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(FE11) Random Reclass Thingy Draft


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Chapter 6 - 11/90

The hardest part about this chapter was killing all those units. I had to stall a couple of turns so that the boss could kill Roshea and Hardin. Got both Master Keys, and didn't bother getting the Bullion. Rickard was turned into target practice by Matthis.

I completely forgot to record Matthis' stats on Chapter 5. My bad.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       9.87  25   9    0    8   12   12    9    0
Cain      Mage       8.65  23   4    3    7    8    7    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    5.50  24   7    1   13    9    3   11    6
Cord      Knight     8.51  22  10    0    9    3    9   13    0
Matthis   Archer     5.63  20   6    0    5    5    2    6    0
Wolf      Hero       3.83  Base everything
Wendell   Paladin    2.02  23   7    1    5   15    1   10    6

Chapter 6x - 20

Wolf hit D Axes, Matthis hit D Bows, and Wendell got that much closer to C by whiffing the boss.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      10.44  26   9    0    9   12   13    9    0
Cain      Mage       9.57  24   4    4    7    9    7    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    5.99  24   7    1   13    9    3   11    6
Cord      Knight     8.93  22  10    0    9    3    9   13    0
Matthis   Archer     7.21  22   7    0    6    5    2    6    0
Wolf      Hero       5.11  28   8    0   12   13    5    9    1
Wendell   Paladin    2.62  23   7    1    5   15    1   10    6

Chapter 7 - 9/99

Cain isn't anywhere near Excalibur yet, or this wouldn't have taken so long. Thanks to the reinforcements moving the minute they appear, blocking the forts is easy. The boss goes down to Cain, Wolf, and Marth. I'm glad I picked up the Devil Axe.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      11.59  27  10    0    9   13   14    9    0
Cain      Mage      10.21  24   4    4    7   10    7    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    6.55  25   7    1   14    9    3   12    6
Cord      Knight     9.27  22  10    0    9    4    9   13    0
Matthis   Archer     7.74  22   7    0    6    5    2    6    0
Wolf      Hero       5.43  28   8    0   12   13    5    9    1
Wendell   Paladin    2.92  23   7    1    5   15    1   10    6

Chapter 8 - 6/105

Had to walk Cain to the throne, so he could work his magic. One Devil Axe hit finished the boss. Everyone else puttered around, gained experience, etc.

I have more things to kill.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      11.69  27  10    0    9   13   14    9    0
Cain      Mage      10.54  24   4    4    7   10    7    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    7.10  26   7    1   14    9    3   12    6
Cord      Knight     9.80  22  10    0    9    4    9   13    0
Matthis   Archer     8.22  23   7    0    6    5    2    7    0
Wolf      Hero       5.98  28   8    0   12   13    5    9    1
Wendell   Paladin    3.37  23   7    1    5   16    1   10    6

Chapter 9 - 5/110

Wendell burned a Master Key to get me the Bullion, while everyone else cleared a path for Marth to. . .uh, do nothing. He couldn't use the Silver Sword, so Jagen (Silver Lance), Cain (custom Fire tome), and Wolf (Devil Axe) took Mannu out for good.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      12.18  28  11    0    9   14   15    9    0
Cain      Mage      10.77  24   4    4    7   10    7    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    7.25  26   7    1   14    9    3   12    6
Cord      Knight    10.06  22  10    0    9    4    9   13    0
Matthis   Archer     8.22  23   7    0    6    5    2    7    0
Wolf      Hero       6.52  30   9    0   12   14    5    9    1
Wendell   Paladin    3.63  23   7    1    5   16    1   10    6

Chapter 10 - 9/119

My Paladin duo had problems getting that Master Seal, but I'm gonna need it, because the next two maps are huge, and Cord can't keep up. I also wanna staffbot. Matthis will stay unpromoted until the middle of Chapter 16.

