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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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And, through actions which I have no idea how they transpired, it appears as if the anonymous mafioso has become a victim! According to the town anonymous player's prediction (to whom I may be alligned with and also may be allowed outside contact with), there should be only one mafioso left! I have been cleared by my teammate earlier, Balcerzak is clear for reasons I shall not expound on, as is Ether. This leaves Psych, Blitz, and Rothene as the only members who can possibly be mafia I believe.

For various reasons, I feel as if those three aforementioned players should claim, thusly, we may be able to see and understand the truth!

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I've already claimed you guys, with an easily proveable role. Let us spend our day doing something more productive than suspecting me.

Ah, I see, it has been brought to my attention by means of which you need not know that you have claimed doublevoter!!

Thus, as there are six members, half of should vote Blitz and the other half Rothene! If Psych is lying, we have ways to get him killed tonight, and if he we got wrong, we can also kill the other one tonight easily! Alright then, for reasoning upon which I do not wish to expound, I will vote

##Vote: Blitz

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How the fuck did that happen? I guess it's no surprise Bradley is hrrg>:{mad.

I would have loved to have been a hidden mafia though...

A wizard did it.

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"Come along now, Princess," ??? said, as he finished the basic conditioning on Estelle. The Commandant strode confidently alongside his thrall as the two went to the Adversaries' empty headquarters.

It is now Day 3. There are 3 hidden players in this game.

Underline added. From this I infer that with the elimination of Paperblade that all of the standard mafia have been accounted for, and that the remaining hostile faction is a serial killer.

With 3 hidden players, this only makes sense: 1 hidden Misfit (unknown/announcer), 1 hidden Adversary (Paperblade), 1 hidden serial killer. Look at that, a balanced assortment.

For this reason I think we need to grind our lynching of listed players to a complete halt.

##Vote: Weapons of Mass Construction

I also do not want anybody else to claim. We don't need that knowledge, IMO, and giving the SK full access to what is essentially a priority list of "who to kill" is the best idea. Seriously please.

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Why are Blitz and Rothene unclear Hika? I'm not sure flavor is something we can easily go by with regards to Bal, but I do agree that lynching or at least attempting to find a hidden player is a better idea.

Going by regulars...





Kaoz - Just realized he's not playing

Darros - Or him

SDS - Not sure how likely this could be


JB - Has anyone seen him lately?

RD - Or him?

BK - Or him?


Wen Yang

Fear the Pika

Rein's Baby No Lynch

I bolded the ones most likely, and Italicized the ones we should look at, but aren't top priority. Basically the people who are active lately or in other games, but not this one.

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I was just about to edit, but bold Bizz. She had been coming on the site a couple days ago and posting in some mafia topic. So it's likely because of Rein that she's a hidden player. I feel she would be a smarter lynch than Weapons Bal.

##Vote Bizz


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Perhaps maybe you should have read what the announcer said. What he is saying just might have legitimate meaning!! I mean you know, I may or may not have just claimed having outside contact with him right? Thus, maybe due to doing of my own and maybe not, we have found that Bizz is not in the game.

Another thing is that, if you had been paying attention, Blitz and Rothene appear to be the only players not cleared by the announcer maybe?? Whatever


I may or may not decide on another vote later

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I was just about to edit, but bold Bizz. She had been coming on the site a couple days ago and posting in some mafia topic. So it's likely because of Rein that she's a hidden player. I feel she would be a smarter lynch than Weapons Bal.

##Vote Bizz


Hello again, town, this is your announcer again. Ether has been determined to be innocent. Also, it's been determined that Bizz is not in this game as a hidden player. So don't bother targeting her. However, I don't have any other information to share with you for now. For now, you should just... continue to use your abilities as best you know how! I'm sorry I can't give you any more information, but thems the breaks.

Assuming the announcer is not the SK, the announcer has no reason to lie to use, so a vote for Bizz accomplishes a helluva lot of good.

It it possible that Weapons is not the smartest choice for an immediate lynch, upon reviewing your list Psych, so I want everyone to weigh in and tally things up.

In fact. Why don't we make that today's Question of the DayTM:

Who would be on your list of likely hidden players, ordered by probability of involvement?

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Considering reasons not of my direct control this is my first real mafia game in a long time, I have become relatively unaware of the people active in mafia games. However, based solely on my memories which may or may not be reasonable to care about at all, I would go Weapons, Tables, or Life. It appears as if Psych has not bolded any of these three, however, and Life is not italicized. Thusly, for the above reasons and probably other reasons which I haven't thought of yet, I disbelieve my opinion to be very notable.

