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Can't.... stop..... watching!!!

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Oh and Peppy obviously I know that everyone thinks differently XD But that's like overall. I'm just saying that in this particular matter majority of people don't seem to agree with the way I think.

Well okay then...

Maybe the people i know in real life don't understand the way i think but i don't think they disagree...

Why is text always purplish-blue. In another forum, if you used something besides the default color, they would change it back...pirate.png

Edited by PeppyHare4000
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How is watching and enjoying a show considered a fad. Are people using the word 'fad' for things they don't like now. Eh.

It's the internet. Explaining why something isn't your cup of tea is much too difficult.

Happy Tree Friends is still better.

And it lacks ponies. Huh.

Happy Tree Friends is not very funny. I find the constant death and injuries to be rather tasteless for the sake of humor.

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Gio, is it okay if I think of you as a crazy uncle that talks about things no one cares about/is talking about and everyone ignores?

that sounds so much like what happens to me ;_;

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