Got the Levin Sword, skipped the Physic, and had Wolf Hammer his way to victory.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      12.56  28  11    0    9   14   15    9    0
Cain      Mage      11.71  24   4    4    8   11    8    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    7.79  26   7    1   14    9    3   12    6
Cord      Knight    10.79  22  10    0    9    4    9   13    0
Matthis   Archer    10.21  25   8    0    6    6    4    7    0
Wolf      Hero       7.24  32  10    0   13   15    6   10    1
Wendell   Paladin    3.69  23   7    1    5   16    1   10    6

Chapter 11 - 9/128

Promoted and reclassed Cord. The Devil Axe saw quite a bit of usage again.

Jagen and Wolf were tasked with clearing out the center area. Marth whacked off a good portion of Khozen's health, and Wolf broke his Hand Axe to finish what Marth couldn't quite do. Down south, Wendell and Cain beat up the mercs, so my generic female flier could visit Anna. Sacrificed said generic so Caeda could talk to Jake, and make my life that much easier.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      13.22  29  12    0    9   15   16    9    0
Cain      Mage      12.35  25   4    4    9   12    8    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    8.70  26   7    1   15    9    3   13    6
Cord      Sorcerer   1.31  26   6    3   10    8    9    7    6
Matthis   Archer    10.77  25   8    0    6    6    4    7    0
Wolf      Hero       8.18  34  11    0   14   16    7   11    1
Wendell   Paladin    4.34  24   8    1    6   16    1   10    6

Chapter 12 - 13/141

Those boots had better be worth it.

Marth managed to pick up 3/4 chests that I wanted, with Jagen running ahead to get my Boots, then me cursing because the stupid thief was on top of the chest. Thus, the turn count. I'm keeping this run because Jagen finally gained Strength.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.46  30  12    0    9   16   17   10    0
Cain      Mage      12.84  25   4    4    9   12    8    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    9.44  26   8    1   16    9    4   13    6
Cord      Sorcerer   2.03  26   6    3   11    9   10    7    6
Matthis   Archer    10.77  25   8    0    6    6    4    7    0
Wolf      Hero       9.27  35  12    0   15   17    8   11    1
Wendell   Paladin    5.73  24   8    1    6   16    2   10    6
Tomas     Archer     8.00  YO~!

Chapter 12x - 20

And now, for something completely different!

Wolf hit B Axes, Wendell hit B Lances, Tomas and Cord hit D Staves, and Marth got to all the villages. SCORE!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      16.23  32  13    0   10   18   19   10    0
Cain      Mage      14.18  26   4    5   10   14    8    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    9.58  26   8    1   16    9    4   13    6
Cord      Sorcerer   3.28  26   6    3   11   10   10    8    7
Matthis   Archer    12.89  27   8    0    6    7    5    7    0
Wolf      Hero      10.60  37  13    0   16   17    8   11    1
Wendell   Paladin    6.60  25   8    1    6   16    3   10    6
Tomas     Curate    10.62  24   2    1    4    6    4    3    6
Horace    General    3.00  *swoons*

Chapter 13 - 5/146

Where was I. . .oh, right, dying painfully!

Marth was the only one that could do appreciable damage to the boss, and he couldn't ORKO him. UGH. Killed off all undrafted units except for Julian. I might incur a penalty on Chapter 19 if I'm desperate.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      16.43  32  13    0   10   18   19   10    0
Cain      Mage      14.24  26   4    5   10   14    8    3    4
Jagen     Paladin    9.83  26   8    1   16    9    4   13    6
Cord      Sorcerer   3.53  26   6    3   11   10   10    8    7
Matthis   Archer    13.06  28   8    0    6    7    5    7    0
Wolf      Hero      10.92  37  13    0   16   17    8   11    1
Wendell   Paladin    7.09  25   9    1    7   16    3   10    6
Tomas     Curate    10.62  24   2    1    4    6    4    3    6
Horace    Warrior    3.41  *swoons*

Chapter 14 - 6/152

The good:

- Wolf pulled a ORKO on Jiol

- I killed off a good portion of the map

The bad:

