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Unluckiest thing that's ever happened to you in a Fire Emblem game

Big Klingy

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In FE10, I was fighting Lehran for like 3 hours, and I was going to have Tibarn kill him. He was down to 13 HP. But before Tibarn's 2nd attack, Corona activated, resulting in Tibarn's death...I didn't think it was possible, but Tibarn acctually died.

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Ire. Nuff said.

I hear ya there

Also, Disarm actually made things worse once. I had an Axe>Lance advantage and I would have killed the enemy in two shots exactly, but Disarm activated, making me lose my Axe>Lance and I didn't kill the enemy.... grr.....

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Steal Axe? It steals items?

Wow, I must've missed that...


lawlz... Someone made a spelling error...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man. I've been through a lot of misfortunes in FE10.

Boyd got killed by 1% Critical and i didn't battle saved at Rebirth (3). That made me cry T-T. I hate that chapter.

Chad got killed in the same chapter that he joins you by a 4% Critical attack from a fighter. It was on Hard mode.

And i don't remember anything else. (Hope so)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The unluckiest (and funniest) thing was in PoR when Shinon attacked Soren. Now I wanted to recruit Shinon and Soren was suppose to just soften him up for Ike. Shinon missed twice and Soren used Adept twice and criticaled the last strike. As awesome as that was, I did not want that to happen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This isn't really unlucky, and more of a result of my stupidity, but hey. I'll post it here anyway. XD

I was playing Part 4 Chapter 2, and was rather impatient to start the chapter, so all I really did was make sure all my units had decent weapons. Then, when I was halfway through the chapter, I realized I forgot to view info conversations, and one of them was the conversation when you get Rexflame. Not viewing info conversations is something that has never happened to me before, so I didn't realize that after you leave base, they aren't viewable anymore.

Not knowing this, I restarted the chapter despite being almost done, and returned to base. That's when I realized that info conversations weren't avaliable anymore if you leave base >_>. So, I was still calm and good-tempered, and just decided that screw it, Sanaki will have no choice but to use Cymbeline as her blessed weapon. (This is rare for me, because usually I get frustrated by these types of things. XD)

Then, I got half-way through the chapter again, and realized I hadn't updated my supports! But once again, I said "screw it" because they weren't that important, I guess. Then some random enemy killed Ilyana, which was totally my fault. I forgot that the guy was there LOL. And I hadn't battle saved during the entire thing, because I thought I wouldn't need it since my Nephenee-Marcia team and Tibarn-Elincia team were pwning everything in sight. Silly me. So I started over again, updated my supports this time, and finally beat the chapter without a hitch. Yay!

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I'd have to say the unluckiest thing to happen to me was in Sacred Stones. Gerik, a guy with somewhat decent stat gains, went 3 levels without gaining single stat. Not even HP, and it wasn't maxed yet. Just pure bad luck. At least it was all in the same map so I just restarted it.

Then there's the time I was trying to escape the prison in the intro chapters in FE10 on Hard Mode. I had Edward up front to take a hit when Aran and the other dudes spawn. For whatever reason, Aran got up right next to him instead of attacking with his Javelin. I got hit, but Edward got two crits in a row and killed him. I was fairly upset. Also on the same map, I was letting the enemy archer attack Ilyana from behind the wall. I figured she'd get hit, attack back, I'd heal up with a Vulnary on my turn and finish the guy off with Leonardo. She crit the guy and killed him, allowing the other archer behind the wall to come up and kill her. What the hell, game? CRITS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD THING.

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I feel you, sandman. Crits are sometimes troublesome, especially if your char is low on health. Like, they kill an enemy, but because the space is empty, another enemy comes. They do it again and again and again until an enemy unit kills them...

Edited by Nightmare
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I feel you, sandman. Crits are sometimes troublesome, especially if your char is low on health. Like, they kill an enemy, but because the space is empty, another enemy comes. They do it again and again and again until an enemy unit kills them...

My unpromoted Ike did that one time...It became a good thing in the end because he dodged most of the blows.

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There a reason you didn't have Nihil on Ike during that fight? I can't think of a good one.

Maybe he was referring to FE9 because Ike does fight the BK in FE9.

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