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(FE11) Random Reclass Thingy Draft


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Elice, so that I don't have to waste turns recruiting the rest of that list.

Speaking of, since they ALL will take turns to recruit, I vote to make them free.

I can nullify yhat by taking


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:facepalm: So I have to go out of my way to recruit Navarre in order to have Myrmidon Caeda? Or, even if I dont recruit him, do I still get his myrm slot?

No, you don't have to. Just checked one of my incomplete playthroughs. Seems even though I didn't recruit Athena, I still had 3 slots.

So you could kill Navarre( I forgot that I was the one who drafted him. xP)

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FE11 Random Reclass Thingy Draft (H2)

Team: PKL- Caeda, Ogma, Hardin, Athena, Catria, Rickard, Palla, Lena, Wrys, Boah

Caeda (3, 1): Myrmidon -> Dracoknight/Falcoknight

Ogma (5, 3): Dark Mage -> Warrior

Hardin (3, 4): Myrmidon -> Sage

Athena (3, 2): Myrmidon -> Sniper

Catria (3, 2): Myrmidon -> Sniper

Palla (4, 6): Mage -> Paladin

Lena (4, 1): Mage -> Dracoknight/Falcoknight

Wrys (1, 6): Cavalier -> Dracoknight

Boah (2): Sniper

Chapter 1 10/10

Marth visits the village for gold. Cain buys 3 javelins. Abel gives his javelin to Caeda and puts an iron sword in the convoy. Caeda javelins the thief. Gordin gives his bows to the convoy and Draug gives Abel an Iron Lance. Jagen moves towards the fort and equips Silver Lance. Jagen alternates between silver and iron sword for the next couple of turns. Then I make the advance. Sacrificing Meatshield #1 Gordin. Killed the hunter with collective effort. Recruited Wrys who proceeded to heal Jagen and Jagen parks in front of the boss with the Silver Lance. He hits boss for 12 damage on EP. Wrys heals him, he attacks again for 12 more. 2 HP left and Caeda finishes him off with Wing Spear. Marth seizes.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level 
Marth 1 50 18 5 0 3 7 7 7 0 Sword D 
Jagen 2 42 22 7 1 11 8 2 9 6 Sword D Lance B 
Caeda 3 40 17 5 1 7 14 10 7 6 Lance D 
Wrys 1 34 16 0 2 5 6 2 3 6 Staff E 

Chapter 2 4/14

Ogma GET. Careful use of meatshielding and a lucky crit from Caeda Wing Spear and Ogma allowed me to seize quickly. Wrys did nothing this chapter but stay away lol. Damn, this was hard XD. A lot of people died.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv 
Marth 1 97 18 5 0 3 7 7 7 0 Sword D 
Jagen 2 57 22 7 1 11 8 2 9 6 Sword D Lance B 
Caeda 4 11 17 5 1 8 15 11 8 6 Lance D 
Ogma 5 34 23 7 0 11 13 3 6 0 Sword C
Wrys 1 34 16 0 2 5 6 2 3 6 Staff E

Chapter 3 8/22

Ogma can double fighters and the hunter with the steel sword :D. Jagen Caeda him and Marth rush and Lena julian are protected by draug. Meatshield Barst dies. Ogma hit the boss for 10 dmg a turn with the steel sword. Jagen and Caeda helped kill him then Marth finished him off. Leveling up amazingly. He then seizes on the following turn after Wrys used his staff again for the lulz. If Jagen hadnt missed a Silver Lance, it would have been 7...oh well. Julian is still alive btw :D and everyone else is dead.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv 
Marth 3 07 19 7 0 3 9 9 7 0 Sword D 
Jagen 2 86 22 7 1 11 8 2 9 6 Sword D Lance B 
Caeda 4 69 17 5 1 8 15 11 8 6 Lance D 
Wrys 1 85 16 0 2 5 6 2 3 6 Staff E 
Ogma 6 67 24 8 0 11 13 3 6 0 Sword C 
Lena 3 00 16 0 2 7 8 8 3 7 Staff C 

Chapter 4 Preparations: Reclassed Caeda to Myrmidon. Wrys to Cavalier oh God...Bye Ogma. Reclassed to Dark Mage OH LORD. Lena is reclassed to Mage. This run is gonna hurt...

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Chapter 1 is trolling me. Nobody can double (whose bright idea was it to make Iron Axes 6 weight), and I keep leaving enemies with 1 or 2 HP (I have WTA! Why won't you do more damage?)

And also, don't keep me in suspense, eclipse!

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Friggin finally.

