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Can't.... stop..... watching!!!

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I can't stop watching this


Applejack and Pinkie Pie are Shinigami


My avi is dancing along

And after that I watched this



And you shall not find me

Edited by Freohr Datia
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what's there to "get", you like it or you don't, like, you know, most entertainment

also how is a thing that's been around since fucking february that's just started airing a second season and has been amassing a huge fanbase since day one a "fad"

Edited by Naglfar
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what's there to "get", you like it or you don't, like, you know, most entertainment

also how is a thing that's been around since fucking february that's just started airing a second season and has been amassing a huge fanbase since day one a "fad"

Wow February that's a whole 8 months that's such a long time that I almost ran out of fingers counting them.

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Wow February that's a whole 8 months that's such a long time that I almost ran out of fingers counting them.

That pony probably needs to be put on a daily and excessively high dosage of valium, it's best not to respond directly.

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Also, how is a thing that's been around since fucking february that's just started airing a second season and has been amassing a huge fanbase since day one a "fad"

Not to nitpick, but you're off by four months. February, chances are, is when it started catching on.

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Lux your not reading of the topic description saddens me

how are you posting two videos in one post what

Post just the link, not the "insert media" thing. All you need is the link and it'll still show up.

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I don't downgrade on my friends. =b And I tend to not expect the bad in people. My mind works in a different way than everybody else's.

Everybody's mind works in a different way...

Two people don't think exactly alike...Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Ponies. Yay.

How is watching and enjoying a show considered a fad. Are people using the word 'fad' for things they don't like now. Eh.

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*should've known the topic would just turn into a big debate*

Guess I shouldn't have posted this since that wasn't at all my intentions XD

Oh and DON'T YOU SAY "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE POSTED IT IN FFTF IF YOU DIDN'T WANT IT TO TURN INTO SOMETHING BAD". IF I PUT THIS IN GENERAL INSTEAD PEOPLE WOULD SAY IT WASN'T SERIOUS ENOUGH. I think the only solution was to not even post it. I should've seen this coming *facepalm* *headdesk* *facepalm* headdesk*

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*should've known the topic would just turn into a big debate*

Guess I shouldn't have posted this since that wasn't at all my intentions XD

Oh and DON'T YOU SAY "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE POSTED IT IN FFTF IF YOU DIDN'T WANT IT TO TURN INTO SOMETHING BAD". IF I PUT THIS IN GENERAL INSTEAD PEOPLE WOULD SAY IT WASN'T SERIOUS ENOUGH. I think the only solution was to not even post it. I should've seen this coming *facepalm* *headdesk* *facepalm* headdesk*

Debates are fun though...

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Oh and Peppy obviously I know that everyone thinks differently XD But that's like overall. I'm just saying that in this particular matter majority of people don't seem to agree with the way I think.

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I still say Flippy and Splendid are a crapton more awesome than anything in My Little Pony.

...Then again, HTF does have the misfortune of having having Lumpy and Disco PedoBear in its cast, too...

Gio, is it okay if I think of you as a crazy uncle that talks about things no one cares about/is talking about and everyone ignores?

Actually, I won't ask I'll just do it.

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