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(FE5) Draft 4

Second Pronoun

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Fuck you, I wanted him.

Anyway, please don't make me have Xavier oval :(


I picked him so somebody wouldn't get a unit who could do something.

Also, extremely stupid question, in the OP when it says no using Rescue on Leaf, you mean the rescue staff right :awesome:

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Chapter 1 9/9 turns

Othin sees no action and Leaf gets a no stat level up than amazingly he gets movement. I get all the villages except the iron sword one.

Chapter 2 8/17 turns

Othin solos the right side and gets two villages while Leaf and Eyvel go north.

Chapter 2x 19/17 turns

I would have finished earlier but I wanted that killing edge so I captured Shiva.

Chapter 3 15/32 turns

I got the Warp for later and the Baldo scroll as Lifis picked up some others and a lot of stuff was put in storage for Makua and Nanna to pick up in chapter 6

Chapter 4 16/48 turns

Picked up everything and set everyone free. My free units are Asvel and Lara. I left Brighton, Karin and Fergus behind.

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Also, extremely stupid question, in the OP when it says no using Rescue on Leaf, you mean the rescue staff right :awesome:

NO RESCUING LEAF AT ALLJust kidding of course you can rescue Leaf. No rescue Staff.

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Pre draft thoughts

Fin - He's pretty awesome, has a leadership star, and a horse.

Fergus - He's pretty awesome, has an awesome PCC, and a horse.

Safy - Repair staff?

Shiva - Good foot unit.

Pahn - Exists for stealing people's shit. Decent base build for stealing Silvers and Kill Swords.

Tanya - Avaliability?

Glade - He's Fin's bff and has a leadership star.

Misha - Not bad with a magic sword, and flies

Eyrios - Picks were getting slim.

Ralph - Picks were getting really slim.

Trewd - Picks were getting really really slim.

Conomore - Picked so one of the other two couldn't have him.

Verdict - :facepalm:

Starting after I figure out how to work Elite mode.

Chapter 1 - 5/5 Turns


Fin rescued Leaf, and carried him to the gate, while Eyvale made sure Halvan got to his village without being attacked. Tanya chipped at an archer and got the Life Ring Village after Fin, who dropped Leaf on turn 3, got himself a short spear and killed the enemy there. Elite mode is crazy.

LEAF        01.60      22   4    0    2    5    6    3    5    6    C SWORD
EYVALE      13.22      29   9    4   18   20   11    7    8    8    A SWORD
FIN         08.30      29   9    1    8   12    5    7    9    8    B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       01.60      20   3    1    6   10    6    2    4    6    E BOW

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Chapter 2 - 5/10 Turns


I am rather sad that Leaf hasn't got a level, he keeps missing on the few attacks he does get off. Oh well, 2x is for that.

Fin rescued Leaf, and ran to the throne. With his Leaf support, he had a sexy 28% crit on the boss (without PCC) and killed him with the brave lance. Eyvale got the speed ring village, and Tanya got the vulnerary.

Leaf used the Life Ring on turn 1.

LEAF        01.80      29   4    0    2    5    6    3    5    6    C SWORD
EYVALE      13.64      29   9    4   18   20   11    7    8    8    A SWORD
FIN         10.14      31  10    1    8   12    7    7   10    8    B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       02.98      20   3    1    7   10    7    3    4    6    E BOW

Chapter 2x - 19/Free Turns


Stole Shiva's shit, but didn't release him so I can get him later. Leaf used the speed ring because nobody else really needs it. Debating whether to get the Baldo scroll or not.

LEAF        06.22      32   6    0    3   10    7    3    5    7    C SWORD
EYVALE      14.00      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    A SWORD
FIN         12.98      32  12    1    8   13    7    7   10    8    B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       06.00      22   6    1   11   12   10    3    4    6    E BOW

Chapter 3 - 10/21 Turns

Not sure if Warp, Baldo Scroll, Evayle's items and a shield ring that I can't use until chapter 8x are worth two turns. Probably not, but oh well.

LEAF        11.72      37   8    2    4   11    7    4    6    7    C SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    A SWORD
FIN         13.92      32  12    1    9   14    8    7   10    8    B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       10.43      24   7    1   13   15   12    3    4    6    E BOW

To quote Integ, "Fin is a sexy bitch"

Chapter 4 - 16/36 Turns

SP, I have no clue how you unlocked all the doors and got all the chests and had everyone escape in 16 turns, all I could get was 4 chests (Light Sword, Kill Sword, Iron Sword, Vulnerary) and Lifis stayed in prison.

