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(FE5) Draft 4

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Wait feeding Karin the Elite Manual is still a good idea?


She already gets 2x EXP from Elite Mode; giving her the Elite M after chapter 6 increases her EXP gain to 4x normal. You can probably feasibly promote her before chapter 9 at 20/0, for instance, and 3 turning chapter 9 is trivial with a promoted Karin. If you draft Glade, you can 3 turn chapter 13 with Karin having to face only 1 ballista attack while rescuing Leaf.

Not to mention, you can do a bunch of absurd stuff. Karin caps spd and luk very early and has 60 avo against enemies that generally have around 80 hit. If you decide to throw a Life Ring on her, fatigue is only a sporadic problem. You can get away with her performing mostly flier duties because she won't have the problem of stunted EXP gain that most other early joining pegasus knights have in other FE games, since she gains a level per kill up until promotion at at least half of a level per kill after that.

Granted, you do miss out on chances to use more beneficial scrolls on her, but I think the short term benefit of having like a 20/1 Karin by chapter 9 far outweighs the cost of her not having maxed str and def. You get the Hezul scroll for free very early, which fixes her HP and str issues, and Neir may be passed up but it augments all of her poor growths by a decent margin.

Finally, she's also a unit in Manster, which is a big deal. Her significant shortcomings include subpar performance in indoors maps (although she has a respectable 6 base move when promoted and D rank swords at base is not absolutely terrible) and inability to kill bosses. But say, like, someone drafts both Karin and Dean in a Warp-less draft - you may as well say gg.

Edited by dondon151
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Lets go with Alva because he has more speed than the other one.

Edit: Does anyone else think it would be awesome to have dondon draft for all the slots in a draft? Then we randomly distribute his teams and we see how good/bad you (person playing with the team) really are.

Edited by oval
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Picking Dean is more of denying him to your opponents than using him yourself, although he certainly has stronger areas than Karin (though likely not so against a 20/5 Karin, save weapon ranks).

Anyway, as much as I love FE5, I think drafting it is kind of dumb. Karin is like autowin if you have half a brain (kind of like drafting Marcia in FE9 drafts - notice how similar Marcia and Karin are in the EXP situation). You have to prioritize drafting for Manster at first because some of those maps take a long time. Then you have to prioritize drafting for chapters 1-3 because a couple of characters like Fin and Dagda can reliably shave a turn or 2 off a basic Leaf + Eyvel clear. Amidst that you have to draft a guy that can kill bosses sitting on 10 def thrones without significant problems. Othin, Asvel, and Felgus are prime candidates for that; 3 characters aren't enough to go around for 5 drafters, though. Finally, you basically ignore all of the characters in the game that require a turn investment to recruit.

Probably the dumbest thing about FE5 drafts is that you can just treat escape maps like their FE9 equivalents because you can afford to leave behind undrafted units and occasionally some crappy drafted units. And there are also those maps that can just screw you over if you're not adequately prepared.

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You have Karin though so you have a massive advantage you'll squander entirely with dumb mistakes.


Of course, that's basically asking for me to accidentally land the best fe5 count ever, but c'est la vie.

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Why did you pick Dalshin, Integ? He's barely helpful, and he costs you turns to recruit. And that base Spd is disturbing.

Because I don't know what I'm doing and you weren't on.

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Trewd, because I can't have Conomore, Xavier is a bitch, and Shanam is a hoe. And I might take one of the other two.

Actually screw him, Delmud. Trewd costs turns. Too late I guess, Trewd it is.

Edited by General_Horace
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