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[FE6] Psychotic Yandere Teacher Cecilia's Experimental Draft of Chaotic Evil, er, Fun


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Knocking off the rest, since I've already completed one draft today.

18: 9 turns, 204 total

Forests hurt horses. Miredy cleared the path, and once the river froze, Cecilia and Miredy carried Roy to the throne. Miredy killed the boss.

19: 5 turns, 209 total

This chapter was annoying to get right. Miredy carried Lugh on the first turn, and Niime warped Lott forward to take Lugh and drop him. Those three dealt with the eastern enemies. Igrene took on the western peggy squad, since I want her to get to S rank. Then, Miredy carried Roy over the mountains to the boss's area, and Lott was warped by Niime while carrying Fa, and dropped her within range of the boss. The plan was: Fa weaken Sigrun, Lott rescue, Miredy finish her and Roy seize. Fa ruined all that by critting, though. Cecilia Hammerned Warp, since I'll need it for Chapter 21

20: 7 turns, 216 total

Everybody rushes. Ugh status staves, why do you mock me? Yuuno gets to sit in her cell. No treasures gotten.

21: 18 turns, 234 total

This was a fun chapter. Everybody goes east, Astol does shopping. Miredy and Cecilia and Lugh kill dragon knights. Miredy carries Lugh over, Yodel warps Lott carrying Igrene, and then Astol carrying Fa, so they can bypass the detour in the NE corner. Astol sits on a mountain unarmed and gets attacked about a thousand times. Lott, Lugh, Igrene and Fa kill dragon knights. Miredy rescues Roy and runs. Cecilia, incensed, strong-arms Yodel into Warping her forward so she can take-drop Roy. The next turn, Miredy rescues Yodel, who is take-dropped by Cecilia. Everyone cuts a path through to the top of Murdock's room. Once everyone else is past, Yodel Rescues (the staff) Astol. Gale appears, but is a pacifist. Lugh and Fa kill the other kind of dragon. The first kind, deprived of their juicy thief, chase down the party. They decide to go down the eastern side, so a certain group of reinforcements don't hold them up. Yodel warps Igrene inside Murdock's room so finish off the small fry, and Igrene is SO CLOSE to S Rank I can taste it. Lott and Miredy tank the angry mob, and Yodel Rescues Lott so he can help beat down Murdock. Igrene gets S Rank! Roy promotes. Sealed Sword get! (That's what my patch calls it)

Now for the tricky part...

Edited by Baldrick
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I said I'd add my stuff since I actually finished a while ago, so here I go:


So. Sophia sucks. Her bases suck and her starting level sucks and her growths suck and her class uber-sucks in FE6. Versus the anima mages on her starting map, she gets doubled even without taking into account the AS loss from an E-rank tome, and has hitrates in the low 40s against them while facing decently high hitrates, even though she has WTA. And the one with Aircalibur can usually ORKO her even though RES is supposed to be her strong point. And as if she weren't bad enough in a technical sense, it's all her fault that Cecilia, a mounted unit, joins you in the middle of a fucking desert (not even starting you on the edge of the desert in a normal-terrain area, like FE7 (except HHM) and FE8 have the decency to do). And then IS says that she's also plot-important, cameos her in FE7, and generally tries to make you like her.

Did I mention I hate Sophia?

Gotta agree with PYTC on that one. So, the original plan was to escort her to get the Guiding Ring (it's sellable, after all), then make her strip (er, trade it to Cecilia), and have Cecilia frog-march her to the boss for summary execution (which would probably cost 2 extra turns that I'd compensate myself for). But it turns out that she can't even survive long enough for that, so instead I had her run to the far southwest corner so she can get chopped in half by an axe bigger than she is (and maybe with some luck, cause a Devil Axe backfire), distracting the bandits for long enough to let Roy and Cecilia regroup to deal with them.

Roy and Cecilia stomp around in the Boots area until they are found, and Roy uses them immediately. The Boots are the only treasure I care about, since (a) Cecilia will never build enough staff rank to use Warp so it would only help on a couple of chapters with Niime and Yodel; (b) without fliers, the only ways to get into that area require dealing with a Mamkute, and my weapon supply will already run low even though Roy starts the chapter armed to the teeth. Roy uses the Boots as soon as they are obtained.

I wanted to have Cecilia use Speedwings right away because they help her quite a bit on this chapter, but there simply wasn't enough inventory space. Roy brought out 2 Killing Edges, an Iron Sword, Thunder for Cecilia, and a Vulnerary. Believe me, much trial and error went into this selection. Because of the slow movement through the desert, it becomes necessary to tank the entire Rose and Maggie crew, and going around the south side of the hill proves necessary - even though aggroing a pack of wyverns is forced this way, whereas you can escape the ones in the north if you're careful - because it avoids some annoying Mercs and a Killing Edge!Hero who cause major problems, whereas the fighters from the south edge would be aggro'd if you approach from the west edge anyway.

