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Max number of Alternate Routes?


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^ Exactly what the topic says. (Alternate routes like Chapter 11A and 11B and so on.)

How many alternate routes can I input into a FE7 rom? I was hoping to do 5~8 alternate routes, leading to a total of 10~16 maps total.

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Considering that basically all it is is loading the next chapter except loading a different one based on conditions, as many as you can fit chapters into the game/whatever

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Yep, it wouldn't be hard at all to turn FE into a Visual Novel. And it wouldn't be hard at all to make brenches for stuff for way more than just decisions, you could even make the game brench based on how the player acts in his playtrough; Picture it like a karma system for example, or something akin to Fable. What I would do if I made a longer hack. :)

But directly answering your question, as many as you want. FE6, 7 and 8 make no distinction like we do; Chapter 10a and 10b are just two different chapters which coincidently are called Chapter 10 in the rom's memory, so you could make Chapter 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d, 10e and henceforth as you please. You could even go to chapter 12 and then 10 and then 5 and then 9 and so on if you're in a Suzumiya Haruhi mood.

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Are the event branches directly tied to which map is loaded? You could technically put a player into an infinite time-warp branch until they learn what to do differently the next time the return.

          |      -04-05-06

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