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"Well, I am glad that, at the very least, my excursion overnight to that unseemly prison has given you reason to stand by me, as allies." the girl said with a curtsy towards the others, knowing most of them, if not all at this point, to be fellow misfits.

"Who I think may be hidden? That is a difficult question... I don't know the mannerisms of... most of out newer compatriots... of the ones I know, I suppose Sir Tables or Sir Life jump out at me, if only for my time speaking with the jailer... though I did not see their face, their manner of speech was... eerily similar to those two. However, Sir Weapons is quite good at altering his personae, and that could be a product of his own musings. I suppose the three of them would be my most likely candidates, though my reasons for such are somewhat... flaky, I must admit..." The girl replied, with a slight blush.

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Since our announcer is a fan of software junk, I am guessing he is either tables or womc , my gut tells me of tables though. Hey bal, do I still have to claim?

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RD is having net problems, I highly doubt be is playing. I once had a chat with Kaoz, and he seemed to be looking forward to the bigger games, I think he only signed up for Psych's because eclipse asked him to.

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Yeah. No need to claim from my point of view.

It's probable that the SK kills bypass any protections, as they come in the middle of the night phase before actions have necessarily been fully collected, I can't see anything town would get from revealing who has which roles (assuming there is even another doctor-type to protect with), while I can only see danger come from letting the opposition know our hand.

Also, I'm glad to get some additional solid input here on the matter of who may be reasonable choices for hidden players. Especially Rothene's input. I don't know what I would have done without the insight offered there. If we can get the list narrowed down enough, we have roughly six phases of lynches to try to catch the bastard. That should be enough, barring any catastrophic error in judgement on my part about the current state of affairs.

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From the ones left, only mike serves me as a hidden player possibility . And Bal, I want you to assign a name for the cop, me and tracker. This way we all won't hit the same guy.

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Okay, I'm going to sleep, then I'll put together a list. I assume I won't wake up dead. Then, I will tell every living listed player which unlisted player to target with their action. If they do not have an action, obviously they do nothing. If they have an action that would only help to use on a town member, they ignore my advice and play smart. If they have something useful for either catching scum, or killing scum, they follow through just according to keikaku.

Hidden announcer, you can do whatever you feel is best, as you have been doing so far, I won't deign to give you orders.

Side note. Who the fuck is mike? As far as that name and mafia are related I only remember one messy mike, who hasn't signed on in over a year. Obviously this has to be the user you are all referring to, right?

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Okay, orders for the upcoming night phase:

Hikarusrr Target Tables

Ether Target BK-201

Blitz Target Haze

Rothene Target JB

Psych Target Darros

Balcerzak Target Kaoz

Again, if you have no actions, ignore this; if your action serves to protect the town, play smart instead; if you've already targeted your target, choose another target from the list of:


Radiant Dragon

Fear the Pika

Seven Deadly Sins

Wen Yang

Sober Emo Girl


Trying to figure out how to get results from this back tomorrow (assuming we don't catch anyone red-handed) without compromising town roles either directly, or through process of elimination will be fun.

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Okay, orders for the upcoming night phase:

Hikarusrr Target Tables

Ether Target BK-201

Blitz Target Haze

Rothene Target JB

Psych Target Darros

Balcerzak Target Kaoz

Again, if you have no actions, ignore this; if your action serves to protect the town, play smart instead; if you've already targeted your target, choose another target from the list of:


Radiant Dragon

Fear the Pika

Seven Deadly Sins

Wen Yang

Sober Emo Girl


Trying to figure out how to get results from this back tomorrow (assuming we don't catch anyone red-handed) without compromising town roles either directly, or through process of elimination will be fun.

Mikethfc? That's who I meant.

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Hold on, through means which you hopefully understand as I feel not the need to expound, we know there are exactly 12 town players. Additionally, we know there are 18 players right now, for recently it was revealed(and I do not feel like expounding on this either jegus fuck must I explain EVERYTHING). One of the hidden players (my bro, the announcer) has been revealed as town by me, thus 11 of the original 15 are town. Additionally, if you have been paying attention at all, you would have noticed the amount of mafia that has been killed. There is one revealed player and one hidden player remaining who are neither town nor mafia. My role PM contains the name of my BRO, thus think, what could possibly help us find the final hidden player?

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So, you're suggesting we kill one of the non-cleared in hopes of reading a hidden's name from their role PM?

There's absolutely no way that could go wrong. Like if the host were to snip sensitive information from the role PM. That would be absolutely unprecedented.

Or did I completely bark up the wrong tree there?

Also jegus fuck, I badly wish I could talk to your bro right about now.

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