW more so than TP. WW has a boring beginning, but it doesn't drag on and on from one thing to another to another in TP and you actually go somewhere in WW's beginning (well I'm counting Forsaken Fortress as the beginning since it's just the same ol' sword hunting... just more dangerous xD If it doesn't count the WW's beginning is definitely shorter than TP.

But yeah either way I am more bored of TP than WW because wind waker is just so fun without any limitations to where you want to explore. You just won't get anything done if you goof around XD But I still enjoy goofing around.

Ok Freohr back to topic now?

Personally I enjoy zelda games more than fire emblem games because I just love to explore I suppose. No limited movements and I tend to suck at strategy anyway so I guess I'm just better at LoZ xD All I know is that I tend to replay LoZ games way more than FE games. *is gonna be kicked off of the FE forum*

Although I did love playing PoR a whole bunch and I wish mine never broke... But personally I would rather choose SS. Probably because I'm better than almost everyone I've met at not hating a game. I tend to say "I really like this" and someone else will start complaining about it.

Complaints or no, I still end up liking a game.

Soooo for this I suppose if you find yourself enjoy FE games a whole lot more than LoZ games, or vice versa, then go with that? Unless you haven't really found a difference...

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From my experience, most Zelda games have slow starts. That doesn't stop the rest of the game from being entertaining.

There's not much to say in regards to the topic. Skyward Sword could be amazing...or terrible, for all we know. And you'll be spending $50 on it, too. I'd say find PoR for cheap somewhere and then, if the money is a big deal to you, wait to see reviews and reactions to SS before buying. You said you don't have time for both, but if you get PoR now you can likely beat it before SS is available.

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You should play Link to the Past, or Ocarina of Time. Or even the original Legend of Zelda.

Played all three, only I never beat the original (OoT was my first Zelda. In fact, LttP might have been my 2nd). I wouldn't say LttP starts slow, but OoT, yeah, somewhat. Maybe not as slow as TP, but there's a lot of cut scene time before Kakariko Village.

Although I also find TP faster because you can skip all the long cut scene stuff. That helps a lot.

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LttP starts pretty damn fast and gets you right into the action--and it doesn't really stop, though the last few dungeons feel a little strange compared to the other, what, nine?

Skyward Sword has been pretty unworthy to me, nothing stands out. Twilight Princess was the same way, it felt very muted and meh. It'd be nice if it turns itself around at release.

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You should play Link to the Past, or Ocarina of Time. Or even the original Legend of Zelda.

I have Ocarina of Time on my VC. Haven't played it in a while. Pretty sure I'm stuck somewhere on the third(?) dungeon.

Yeah, I'll probably end up going with PoR. It has replay value, but SS needs WAY more time to beat, so it evens out. Thanks guys.

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Played all three, only I never beat the original (OoT was my first Zelda. In fact, LttP might have been my 2nd). I wouldn't say LttP starts slow, but OoT, yeah, somewhat. Maybe not as slow as TP, but there's a lot of cut scene time before Kakariko Village.

I was thinking more along the lines of "time until the first dungeon".

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I was thinking more along the lines of "time until the first dungeon".

Thing is, OoT continues to be slow after that. Iirc, TP doesn't. So saying TP "starts slow" under that reasoning but OoT doesn't is kind of unfair. You have to do more stuff in the beginning of TP but skipping all the cut scenes makes things feel a lot faster.

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You call sailing on a seemingly neverending ocean "fun"?

Okaaaaaay then....

You don't? As I said, I do love to travel =D I tend to be nostalgic and say "Hmm, where am I going next? Oh yeah I know this place! *gets a piece of heart*" <-- And yeah sometimes I go heart collecting.

And I guess it's also cause it feels great to have freedom to goof around rather than always having to go to the next place. I guess I'm just a bit too open minded.

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The exploration factor in WW was amazing. I could spend hours going from island to island just to see if there was anything to do. Seriously, there was 49 islands, many of which included side-quests, while the larger ones included multiple side quests in addition to the main one, it's going to keep you busy, which is difficult for a mono-storyline thing like Zelda.

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The exploration factor in WW was amazing. I could spend hours going from island to island just to see if there was anything to do. Seriously, there was 49 islands, many of which included side-quests, while the larger ones included multiple side quests in addition to the main one, it's going to keep you busy, which is difficult for a mono-storyline thing like Zelda.

Agreed completely. That's the reason WW is my favorite Zelda. I'm at the point where I've played it so much I can't enjoy it the same way I once did. I wish I could unplay it so I could play it again for the first time.

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Thing is, OoT continues to be slow after that. Iirc, TP doesn't. So saying TP "starts slow" under that reasoning but OoT doesn't is kind of unfair. You have to do more stuff in the beginning of TP but skipping all the cut scenes makes things feel a lot faster.

The cutscenes in OoT are like 30 seconds long though, most of the time is wasted having to walk across Hyrule field, which again doesn't take too long.

that Sand Temple thing with the spinning top

As much as I hate TP, I think I'm the only person in the world who loved the spinner.

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