Dealing with Randy is difficult even once all the other units are dealt with. I think I needed a crit to be assured of success, since I've run out of healing by this point and that Vendor doesn't sell more Vulneraries. I did buy some Pure Water and a crapload of Aircalibur, though. In retrospect, I overdid that; there were relatively few enemies later that Cecilia could 1HKO or 2HKO with Aircalibur but not with Fire, and Fire tomes have more uses. I got the C support during the boss battle.

Roy 20.00 40*hp 11/16/18/19/8*/8, +2 Mov, +2 Con, C Cecilia.

Cecilia 9.83 35hp 14/10/12/13/8/15, C Roy.

Yes, Cecilia gained almost 9 levels here, even with Roy trying to do most of the work. It's that much of a slog with two non-flying units (Sophia totally doesn't count).

Return of the Ch1 Music 25/343

Roy equips 3 Killing Edges, a Dragonshield (which he uses on the first turn), and a Vulnerary. Cecilia takes 3 Aircaliburs, the Speedwings (which she uses somewhere in the first few turns when she can catch a breath), and Mend.

The plan: Without Warp, everyone has to go around the spiral. Without Lalum, Percival has to be dispatched. Boots!Roy rushes to the fort near the mountains, and Cecilia takes out some units from the south of that area, positioning herself precisely to avoid being swarmed while getting near the village quickly enough to distract (and then take out) Garret. Igrene's goal is to dispatch Percival with the Killer Bow (she needs 1 crit and 1 normal hit, at 72 hit / 27 crit, and needs to not get killed by his henchmen). I tried a few different tactical ideas with her, and she proved to be quite unlucky with crits on Percival, which was annoying. Roy ended up getting the Percival kill while still in the fort, which slowed this down a bit (I think I had a 21-turn run earlier, but that was paired with a 50-turn Ch14, and then I lost both by accidentally loading a savestate that I had been using to test Ch14 strategies). Igrene survives, ends up using the entire Killer Bow, and gains 2 levels. She buys a bunch of door keys and a chest key for later use.

Once the initial rush is dealt with, everyone plows through the rest of the reinforcements with no real strategy applicable or required. Cecilia takes out Raeth while standing on the hill to his southeast, and Roy seizes.

Roy 20.00 40*hp 11/16/18/19/8*/8, +2 Mov, +2 Con, C Cecilia.

Cecilia 12.65 38hp 16/11/14*/13/8/15, C Roy.

The Narshen's Capitol (alt. Hugh's Your Daddy?) 54/397

Yes, fifty-four. This is largely because I wandered around less than efficiently getting all the treasure, selling a bunch (as well as stuff sold pre-chapter), in order to get 2 Angelic Robes each for Roy and Cecilia from the Secret Shop. This turns out to be overkill; 2 robes for Cecilia is a good idea since she can't heal herself, but the heal-able and good-at-HP-level-ups Roy doesn't really need them, plus there's another Robe that he'll get in Ch20. So that obviously cost a lot of turns and I would do this differently if I had to go through this hell again.

The hard part was keeping Hugh alive in the early part. Roy and Cecilia both take the east path, since they don't really want to get split up, and then roflstomp their way to the throne (except with not that much rofl'ing involved) while Hugh cleans out the east treasure room. This requires a slight delay to deal with the mamkute and the ambush-spawn reinforcements that will pwn Hugh if he's left by himself. Everyone heads to the northwest, where Cecilia uses Hugh's Elfire tome 4 times to take out the wall. Hugh switches Cecilia to Aircalibur on that turn and Roy rescues Hugh (the Ch13 Body Ring enables him to do this) so that Zeiss will be forced to attack Cecilia on EP and get pwned. After buying some stuff, everyone goes down to the other treasure room (aggroing and taking out those enemies), gets the treasure and goes back to sell that and buy robes again. Finally it's time to take on the boss. (The stationary Mamkute on the winding west path is ignored.) Actually, I think I had Hugh run back and forth while Roy and Cecilia were in the throne room starting the assault already, and they finished using the robes either during or after the battle.

Narshen is kind of a dick. He has a Runesword which is a troll weapon, the Delphi Shield which I can't steal as I don't have a thief recruited, and high def and mag. Aircalibur!Cecilia doesn't do too much to him, and he can counter for quite a bit even versus Cecilia's 15 Res. So the plan is to use all 5 uses of Bolting on him first (I really am going to need the Hammerne staff later), to weaken him while he can't counter. He still gets throne healing, though, which sucks. Fortunately, I get the B support while this is going on, and when Cecilia switches to Aircalibur, she has 80% display hit facing only 40% with the support bonus. There are 3 rounds of combat here and the Runesword never hits. Which is good, because Bolting at 62% display hit only hit 2 times out of 5.

Roy 20.00 54hp*** 11/16/18/19/8*/8, +2 Mov, +2 Con, B Cecilia.

Cecilia 16.34 56hp** 19/14/14*/14/9/15, B Roy.

As I mentioned earlier, I somehow didn't get the A support until inside the throne room of Ch22. :/

In the next post, we visit Ilia.

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Whoa, Cecilia is not terrible!