- I didn't have time for the Silver Card

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      16.93  32  13    0   10   18   19   10    0
Cain      Mage      14.71  26   4    5   10   14    8    3    4
Jagen     Paladin   10.14  26   8    1   16   10    4   13    6
Cord      Sorcerer   3.83  26   6    3   11   10   10    8    7
Matthis   Archer    13.75  28   8    0    6    7    5    7    0
Wolf      Hero      11.30  39  14    0   17   18    8   12    1
Wendell   Paladin    7.65  25   9    1    7   16    3   10    6
Tomas     Curate    11.37  25   2    1    4    6    4    3    6
Horace    Warrior    3.90  *swoons*

Edited by eclipse
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New day, new post, and no Chapter 15 stats because I forgot to take them.

Chapter 15 - 5/157

Rules said I could do this, so reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight. Forged a +2 Mt. +5 HIT Javelin for Jagen so he could ORKO the boss.

Standard 5-turn rush. Cain hit B magic, so, uh. . .yeah. IF IT FLIES, IT DIES!

Chapter 16 - 10/167

Number of people that could double the Heroes: 0

Number of people doubled by the Heroes: 5

Promoted Matthis after the Draco swarm (allowed by the rules, tee-hee~!), then parked him on that little peninsula so he could kill off the bow guys. This allowed Jagen to kill that healer, which made things just a little less stupid. Wolf was too far away to get to the boss, so Marth did the dirty work.

Matthis will reclass before Chapter 17 begins. I'm bragging about how godly he is now!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      17.99  33  14    0   11   18   20   10    0
Cain      Mage      17.09  28   4    5   12   16   10    3    5
Jagen     Drakky    11.73  25   9    1   17   10    4   16    4
Cord      Sorcerer   5.53  26   6    4   12   12   11    8    9
Matthis   Sniper     2.69  36  11    1   11   13    5    9    3
Wolf      Hero      11.63  39  14    0   17   18    8   12    1
Wendell   Paladin    8.22  26   9    1    7   16    4   10    6
Tomas     Curate    13.29  26   2    1    6    7    5    3    8
Horace    Warrior    5.15  31  15    0   12   13    7    7    1

Chapter 17 - 3/170

This chapter is boring. Even with Wolf killing most of the map. Picked up my Poleaxes.

Matthis' HP might be a little off.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      18.99  33  15    0   12   19   21   10    0
Cain      Mage      17.23  28   4    5   12   16   10    3    5
Jagen     Drakky    11.88  25   9    1   17   10    4   16    4
Cord      Sorcerer   5.61  26   6    4   12   12   11    8    9
Matthis   Bishop     2.77  34   5    3    5    8    5    5    8
Wolf      Hero      12.35  41  15    0   18   18    8   12    1
Wendell   Paladin    8.50  26   9    1    7   16    4   10    6
Tomas     Curate    13.59  26   2    1    6    7    5    3    8
Horace    Warrior    5.29  31  15    0   12   13    7    7    1

Chapter 17x - 20

Horace downed an Arms Scroll so he can use that Poleax I bought for him.

Cain is just short of promoting. Tomas is still pretty far from it. Managed to get C staves for everyone that isn't Matthis. Time to reclass Etzel. . .hmmm. . .maybe I can have him munch an Arms Scroll in there somewhere?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.63  35  16    0   13   19   21   10    0
Cain      Mage      19.66  29   4    6   12   16   11    3    5
Jagen     Drakky    12.03  25   9    1   17   10    5   16    5
Cord      Sorcerer   6.71  26   6    4   12   12   11    8   10
Matthis   Bishop     3.65  35   5    3    5    9    5    6    8
Wolf      Hero      13.18  42  16    0   19   19    9   13    1
Wendell   Paladin    9.08  27   9    1    7   16    4   10    7
Tomas     Curate    15.80  26   2    1    6    8    6    3    9
Horace    Warrior    7.06  33  16    0   12   14    8    7    1
Etzel     Sorcerer   6.00  Oh gosh

Chapter 18 - 8/178

Took an extra turn so that Cain could finish leveling in the arena.

