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Super Smash Bros Brawl Mafia - Game Over


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The day ends. You decided to lynch Kay, she was...

Dear Kay,

You are Dixie Kong.


You are Diddy Kong's cutie of a girlfriend with an adorable blond ponytail. That ponytail is hardly for show-- it helps propel you through the air for extended hang time and is indispensable for spin-attacking enemies and lifting barrels. You pack more power than you might imagine!

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Throw banana peel in front of USER". USER will trip and fail to complete his night action.

You know that Diddy Kong is not in the game.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

Kay has died, she was a member of the mafia.

Stage Distribution:

Battleship Halberd - Swordmaster Guy

Spear Pillar - Palkia - Everyone except Sober Emo Girl, Swordmaster Guy, Anouleth

Summit - Sober Emo Girl, Anouleth

Night 4 ends on October 27th, 7pm GMT+0.

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If you feel like you should have gotten a result, but didn't, please say so in your Role PM.

The night has ended, and you return to Smashville.

You can see Strawman lying on the ground with a Role PM next to him...

Dear Strawman,

You are Pit.


You are the captain of the royal bodyguards of Palutena, Goddess of Light and ruler of Angel Land. The dark goddess, Medusa, conquered the underworld, the surface world, and the heavens, then imprisoned Palutena. You escaped and, armed with Palutena's magical bow, set out to free her. Along the way, you gathered Three Sacred Treasures with which you challenged Medusa.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Cheer for USER". You will keep an eye on USER. You will know who visited USER.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Strawman has died, he was a member of the town.

Furthermore, you notice Kiku-Ichimonji sleeping in a corner, and any attempts to wake him up fail. Kiku-Ichimonji has been silenced, he cannot post in the thread, or communicate with anyone.

Day 5 ends on October 29th, 7pm GMT+0.

You may visit any stage from Set 1.

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OK kids

shit just got real.

##Vote: Mikethefc

Your moooves were fabulous. Sadly, your role wasn't.

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OK kids

shit just got real.

##Vote: Mikethefc

Your moooves were fabulous. Sadly, your role wasn't.

I don't suppose you'd mind explaining would you

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I don't suppose you'd mind explaining would you

I already explained.

Also, everyone but me and Anouleth to Battlefield. We two wise men shall be going to the top of Hyrule.

##visit: Temple Hyrule

also Psych bold your vote.

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