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(FE4) SOYO Draft III


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Poop, I forgot you had both Sylvia and Edain! I don't like my chances, you really did well in giving me horrible units! I also stole Refa's statbox, stolen from Horace, stolen from... me!

Chapter 1: The B squad - 25 turns

Sigurd does most of the arena, the other two fail miserably. Midale somewhat redeems himself by helping kill Kinbois, letting Sigurd get by. After surviving a round with Ayra, Sigurd captures on turn 5! Meanwhile Dew and Edain run away. I miss Dew!

Sigurd pretty much has to do everything by himself, and captueres on turn 13! Jamka gets in the way but eats Silver Sword, Dierdre silences then dies. Capture on turn 25! Curse you, Horace! Sigurd also seems to be speed screwed. How lovely.

Sigurd  17 88 49 20 00 18 12 12 12 04 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Javelin, Skill/Magic Rings
Dierdre 05 90 27 00 15 09 12 07 03 18 Silence, Aura, Circlet
Azel	06 40 34 00 12 07 12 03 03 06 Fire
Midale  08 85 36 11 00 09 11 03 09 00 Iron Bow, Speed Ring



Chapter 2: Death to Lachesis! - 34 turns

Everyone fails the arena miserably! I actually let Lachesis die so I can claim Nodion for warping. Horace is probably right, the Knight Ring really doesn't save as many turns as this.Elliot falls to Sigurd and Midale. The others snail along. Sigurd runs past Phillip to capture on turn 11. My team of losers actually managed to wipe out the army! My Sigurd can't actually double Voltz, but he gets lucky with a critical, shiny! Levin crosses the woods so he can be warped back home. Capture on turn 19!

Dierdre warps our heroes to Nodion. Azel also goes home so he can spend some time with Fury. Midale and Sigurd have to dance for a while, but they team up and capture on turn 30! Azel manages to kill all of Fury's squad, letting Levin recruit her. Now, you must all think I'm a moron. Sigurd recruits Holyn at Clement's castle! He helps Sigurd and Midale out, allowing a turn 34 capture! Fury also clears the arena.

Sigurd  25 93 59 24 00 22 16 15 15 05 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Javelin, Skill/Barrier/Elite Rings, Light Sword
Dierdre 13 77 33 00 20 12 14 08 04 23 Silence, Aura, Circlet, Warp, Live
Azel	10 63 37 03 15 08 14 04 04 07 Fire, Thunder, Magic Ring
Midale  14 42 39 12 00 10 15 03 10 01 Iron Bow, Speed Ring, Steel Bow
Holyn   14 22 42 14 00 19 17 01 11 01 Iron Blade, Steel Blade
Fury	09 12 34 11 01 13 18 08 09 10 Slim Lance, Hero Lance, Slim Sword


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Even so, my first gen squad's not fantastic ^^. I'm going to be at least twenty or so turns behind you. Plus you have dancing and warping!

Chapter 3: Holyn or Midale? - 26 turns

Dew isn't mine so Sigurd holds onto the Elite Ring. Sigurd storms off, Midale following close behind. Capture on turn 5!

Dierdre - 6 kills



Eltshan is a nightmare, however, he's strangely allured by Midale, letting Sigurd get some distance before being followed again. Shaggy falls on turn 12!

Having no warp means Sigurd has to use the Return ring to get home. Holyn isn't very good at fighting at 2 range so I end up with a stinky 26 capture.

Sigurd  30 -- 64 25 01 22 18 17 17 05 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Skill/Shield/Elite/Power Rings, Silver Blade
Dierdre Gone
Azel	12 77 38 03 16 09 26 04 04 07 Fire, Thunder, Magic Ring, Elfire, Restore
Midale  17 09 41 13 00 10 15 03 11 01 Iron Bow, Speed Ring, Steel Bow
Holyn   18 92 46 16 01 22 17 02 14 01 Iron Blade, Steel Blade, Silver Sword, Hero Sword, Leg Ring
Fury	12 46 35 14 01 13 21 08 09 10 Slim Lance, Hero Lance, Slim Sword, Steel Sword
Brigid  15 88 43 21 01 23 22 09 15 10 Steel Bow, Ichieval


Also, a tidbit from the prologue;


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Chapter 7: Using a Dancer to lose turns!

