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Difficult & Tedious Graphics Request

Crimson Red

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Extremely Difficult & Tedious Graphics Request

So, I recently found out a way to rip animations from the DS FE games. Naturally I tested it and tried to rip Thoron. I was successful in obtaining 68 frames for this animation. However, the process which I used makes it so that the images are like so:


What needs to be done is:

1) The blank space needs to be cropped out.

2) The bottom half of the DS frame needs to be cropped.

3) A thin grey outline to the left of the spell sprite needs to be cropped out.

4) The image should be left with a 320x240 portion at the top left, this must be resized to 240x64.

5) The resultant image must be 16 colors, including the background color. The background color must not be used for anything but the background as it will be transparent. Usenti can do this.

So I'm looking for either a way to do this very fast or someone who can do this for me. It's so that I can insert this spell animation into a GBA game. Whoever does it will be greatly credited and appreciated as it is planned to be part of a spell for one of the final chapter bosses. It would be sooooo awesome if I could get this to work. If there's anything else I can do to motivate someone to help me with this, let me know, because if not, it's simply too overwhelming.

If it helps, the resize percentages are:

X: .75

Y: ~.27

The final image should be 240x64. It will NOT look good, especially after it's 16-colorized, I am well aware of this. If one doesn't know how to do the color requantization to make it 16 colors, then that's not necessary, the main thing is that I get cropped and resized images.

Well, that's that. Hopefully someone is kind and courageous enough to help out. All I can do now, is leave this animation's fate in the hands of the generous and brave...

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Going to need to talk to you on AIM/whatever to get it better than this, and the close range version will have to be cropped differently

The little slide will have to be timed with the platforms sliding ingame

Edited by BwdYeti
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Some programs, like Photoshop, let you script a set of actions and then repeat it on a bunch of different files. I'd wager that, since all the frames you sent him are identical in dimension and requirements, it was an especially easy job.

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Going to need to talk to you on AIM/whatever to get it better than this, and the close range version will have to be cropped differently

The little slide will have to be timed with the platforms sliding ingame

Badass soldier using Thoron? Yes please.

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DS Spell Animation Rips

All the DS spells that I've ripped, barring Bolganone which I did forever go and haven't felt like redoing (since it was missing a lot of frames/wasn't great quality), are here. Note that Excalibur was a somewhat poor rip, as was Blizzard, and Aura's quality either simply looks bad when it's not animated or got screwed up accidentally. Swarm only has the BG graphics (the bats or whatever are object graphics, I believe), and I deleted some frames that were repeated more than once (mainly the white or black screen frames--the frame numbers will help tell you about how long the timings are, however). That's about it, if anyone uses this please give credit to Fire Emblem 12: Heroes of Light and Shadow and me for using it, you don't have to ask permission though not that anyone would even if I said they should, haha.

Oh and Thoron is not in there since I am keeping that one for a very special scene ._. and it would ruin it's uniqueness if people could just use Thoron freely in their hacks D:

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What does the process look like for the actual ripping? Because I could make something do the editing in Python, and maybe the ripping too. Assuming there's anything else to rip that's in the same format >_>

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Oh and Thoron is not in there since I am keeping that one for a very special scene ._. and it would ruin it's uniqueness if people could just use Thoron freely in their hacks D:

No offense, but I'd like to believe if that was the case, you would've learned how to do this yourself and followed through with it, rather than outsourcing it to another member. While, technically, you did rip the sprites, Yeti here created and formatted the animation. I'd think he'd have just as much say on this as you did, considering he did all the "difficult and tedious graphic work".

But what do I know, I don't hack~

Edited by The Blind Archer
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@zahlman well this thing is kind of solved at this point so I'm not sure what use any scripts to help speed the process up would do at this point XP

@TBA well, if we all want to be technical jerks about it, then okay, then BwdYeti has rights to the animation, so if he doesn't want to let me use the formatting, then I couldn't, and I'd have to do it myself, yeah. However he can't (well, isn't "supposed to", lest the internet police come) give away the animation to anyone else because they used the sprites I ripped. This all seems irrelevant though since we're not making a huge deal out of nothing (cough), and to be honest, the thoron frames are right above in that GIF there, so if someone really wanted it, they could get it, and I really don't care to do anything about it because I really don't care THAT much, and neither does anyone else who's sane. XD

Furthermore the Thoron's original frames are in a different, poorer format than the rest, and it would be unfitting to include lower quality rips with higher quality rips, so even if I didn't want to use Thoron as a part of my final boss' attack, I still wouldn't include a shit rip like that with the other high-quality rips, at least not publicly.

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Sorry, I don't understand what you just said. Furthermore if you want to talk about this please take it to PMs, I hate having to check this forum, as it is I check the ROMhacking forum and FE12 translation forum, having a 3rd is just a pain in the ass. That and it's not relevant to the topic I don't think. Thanks~

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Rather, taking Nintendo's animations and graphics without asking for permission--but then demanding for credit/permission for his theft to be used by others.

It's a merry old contrivance. One wants to be credited for the effort of stealing.

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Rather, taking Nintendo's animations and graphics without asking for permission--but then demanding for credit/permission for his theft to be used by others.

It's a merry old contrivance. One wants to be credited for the effort of stealing.

Don't you think you're being a little unfair?

People are credited for ripping graphics all the time(check spriters resource, plus Bwdyeti has several pages on his site for his ripped animations). Yet Blazer is seemingly the only one being condemned for the practice.

Also ripping graphics and editing them isn't any different than splicing. Which people(including you guys) go apeshit over when credit isn't given.

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People are credited for ripping graphics all the time(check spriters resource, plus Bwdyeti has several pages on his site for his ripped animations). Yet Blazer is seemingly the only one being condemned for the practice.

Also ripping graphics and editing them isn't any different than splicing. Which people(including you guys) go apeshit over when credit isn't given.

I think that's his problem. And yet when Japanese hackers rip full custom sprites, he doesn't bat an eye, or make the same complaints to them.

And don't lop the rest of us in with Celice. The rest of us have no problem with splicing, and ripping these things.

The only other thing anyone was getting upset (I use that lightly because there was no real "upset" going on, here) at Blazer for was him not releasing the Thoron spell in his package when yeti did half (I don't know how much work was done by each, I'm just counting each action as half, one half ripping, one half formatting) of the work.

And it's not even a real problem because Yeti can just hand out the spell to anyone so whatever?

I think Blazer should ask a mod to close this topic, there's a lot of useless arguing going on that could be better handled in PMs

Edited by seph1212
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People are credited for ripping graphics all the time(check spriters resource, plus Bwdyeti has several pages on his site for his ripped animations). Yet Blazer is seemingly the only one being condemned for the practice.

And it's an equally stupid practice. I understand the desire to have your effort be recognized. But to demand credit is just plain stupidity, especially when the process isn't even that hard to do.

Also ripping graphics and editing them isn't any different than splicing. Which people(including you guys) go apeshit over when credit isn't given.

You can generalize all you want, but I'm one of the few who really don't care, and thinks hoarding is one of the stupidest, more selfish things a person can do. It's not like a majority of the people who hoard even have something worth hoarding. There's this skewed sense of worth people attach to the things they do, and they somehow, inwardly, want recognition. Personally, I'd rather see what someone can do with the things I've created. Keeping things to yourself makes all possibilities limited by yourself. While sharing lets a greater possibility flourish.

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