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(FE4) SOYO Draft III


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True, it's nice having a Celice who isn't majorly slow.

Chapter 7: Coolio - 24 turns

Celice promotes, it turns out he's already capped strength, speed and skill. Everyone actually does alright in the arena. Julia clears and Dimna gets stuck on the last general.

Celice and Shannan get unlucky and end up capturing together on turn 11. Leaf is his own decoy, he distracts the enemies so Fin and Janne can escape! That's how it worked in FE11, right? Celice captures on turn 19. Leaf dies at the hands of an AK, and Aless eats Balmung.

The Light Sword now has 50 kills, woo! Celice kills the mages with it and captures on turn 24.

Celice  25 02 66 25 08 22 22 23 18 07 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Elite/Shield/Leg/Power Rings, Hero Sword
Julia   10 10 32 00 18 09 16 08 04 19 Rezire, Recover, Return
Oifaye  17 78 41 16 10 17 16 08 18 08 Javelin, Skill Ring, Fire Sword, Slim Lance, Iron Sword
Radney  09 98 31 13 00 16 20 07 12 05 Iron Blade, Steel Blade, Cutter, Thief Sword
Dimna   05 00 33 18 01 09 10 04 08 00 Iron Bow
Fee 	04 46 30 09 02 10 17 06 07 08 Hero Lance, Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Slim Sword, Speed Ring, Thunder Sword, Shield Ring
Patty   04 54 34 07 01 10 10 06 05 02 Hero Sword, Sleep Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring
Shanan  18 24 44 19 00 27 24 12 17 04 Steel Blade, Balmung, Bargain Ring, Skill Ring
Janne   05 82 31 06 08 10 12 05 05 06 Iron Sword, Relive


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Chapter 8: No Hope! - 17 turns

I can at least aim for second! Patty takes the Leg Ring to get Faval. I have no warp so I have to walk. Blume explodes on turn 10.

Celice gets Sety whilst Janne eats children. I'm one square away from Fee getting the Thief Ring but I go for the turn 17 capture.

Celice  29 05 71 25 11 22 22 26 20 10 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Power/Shield/Speed/Leg Rings
Julia   18 52 39 02 23 12 17 10 05 23 Rezire, Recover, Return
Oifaye  22 16 46 19 10 21 19 10 20 08 Silver Blade, Fire Sword, Iron Sword, Javelin, Slim Lance, Skill Ring
Radney  14 02 35 15 01 17 10 06 10 03 Iron Blade, Steel Blade, Cutter, Thief Sword
Dimna   08 55 35 18 01 10 10 06 08 01 Iron Bow, Speed Ring, Hero Bow
Fee 	15 78 42 12 06 14 22 10 11 09 Hero Lance, Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Slim Sword, Elite Ring, Thunder Sword, Shield Ring
Sety	18 10 45 03 24 18 30 07 09 15 Elwind, Elfire, Lightning, Thunder, Magic Ring, Restore, Relive
Patty   08 48 38 09 02 11 11 07 07 02 Hero Sword, Sleep Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring
Faval   13 98 52 15 01 25 15 15 10 01 Ichival, Silver Bow, Steel Bow, Return Ring, Iron Bow
Shanan  22 36 49 21 00 30 25 13 19 04 Steel Blade, Balmung, Bargain Ring, Skill Ring
Janne   13 52 35 07 10 14 12 05 06 09 Iron Sword, Relive, Hero Sword



Chapter 9: Sharlow! - 16 turns

Fee promotes! Celice dances past Hannibal, almost killing him. He takes the next castle on turn 5, Sharlow recruits Hannibal whilst Sety murders Altenna and Trabant. Celice then gets the evil castle on turn 11!

Sety warps Julia to give Celice his bonus. Sharlow gets the Berserk Staff. All is good, resulting in a turn 16 capture!