Going to see if Leen makes up the turns she costs. I actually don't think she will, but only time will tell.

26 Turn Clear

Got to Yied in 10, Melgan in 17, 22 to Darna, and 26 to Blume. Thank god Celice OHKO'd with Silver, I don't think he doubled :facepalm:

Leaf died :(

Also, Tristan is an ass in his convo with Roddleban in this chapter.

45 Turn Total.

Stats after arena.

Name      LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items
Celice    25 01 64 25 11 22 14 18 18 13 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Power Ring, Speed Ring, Leg Ring, Shield Ring, Magic Ring
Rodolban  05 92 34 15 00 17 15 05 11 00 Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Cutter
Johan     15 66 43 15 00 11 12 05 12 01 Hero Axe, Hand Axe
Tristan   09 56 36 15 00 11 11 05 14 00 Steel Sword, Skill Ring, Shield Ring
Lester    16 72 41 16 08 17 19 26 13 03 Steel Bow, Pursuit Ring, Barrier Ring, Elite Ring
Oifaye    21 12 46 18 09 20 19 12 18 08 Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword, Slim Lance
Lana      10 15 36 06 11 12 14 18 05 08 Libro, Restore, Return, Warp, Relive, Live
Julia     09 00 31 02 19 10 12 07 04 16 Rezire, Relive
Leen      04 58 28 03 01 03 11 08 01 04 Slim Sword, Knight Ring

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Chapter 3: 21/104 turns

This is where I started having fun. I must say, whoever picked my characters did a very good job. The prologue was easy enough, and while Chapter 1 was kind of annoying, Chapter 2 was a pain in the ass. Chapter 3 sees Lachelis and Noishe being useful for the first time in a while. I did the standard 5 turn clear, with Ethlin killing bossman easily enough (Ethlin is a GOD, I'll be sad to see her leave). Meanwhile, Noishe and Lachelis trail far behind, with Noishe getting the Hero Sword. After the castle is captured, Noishe heads up to clear the pirate dudes (and get a +5 strength bonus), while Ethlin teleports Sigurd back and heads towards Eltoshan's army (Lachelis, being closer to Silvyeal, has an easier time). Sigurd takes out most of the Cross Knights and miracuoluosly survives an attack from Eltoshan, Lachelis obtains the Earth Sword, which will be super useful, and Sigurd and Ethlin head towards Silvyeal (or however it's spelled). Cue another teleport back to homebase for Sigurd, while Noishe takes out most off the pirates, gets the Leg Ring and gives it to Sigurd, Sigurd sells the Speed Ring and gives it to Noishe, and Ethlin sells all of her staves. Oh, and Ethlin kills ALL of the pirates that Briggid didn't (Briggid was amazing, took her like 5 turns to die). Tiltyu also dies at the end, while Claude can consider himself conscripted. All in all, this chapter went quite well.

Sigurd  27 21 55 24 00 22 20 18 17 04 Silver Sword, Hero Lance, Javelin, Leg Ring, Skill Ring, Shield Ring, Barrier Ring, Power Ring (Storage)
Ethlin  27 11 46 19 11 22 22 12 15 14 Light Sword, Pursuit Ring
Noishe  19 11 46 22 01 12 10 05 13 00 Hero Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Speed Ring
Lachlis 13 67 32 09 09 09 14 08 09 10 Prayer, Earth Sword, Cutter, Live, Bargain Ring, Knight Ring, Elite Ring
Claude 20 85 34 00 21 14 15 09 05 20 Reserve, Valkyrie

Holy crap, in 10 levels total, Lachelis managed to get 7HP and +1 in every stat. Wow.

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Chapter 4 Javelin with over 50 kills 27/123

That's right my javelin has reached crit status. Ayra is actually left behind because she is useless right now. Had Sigurd get the return ring and come back. I hadd him then rush forward and kill stuff.