Lara and Bryton are my freebies btw. Machua might have better movement, but Bryton's offence is much better.


LEAF        13.04      38   9    3    4   11    9    4    6    8    C SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    A SWORD
FIN         13.92      32  12    1    9   14    8    7   10    8    B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       10.43      24   7    1   13   15   12    3    4    6    E BOW
FERGUS      05.58      28   5    0    9    8    6    6    8    5    C SWORD
BRYTON      11.78      33   7    0    8    6    3    9   12    5    D SWORD

Chapter 4x - 14/free Turns

Freed the children, got the Sety Scroll, and got the chests.

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Oh yeah, second reason why I think FE5 drafts are dumb: movement growths.

Don't forget movement stars.

Chapter 5 - 17/53 Turns

Leaf almost broke his light sword countering all the mages and archers, good think I picked Safy. Asvel was left behind, his door key he donated was much appreciated.

LEAF        20.00      41  12    3    5   14   13    5   10    8    B SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    A SWORD
FIN         13.92      32  12    1    9   14    8    7   10    8    B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       10.43      24   7    1   13   15   12    3    4    6    E BOW
FERGUS      12.08      31   9    0   13   12    7    9   11    9    C SWORD
BRYTON      17.41      36  11    1   10   11    3   11   12    8    D SWORD

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SP, I have no clue how you unlocked all the doors and got all the chests and had everyone escape in 16 turns, all I could get was 4 chests (Light Sword, Kill Sword, Iron Sword, Vulnerary) and Lifis stayed in prison.

I got lucky with reinforcements and I used two thieves along with Makua's chest key. I also got lucky that the armor knights up top opened a hole for me. I also in my first chest picked up a lockpick for Lifis. I was not planning on getting everything



Chapter 4x 19/Free Turns

Set free children and then moved up. Stole some vulneraries and recruited Asvel.

Chapter 5 17/65 turns

Had everyone rush. Picked up Nanna and then kept rushing.

Chapter 6 14/79 turns

Recruited Hicks, Visited all vilages, and picked up swords I left in storage.

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Chapter 1: 5/5

Eyvale kills everything and Havan gets the Hero Axe. I don't bother with any of the other treasures because in the long run it's not gonna be that useful.

Unit   Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf    1.40  22  4  0  2  5  6  3   5
Eyvale 13.34  28  9  4 18 20 10  7   8
Havan   2.84  28  7  0  7  7  2  5  12

Chapter 2: 5/10

Eyvale and Leaf head to the big boss man while Havan goes and grabs a the two villages on the right side. He procs 2 speed levels along the way making it 100% likely that the Speed Ring will go to Leaf. Eyvale somehow left the boss at 1 hp which means Leaf gets the kill which is great despite the meh level up.

Unit   Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf    3.16  24  4  0  3  6  8  3   5
Eyvale 13.40  28  9  4 18 20 10  7   8 
Havan   5.30  29  8  0  8  9  2  6  12

Chapter 2x: 20/10

Leaf (Speed ring'd) and Havan slowly made their way towards the throne while Eyvale protected the undrafted dudes before making her way their herself. I ended up capturing Shiva for his Killing Edge which should help in the Manster escape. Anyway focused most of my exp into Leaf and Havan, and stayed till the last possible turn.

Unit   Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf    7.58  28  8  0  6 10 10  4   5
Eyvale 14.24  29  9  4 18 20 10  7   8
Havan  10.32  34 10  0  9 11  4  8  14 

Chapter 3: 10/20

Leaf and Havan are good enough to make due without Eyvale so the go on ahead while she takes the soilders near the start. Everyone else gets into positions to rescue Romeo and Lucia. Leaf and Havan combine for the KO on the boss on turn 9. Turn 10 has the two kids rescued and the bishops captured for his stuff. Now for debating on who to pick as my free units. Thinking of going with Ferugs and Brighton, but Karin may have some use later on.

