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Fire Emblem 12 Hack: Rebirth 2

Crimson Red

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Changed Starting Weapon to Blizzard(since it's not as powerful as Elfire...but but better than Thunder and has more uses) if that's allowed. If not then it sticks to Thunder. Also, portrait, I've changed my thoughts to Samto. The guy needs more love. 8]

Are we looking at any early Resire/Nosferatu tomes? Normally, the mages one gets aren't sporting massive overall growths + base stats like a Catria growth Mage(which generally have sucky mag growth). 10 Spd on a female mage with decent def/res growth in chapter 2 with such a tome coming in sometime soon is just awesome :XD:

Also recruitment...Warren's recruited by Catria. I presume that makes Octavian's character recruited by Overlord Zetta's one?

Edited by Rothene
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But...think of it as having 2 swarms as early as possible...but true..there's that full stretch of forest to cover and slow one down but act as cover...and we have a Sage Jeigan! :P:

Oh wait...Swarm's B ranked...the unit cannot use it :evil:

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Swarm will likely change to C rank

and I hear something about the character having Swarm being an enemy at first, that would definitely be an interesting twist but a pain in the ass. Depending on how that works out I may have to change it.

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Changing my first choice of replacement to Rody in order to not clash with the Ryan entry in FEShrine. As a concequence, the growth and starting stat changes too.

Also, adding list of characters replaced and a list of classes in my first post!

Edited by Rothene
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Well, if you want it changed, Blazer, just shoot it my way, I'm sure I'll be cool with it. Or you can just remove Swarm and just give her Thunder... not that big of a deal. =)

*PS. The reason I gave her Resire at first was because of an Idea I had where I threw all of my characters into Jugdral, and made children to go along with it, and Alissa would end up with Major Narga and Minor Tordo~

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Scratch that. Too late to contribute that.

Question. Will you be giving the option to have playable ballisticians?

Edited by Blasied
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@Blasied if there are enemy ballisticians (sp) available then yes, sure, why not. I have no problem doing so. It's been a looooong time since I've beaten this game so forgive my poor memory regarding it, please. ^_^

@Anouleth sure, just change your profile to reflect that. In fact I'd appreciate if you did given that sooner or later I'm going to have to do some balancing to make the game... well, you know, not broken.

EDIT: typo

EDIT2: @Rothene that's beyond my control :P

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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Username: General_Horace

Character Name: Sydney

Replacing Character: Leiden

2nd Choice: Belf

3rd Choice: Athena

Starting Class: Cavalier (F)

Starting Level: 15. (15+0)

Starting Inventory: Lady Sword, Javelin, Vulnerary

Starting Weapon Ranks: C Lance D Sword

Stats/Growths: (58 Base Stat total, 200 + 10% base growth)

HP: 12 (30) 45% (85%)

Str: 9 (14) 35% (50%)

Mag: 0 (0) 0% (0%)

Skl: 11 (13) 40% (65%)

Spd: 10 (16) 45% (55%)

Luck: 11 (11) 30% (30%)

Def: 5 (12) 15% (30%)

Res: 0 (0) 0% (0%)

Portrait: Cecile for both.

Notes: N/A

Edited by General Horace
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Looks okay to me, albeit she also seems very very good (was Leiden originaly that good? XD), thanks.

Leiden is a pretty decent character and even usable in H3, although this character has arguably better distributed bases with more STR/SPD/DEF and less HP/SKL/LUK.

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So, it seems there's been a bit of confusion regarding starting inventory and the swarm tome. I'll defer to Luffy's judgment on where he wants it to go, since I doubt he wants two siege tomes in chapter two, and on an recruitable enemy no less.

@Blasied if there are enemy ballisticians (sp) available then yes, sure, why not. I have no problem doing so. It's been a looooong time since I've beaten this game so forgive my poor memory regarding it, please. ^_^

@Anouleth sure, just change your profile to reflect that. In fact I'd appreciate if you did given that sooner or later I'm going to have to do some balancing to make the game... well, you know, not broken.

There certainly are, the other ballistae weapons will just need to be made droppable/buyable somewhere. (Or show up on another ballistician character)

Also, not broken? How so? It's Fire Emblem 12, you start with My Unit, which already sets an extremely high bar for unit quality. (My AK->Cav MU had 37/20/5/19/20/17/20/1 stats in chapter 3 right before promoting) If anything I think intelligent redistributing of growths and bases could make a lot more characters usable on the higher difficulties.

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Any changes to the profile...eg: Edits, changes in stat/growth distribution, portrait choices, names, replacing characters...etc

Just notify with a post. So that updated Profiles can be...recorded.

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Looks okay to me, albeit she also seems very very good (was Leiden originaly that good? XD), thanks.

I shoved some defence base into luck, because she was pretty strong. The reason her skill looked so low was because of the awful cavalier base skill, it's actually her highest non-HP growth.

Edited by General Horace
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@OZ thanks for co-operating on the inventories. Regarding Ballistae, I could probably edit a couple armories or whatever to add it in, and then throw in some droppable ones maybe (granted I haven't found out how to do droppable weapons but it's probably in the unit data so it shouldn't be a huge problem).

On balancing, having several types of one unit (in this case tome-users IIRC) does not seem very balanced to me. In general the game should be playable without a major change in difficulty amongst other things.

@SagginPhobia I do not completely understand what you're talking about but any changes to your profile should be noted with a post but be reflected in your original post.

Just like how Blasied made a post about his/her change (@Blasied, thanks).

@General_Horace as long as it's correct it doesn't matter to me, I just want everyone following the system so the game doesn't get imbalanced and certain characters don't get advantages over others... granted the vanilla game does have characters with advantages over others and so I won't lie, I expect those characters to be taken before the bad characters, to be blunt. And what's good/bad is generally determined by starting stats and growths, especially given that levels, inventory, and class can all be changed. ^_^

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Alright, thanks for the heads-up.

I may start work on this today though if I do a lot of it will probably be coming up with a system for doing all of this. FYI I cannot use the EA to edit unit data--I tried, unsuccessfully. :( Thankfully I've figured out almost everything I need so editing it is just a matter of time.

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