Chapter 5 Ayra didn't even promote 23/146

Sigurd soloed and Ayra brought every sword we owned. Sigurd took out the Thracia brigade and trucked everything. Reptor opened himself up for attack right away.

Final Thoughts


Sigurd-Beast(Especially with a Crit Javelin

Ayra-It sucks to Blow

Starting Stats Gen 2

Celice  30 08 00 08 08 09 08 00 
Skasaha 27 10 00 12 12 11 06 00  
Lakche  27 10 00 13 12 11 06 00 

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Chapter 4: 33/137 turns

Eh, this probably could've been a lot more efficient. First I give Lachelis the Return staff and have her spam it for the final few levels whilst standing next to Noishe to get her love growth thingy. Sigurd takes out the top portion after Dew takes ages to unlock the bridge. Then I leave Lachelis and Noishe to take the Pegasus reinforcements while Sigurd and Claude (who now has Warp) take the bottom portion. Overall it went pretty well, although I probably should've had everyone take the bottom segment instead of just Sigurd and healer dude.

Sigurd  30 00 57 25 00 22 20 18 18 04 Silver Sword, Hero Lance, Javelin, Leg Ring, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Return Ring, Power Ring (Storage)
Ethlin  27 11 46 19 11 22 22 12 15 14 Light Sword, Pursuit Ring
Noishe  23 90 48 24 06 17 15 06 18 05 Hero Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Speed Ring
Lachlis 28 31 42 24 11 17 23 14 18 11 Prayer, Earth Sword, Relive, Return, Shield Ring, Elite Ring, Bargain RIng
Claude  27 38 41 00 23 15 18 12 06 23 Wind, Reserve, Valkyrie, Warp

Well, Lachelis turned out awesome. Suprisingly so did Noishe.

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Chapter 5: 26/163 turns

So this chapter started out with Sigurd and friends (Lachelis and Noishe) bumrushing the enemies with all of the other female characters (well, besides Ayra) going back to get themselves killed (after 1 HP on the arena, of course). Sigurd got the Tyrfing, and after some awesome stunt, killed Langbert in one hit with TWO silver sword criticals in a row. Afterwards, they all went down (except Claude, who stayed behind), with Sigurd going ahead and Lachelis and Noishe killing ALL of the Dragon Knights who had Knight Killers (yeah, it was pretty amazing). The other Duke dude was a pain in the ass and I had to have Sigurd double back to heal before having him finish the bastard off once and for all, and then I completed the chapter of course. Here are the final stats (I had to have Sigurd sell the Hero Lance because Celice couldn't inherit it sad.gif). The only weapons that had the critical skill were the Silver Sword and the Hero Lance, although with 45 kills, Sigurd's old Steel Sword was pretty damn close.

Sigurd  30 00 57 25 00 22 20 18 18 04 Tyrfing, Silver Sword, Power Ring, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Leg Ring, Return Ring
Ethlin  27 11 46 19 11 22 22 12 15 14 Light Sword, Pursuit Ring
Noishe  27 33 51 24 06 18 16 06 19 05 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Speed Ring
Laches  30 00 42 26 11 17 23 16 19 12 Silver Sword, Earth Sword, Relive, Return, Shield Ring, Elite Ring, Bargain RIng
Claude  28 91 42 00 24 15 18 13 06 23 Wind, Reserve, Valkyrie, Warp

Well,first gen was awesome, time to get on with second generation.

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Chapter 8: NPC Ishtar, why you break the game?

11 Turn Clear!

Anyway, first turn, Lana Warps Celice to Lenster and he charges across, murdering all those silly social knights with his Light Sword. By the time he reaches Blume, he's at 6 HP and needs to dodge a Bolting on turn 4... and he does. Celice blicks Blume with the Silver Sword on turn 5, and seizes! NPC Ishtar pops out and breaks the game because I can't skip the scenes.


The exact same thing, except I frameskip through the scenes this time. Celice kills NPC Ishtar, and continues on south. Julia and Leen are warped to Conote, and Julia is barely able to patch up Celice (although he only took 1HP of damage the whole way down)

Leen and Rodolban eat the children. Should have probably fed them to Tristan, but fuck him, he's already a ring whore.