Unit   Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf   10.98  30  9  0  7 12 12  6   5 
Eyvale 14.72  29  9  4 18 20 10  7   8
Havan  14.46  38 12  0 11 12  5  9  15 

Chapter 4: 15/35

Dislike this chapter a lot. Went with Brighton and Fergus as my free dudes and they did a good job helping Leaf kill stuff. Only Machua got left behind because she helped divert the soldiers attention as far away from the rest as possible. She was never attacked so no penalty.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     12.56  32  9  0  8 13 13  6   5
Lara      2.84  14  0  0  1 10  6  0   3     
Birghton  7.08  29  5  0  5  5  2  6  11
Fergus    5.82  27  5  0  8  8  7  5   9

Chapter 4x: 15/35

Most important part of this chapter was the treasure and stealing a couple of tomes for Asvel. Didn't stay for the full 20 because Sety was at the bottom of the map killing everything and no point in ruining his fun. Asvel used the Life Ring before leaving and Fergus got the Brave Sword. I really wish he was a permanent unit for me.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     13.96  33 10  0  9 13 14  6   5
Lara      3.32  14  0  1  2 11  6  0   3
Asvel     4.96  31  0  5  4  9  7  0   4  
Birghton  9.30  30  7  0  6  7  2  6  11  
Fergus    9.16  29  8  2  9  9 10  6  10

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Chapter 7 14/93 turns

I had everyone run south. After killing Shiva's gang and taking some of their weapons, I had Hicks rescue Makua and Nanna rescue Lara and rush down. Lifis got the village and Makua got movement. Lifis got one village and everyone escaped.

Chapter 8 10/103 turns

Makua and Lifis sat out. Hicks took a brave and hand axe and went out ahead. Othin recruited Marty and Nanna critted the boss then Othin finished him with a Pugi crit.

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I forgot you had Lifis >.<

Anyway, restarting Chapter 6. Should get better exp and a similar turncount now that I think about it.

and you totally stole my code chart, caps lock and all :P:

Chapter 6 - 9/62 Turns

Did the same thing, except Karin hauled Nanna to the exit and put everyone's shit in storage. Bryton was left behind, but he managed to give Leaf the Odo Scroll beforehand. I probably could have had him join, but he won't be needed for the next mission, then he's gone anyway. I need to keep Karin and Lara around for recruitment purposes, and Nanna gets Fergus the Beo Sword.

LEAF        20.00      41  12    3    5   14   13    5   10    8    A SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    A SWORD
FIN         13.92      32  12    1    9   14    8    7   10    8    B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       10.43      24   7    1   13   15   12    3    4    6    E BOW
FERGUS      13.08      31   9    1   13   13    7    9   12    9    C SWORD

Chapter 7 - 10/72 Turns


Could have finished this faster, but Shiva is a dick to recruit in a run like this. As a result, Fin got a couple rounds in the arena. Fergus got the Knight's Prf, and ran like hell away from Eisenhow's knights. I like how when Hannibal comes out, he just sits there.

LEAF        20.00      41  12    3    5   14   13    5   10    8    -     A SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    -     A SWORD
FIN         14.70      33  13    1    9   14    9    7   10    8    4     B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       10.43      24   7    1   13   15   12    3    4    6    -     E BOW
FERGUS      13.08      31   9    1   13   13    7    9   12    9   46     C SWORD
SAFY        05.40      14   1    7    7    7    9    0    3    5    5     C STAFF
SHIVA       04.00      24   6    0    9   12    5    4    7    6    2     B SWORD

Added Fatigue in my unit chart. Fergus is sitting this chapter out.

Chapter 8 - 6/78 Turns


Anyhow, Leaf got a re-move, allowing him to attack the boss on turn 4, catching him on turn 5 with the brave sword, and Fin stealing his shit on turn 6. Shiva got the Elite Manual, because I felt like it, even though Fergus/Fin would have used it better. Got the Knight Prf village, but not the luck ring. It was nice that the boss had some nice shit too. Safy bought door keys.

LEAF        20.00      41  12    3    5   14   13    5   10    9    -     A SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    -     A SWORD
FIN         15.48      33  14    1    9   14    9    8   11    8    8     B LANCE D SWORD
TANYA       10.43      24   7    1   13   15   12    3    4    6    -     E BOW
FERGUS      13.08      31   9    1   13   13    7    9   12    9    0     C SWORD
SAFY        06.50      14   1    8    7    7    9    0    3    5    9     B STAFF
SHIVA       06.76      26   6    0   11   13    6    4    7    6    9     B SWORD

Chapter 8x - Free/78 Turns

Didn't bring enough door keys, and missed the Neir Scroll. As nice as it is, I would rather have the leg ring and the wrath manual.