Celice  30 -- 73 25 12 22 22 27 21 14 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Power/Shield/Speed/Leg Rings, Earth Sword
Julia   25 Stolen
Oifaye  24 81 48 20 10 22 19 11 20 09 Silver Blade, Fire Sword, Iron Sword, Javelin, Slim Lance, Skill Ring
Radney  18 29 38 18 02 20 23 08 13 06 Iron Blade, Steel Blade, Cutter, Thief Sword, Hero Sword, Silver Sword, Clipper
Dimna   14 48 40 19 01 12 11 07 11 01 Steel Bow, Speed Ring, Hero Bow, Killer Bow
Fee 	20 30 46 13 14 18 29 11 13 15 Hero Lance, Slim Lance, Thunder Sword, Shield, Cutter, Live, Barrier RingRing
Sety	24 06 50 05 28 21 30 08 12 15 Elwind, Elfire, Magic Ring, Restore, Relive, Warp, Lightning
Patty   11 72 43 10 04 13 11 10 08 04 Hero Sword, Sleep Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring, Iron Sword
Faval   18 64 59 16 01 25 18 19 12 02 Ichival, Silver Bow, Steel Bow, Return Ring, Iron Bow
Shanan  24 62 52 21 00 30 25 13 20 04 Steel Blade, Balmung, Bargain Ring, Skill Ring
Janne   16 14 38 07 10 14 12 05 10 09 Iron Sword, Relive, Prayer Sword
Sharlow 06 60 28 00 13 09 09 04 03 10 Libro, Berserk Staff


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Chapter 10: Hurrah for Faval? - 24 turns

Radney promotes, Celice captures on turn 4! Nice and simple! Sety starts warping people forwards, Celice killing the evil guy on turn 8!

Celice is the man with his Light Sword and crashes through even mages. He captures again on turn 14! Things get nasty but Faval is warped in to save the day. He even gets a hit on Alvis, letting Celice capture on turn 24!

Celice  30 -- 73 25 12 22 22 27 21 14 Light Sword, Power/Barrier/Speed/Leg Rings, Earth Sword, Tyrfing
Julia   25 Stolen
Oifaye  30 -- 52 22 10 23 20 15 24 09 Silver Blade, Fire Sword, Iron Sword, Javelin, Slim Lance, Skill Ring, Elite Ring
Radney  20 83 39 24 05 22 26 09 15 09 Hero Sword, Silver Sword, Steel Sword, Thief Ring, Cutter, Clipper, 
Dimna   20 58 45 21 01 16 13 10 12 01 Steel Bow, Speed Ring, Hero Bow, Killer Bow
Fee 	29 06 54 17 19 21 30 12 17 16 Hero Lance, Slim Lance, Shield Ring, Return Staff, Wind Sword, Relive, Barrier Ring
Sety	30 -- 55 05 29 23 30 09 16 15 Lightning, Recover, Warp, Restore, Silence, Magic Ring, Libro
Patty   15 74 51 13 04 17 13 12 09 05 Hero Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring, Iron Sword
Faval   24 48 68 23 02 27 23 24 16 06 Ichival, Silver Bow, Steel Bow, Return Ring, Iron Bow
Shanan  26 56 57 23 00 30 25 13 21 04 Steel Blade, Balmung, Bargain Ring, Skill Ring
Janne   19 47 40 08 11 15 12 05 10 09 Iron Sword, Relive, Prayer Sword, Sleep Sword
Sharlow 20 60 33 01 19 10 12 07 03 15 Libro, Berserk Staff


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Epilogue: Curse you, Horace! - 24 turns

Janne and Sharlow promote! Patty doesn't but she funds Sharlow so he can have nice things. Celice gets Edda on turn 4!

Dozel then goes on turn 8! With some rescuing and some nice work from Fee, Freege is captured on turn 13! The then blitz's Ishtar and two of the Peg knights. Patty is warped home to promote, as is Shanan, but to kill stuff. I kill Manfroy on tur n 19, getting Julia and Narga. She steels the Leg Ring allowing a turn 24 capture!


Celice, Captain Cap'n - 167 kills


Capped all his important stats early on. Hilarious!

Julia, Nargarific - 35 kills


Some old stuff. She rarely goes wrong.