Julia tanks some Dragon Knights, and Lester nets me a Hero Sword from that dragon knight boss that Hawk usually kills.

Celice seizes on turn 11.

Stats after next arena. Not sure if want Corple. I think he'll cost turns, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe defence ring Tristan can lure Hannibals towards him.

57 Turn Total.

Name      LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items
Celice    29 93 69 25 12 22 14 20 19 15 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Power Ring, Speed Ring, Leg Ring, Shield Ring, Magic Ring
Rodolban  11 98 38 18 00 19 17 05 13 00 Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Cutter, Silver Sword
Johan     18 70 46 15 02 13 13 05 14 01 Hero Axe, Hand Axe
Tristan   12 60 40 17 00 11 12 05 15 01 Steel Sword, Clipper, Skill Ring, Shield Ring
Lester    23 52 48 24 12 23 23 30 18 07 Hero Bow, Killer Bow Pursuit Ring, Barrier Ring
Oifaye    23 55 48 19 09 21 20 12 18 08 Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword, Slim Lance, Hero Lance, Hero Sword, Power Ring
Lana      15 20 41 08 14 16 18 23 07 09 Libro, Restore, Return, Warp, Relive, Live
Julia     17 93 39 02 23 12 15 09 05 19 Rezire, Relive
Leen      07 48 31 03 02 03 13 09 01 07 Slim Sword, Knight Ring

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Chapter 4: I miss Dew - 29 turns

Midale fails at the arena, everyone else does well! He eventually goes back to promote. Brigid gets put to sleep, so Holyn is out of action. Azel is so slow that Fury doesn't get to do much. Dew hides whilst Sigurd kills stuff. Turn 16 capture!

Sigurd gets the Leg Ring back, and they return home. Silesia takes a little while to fall, but that's more time for my guys. Sigurd dashes alone whilst Azel and Fury eat children for a turn 29 capture!

Sigurd  30 -- 64 25 01 22 18 17 17 05 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Skill/Shield/Leg/Power Rings, Silver Blade
Dierdre Gone
Azel	20 09 45 03 20 09 21 04 05 07 Fire, Thunder, Magic Ring, Elfire, Restore
Midale  20 97 43 19 00 13 18 04 13 04 Speed Ring, Steel Bow, Elite Ring
Holyn   21 88 49 22 04 26 20 03 16 04 Iron Blade, Steel Blade, Silver Sword, Hero Sword, Slim Sword
Fury	18 80 40 14 01 16 22 08 11 11 Slim Lance, Hero Lance, Slim Sword, Steel Sword
Brigid  19 90 46 22 02 26 23 13 15 10 Steel Bow, Ichieval, Silver Bow


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14 Turn Clear.

I managed to make it back by warping Sylvia to get a dance in on Celice. Hannibal chased Lester around until Corple mosied over. Julia managed to promote, which will make Julius easier, if I don't kill him with Holsety!Corple. Lana and Johan are also ready to promote whenever.


Celice was nearly doubled by Arion (Cel had 17 AS, Arion has 16) which would have been absolutely horrible, considering Arion has 100 hit on him and 2HKO's easily.

Stats after next arena.

71 Turn Total.

Name      LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items
Celice    30 00 71 25 13 22 15 20 20 15 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Power Ring, Speed Ring, Leg Ring, Barrier Ring, Magic Ring
Rodolban  14 80 40 19 00 20 18 05 14 01 Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Wind Sword, Silver Sword
Johan     21 38 50 20 02 15 15 05 20 05 Hero Axe, Hand Axe
Tristan   13 98 41 17 02 12 13 05 16 01 Steel Sword, Clipper, Skill Ring, Shield Ring, Thunder Sword
Lester    27 46 50 25 14 23 23 30 21 07 Hero Bow, Killer Bow Pursuit Ring, Barrier Ring
Oifaye    27 24 52 20 09 22 22 13 21 09 Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword, Slim Lance, Hero Lance, Hero Sword, Power Ring
Lana      21 21 46 10 23 21 23 26 11 11 Libro, Restore, Return, Wind, Relive, Live, Rescue
Julia     23 ?? Manfloy'd
Leen      09 08 33 03 03 03 14 09 02 09 Slim Sword, Knight Ring
Corple    03 80 32 01 09 09 11 07 03 07 Holsety, Libro, Reserve, Warp

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I managed to make it back by warping Sylvia to get a dance in on Celice. Hannibal chased Lester around until Corple mosied over. Julia managed to promote, which will make Julius easier, if I don't kill him with Holsety!Corple. Lana and Johan are also ready to promote whenever.

