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Need Help With Physics HW-Vectors

Flying Shogi

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I need help with drawing the pictures for the last two problems on the paper. If possible, please check and see if I did everything right for the first 3 problems.

I forgot the paper. brb. [spoiler=Paper]xndx6g.jpg

Edited by UberLughFTW
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2nd from bottom:

Vx=16m*cos(180-48)+14m*cos(180+31)=23m W

Vy=16m*cos(180-48)+14*cos(180+31)=4.7m N


arctan(Vy/Vx)=11 degrees N of W

23m, 11 degrees N of W


Vx=82m/s*cos(180-34)+74m/s*cos(68)+77m/s*cos(-18)=33m/s E

Vy=82m/s*sin(180-34)+74m/s*sin(68)+77m/s*sin(-18)=91m/s N


arctan(Vy/Vx)=70 degrees N of E

96 m/s, 70 degrees N of E

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Before I tackle the last two questions, I should point out that you made a mistake in #2. y = 25sine(28 degrees), as you wrote, but my calculator says that it's equal to 11.74, not 16.4 as you wrote. I think you made a mistake when calculating.

And even after that, although your x value of 22 m was correct, you were supposed to add it to 12 and perform your angle/displacement calculations using (22+12) = 34 m/s instead. Your angle is supposed to be arctan (12/34) ~ 19 degrees. The resultant is sqrt(122 + 342), which is about 36 m/s.

Questions 1 and 3 seem okay, although I generally don't like rounding up values to integers so early in the question, but your final answers seem accurate enough. I'll look at the last two questions now...

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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Total Vertical displacement = 16sine(48 degrees) - 14sine(31 degrees) = 4.68 m

Total Horizontal displacement = 16cosine(48 degrees) + 14cosine(31 degrees) = 22.71 m

Angle = arctan(4.68/22.71) = 11.6 degrees north of west

Total Displacement = sqrt(4.682 + 22.712) = 23.2m

Same as Chiki's pet Pikachu... Kam, why on Weyard is your West pointing at the East?


Total Vertical velocity (north) = 82sine(34 degrees) + 74cosine(22 degrees) - 77sine(18 degrees) ~ 90.67 m/s

Total Horizontal velocity (east) = -82cosine(34 degrees) + 74sine(22 degrees) + 77cosine(18 degrees) ~ 32.97 m/s

Angle = arctan(90.67/32.97) = 70.0 degrees North of East

Total Velocity = sqrt(90.672 + 32.972) = 96.48 m/s

Also matches with Chiki's pet pikachu

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