Oifaye, Same as Dimna - 35 kills


I actually had to use him at times, he capped defense and generally helped out.

Shanan, The Great Swordini - 46 kills


Great stuff, except that enemies don't like targeting him.

Fee, Flying Support/Death Machine - 31 kills


She took a little while to get going but didn't disappoint. Her magic eventually outdid her strength!

Sety, Azel of the Future - 19 kills


He somehow failed to cap magic. For some reason, he didn't do that well, I really don't know why.

Patty, Disappointing - 7 kills


Luna was nice but she really didn't do that much. Midale!Patty really was better.

Faval, Megahealth - 25 kills


Had trouble due to bow-lock but his HP was crazy, nothing could hurt him!

Dimna, Better than usual - 20 kills


Normally he fails miserably. However, due to the stinky units I ended up with, he actually got a chance to shine. The Killer Bow and Speed Ring did him wonders.

Radney, Spare Sword, 26 kills


She did her usual stuff, not quite as explosive as Shanan but I'm happy. Also married to Shanan.

Sharlow, Fat Boy Teleporter - 0 kills


Better than I expected, he cost two turns but easily saved them in warping and rescuing. Married to Patty for some reason.

Janne, Integrity can keep her - 2 kills


Mobile healing was nice but she can't fight, Fee also turned out better once she promoted.

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So I signed up for a new draft. Which means I better finish this one ASAP. Let's see if I can't do it today.

Chapter 6: 26/189 turns

Well, this worked out well enough, with Celice and Oifaye owning the first wave of enemies. I think Oifaye beat the boss for Celice to take over, so he was a big help in saving a turn there. Then I got Femina and Amid, both pretty much scouring the villages because what else can they do? Celice, Oifaye, and Delmud go to the bottom, with Oifaye's Javelin owning the enemies and Celice taking the Paladin with the Hero Axe that I never got and probably will never use, Delmud helping along the way. Yuria got the Rezire tome, which will hopefully prove good enough.

Celice  07 44 38 13 01 12 11 18 11 03 Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Power Ring, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Leg Ring, Return Ring
Oifaye  19 17 44 16 09 19 18 11 18 09 Cutter Sword, Thief Sword, Javelin
Delmud  07 69 37 15 01 09 10 06 10 01 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Iron Sword, Speed Ring
Julia   01 80 24 00 11 08 11 05 03 14 Rezire, Relive
Femina  03 11 28 11 01 09 16 04 08 09 Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Skill Ring
Amid    02 72 29 01 11 10 14 06 04 09 Wind

They could have just called Celice "Lord", but they called him "Junior Lord" just to show how much less awesome than Sigurd he is. Or IS just hated him, I dunno.

Oifaye is a GOD. Anyone who says otherwise is pretty wrong (or just pragmatic, I dunno...he's still awesome).

Julia helped with some healing, that was helpful. Hopefully Rezire will make her more useable next chapter.

Edited by Refa
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Chapter 7: 38/227 turns

I'm sure I could do a lot better, but screw it, I need to finish this off. Anyways, first I rushed Celice to Yied Shrine while having everyone else take care of the rest, then I had him join up with the rest of the people who were taking care of Ishtore's forces before finishing off Ishtore himself. Afterwards, he had to hike back up because I needed to recruit Laylea, and it went well afterwards.

Where was Leaf in all of this? After him and Nanna took care of the reinforcements, I warped him back, and he pretty much took care of ALL of the mercenary troops. Celice took care of the boss, though. Oifaye took care of Blume with the rest of my units, who had to waste more turns while Amid took his sweet ass time to recruit Linda. Oh well, at least my units turned out well enough and gained a fuckwin of levels.