I couldn't use my usual strategy of charging Marth forward, because enemy attack is enough to do him in pretty quickly. Used Wolf and Wendell to help draw things in, with everyone else sniping from the back. Four horse-effective weapons was so very helpful~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      22.01  37  17    0   14   20   23   12    0
Cain      Mage      20.00  29   4    6   13   17   11    3    5
Jagen     Drakky    12.91  25   9    1   17   10    5   16    5
Cord      Sorcerer   6.95  26   6    4   12   12   11    8   10
Matthis   Bishop     3.89  35   5    3    5    9    5    6    8
Wolf      Hero      13.87  42  16    0   19   19    9   13    1
Wendell   Paladin    9.43  27   9    1    7   16    4   10    7
Tomas     Curate    16.42  27   2    1    6    9    6    3   10
Horace    Warrior    7.78  33  16    0   12   14    8    7    1
Etzel     Hero       6.37  WTF is with this 22 Skill?!

Chapter 19 - 6/184

Took an extra turn because Marth was way too frail to handle all the bad guys (even if he could've ORKO'd them).

Got all the Spheres, the Robe, and a bunch of money. I'll need it.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      22.84  37  17    0   14   20   23   12    0
Cain      Bishop     1.72  35   5    6   14   18   11    4   10
Jagen     Drakky    12.91  25   9    1   17   10    5   16    5
Cord      Sorcerer   7.90  27   6    4   12   13   11    8   11
Matthis   Bishop     4.13  36   5    4    6    9    5    6    8
Wolf      Hero      14.25  44  17    0   20   20    9   14    1
Wendell   Paladin    9.89  27   9    1    7   16    4   10    7
Tomas     Curate    17.35  28   2    1    6    9    6    3   11
Horace    Warrior    8.78  34  16    0   12   14    8    7    1
Etzel     Hero       6.37  WTF is with this 22 Skill?!

Chapter 20 - 7/191

I had to position everyone carefully, because getting hit by Camus hurt (38 ATK aimed at my team is bad news, no matter who it is). I got Wolf in such a position where he could Poleax him, then Marth finished with the Rapier. Horace and his manliness held the starting bridge, with a cadre of healers making sure he didn't die. Matthis' time as an archer was totally worth it; the ballista to the west was a 3HKO.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      24.16  39  18    0   16   22   24   12    1
Cain      Bishop     3.39  36   5    6   15   19   11    4   11
Jagen     Drakky    13.20  26   9    1   18   11    5   16    5
Cord      Sorcerer   8.45  28   6    4   12   14   12    8   11
Matthis   Bishop     4.59  36   5    4    6    9    5    6    8
Wolf      Hero      15.21  46  18    0   21   21   10   14    1
Wendell   Paladin   10.07  27   9    1    7   16    4   10    7
Tomas     Curate    18.61  28   2    1    6   10    6    3   11
Horace    Warrior   10.02  35  16    0   13   15    8    9    1
Etzel     Hero       6.37  WTF is with this 22 Skill?!

Chapter 20x - 20

The Etzel Show, with Tomas finally promoting. I just reclassed Tomas in base.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      24.72  39  18    0   16   22   24   12    1
Cain      Bishop     5.16  37   6    7   16   20   12    4   11
Jagen     Drakky    14.29  26   9    1   18   11    5   16    5
Cord      Sorcerer   9.55  28   6    4   13   14   13    8   11
Matthis   Bishop     6.40  38   6    4    6   11    5    6    9
Wolf      Hero      15.28  46  18    0   21   21   10   14    1
Wendell   Paladin   10.45  27   9    1    7   16    4   10    7
Tomas     Sage       1.32  36   5    4    7   11    7    3   11
Horace    Warrior   10.92  35  16    0   13   15    8    9    1
Etzel     Hero       9.52  32   7    9   23   17    7   11    9

