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Wyvern inpact PT.


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Hello everyone I am back from being gone. No mater what I do I always find something I wanna try in RD and here is my newest idea.

I will play 2 playthroughs simultaneously and I try to be as efficient as I can be.

The difference will be that in the first I am unrestricted and in the second I may not use the 2 Wyvern riders (Jill and Haar). The fun part will be finding strategies to compensate for their immense utility and see if characters are actually more viable then they are being concidered right now.

Chapter 1-P

PT: 1

Turns: 7 (7)

This chapter doesn't really need any explaination. I know that it's 6-turnable with a bit of luck but I didn't bother and got the 7 turn on both PT's. The only difference is that on the second PT I let Edward eat the cake because he might be usefull later on.

Micaiah level 2 (22/100)

Edward level 5 (21/100)

Leonardo level 4 (29/100)

PT: 2

Turns: 7 (7)

As I stated above it's exactly the same with the difference that I used Edward to finish off the boss and not Micaiah.

Micaiah level 1 (58/100)

Edward level 5 (71/100)

Leonardo level 4 (29/100)

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I've already played through the game efficiently without using Haar, and I think that he probably saves 1-2 turns over 2-E, 3-3, 3-4 in comparison to an otherwise optimal team.

Looking at your run, you lost turns on 3-3, 3-4, 3-11 and 3-E. It isn't more than that, and it is probably only around 6 turns, which is still considerable.

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If this has already been tested then I might not continue and skip to my next idea. These PT's are quite time consuming.

Chapter 1-1

PT: 1

Turns: 6 (13)

Normal ways of doing this with Nolan being as Enemy phase efficient as possible. At the 6th turn Leonardo can savely finsih the boss off but I take the risk with Nolan to get him the cake. It works out. Didn't forget to trade the steel sword to Edward and the Hand Axe to Nolan. Leonardo escaped before Micaiah followed.

Micaiah level 2 (54/100)

Edward level 5 (92/100)

Leonardo level 4 (64/100)

Nolan level 10 (03/100)

PT: 2

Turns: 6 (13)

Same as in PT 1. I'll get this a lot untill the wyverns actually join. I gave Edward a bit more Pizzaz but not the cake. That's still going to Nolan.

Micaiah level 1 (87/100)

Edward level 6 (43/100)

Leonardo level 4 (64/100)

Nolan level 9 (73/100)

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Looking at your run, you lost turns on 3-3, 3-4, 3-11 and 3-E. It isn't more than that, and it is probably only around 6 turns, which is still considerable.

I'm not sure how I lost turns in 3-11. I was under the impression that 5 turns was fairly typical. The same applies to 3-E.

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I'm not sure how I lost turns in 3-11. I was under the impression that 5 turns was fairly typical. The same applies to 3-E.

Both of those chapters can easily be done in 4 turns with either Jill or Haar.

Also, you spelled impact wrong in the OP.

Edit: Actually you don't even need Jill or Haar to do those chapters in 4 turns, just any flier.

Edited by SadXander
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Elincia can do it at the same pace. Also, taking one more turn can have you Brom do it through an Elincia/Marcia Rescue-Drop.

This is hard mode son. Good luck getting Elincia three points of strength with bexp.

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Both of those chapters can easily be done in 4 turns with either Jill or Haar.

Also, you spelled impact wrong in the OP.

Edit: Actually you don't even need Jill or Haar to do those chapters in 4 turns, just any flier.

I would think that Tanith/Marcia/Sigrun would be too frail, and that Janaff/Ulki would be unable to deal with the large numbers of 2-range enemies (plus Janaff and Ulki need to transform). In addition, it's much harder for them to ORKO Goran, and they all get OHKOed by him, plus you don't have enough capacity to stack more than two of Adept/Saviour/Celerity (Nullify probably won't even exist).

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Elincia can do it at the same pace. Also, taking one more turn can have you Brom do it through an Elincia/Marcia Rescue-Drop.

It requires either a Stun proc, a Str proc for Elincia (BEXP), or 2 Mag procs for Calill (Meteor).

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Chapter 1-2


Turns: 6(19)

Leo shoves Micaiah so she can jump up at turn 1 and kill the fighter together with Nolan. Edward keeps the Soldier busy. Standard stuff really. Sothe rushes the energy drop and Nolan + Leonardo fetch the Thani tome at the end saving a chest key for later on.

Micaiah level 3 (42/100)

Edward level 6 (29/100)

Leonardo level 4 (95/100)

Nolan level 10 (88/100)

Laura level 1 (22/100)

Sothe level 21 (17/100)


Turns 6(19)

It went the same besides Edward having more luck at Wrath crits vs the soldiers so Micaiah didn't have to bail his ass out at turn 5.

