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Do ghosts wear the same clothes they did when they died?


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This is probably going to turn into another religion/does god exist? etc. topic. I was really trying hard not to go off-track and compare the existence of ghosts to other supernatural things that some people have a tendency to believe, I think others should try do the same.

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I wear mostly the same sets of clothes that I did when I was alive, yes, but I don't stick to the one set of clothes I was wearing when I died. There. Question answered.

One time I met this guy that swore he was abducted as a kid. Said aliens literally lifted him off his bed and took him to Jupiter.

Do you believe in little green men from Jupiter now?

No. Just because they took him to Jupiter doesn't mean that that's where they were from. Duh.

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According to my beliefs, and those of other Christians, your soul. It's not a ghost or any kind of disembodied spirit and goes DIRECTLY to the afterlife.

If your soul isn't disembodied, are you contesting that the bodies I've seen at funerals were fakes?

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According to my beliefs, and those of other Christians, your soul. It's not a ghost or any kind of disembodied spirit and goes DIRECTLY to the afterlife.

And that's what I meant by "ghost". Aren't spirits, souls and ghosts the same thing? Because that's what I meant, if anyone misunderstood.

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And that's what I meant by "ghost". Aren't spirits, souls and ghosts the same thing? Because that's what I meant, if anyone misunderstood.

None of these things "exist" in reality. So they can be whatever anyone wants them to be.

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The greys are all behind it. They've been using exceedingly advanced technology to identify and thus help weed out potential psychics by displaying spirits that only they could see. This lets them maintain control of the human race from afar.


Can't any of you get this ghosts business? It's all right there in front of you. Stop being sheep and open your eyes.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Oh, but they do. How else do you explain hauntenings, exsorcisms, etc?

as esau of isaac is attempting to explain, that's solely the results of idiots. For example, I hear voices all the time, however, this means that I am fucking insane (well probably not literally or even full on insane but hearing weird shit is kind of a bad thing), not that ghosts exist. That's called "The human subconcious is kind of a piece of shit." That is a thing that theists don't want to admit because their brains are ~amazingly well crafted by an intelligent being~ and they can't have fuckhuge flaws at all, and also logic didn't really even exist except for small amounts of philosophers and scientists until around 100 years ago, probably less, I'd say (though I'm probably exaggerating who cares).

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as esau of isaac is attempting to explain, that's solely the results of idiots. For example, I hear voices all the time, however, this means that I am fucking insane (well probably not literally or even full on insane but hearing weird shit is kind of a bad thing), not that ghosts exist. That's called "The human subconcious is kind of a piece of shit." That is a thing that theists don't want to admit because their brains are ~amazingly well crafted by an intelligent being~ and they can't have fuckhuge flaws at all, and also logic didn't really even exist except for small amounts of philosophers and scientists until around 100 years ago, probably less, I'd say (though I'm probably exaggerating who cares).

Building on this, our minds are essentially incapable of telling the difference between hallucinations and what we actually percieve, so much so that our body has to repress hallucination while we're awake. The phenomena known as sleep paralysis alone could probably account for the majority of supernatural experiences most people have had.

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Ghosts don't exist.

If they did, however, they'd have to wear clothes.


First we must establish that death is the opposite of life.

Then we establish that all babies are born naked.

What is the opposite of naked?

Being clothed.

Flawless logic.

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Ghosts don't exist.

If they did, however, they'd have to wear clothes.


First we must establish that death is the opposite of life.

Then we establish that all babies are born naked.

What is the opposite of naked?

Being clothed.

Flawless logic.

People who wear clothes are dead inside. I knew that.

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The greys are all behind it. They've been using exceedingly advanced technology to identify and thus help weed out potential psychics by displaying spirits that only they could see. This lets them maintain control of the human race from afar.


Can't any of you get this ghosts business? It's all right there in front of you. Stop being sheep and open your eyes.

Oh yeah, I saw that on TV once. What is the name of that painting?

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as esau of isaac is attempting to explain, that's solely the results of idiots. For example, I hear voices all the time, however, this means that I am fucking insane (well probably not literally or even full on insane but hearing weird shit is kind of a bad thing), not that ghosts exist. That's called "The human subconcious is kind of a piece of shit." That is a thing that theists don't want to admit because their brains are ~amazingly well crafted by an intelligent being~ and they can't have fuckhuge flaws at all, and also logic didn't really even exist except for small amounts of philosophers and scientists until around 100 years ago, probably less, I'd say (though I'm probably exaggerating who cares).

Actually, I am a theist, and I don't mind admitting that god, a possibly intelligent being, in crafting our brains - assuming that god even directly crafted our brains - made what we would consider a mistake in the process that leads to realities that differ from other realities. Since I don't understand god, or the gods, I have no grasp of what its intentions, capacities or actions might be, nor do I have any idea what an appropriate response to god, or the gods, might be.

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