Chapter 21 - 3/194

Wolf finds a way to get to the boss super-quick, and the sequence of attacks is like so:

Wolf - Miss

Boss - Miss


Marth had a twisty path to the throne, but he made it. Someone cleaned out the secret shop. Horace hit C Bows. Time for things to die really quickly.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      24.99  39  18    0   16   22   24   12    1
Cain      Bishop     5.49  37   6    7   16   20   12    4   11
Jagen     Drakky    14.52  26   9    1   18   11    5   16    5
Cord      Sorcerer   9.65  28   6    4   13   14   13    8   11
Matthis   Bishop     6.58  38   6    4    6   11    5    6    9
Wolf      Hero      16.35  48  19    0   22   22   11   15    1
Wendell   Paladin   10.63  27   9    1    7   16    4   10    7
Tomas     Sage       1.40  36   5    4    7   11    7    3   11
Horace    Warrior   11.30  36  17    0   14   15    8    9    1
Etzel     Hero       9.52  32   7    9   23   17    7   11    9

Edited by eclipse
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Finished, but I don't have stats. My turns might be off by one or so, but it's not like I'm gonna win this.

Chapter 22 - 10/204

Fed a Speedwings to Jagen so he wouldn't be doubled be half the map.

I had to take this one a bit slower, because my best defensive unit isn't a mount. Michalis died to Marth and Horace (on bows). Take that, Iote Shield!

Chapter 23 - 12/216

And this was the fast version, too! I had to wait out the first wave of reinforcements. I was extremely lucky that the real Gharnef was in my way; had it been a clone, Wendell would've died (clones have one more Speed than the real one, and Wendell was just fast enough to not get doubled by the real one). Marth with Mercurius is ridiculous.

Chapter 24 - 6/222

Exactly two units weren't doubled by the dragons - Wolf and Marth. I used an army of reinforcements to allow Wolf and Marth to slip past everyone and dethrone the boss. A generic did my shopping for me.

Chapter 24x - 18

The Etzel and Elice Show. Etzel hit C Swords, which meant some serious Levin Sword shenanigans (16 MT, unforged, which hits RES). Got bored and killed everything else. Grabbed Excalibur while I was at it. . .even if Cain doesn't need the extra firepower.

Endgame - 9/231


Wolf got a Speedwings and Energy Drop to max those respective stats. He also got a Goddess Icon (to prevent critical from Ugly), and two Dracoshields (to ensure he wasn't 2HKO'd by Ugly). Since Elice and Tomas each had 6 MAG, I gave them two Spirit Dusts apiece. The rest of the Seraph Robes went around to everyone whose HP was under 30, with one remaining (Horace got this, so he could Jigglypuff hits).

Did the usual Geosphere shenanigans, then slowly walked everyone to the boss, while blocking off spawn points as necessary. Eventually, Nagi got a clear shot at Medeus, who killed her. Marth was able to finish. The End.


Marth - Great offensively, but thanks to H2's better offense, couldn't be used as recklessly.

Jagen - Gained insane Skill, good Defense, and bleh Speed.

Cain - WTF 22 Speed Bishop with Excalibur. Even if he didn't get a lot of Magic, doubling with Excalibur hurt plenty!

Cord - His time as a Knight gave him some extra durability, and his natural Speed growth kicked in once he promoted (16 Speed at level 10/11, or something ridiculous like that).

Matthis - I wanted to keep him as a Sniper! :(:

Wolf - MVP and then some. Came out exactly at average, which was enough to stomp a good chunk of the game flat.

Wendell - His amazing Speed was enough to last him through the game, which meant that he could do stuff on the occasional Enemy Phase and not have to worry about dying. Fun fact: he gained more Strength than Jagen. Another fun fact: He whiffed quite a bit.

Tomas - If he can actually hit level 20, he'll do just fine. His Speed got ridiculous towards the end (15 Speed at level 20/5ish).