Celice  14 66 48 18 01 19 13 20 14 04 Hero Sword, Fire Sword, Power Ring, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Leg Ring, Return Ring, Silver Sword (Storage), Knight Slayer (Storage)
Oifaye  21 82 46 16 09 20 18 11 18 10 Cutter Sword, Thief Sword, Silver Blade, Javelin
Delmud  14 74 46 21 02 14 10 08 13 02 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Speed Ring
Yuria   11 39 34 00 21 12 17 07 04 19 Rezire, Relive, Magic Ring
Femina  09 46 33 11 03 09 19 05 08 09 Slim Lance, Steel Sword, Berserk Sword, Skill Ring
Amid    06 68 32 02 12 11 16 07 04 09 Wind
Leaf    11 83 38 13 03 13 13 06 13 04 Light Sword, Pursuit Ring, Speed Ring
Nanna   14 78 41 16 03 13 11 18 14 05 Silver Sword, Iron Sword, Earth Sword, Relive, Return, Shield Ring, Elite Ring
Linda   04 00 27 01 12 13 09 02 02 07 Elthunder
Laylea  03 00 24 04 00 01 13 04 01 04

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Chapter 8: 21/248 turns

So I had my main forces take out all of the enemies while going for Blume while Leaf and Nanna took care of the whole retinue of Javelin Bastards and two of the three sisters. Afterwards, everyone bum rushed the final castle (didn't recruit Hawk because he's not drafted, and the computer LOVES attacking the AI, so he's more useful to me that way anyways). I had Oifaye go and get the Thief Ring.

And boy, did my team turn out rather godly. Note that only Leaf and Delmud are promoted. I love having two units with Charisma and 3 star Celice! laugh.gif

Celice  21 77 59 20 02 20 14 24 16 05 Hero Sword, Fire Sword, Power Ring, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Leg Ring, Return Ring, Killer Bow (Storage)
Oifaye  24 98 49 18 10 22 19 11 19 10 Steel Sword, Silver Blade, Cutter, Javelin, Knight Slayer, Hero Bow (unuseable), Thief Ring
Delmud  20 04 53 23 02 29 18 11 18 06 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Cutter, Speed Ring
Yuria   21 41 44 00 23 14 20 12 04 24 Rezire, Relive, Magic Ring
Femina  17 02 42 13 04 11 24 07 08 09 Hero Lance, Slim Lance, Steel Sword, Berserk Sword, Power Ring, Skill Ring
Amid    12 34 38 03 17 14 20 08 04 09 Wind
Leaf    20 97 48 24 07 23 24 09 23 09 Silver Sword, Light Sword, Pursuit Ring (USELESS), Speed Ring
Nanna   27 74 53 18 03 20 16 21 18 08 Silver Sword, Earth Sword (broken), Prayer, Relive, Return, Shield Ring, Elite Ring
Linda   15 12 34 04 15 18 11 06 02 09 Elthunder, Tron

Nanna is GOD.

PS Oh, and apparently I got drafted Assaelo...Whoops.

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Chapter 9: 18/266 turns

So I had Celice and other paladin compadres woosh ahead (well, Celice and Nanna, other guys stayed behind because there wasn't much they could do anyways). Then I had Leaf warp everyone to the other castle while Sharlow went to talk to Hannibal. Yuria killed Trabant's squadron, and Celice rushed past Arionne to Thracia. I didn't even kill Arionne!

Also, yes, Altenna did waste quite a few turns. Well, 2-4, to be not-so-exact.

Celice  28 53 69 25 06 22 18 26 20 09 Hero Sword, Fire Sword, Power Ring, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Leg Ring, Return Ring, Return Ring (Storage)
Oifaye  26 70 50 18 10 23 20 12 20 10 Steel Sword, Silver Blade, Cutter, Javelin, Knight Slayer, Thief Ring
Delmud  23 22 56 23 03 30 20 11 20 06 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Cutter, Clipper, Speed Ring
Yuria   25 89 48 00 30 20 28 13 05 27 Rezire, Relive, Silence, Magic Ring
Femina  21 26 45 13 11 14 29 08 09 14 Hero Lance, Silver Sword, Thief Sword, Relive, Power Ring, Skill Ring
Amid    17 90 41 06 21 16 20 08 05 09 Elwind, Elite Ring
Leaf    26 73 56 27 07 26 26 11 27 09 Light Sword, Hero Axe, Hero Bow, Warp, Restore, Speed Ring
Nanna   30 00 56 24 05 24 19 22 24 10 Silver Sword, Prayer, Earth Sword, Relive, Return, Shield Ring, Pursuit Ring
Linda   18 80 36 05 16 19 12 07 03 09 Tron
Hanniba 20 05 60 20 00 16 11 07 22 06 Silver Blade, Clipper
Altenna 18 88 49 22 02 16 17 16 20 02 Gae Bolg, Silver Lance, Javelin, Steel Sword