Chapter 22: 24 turns, 258 total


The tricky part is getting Cecilia and Roy to A support. Lugh and Fa, boosted by Pure Water to prevent Berserkness, are left group. Everyone else right group. When the Druid realizes that Lott will just be healed, he tries to hit Lugh at 9%. :lol: Both groups reach the top; Lott frees the right switch, and Astol sits on it. Lugh goes to activate the left switch, and Fa joins the other group. The process is sped up by using Miredy to carry her. None of the enemies give much trouble, though a bishop puts Astol to sleep. Cath turns up, which I didn't expect. I didn't recruit her, though. Roy unlocks the gate, and the heroes suicide on Miredy. Fa and Igrene kill the manaketes, and Roy heads toward the throne. Lott, Igrene, Miredy block the staircases so no enemies get through. Cecilia heals Roy when he needs it. When Zephiel is down to critical health, Fa steals the kill, and Roy seizes... no, he doesn't. It's only turn 17, and I have to wait for Roy/Cecilia support. While I wait, reinforcements make a beeline for Astol. He tries to flee, but is cut down. After what feels like a million turns, support upgrades and Roy can seize.


Roy Lv 20/5.32 50hp

15 21 21 21 14 14

For one glorious chapter, he was my MVP. Otherwise, he played just like somebody with poor strength, who is stuck at 20.00 for ages would play.

Lott Lv 20/12.34 60hp

20 25 18 14 17 7

SO CLOSE. 1 teensy little point of skill away. His HP is maximum though. He was a quality pick, since lances tend to be prolific and he obviously didn't have any issues hitting.

Lugh Lv 17/17.19 36hp

24 20 19 17 12 21

This guy was insane. Sometimes he did have problems doubling really fast enemies, but apart from that, he wasn't screwed in any bad areas. And his magic was ridiculous. 50 years after the events of FE6, Bern's grizzled veterans tell their grandchildren of a green-haired demon who tore apart whole squadrons of dragon knights like you would tear apart tissue paper, all the while with a psychopathic grin on his face.

Astol Lv 20.00 35hp

12 10 19 13 8 6

RIP Astol Chapter 8 - Chapter 22. He did his job, and not much else.

Miredy Lv 18/10.30 46hp

21 21 22 9 15 5

Eventually her speed plateaued. Somehow she didn't cap it either. Her utility was a great help, she was only slowed down by the fact she didn't have a legendary weapon. She didn't gain ANY damage mitigation in 17 levels. :facepalm:

Cecilia Lv 9.18 42hp

14 10 12 12 9 16

She had a rocky start, but a horsey is always appreciated. She contributed chip damage a lot, but couldn't get enough staff level to really be useful. If only her staff and anima levels were reserved.

Igrene Lv 12.76 42hp

18 20 16 9 13 11

Her bases carried her for a few chapters, then Ilia happened, then dragon knights happened, then she got S Rank. So she was always contributing something meaningful. She wasn't have bad for a sniper. Solid pick, would draft again (towards the end, of course).

FA Lv 18.74 37hp

16 15 11 30 7 17

For somebody so sweet and innocent, she sure can fight.

Despite strictly limited supply, she provided a valuable service.

So, that's it.

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Whoa, Cecilia is not terrible!

The weird thing about this exercise is that it forced me to gain an appreciation of Cecilia. She's a weird unit. Her bases and growths are bad (and the fact that she starts in the middle of nowhere being practically unable to move) but everything else about her is amazing. I didn't even really think that was possible until I tried actually using her. But she has 8 mov, the ability to heal, and A anima (and anima is clearly the best magic in this game because dark is actually meaningfully heavy and light is still weak like in FE7) which gives her access to Aircalibur (7 doesn't have effective, non-legendary magic, so this makes anima seem even more awesome). And those bad stats always seem to be good enough once she's levelled up (as she was obviously forced to be in this playthrough). She always seemed to have just enough speed for me, ending up with 16 (with 2xSpeedwings) which actually doubles a lot of enemies even in late game.

Also, I would characterize her start as more sandy than rocky. ;P

My Roy got 6 levels more than yours in Ch22, and ended up with 2 points less of Def. Now that's screwage. He did eventually manage 21 str though (including one Energy Ring) and 24 Spd and Skl.

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The lion's share of the statboosters wouldn't hurt, either.

I see what you did there. :lol:

Hm, a Roy with your HP and strength, and my defense would be unstoppable!

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The lion's share of the statboosters wouldn't hurt, either.

I see what you did there. :lol:

Hm, a Roy with your HP and strength, and my defense would be unstoppable!

The problem was my Roy was actually Str screwed the whole way through in addition to Def screwed (although Spd and Skl blessed), and caught up majorly in Str in Ch22. It caused some real problems in 12 and 13 (although the extra avoid from the Spd was appreciated, since he basically was forced to be a ninja dodge tank for large portions of the game, especially those two chapters).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I lost my Save File and I am restarting

Chapter 1 4/4 turns

Marcus carried Roy while the others lagged behind and cleaned up

Chapter 2 7/11 turns

Marcus carried Roy. I had Thany die to an archer.

Chapter 3 8/19 turns

Marcus carried Roy again. I got the mend staff.

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