Micaiah level 2 (47/100)

Edward level 7 (01/100)

Leonardo level 4 (95/100)

Nolan level 10 (12/100)

Laura level 1 (22/100)

Sothe level 21 (17/100)

Chapter 1-3


Turns 6(25)

I took the east route for a change and I must admit I prefer the west route for the big fat XP gain. Anyways. Kurthnaga is a nice blocker so I can position Aran and have him recruited with the help of Ilyana, Edward and Leonardo. Nolan, Sothe and Micaiah go for the escape piece. Nolan can 1-shot the door with the hand-axe. Micaiah being a turd mises the armor knight in front of the longbow archer. Have to shove Micaiah back with sothe. One thing leads to another. I cannot kill the boss now or get a Nolan + Sothe escape. Nolan manages to kill the armor on turn 6 with a lucky hand axe hit and then Sothe kills the longbow archer allowing Micaiah to escape alone (after Laura recruits Aran and Aran does a lulzpoke at an armorknight).

Micaiah level 3 (53/100)

Edward level 6 (23/100)

Leonardo level 5 (09/100)

Sothe level 21 (46/100)

Nolan level 11 (19/100)

Laura level 1 (55/100)

Ilyana level 12 (20/100)

Aran level 7 (07/100)

Nolan X Leonardo C


Turns: 6 (25)

Ilyana gets a lucky crit and Micaiah doesnt fail her one armorknight hit. On the downside Aimee doesn't die in time so it's harder to lure Aran to the correct spot.

Micaiah level 2 (87/100)

Edward level 7 (42/100)

Leonardo level 5 (09/100)

Sothe level 21 (46/100)

Nolan level 10 (89/100)

Laura level 1 (55/100)

Ilyana level 12 (30/100)

Aran level 7 (07/100)

Nolan X Leonardo C

Chapter 1-4

Pt: 1

Turns: 6(31)

Seeing as 2x Elthunder + 1 Steel axe hit leaves Agony at 1 HP I forge an Iron Axe with +4 Mt and +15% hit to ensure this works. I ofc buy the beastslayer for Sothe.

Sothe goes around the bottom right all the way to the Beastfoe spot. ONly 1 reset was needed to get both the Master Seal and the Beastfoe scroll. Leonardo carries the Chest Key from 1-2 to open the Seraph Robe chest and Micaiah obtains the other Chest key to open the money chest at the last turn. No luck on the coin.

Lot's of shoves make it more interresting though some might not been needed.

Miciah level 4 (40/100)

Sothe level 22 (64/100)

Edward level 06 (23/100)

Leonardo level 5 (08/100)

Nolan level 12 (23/100)

Laura level 1 (77/100)

Ilyana level 12 (47/100)

Aran level 7 (20/100)

Meg level 3 (00/100)

Nolan X Leonardo C

PT: 2

Turns: 6 (31)

No resets needed on this one. Nolan had not gained the str point the other Nolan had so a +5 Forge was needed instead.

Micaiah level 3 (26/100)

Sothe level 22 (64/100)

Edward level 7 (42/100)

Leonardo level 5 (09/100)

Nolan level 11 (66/100)

Laura level 1 (77/100)

Ilyana level 12 (47/100)

Aran level 7 (15/100)

Meg level 3 (00/100)

Nolan X Leonardo C

Chapter 1-5

PT: 1

Turns: 6 (37)

Forge a +5 Mt knife for Sothe. Give Energy Drops and Dracoshield to Volug so Mages are a OHKO by him. Trade around some healing items and we're good to go. Nolan tanks and spanks the bottom guys for the easy steal later on. Sothe 1-rounds pretty much everything. Volugh is really nice at killing stuff too. Did not get the concotion and I came 1 shove short for the barrier steal. I checked on Dondon's videos to see if I did something wrong but he also came 1 short even if he did manage to get that Volug Shove 1 turn earlier.

Micaiah level 4 (60/100)

Sothe level 23 (72/100)

Volug level 15L (15/100)

Leonardo level 5 (17/100)

Nolan level 12 (59/100)

Laura level 1 (88/100)

Nolan x Leonardo C

PT: 2

Turns: 6 (37)

Pretty much the same. Nolan got a nice str proc which meant he could kill the master seal soldier too early so he got a bit less exp. That kill went to Volug now which is a bit of a waste but I want that Seal.

Micaiah level 3 (56/100)

Sothe level 23 (74/100)

Volug level 15L (16/100)

Leonardo level 5 (11/100)

Nolan level 12 (76/100)

Laura level 1 (99/100)

Nolan X Leonardo C

Sorry it's taking this long, I had to quick check a few things on certain chapters (such as 2-E)

Funfact: 2-E can be 1-turned without Haar with a base Brom. It relies on a 59 hit ratio and a 51% crit chance but hey it's there.

Edited by Silith
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