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editing text

HF Makalov Fanboy Kai

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Uh, what? Open up FEditor, you open your ROM, go to Tools -> Text Editor/Viewer. The in-game text begins at 813.


this is not that difficult

Edited by Kam
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I'm guessing it's just weirdly referred to, but that circled bit is probably referring to the table index. The first entry is that block of text, "Yes." The second entry is another block of text. I haven't looked at the games, nor what Zeld might have his editor do with the text (I remember it's huffman right out of the box), but basically, for his editor, there isn't a wide array of text that you scroll through. You jump to the part of the table index where the text you want is located. There's probably some documentation on where some text is, but in general, if the image isn't showing anything tricky, you have up to 133D blocks of text to deal with. If you want to see the next one, just change your current block. The "input index."

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Yeah, I worded that badly, sorry. The box that I circled, that is what you want to look at. Change that number, BEFORE you've saved. Then you can go about your business, editing text.

Just remember, you need to hit "apply" before you save, or it'll just zap everything.

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there's quite alot to scroll threw, is there an easier way to edit the game text or get to where i want to?

You can do any of:

1) use the Find button to look for text that's specific to the entry you want to edit.

2) Remember the indices of the text you're looking for.

3) Use the save/load feature to do the editing in a separate text editor; that way you can work on a huge file with all the text at once.

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You can do any of:

1) use the Find button to look for text that's specific to the entry you want to edit.

2) Remember the indices of the text you're looking for.

3) Use the save/load feature to do the editing in a separate text editor; that way you can work on a huge file with all the text at once.

that stuff sounds like huge time savers, how would i be doing those?

also does finding that stuff require an hex editor or something, i don't think i got one.

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that stuff sounds like huge time savers, how would i be doing those?

also does finding that stuff require an hex editor or something, i don't think i got one.

1) There's a find function. It's under the main box.

2) Just remember the number of the text you last edited and skip to there.

3) IDK.

Edited by Ninja Caterpie
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that stuff sounds like huge time savers, how would i be doing those?

also does finding that stuff require an hex editor or something, i don't think i got one.

Well, the button labelled "Find" is at the bottom of the window, where there are also two text boxes labelled "Input text to find" and "Input text to replace". You type in something to find into the "Input text to find" box, and click Find. Not rocket science. The only tricky part is thinking of something good to look for. Try to remember a key word or phrase that's in the text you want to edit, and unlikely to be seen anywhere else.

Remembering the text indices... well, I hope you don't need to be told how to remember stuff.

The save and load options are actually labelled "Dump..." and "Insert...". If you click "Dump...", you'll get a save-file dialog. Save the file and open it with Notepad or whatever. It should be obvious how it's formatted and how to edit it. When you're done, save the file, then go back to FEditor and click "Insert..." and select your edited file. If you did it right, it should update everything according to what's in the edited file, and then you can save your changes normally.

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Gahh my answer is screwing up.  Just put in the game's character that you wanna replace for "Text to Find", and YOUR character's name for "Text to replace," then hit replace all.<br>

Edited by Jubby
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alright that sounds fair.

at the very least for my demo i want to change the character's names, where would i do that in the FE7 data?

characters from chapter's 11-15.

The characters also refer to each other by name in cutscenes and support conversations, in addition to just having those names as labels on maps and stat screens and whatever. You probably want to search and replace. Again, look at the labels on the group of buttons at the bottom. You should be able to figure it out by now.

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