Freudian slip or intentional mishap?

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Freudian slip or intentional mishap?

Just me being a moron, haha. It was most definatly Leen.

Might as well use this post for Chapter 10. Almost done folks.


20 Turn Clear

Prior to the Chapter, Celice got Oifaye's 50+ kill Hero Sword, he needed it because he didn't double and came 1 HP short on Hilda :/

Celice got the Hilda and decimated her on turn 3, nobody else actually left the castle until the dark mages went poof. Leen danced Corple, who spammed Reserve, which he was able to buy thanks to the Skill Ring Levin left him, along with the Bargain Ring. Corple also bought warp off Lana for my strategy to work out. He warped Leen to the next castle (after Celice had moved off it a little bit) and Danced him so he could sit on a village tile for the crucial 20+ evasion that would ensure his survival. He seized Chronos on turn 7. Corple also warped Lana to the first castle, so she could rescue Celice, who was danced by Leen, allowing him to move something crazy like 40 spaces in 1 turn. Lana grabbed Lester's Barrier Ring so she wouldn't get put to sleep, allowing her to use the restore staff effectively. Celice killed Ishtar with the Hero Sword (at like 51 hit) so Julius would fuck off. I didn't record what turn I seized Miletos, but judging by my foggy memory, it was turn 12 or 13.

The turn Celice seized, Lana used the return staff on Leen, who was warped back by Corple, allowing me to get an extra dance in on Celice, who had the shield ring, Earth Sword, and Life Ring to improve his survivability on the way to Tyrfing. Nobody else could help because of the annoying 19 Mag Sleep Staff prick. Celice got Tyrfing on turn 16, engaged Alvis thrice on turn 18, twice on turn 19, and twice more on turn 20. Alvis is 5 or 6 HKO'd at 74 hit (for me anyway), and Celice had 14 attacks, so it was about an average outcome.

Seized on turn 20.

Roddleban intentionally failed at the arena all chapter so Corple could spam Reserve and promote, then clear the arena. He's deadly now.

Stats after final arena. Also, Tristan ate the children.

91 Turn Total.

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20 Turn Clear.

With Leen's help, Celice ran to Edda in 3 turns. Woop. Holy Holepunch!

He used the return ring the next turn, while Corple Holsety'd all of Swanchika dudes mooks, and then Holsety'd him himself (although he lived). Oifaye finished him, allowing Celice to move, get danced by Leen, Rescued by Corple, then kill the boss for the turn 5 seize.

Corple rescued Celice on turn 6, then Celice was danced any plowed on ahead. He hung back out of range of the barons on turn 8, went up the left on turn 9, then killed the boss on turn 10, making all the barons and Hilda poof.

Ishtar and Co. gave Slow!Celice some issues, but they were eventually drawn away by Corpleonamountain. Celice ran by Julia and Hero Sworded Manfloy for a 16 turn seize there. On turn 17, he chatted with Julia, and sold his leg ring. Leen was warped to Manfloy's place, and Julia went to go get Narga. And yeah, undrafted Shanan just sat on Chalphy, rocking 123 avoid.

Julia bought the leg ring, both her and Celice got danced towards Velthomer, and Julia ORKO'd Julius on turn 19. Celice seized on turn 20.

And I'm done.

111 Total Turns

123 + 111 = 234 Turns total, between both gens.

Character Analysis to come.

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Lester - Cap Rammer


So, he capped Strength, lolMagic, Skill, Speed, Luck, and Defence. He had good offence right off the bat and was a regular contributor.

Roddleban - 100% Useless.