Tanya had the Baldo Scroll all chapter, and got some nice levels with it.

LEAF        20.00      41  12    3    5   14   13    5   10    9    -     A SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    -     A SWORD
FIN         16.58      34  15    1   10   14   10    9   11    8   11     B LANCE C SWORD
TANYA       17.08      24   9    4   18   20   17    7    5    6   17     D BOW
FERGUS      17.90      33  10    1   13   13    7   10   12    9    0     A SWORD
SAFY        09.76      16   2   10    9    8    9    0    3    5   20     B STAFF
SHIVA       17.24      33  10    0   19   16   13    7    8    6   27     B SWORD

Last Chapter of the day.

Chapter 9 - 7/85 Turns

Leaf used the Leg Ring on turn 1, he now has 11 movement O.o

Safy and Fin sat this one out, because I wanted the Elite Sword. Karin ferried Carrion over to Selphina. Got the Fala Scroll.

LEAF        20.00      41  12    3    5   14   13    5   10   11    -     A SWORD
EYVALE      14.33      30   9    4   18   20   11    7    9    8    -     A SWORD
FIN         16.58      34  15    1   10   14   10    9   11    8    0     B LANCE C SWORD
TANYA       19.21      30   9    4   19   20   17    7    5    6   25     D BOW
FERGUS      18.86      34  11    1   16   16   10   12   12    9   27     A SWORD
SAFY        09.76      16   2   10    9    8    9    0    3    5    0     B STAFF
SHIVA       19.64      34  11    0   20   16   13    7    8    6   42     B SWORD

I've been bad with updating unit stats, most noteable Fergus and everyone's HP.

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Redid chapter 8x

No differences except all the treasure was gotten and Lifis stole Gomes' lockpick. And Makua didn't promote.

Chapter 8x Free

Dagda died. Nanna sat out, Lifis got the Neir scroll and Hammer and he opened a door for Hicks to get the wrath manual and Devil's axe. I also got the holy water and Leg ring.

LEAF        20.00      45  12   04    09   16   17   09   07   07    A SWORD 
MAKUA       18.74      35  12   03    20   20   10   10   07   07    A Sword     
HICKS       11.04      35  10   00    07   07   09   10   17   08    C Axe E Sword    Odo,Baldo 
LIFIS       19.95      37  10   04    06   16   03   03   08   07    C Sword          Neir 
OTHIN       14.66      38  09   01    12   12   09   08   14   06    C Axe            Hezul 
NANNA       10.36      22  05   05    12   10   12   04   04   08    C Sword E Staff     

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C1: 7 turns clear = 7 turns total

what is this i dont even

C2: 5 turns clear = 12 turns total

I've just realized I have a LOT of units for this part.


C2x: whogivesafuck turns clear = 12 turns total


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Chapter 9 10/113 turns

All my units went around the top. Lifis gained build and got the fala scroll. I got Kein and brought Carrion so I could get the Elite sword. Done on turn 10.

Chapter 10 11/124 turns

Lifis gained MORE BUILD. I had him go steal some stuff while Leaf and co. went straight to the boss. Kein stayed behind to kill the units in the top right corner.

Chapter 11 11/135 turns

Lifis gained...Build again, he's a boss. Makua promoted and beat stuff up with axes I stole Fred's thunder sword and let him go. Lifis opened the door got movement then took the torch staff. I left Kempf at 1HP..ARGH. Got the sidequest.

Chapter 11x FREE

Lifis sat out, He's fatigued. I got Fred and Kein got many levels scroll abusing. Makua and Nanna Tag-Teamed the boss kill.

Chapter 12 12/147 turns

I sent Leaf and Lifis up Othin, Kein and Hicks got Sleeped. Nanna gained a staff level. I stole the Ambush scroll. Leaf captured Salem with his Brave sword.

Chapter 12x Free Turns

Well I got two more build level ups on Lifis so he can steal...MASTER SWORDS. He stole tons of chest keys and swords.

