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I was watching this big special on UFOs and I was wondering if you believe in them.

My opinion: I think most of the reports about them are false, but I think there might be some somewhere.

At the very least, I'm sure there are aliens somewhere.

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there's gotta life somewhere else, but maybe its too far away

Meanwhile in some other galaxy, some four eyed, ten armed monster is wondering if there's life out there.

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I believe life exists elsewhere, but it's not like we'll ever find it in our lifetimes.

*a UFO is flying outside Fox's bedroom window*

i believe in life somewhere out there........

i would like to meet one of those alien life forms! YAY ME!

*gets abducted by UFO*

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I believe life exists elsewhere, but it's not like we'll ever find it in our lifetimes.

Unless it finds us.


Jking of course.

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You know when I first read this I was thinking Halo based on some of you answer's

Of course we wouldn't capture them, we'd get our ass kicked by them in an interglatic war (I'm not going to repeat the entire Halo story arc here)

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If there are beings of higher intelligence out there, they wouldn't appear once in a while and not do anything. They would probably enslave us or something

now the possibility of the existence of beings of lesser intelligence or the same as humans, that I believe

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I like to think that they are... it would make sense that they would want to observe a thriving civilization without the influence of contact... but there really isn't much proof...

I also like the theory that UFOs are really humans who've gone back in time to observe civilization

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To be honest, I don't necessarily believe in them, but in a way I do. I don't believe people's reports, but in a way I also think that there could possibly be life on other planets. =/

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well if we do it will rock all churches. if there isn't it will support ther churches. I doubt the travel in sausers it is probably U.S. top secret aircraft.

I sincerely doubt that the existance of aliens will affect any major religion in any way.

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I believe in ghosts, but UFO's...meh. There's likely billions of other planets in the universe. The chances of an alien landing on this one is slim to nothing.

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A UFO is an unidentified flying object. So if I see a flying sock or whatever and can't rightly tell what it is, it's a UFO.

As for space aliens, I think they definitely exist, although I doubt they're little green men.

And I don't think that if extraterrestrials were discovered that it would (or should, anyway) cause a problem with the churches. It takes a pretty big ego to think that humans are the only thinking, intelligent beings God created.

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Well, I just wonder. If we find aliens in the future, and the end up being less developed as us, but still intelligent creatures, would we make them our slaves? Cause you know we'd be worried about that if aliens that were more intelligent than us came down they'd do that to us.

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I'd like to say no, but given the lesser side of human nature, I don't know.

I'd certainly protest if we did.

Of course. I'm sure many people would. And eventually they'd be free. But if you think about it, monkeys are pretty much what I described and we keep them in cages. Granted we don't put them to slave labor, but we do hack off half their skull and use them in scientific experiments.

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They'd probably become pets/slaves and not like it if that happened.

Aliens exist, how could the Earth be the only planet in the universe to have living beings?

The reports of UFOs are most likely BS.

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