Horace - Kind of a bummer about his starting axe level, but his bow "chip" was invaluable (by "chip", I mean "take huge chunks out of the opponent's HP"). Gained a good amount of Strength and Speed.

Etzel - If he can munch an Arms Scroll early, he'll hit like a truck with the Levin Sword, with a starting AS of 17. He wasn't that bad of a reclass!

Elice - Insta-promoted, then got to work spamming staves.

Nagi - Ate a critical from a Mage Dragon, lived, beat up a few more things, then met an untimely demise at Medeus' hands. Whacking off 75% of his life was a hell of a contribution, though.

That was fun, but I wish my team wasn't so squishy! I could be a touch more reckless, because I had four healers running around.

Used my usual Geosphere strategies.

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Back on the front page with you.

Chapter 8 6/87

Marth waltzed to the throne while Jagen, Gordin, and the Generals blocked the enemies.

Chapter 9 9/96

Marth recruited George for shiny. Jagen killed the thief after he looted the chest. Merric and Darros double-teamed the boss (Wyrmslayer helps a lot here).

Chapter 10 15/111

Ugh, this chapter. Everyone rushed to the entrance to the building. Athena was sacrificed to the sniper, while Wolf blocked the entrance (I managed to get a pegasus in front of him, so he could hold the entrance indefinitely). Then, it was a matter of going around, recruiting Maria, killing the Hero with bows and javelins, then running to the throne.

Chapter 11 13/124

I got held up at the entrance to the valley. Eventually I broke through without anyone dying. Jagen and Darros dispatched the boss.

Unit  Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv 
Marth Lord  15 05 30 12   0   9  12  15  11   0  Sword B 
Jagen DrKn   8 45 24 10   1  13  11   2  12   3  Lance B Axe C 
Gordn Cava  15 09 28 11   0   8   9  12  13   0  Sword E Lance C
Darro Hunt  14 69 26 13   0   7  10  10   9   0  Bow C
Julia Thie   4 78 18  4   0   7  13   8   4   0  Sword E 
Meric Myrm  14 61 31  5   0  17  20   8  11   1  Sword C
Roshe Cura   9 94 23  2   2   8   5   5   3   8  Staff C

Chapter 12 11/135

Three people had to die this chapter. Jagen and Gordin went to free the knights, Tomas and Dolph distracting the archers so they didn't follow. Marth went the long way and killed the dragon, and Midia helped with the paladin. Maria gave her life to mid-chapter save. Gordin could tank the sniper with full health. Marth and Darros killed the sage. Then, at turn 10, Marth opened the chest next to the general. Jagen, with a Master Key, and Gordin rushed to the shop and the Boots. The General was weakened on the EP, and could be killed by Darros next turn. Julian nabbed the chest behind him. The horsies did their jobs, and Marth seized. So I grabbed every chest without taking a long time.

Chapter 12x 19/135

Nice and relaxing for a change. Midia got to work on her axe rank. Macellan failed to proc strength twice.

Chapter 13 10/145

Merric promoted, and suddenly he is a tank. He handled the southern ballistae (with a forged Bow he does alright damage) and Jeigan handled the northern ballistae (Macellan was used as a decoy because it means I can bring a second General to the endgame). Marth and the rest went through the middle. Astram was recruited and was immediately mediocre.

Chapter 14 11/156

Silver Card makes for fun times. Palla auto-recruited, then went to go die. Catria survived for now. Village was ignored.

Unit  Class Lv Xp HP Str Mg Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv 
Marth Lord  18 52 32 13  0  11  14  17  11   1  Sword B 
Jagen DrKn  10 97 26 11  1  13  11   4  12   3  Lance A Axe C 
Gordn Cava  17 98 29 12  0   8  10  13  13   0  Sword E Lance B
Darro Hunt  16 31 28 13  0   7  10  11  10   0  Bow B
Julia Thie   4 78 18  4  0   7  13   8   4   0  Sword E 
Meric Sni 15/3 79 42  9  1  18  20   9  16   4  Bow C
Roshe Cura  13 63 27  2  2  10   6   5   3  10  Staff C
Midia DrKn   5 42 24 10  1  13  11   9  12   3  Lance C Axe D
Astra Hors   2 20 25  9  1  10  10   4   7   3  Sword C Bow D

Chapter 15 5/161

Rush to the Throne. Holy crap Garnef is OP in this version. Catria tempted him away. No chests, unfortunately.