About my Manuals:



Charge: No one

Elite: Will go on Eda

LEAF        20.00      45  12   04    09   16   17   09   07   09    A SWORD 
MAKUA       05.22p     40  15   04    20   20   13   16   10   07    A Sword E Axe    
HICKS       17.48      40  11   00    09   07   11   10   18   08    C Axe E Sword    
LIFIS       19.54p     50  20   06    09   20   03   10   16   07    B Sword          Neir 
OTHIN       03.48p     45  16   02    15   19   11   13   17   06    C Axe D Sword     
NANNA       03.76p     28  08   12    20   16   18   07   06   08    B Sword D Staff  Fala
KEIN        14.30      37  13   02    09   07   07   11   13   08    C Lance E Sword  Odo Baldo Hezul
FRED        06.06p     37  13   04    12   10   04   11   12   09    A Sword C Lance

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This draft stops being hard once you have 3-4 people with 20's in every stat. Also since I'm almost to Eyrios can I kill Olwen and recruit him for his stuff?

Chapter 5: 17/52

Asvel took care of the first group nearby with some help. The mage group with less help. And then the archer/general group he solo'd. Same with the rest. Elite mode is ridiculous. I was one square short of everyone leaving on turn 16, and I probably could've figured it out but meh. Also Fergus captured a bunch of mages so Asvel's reign of terror won't be cut short any time soon.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     15.52  36 10  0 10 14 15  6   5
Lara      5.40  14  1  2  3 12  6  0   3
Asvel    15.88  38  1  8 13 17 12  1   6 
Birghton 12.44  31  8  0  6  8  2  8  12 
Fergus   11.72  30  9  2 10  9 11  6  10

Chapter 6: 10/62

Did I mention Asvel is insane? He solo'd the entire army to the left. The one you're supposed to avoid. He hit 19 and promoted with the Knight Proof in this level. Sage promo gains are crazy. Anyway Fergus and Leaf helped out Asvel on the right a little, while Brighton took care of the middle left area with Lara opening doors and visiting villages.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     16.32  37 11  0 10 14 16  6   5
Lara      5.66  14  1  2  3 12  6  0   3
Asvel     1.00  42  1 14 20 20 13  6   8 
Birghton 12.80  31  8  0  6  8  2  8  12 
Fergus   12.45  30 10  2 10 10 11  7  10

Chapter 7: 10/72

Not 100% sure on the turncount, but that's about what you'd get if Leaf moves his full range every turn while taking 3 turns to deal with the mercenaries. Asvel kills the boss, Brighton gets the Knight Proof village and rescues Asvel all the way to Hannibal. Leaf and Fergus deal with Shiva and everyone else follows and escapes.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     16.96  37 11  0 10 14 16  6   5
Lara      6.90  14  1  2  3 13  6  0   3
Asvel     2.36  43  1 14 20 20 14  6   8
Birghton 12.80  31  8  0  6  8  2  8  12 
Fergus   14.10  32 12  2 11 10 12  8  11

Chapter 8: 7/79

Havan and Carion join at the perfect time. Everyone else is fatigued so they take care of this chapter. Carion gets the Elite manual because he's pretty good with it. Havan is beast and Carion is kinda weak, but he gets better as the chapter goes on. Leaf Light Swords the boss and Havan captures him with the Brave Axe. Also got the Knight Proof Village.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     17.14  38 11  0 10 14 16  7   5
Lara      6.90  14  1  2  3 13  6  0   3
Asvel     2.36  43  1 14 20 20 14  6   8 
Havan    16.86  40 12  0 12 12  6 10  17  
Carrion   5.16  29  8  2  8 10  8  6   8

Chapter 8x: 20/79

Asvel, Lara, Havan and Leaf take care of this level. Leaf gets the movement ring, and The wrath scroll probably goes to Alba because he fails and everyone else is boss. Spammed a bunch of heals with Asvel before remembering I have ohter staffers. Oh well I guess rewarp can be nice.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     19.22  39 11  0 12 16 18  7   5
Lara      8.10  14  1  2  4 14  7  0   3
Asvel     7.06  46  1 18 20 20 16  6   9
Havan    19.60  43 14  0 14 14  8 10  19 
Carrion   5.16  29  8  2  8 10  8  6   8

Chapter 9: 8/87

Asvel, Havan. Leaf and Carion got this one. Asvel took care of the Dragons and Alba and Robert starting getting exp. Got the Elite Sword and ran for it afterwards. Lifis was left behind.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     20.00  40 11  0 12 17 18  8   5
Lara      8.10  14  1  2  4 14  7  0   3
Asvel     8.98  47  2 19 20 20 16  6   9
Havan     20.00 43 15  0 14 15  8 10  19
Carrion   9.36  33 10  2 11 11 11  7   9
Alba      7.40  27  7  0  8 12  9  6  10
Robert    3.10  25  6  0  4  9  8  6   7 

