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Female FE character in SSB4?


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Hopefully, as he goes into development for SSB4, Sakurai has realized that SSB is basically a gigantic sausage fest, and it needs more estrogen in it's roster. Not only that, but Fire Emblem as a series needs more representation, in my opinion.

If a female character from Fire Emblem was to make it into the SSB4, who would it be?

I don't think alot of FE's females have a great chance, but I think that someone with prominent appearances and decent ground fighting ability would make FE proud, and Nintendo proud for advertising. I'd say that Caeda, Mist (Radiant Dawn appearance), or perhaps even Liz from FE13 (Like Roy, just for advertisement) probably has the best chance. Even though Caeda's mainly a Pegasus Knight, she did have some ground fighting in FE3, and as the first female FE unit in existence she does hold some prestige. I'd also like to vouch for Lyn, but I think her window of oppurtunity has closed, as GameBoy Advance games almost sound like antiques to Nintendo now...

While there's a great chance that Sakurai remains blissfully unaware of all of this, but I'd like to see Caeda join the franchise. (And atleast then some of the Marth is gay stuff will stop. But probably not.)

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Hopefully, as he goes into development for SSB4, Sakurai has realized that SSB is basically a gigantic sausage fest, and it needs more estrogen in it's roster. Not only that, but Fire Emblem as a series needs more representation, in my opinion.

FE is a sausagefest? I never noticed.

Edited by Integrity
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It's no surprise that SSB has a mostly male cast, because the target demographic of most video games is male (especially those created when Nintendo was establishing its mascots).

I agree, but the female characters do help reel in that target audience *coughZeroSuitSamuscough*.

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I want Ayra because ...Ayra. Or Machua. Or Echidna. Or Malice. Or...(list of women who are not the main characters)

Of course that will probably never happen ever. If FE gets a chick into SB, it'll probably be once of the lordchicks.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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I want Ayra because ...Ayra. Or Machua. Or Echidna. Or Malice. Or...(list of women who are not the main characters)

Of course that will probably never happen ever. If FE gets a chick into SB, it'll probably be once of the lordchicks.

Yeah I forgot to mention that in my post too that they have a habit of only including lords. Which sucks because in my experience of anime-type games the main character never ends up as badass as the badass character that joins you on your quest.

Except for maybe Breath of Fire (II). That kid is on the level of Sirius + Oguma > 1,000 Pirates in w/e chapter of FE3 Book 2.

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No one would want it, but it'd be Micaiah.

Or the chick from 13.

*Shudder* ...How did I forget completely about Micaiah? I would hope it wouldn't be her. For one thing, I don't think her 'popularity' is high enough... She didn't even break trophy in SBBB, did she? 0_o

Positively, though, she wouldn't be using a sword, which would be a nice change.

Edited by Maria's Bro
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Of any notable FE females, ie Lord-like, I can see Micaiah being playable. Maybe Caeda.

Lyn and Eirka's outfits are too revealing for kids but then again Zero Suit Samus exists so you never know.

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*Shudder* ...How did I forget completely about Micaiah? I would hope it wouldn't be her. For one thing, I don't think her 'popularity' is high enough... She didn't even break trophy in SBBB, did she? 0_o

Lots of people weren't trophies in Brawl.

EDIT: Also, I like your "subtle" jab at Micaiah's fanbase up there.

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Lots of people weren't trophies in Brawl.

EDIT: Also, I like your "subtle" jab at Micaiah's fanbase up there.

Don't get me wrong; Frankly, I like Micaiah as a unit. As a character, though, I think she falls short in personality, but that doesn't have anything to do if she gets into SBB, as Marth made it and he arguably doesn't have much personality either. Speaking from experience, I haven't encountered many Micaiah fans.

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Don't get me wrong; Frankly, I like Micaiah as a unit. As a character, though, I think she falls short in personality, but that doesn't have anything to do if she gets into SBB, as Marth made it and he arguably doesn't have much personality either. Speaking from experience, I haven't encountered many Micaiah fans.

In Marth's defense those were the original first games of the series so I think they were limited in interactions and conversations (I haven't played any of the 3D remakes) but I think the overall pre-battle stories explain themselves of his personality. I'm somewhat surprised that they didn't make him more dark and brooding what with the fall of his kingdom, death of his father and exile for so many years etc. Edit: These things wouldn't make anyone want to have a regular idle conversation about the weather and his inner darkest deepest secrets. Maybe even make Jeigan like a harsh drill instructor so Marth likes the taste of blood or something.

Yeah, I'm writing a fanfiction anime.

Edited by black.ops
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I agree, but the female characters do help reel in that target audience *coughZeroSuitSamuscough*.

And Smash Bros. has great difficulty in doing that without those kind of characters?


No one would want it, but it'd be Micaiah.

I wouldn't pass up the chance to be able to beat the shit out of Micaiah with Donkey Kong...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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In Marth's defense those were the original first games of the series so I think they were limited in interactions and conversations (I haven't played any of the 3D remakes) but I think the overall pre-battle stories explain themselves of his personality. I'm somewhat surprised that they didn't make him more dark and brooding what with the fall of his kingdom, death of his father and exile for so many years etc. Edit: These things wouldn't make anyone want to have a regular idle conversation about the weather and his inner darkest deepest secrets. Maybe even make Jeigan like a harsh drill instructor so Marth likes the taste of blood or something.

Yeah, I'm writing a fanfiction anime.

He definetly seems to have personality in FE11, but it matches his portrayal in SBB (except for the borderline effeminate things) where he is rather self-assured and almost conceited. I haven't played FE12 (sob.gif) yet, so I'm not sure where he goes from there, but from the translations I've seen he doesn't seem to lose his confidence. But from what I've heard about the originals, Marth seems to be chiIdlishly naive, at a contrast from his SBB & FE11 portrayals.

I guess what this is saying about Micaiah is that SBB can invent a personality for her, if they feel hers is 'inadequate'.

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I would like to see Celica if I had to pick (ragnarok final smash plz), but that'd never happen in a million years because she's from the least known game in the series. :(:

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Why not a female FE villain, like Idun? Unless if Manakete attacks HAVE to require transformation for some reason, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. And besides:

Sephiran didn't need transformations to attack. Why should Idun?

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I think I've already stated before that I don't really care about what sex characters are, or whether they use a sword. I think that with Ike, they've shown that they can add variety to even Sword-using lords in terms of moveset.

So I'm indifferent.

Edited by Anouleth
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