I don't think he contributed positively once. His stats weren't bad mind you, he was just the only foot unit that didn't have something special (like dancing or staves)

Oifaye - The Moustachio


I love Oifaye. He was awesome, and contributed positively in every single chapter. Never really fell behind.

Lana - One Turn Saver


Her warping skills were invaluable. Her and Corple made quite the team later on.

Corple - Most Underrated Player


I'm going to be brutally honest here, Corple was worth the turn he cost to recruit. Nobody else sans a very lucky Oifaye could have cleared the axe knights in the epilogue, and he also helped Leen catch up to Celice by using warp.

Leen - Worth the Turns


I'm pretty sure she saved more turns than she cost. Actually, I'm definately sure.

Celice - The Slug


Even if he did have atrocious speed, it didn't really matter. If he had two less though, he would have not been able to double Alvis, and would be doubled by Arion, so that would be problematic.

Julia - Narga is ridiculous



Overall, I think the mother combination of Aideen and Sylvia is pretty ridiculous, maybe one of, if not the best.

Oops, forgot Tristan

Tristan - Also 100% Useless


His stats actually weren't too bad, but having Pursuit!Lester is better than Pursuit!Tristan. He looks blessed to me, and he just finally caught up with Oifaye in the final chapter.

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Chapter 5: Curse you, Horace! - 23 turns

Everyone promotes! Sigurd kills his dad, then Lex's on turn 4! Then steals Phinora on turn 10! Then Tiltyu's dad on turn 18! However, Holyn trolls me again and makes me wait a few turns!


Sigurd, worked too hard! - 197 kills


He really ended up doing all the work. Of course, I blame Horace.

Dierdre, warpalicious - 6 kills


I'm starting to like her, free warp and Aura tanking is nice.

Azel, a little too late - 28 kills


Pretty wimpy early on. Spent most of his time glued to Fury. Curse you, Horace!

Fury, somewhat nice - 23 kills


Nice to have a flier, but she did very little. Again, Horace's fault!

Holyn, trolled me once more - 18 kills


He didn't do much, cost 4 turns. His kids better be worth it!

Brigid, Ichieval took turns - 23 kills


I lacked my usual Alec, so I wasn't able to get her the Ichieval quicker. Although, Holyn would have taken just as long.

Midale, Alone! - 28 kills


He was Alec's substitute... but I'd rather have had Alec! Curse you, Horace!

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Why didn't you pair Midir with Briggid? They have a conversation (although it would be tough to get, mind you). Your Gen 2 shouldn't be too bad, with characters like Dimna and Sharlow helping you out

I felt like trying HolynxBriggid. It turns out that I only needed 4 turns. I'm curious to see how Patty and Faval benefit. Dimna, from personal experience, is one of the biggest losers ever. His strength is fine, because of his event, but his speed usually blows.

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How does Holyn cost 4 turns to recruit? blink.gif Sigurd destroys the arena, ESPECIALLY when you're using him in a draft. Or do you mean like overall he cost you 4 turns (probably the later)?

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Chapter 6: I miss the Knight Ring! - 24 turns

Celice and Radney, woo! The RNG is cruel and kills Celice in the first EP. I had to alter my tactics. Oifaye and Dimna turn up, but they're useless so it doesn't matter. Celice takes a few hits but captures on turn 8! Fee turns up and has some pretty impressive speed. Celice steals Isaac on turn 15.

Things are horrible, I can't warp Julia to get Resire, so I take far too long. Turn 24 capture, yuck!

Celice  20 22 59 20 07 20 20 20 13 03 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Elite/Shield/Leg/Power Rings, Thief Sword
Julia   01 52 24 00 11 08 11 05 03 14 Rezire
Oifaye  16 05 41 16 10 17 16 08 17 08 Cutter, Javelin, Skill Ring
Radney  06 49 30 11 00 15 19 06 09 02 Iron Blade
Dimna   01 00 30 14 00 07 09 03 08 00 Iron Bow
Fee 	04 46 30 09 02 10 17 06 07 08 Hero Lance, Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Slim Sword, Steel Sword, Speed Ring, Thunder Sword


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