Chapter 16 9/170

Minerva went to manipulate the AI on the western side. Midia and Jagen killed a few enemies near the throne. Everyone else went through the gate. Gordin and Merric cleared a path for Marth.

Chapter 17 8/178

Merric got Fortify and the VIP card. Everyone went towards the treasure chests, and once most of the enemies were cleared, Marth and Midia went back to clear the throne room. All treasures except a Master Seal obtained. Xane and Boah were fed to the dragon.

Chapter 17x 19/178

Another Gaiden. Warp staff was ignored, and Etzel left alone in case Darros can't cut it against Garnef. Delayed killing the boss for a few turns so Midia could grind her axe.

Unit  Class Lv Xp HP Str Mg Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv 
Marth Lord  23 43 43 16  0  14  19  22  14   1  Sword A 
Jagen Pala  12 36 30 10  1  14  11   5  10   6  Sword C Lance A 
Gordn Cava  20 00 31 13  0  10  11  15  15   0  Sword D Lance A
Darro Hunt  18 82 29 14  0   8  11  13  11   0  Bow B
Julia Thie   4 78 18  4  0   7  13   8   4   0  Sword E 
Meric Sni 15/8 29 46  9  1  20  21  12  19   4  Bow B
Roshe Cura  16 52 29  2  3  11   7   5   3  11  Staff B
Midia DrKn   9 52 27 12  1  15  14  10  12   3  Lance C Axe C
Astra Hors   4 94 27 11  1  10  11   5   7   3  Sword C Bow D

Time to update.

18: 8/186

Throne rush, cavalry permitting.

19: 8/194

Julian scrambled around, getting chests. Bantu was moved up when the coast was clear.

20: 9/203

I found out that Est was supposed to turn up in ch. 18, so I don’t get the Mercurius. Merric with Parthia weakened Camus on the EP (who says bowlocked = no EP? :P) and Midia with a forged Halberd finished him. Sheeda recruited Lawrence, then died.

20x: 18/203

Gaiden. Got Ymir and A rank axes for Midia.

21: 5/208

No reinforcements for you.

22: 10/218

Starlight obtained. Michalis went down thanks to his sister’s weapon.

23: 12+4/235

Etzel penalty, who could handle Gharnef if he was boosted with Spirit Dust. It’s not like anyone else wants it.

24: 6/241

Over the mountains, and into the final.

25: 10/251

Too many people died for my liking, and I accidently saved the Epliogue over my file, so I could only record the stats of those who survived, but I’m just happy to finish. Julian, Gordin and Ymir died from ballista.

Astram dies protecting the healers in the north-western group. Tiki died weakening Medeus (but I mid-chapter saved before she died, so I could record her stats). The aim was connecting the two southern groups (nobody was in the north-east group) and fighting my way to Medeus. Fortify spam ensured everyone else stayed alive.

Marth 95 kills

30.00 57 19 0 17 23 27 19 0

Jagen 41 kills

14.91 29 11 1 14 11 6 13 0

Gordin 60 kills

Darros 52 kills

1.84 31 15 1 11 15 13 16 3

Julian 3 kills

Merric 91 kills

15.41 51 9 1 23 24 15 23 10

Roshe 0 kills

3.80 45 5 6 14 8 6 5 13

Midia 71 kills

19.75 42 15 1 20 22 10 14 4

Astram 16 kills

Tiki 31 kills

16.19 32 12 2 17 16 20 7 10

Ymir 10 kills

Gotoh 8 kills

Edited by Baldrick
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