Chapter 1 13/13

I threw Jagen and Marth into the thick of things, Gordin sniping when possible, Sheeda going into the northern ocean to give myself time before those pirates pincered me, and the others forming a protective cocoon where necessary (mostly around Gordin). The hunter allowed himself to be tapped to death. I relied a fair bit on Marth dodging to try and speed things up. Perhaps that's why I took so long. :mellow:

The third time I took on the boss. Each time, I managed to clear the path by the beginning of turn 12. The first two times, shenanigans ensued when Silver Lance refusing to hit. This time, Silver Lance hit twice and Steel Bow hit once, so I waltzed through and seized quickly.

blues, make sure you've made the appropriate offering to the Goddess.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv 
Marth 4 10 20  6   0   4   7   9   8   0  Sword D+ 
Jagen 2 11 22  7   1  10   9   2   9   6  Sword D+ Lance B 
Gordn 2 81 18  5   0   4   5   5   6   0  Bow D+

Edited by Dr. Will
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Drafting is done right? I'll throw down everyone's list here now.


[spoiler=Reclass List]Naglfar

3 -> 6 Myrmidon --> Dracoknight Abel

3 -> 1 Fighter --> General Draug

5 -> 2 Dark Mage --> Hero Bord :facepalm:

4 -> 3 Hunter --> Warrior Castor

5 -> 2 Sniper/Bishop Minerva

3 -> 2 Fighter --> Hero Dolph

1 -> 2 Knight --> Hero Roger

5 -> 6 Curate --> Dracoknight Vyland

1 -> 3 Swordmaster/Paladin Jeorge

1 -> 6 Berserker Lorenz

4 -> 5 Bishop/Sage Jeigan*

Dr. Will

3 -> 2 Julian

1 -> 2 Cavalier --> Sniper Merric

4 -> 5 Mage --> Bishop Gaggles

5 -> 2 Dark Mage --> Hero Darros :facepalm:

1 -> 5 Cavalier --> Bishop Roshea :facepalm:

4 -> 3 Tiki

4 -> 3 Swordmaster.Mage Midia

3 -> 2 Hero/Warrior Ymir

5 -> 4 Horseman/Sorceror Astram

4 -> 3 Hunter --> Warrior Macellan

1 -> 4 Sage/Paladin Jeigan


4 -> 5 Mage --> Bishop Cain :facepalm:

1 -> 5 Knight --> Sorceror Cord :facepalm:

2 -> 5 Sorceror/Hero Wolf = Hero Wolf

1 -> 3 Swordmaster Wendall

2 -> 5 Jake

5 -> 4 Curate --> Sage Matthis :facepalm:

3 -> 1 Myrmidon --> Paladin Tomas

2 -> 4 Horseman/Hero Horace

3 -> 4 Horseman/Warrior Etzel :facepalm:

3 -> 4 Myrmidon --> Sage Elice

3 -> 6 Dracoknight/Swordmaster Jeigan*


1 -> 4 Knight --> Horseman Barst

2 -> 3 Warrior/Hero Sedgar

1 -> 3 Cavalier --> Swordmaster Navarre

4 -> 5 Mage --> Bishop Radd

5 -> 3 Dark Mage --> Warrior Caeser

5 -> 6 Beck

2 -> 6 Xane

4 -> 3 Bishop/Swordmaster Arran

2 -> 5 Archer --> Bishop Est

2 -> 5 Sorceror/Hero Samsom

5 -> 2 Sniper/Bishop Jeigan*


3 -> 1 Myrmidon --> Dracoknight Shiida

5 -> 3 Dark Mage --> Warrior Ogma

3 -> 4 Myrmidon --> Sage Hardin

3 -> 2 Myrmidon --> Sniper Athena

3 -> 2 Myrmidon --> Sniper Catria

4 -> 6 Rickard

4 -> 1 Mage --> Paladin Palla

1 -> 6 Pegasus --> Paladin Lena

4 -> 2 Mage --> Sniper WRYSSS

4 -> 3 Swordmaster/Sage Boah

3 -> 1 Paladin/Swordmaster Jeigan*

Edited by General Horace
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Aw, Horace, you're such a sweetie~!

Anyway. . .what if we get a collision (namely, Sorcerers)? What happens?

EDIT: Also, which number does the prepromote take?

EDIT2: Uhh, here's what I have.

Cain:    4 -> 5 (Mage -> Bishop)
Cord:    1 -> 5 (Knight -> Sorcerer)
Wolf:    2 -> 5 (Hero or Sorcerer)
Wendell: 1 -> 3 (Paladin or Swordmaster)
Jake:    2 -> 5 (lol)
Matthis: 5 -> 4 (Curate -> Sage)
Tomas:   3 -> 1 (Myrmidon -> Paladin)
Horace:  2 -> 4 (Hero or Horseman)
Etzel:   3 -> 4 (Warrior or Horseman)
Elice:   3 -> 4 (Myrmidon -> Sage)
Jagen:   3 -> 6 (Swordmaster or Dracoknight)

Edited by eclipse
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