Chapter 10: 10/97

Asvel sits out so he can own the next chapter. Alba takes the top soldiers and nabs the rescue staff. Leaf, Havan, Carion and Robert take the middle path. Olwen is an asshole and blocks the path for a turn. Carion is starting to become awesome and Havan is pretty lol right now. Him plus Havan and Asvel should be able to alternate as my boss killers. Oh and stuck wrath on Alba just cause.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     20.00  40 11  0 12 17 18  8   5
Lara      8.10  14  1  2  4 14  7  0   3
Asvel     8.98  47  2 19 20 20 16  6   9
Havan     4.68  45 17  1 18 19 10 15  20
Carrion  14.40  38 14  3 13 13 12 13  12 
Alba      9.56  28  8  0 10 14 11  7  12 
Robert    5.98  26  6  0  5 10 10  6   7

Chapter 11: 9/106

Asvel takes care of business. Alba and Carrion basically just open doors so I can get Fred out of there. Capture a couple of mages before seizing, but otherwise pretty uneventful.

Unit    Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf    20.00  40 11  0 12 17 18  8   5
Lara     8.98  14  1  2  4 14  7  0   3
Asvel   10.02  48  2 20 20 20 18  6   9  
Havan    4.68  45 17  1 18 19 10 15  20
Carrion  7.60  45 17  5 18 17 16 17  15  
Alba    10.04  29  8  0 10 13 11  6  13  
Robert   5.98  26  6  0  5 10 10  6   7

Chapter 11x: 15+4/106

Robert your training ground awaits. Everyone just rushes past the hallway of death leaving Robert behind to kill everyone in it. 12 levels in one chapter is insane. Also stole two wind tomes which should help Linoan early on. Also wasn't sure how to deal with the Fred penalty, but I think it shouldn't count unless I go over 20 with it.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     20.00  40 11  0 12 17 18  8   5
Lara     10.66  14  3  2  5 15  9  1   3
Asvel    11.84  48  2 20 20 20 19  6   9
Havan     6.24  47 18  1 18 19 12 16  20
Carrion   7.60  45 17  5 18 17 16 17  15  
Alba     10.04  29  8  0 10 13 11  6  13  
Robert   17.26  39 13  0 13 14 19  9   9

Chapter 12: 5+4/115

Took the Karin penalty. Mareeta captures Salem, and that's all the happens.

Unit     Level  HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Bld
Leaf     20.00  40 11  0 12 17 18  8   5
Lara     10.66  14  3  2  5 15  9  1   3
Asvel    11.84  48  2 20 20 20 19  6   9 
Havan     7.60  48 18  1 19 19 12 17  20
Carrion   8.84  46 18  5 20 19 17 18  16
Alba     13.08  32 11  0 13 14 13  7  15 
Robert   17.82  39 13  0 13 14 19  9   9
Mareeta   4.84  23  4  1  8 14  8  3   5

Edited by oval
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This draft stops being hard once you have 3-4 people with 20's in every stat. Also since I'm almost to Eryios can I kill Olwen and recruit him for his stuff?

If you're willing to take a penalty, sure.

I suppose you could probably nuke Olwen in a Gaiden as long as you don't take 16 turns? How would that work?

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Chapter 13 8/155 turns

Pretty Standard. Only brought my mounts and Makua. I rushed and Had all Glade's generics give their stuff to Glade. Leaf went ahead. Didn't get any houses but oh well.

Chapter 14 10/165 turns

I walled in. Othin went and got Rezire. My team is near completion. Also my first run through Othin took the Dain scroll and got FIVE MOVE LEVEL-UPS. But then I made a bad save and it all went down the drain.

Chapter 14x Free

Stayed around till turn twenty. Homeros got to level 17 and got a move level-up. Lifis stole a ton of stuff.

Chapter 15 3/168 turns

Pretty standard. Feel kinda bad for anyone with no flier. I got the killer lance village.

Chapter 16 10/178 turns

Got Sleuf. And gave Makua the Sunlight Manual and Homeros is promoting next chapter.

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