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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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Because I currently have nothing better to do, here's the current votals one last time before phase end.

[3] Psych: Shinori, Snike, Paperblade, Sho, Flint

[1] Snike: Rein, Proto

[1] Sho: Hikarusa, Haze

[1] Proto: Paperblade, Hikarusa, Sho

[0] Wen Yang: Snike

[0] Kaoz: Haze

[0] Haze: Kaoz

[0] Kay: Haze

A little more than 7 and a half hours left.

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I am not particularly happy with a Psych lynch, just because he doesn't strike me as a dangerous player. I'd rather go after someone like Kay. But then I remember she was killed right away in recent game(s), and always dying first is no fun and I am conflicted.

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Also what happened in bizarro?

Proto refused to claim his entire role (he was a vig and let everyone think he had infinite shots, he only had 2)

gets lynched, everyone facepalms upon seeing his entire role

town loses a bit later

Proto blames everyone else

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I don't like the Psych lynch either, simply because he hasn't done anything, and all I see is a bunch of people who have opportunistically jumped on the wagon to try and force it through.

That or they're mindlessly sheeping... could go either way.

I'd much rather lynch Sho, so that's where my vote is staying.

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I would bet that Proto and Sho are both mafia, and are arguing to cover it up.

And keep anger out of mafia

If you don't want people to be angry, try harder to not anger them. Your constant insults are quite unnecessary. Just saying.

Snike Strawman Psych Lorddomu Brothene Kay Wen. You all have less posts than Raymond. You are kind of not contributing.

Dude, I wasn't here. I already know how scummy it is that I have a life.

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Personally, I got worse vibes from Proto than Sho during their whole back-and-forth. Fuck, I guess I'll throw down a vote. 3 hours extension is plenty of time for a little more discussion, and I guess it may not just be pissing into the wind. I hope Psych will actually show up and defend himself, because just damn. Also, I do hope that Proto can see this in time too, and maybe counter-back, but I do not recall his timezone. Also, apparently midterms or school were recently being a huge albatross around his neck too.

##Vote: Proto

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An extension, huh. I guess I'd better vote while I can. Sho, Proto or Psych... my gut tells me to keep Sho alive, I'm indifferent towards Proto, and Psych hasn't been doing anything, so...

##Explode in face: Psych

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Why do people start killing me when I must go to school asap?

I still don't care as long as I don't die and someone does.

Chill the fuck out. You're barely in the running for a lynch and I think the phase is just about over anyway.

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I am not particularly happy with a Psych lynch, just because he doesn't strike me as a dangerous player. I'd rather go after someone like Kay. But then I remember she was killed right away in recent game(s), and always dying first is no fun and I am conflicted.

Any particular reason why you would rather vote for me? I appreciate not being killed immediately all the time, of course. But I know you're smart enough to not just lynch a random good player, so I'm assuming there must be some reason you think I'm suspicious.

And, because I suspect Sho and Proto: ##Stab, decapitate, and incinerate: Sho.M.ya.Moves

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In case someone questions why I'm choosing Sho out of those two, I'll probably get a better read on Proto later. I can't metagame Sho anywhere near as well.

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All right, Raymond, I'll start taking this seriously, don't kill me.

Discussion wound back and forth, but eventually, people decided to lynch the Jurrac Meteor. Though it was high in the sky, Decisive Armor was still able to shoot it down. From the debris, a role PM fluttered down.

Dear Psych,


You are the Jurrac Meteor. It's a long way to the meeting site, but you'll make it (you hope).

Starting from D1, you are subject to the following:

1. You may only make one post per day/night.

2. This post may only contain "Countdown to impact: <NUMBER>". You will start with 4 on D1, and count backwards.

3. You will not post "Countdown to impact: 0" during D3. Instead, with less than 24 hours remaining in D3, you will post "JURRAC METEOR IMPACT!", just as red and bold as you see it here. This post will end D3 as soon as Someone Important sees it, so you might want to give me or Raymond/Shade of Shadow a poke when you do it.

4. If you forget to count down a day/night, you will be forced to restart from 4 during the next phase.

5. Posting anything not specified above, or posting more than once a day/night will probably end messily, so don't do it.

On N0, you may NOT share the nature of your post restriction, but you can say that you have one.

However, simply. . .arriving would be boring. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - <PLAYER>, pave the way for me!" <PLAYER> will be forced to append every post during the next day with "Repent, for the herald of the heavens is coming!"

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated, OR if you post JURRAC METEOR IMPACT! as per your role.


the rest of you can post now

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