God, Serenes Forest has the WORST interface. dry.gif

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Chapter 10: 24/290 turns

So Leaf basically rescue warped Celice who shitstomped everyone. The part with all of the dark mages with Sleep was a real pain in the ass, though. Gotta hate those 100% hit rates.

Celice  30 00 71 25 06 22 19 26 22 10 Tyrfing, Hero Sword, Power Ring, Skill Ring, Barrier Ring, Leg Ring, Return Ring, Wind Sword (Storage)
Oifaye  28 60 51 18 11 24 20 13 21 10 Silver Blade, Fire Sword, Cutter, Javelin, Knight Slayer, Return Ring, Thief Ring
Delmud  27 23 61 23 03 30 20 12 22 08 Hero Sword, Thunder Sword, Cutter, Clipper, Berserk Sword, Speed Ring
Yuria   25 89 48 00 30 20 28 13 05 27 Rezire, Relive, Silence, Magic Ring
Femina  27 16 49 16 11 15 30 11 10 15 Hero Lance, Javelin, Silver Sword, Thief Sword, Relive, Power Ring, Skill Ring
Amid    22 86 45 12 27 24 23 11 11 13 Elwind, Elthunder, Elite Ring
Leaf    30 00 60 27 08 27 27 11 27 10 Light Sword, Hero Axe, Libro, Warp, Rescue, Restore, Speed Ring
Nanna   30 00 56 24 05 24 19 22 24 10 Silver Sword, Prayer, Earth Sword, Relive, Return, Shield Ring, Pursuit Ring
Linda   30 00 47 10 24 24 20 08 08 18 Tron, Life, Libro
Hanniba 22 81 61 21 00 18 11 07 24 06 Silver Blade, Clipper, Silver Lance, Hero Bow
Altenna 26 94 59 27 02 21 22 20 28 02 Gae Bolg, Silver Lance, Javelin, Steel Sword
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've done the maths and it seems to put his turncount at 231. Curse you, Horace!

12 + 22 + 30 + 14 + 23 + 20 = 121

19 + 26 + 11 + 14 + 20 + 20 = 110

Beaten retrospectively!

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  • 1 month later...

Final Chapter- 29/TOO MANY turns

Urghh...Narga...You've ruined everything yet again.


Celice is so damn awesome. He turned out really well for me as well, actually this may be the best Celice I've ever gotten. He had the Leg Ring right up until Yuria needed it.


Awesome at the beginning, less awesome later on. Pretty much has all of the "special" items that noone else actually needed.


Delmud wasn't particularly amazing combat wise, but his Charisma ability came in handy more than a couple of times.


Dare I say, even more awesomer awesomest than Celice. Her stats are ridiculously awesome, and Narga is no pun intended, a godsend. She's pretty much Athos 9001, except she doesn't die at the end.


I think she helped...sometimes. Too bad she's nowhere near as good as Fee.


Despite his great stats (in magic, skill, and speed), Amid was completely useless.


Although his stats are fantastic and his combat was definetely useful for the earlier chapters, my biggest use for Leaf was some awesome Rescue staffing action. Master Knight is THE best class in Fire Emblem.


Really awesome with the healing and the Charisma and the actually good combat. Shame about that magic, but look at that ridiculous defense.


Dancer with Charisma is awesome. She's way better than Leen, and is the only replacement character worth going out of your way to get.


Suprisingly useful because I gave her the Recover and Libro staves.





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