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Sonic Generations


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Just picked up this game and I will say it's quite an enjoyable game so far. So far played through a Sonic 1,2 & 3 or was it a & Knuckles stage? Sonic fans should enjoy this game I think.

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I'm interested in trying this game. I haven't enjoyed a Sonic game since Sonic Adventure 2. Is it really worth picking this game up over just playing the old games again? Especially since, unless I have misheard, you can only play as Sonic in this?

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Yeah, you can only play as Sonic/Fat!Sonic, but in some "sidequests" you have to have your furry friends do stuff to help you complete stupid objectives (for instance, you have to collect 35 medals in Sky Sanctuary, and you have to bring along Knuckles to do so (even though he's only ever on screen when you push Y to make him dig.) Only lazy part about the game, imo, and lack of multiplayer.

And it's stupidly short, I beat it in about three hours today, half an hour of which was playing with one hand because I was eating lunch. All in all, the game is pretty well done though, I enjoyed it.

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You haven't played Sonic Colours?!

You should pick up that one first.

I played that one. Meh. An improvement, but that doesn't mean much. As much as I love running in a straight line with occasional jumping, I don't. Although at least Sonic Team finally figured out they can't write a decent story anymore and didn't even try. It's a step up from TEEHEEI'MKINGARTHUR (or the whole part where Merlina was, IMO, right) or IWISHFORAMOUNTAINOFTISSUES. When you're saving rainbow aliens from amusement parks you know they aren't going for any kind of special moment that's supposed to be emotional/epic.

The Wii can't handle the engine or some such thing, so there won't be a Wii version.

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The problem is that, starting with Sonic Heroes, the series gave me this feeling that I am VERY clearly being confined to this specific pathway which is very straight. A lot of the time it's like a road and there is even a curb to show you where you can and cannot "drive," and the way the controls have worked recently has enforced that feeling. What I have played of Sonic Colors gave me that feeling. And yes, I dislike most of the 3D games. I may be misremembering since I haven't been following Sonic all that closely, but the main 3D ones are SA, SA2, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic '06, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic and the Black Knight, Werehog one whose name I don't remember, Sonic Colors, and now Sonic Generations. Of these I enjoyed the Sonic Adventure games and Sonic '06, although not as much and mostly I enjoyed playing as Silver.

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as much as I love the adventure games

How do you not get the straight line thing from them jegus fuck

Also, Colours wasn't a 3D sonic game. It was a 2D sonic game with a few 3D sections, though nothing notably lengthy.

and lol sonic '06

Edit: ok fine, the adventure games weren't straight lines, they were pretty curvy. HOWEVER, they were very single line.

Edited by Hikarusa
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Okay, here's a better way to word it: I feel like I'm driving a car. I prefer the way adventure Sonic/Shadow/etc. moved and the way the stages were set up more than in the newer ones.

I have not played much of Sonic Colors, and of what I have played there was quite a bit of 3D.

Sonic '06 certainly had problems (glitches, which could be pretty hilarious, and seriously WTF loading times) but the gameplay (specifically Silver's) I found quite enjoyable. Not the best the series has offered by any means, but IMO better than anything since then.

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