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[FE10] Radiant Dawn, Hard Mode Style


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Exactly, so nasir and Gareth are free too, even thoguh they're not 'compulsory.' They do come in endgame.

So, if This is jaye does not pick his pick in another...8 hours, He's gonna get Renning since I RNG'd Renning.

And SH, you can pm me your picks if you want, as when I get online next and you haven't picked, I can pick them for you.

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I get the sucky fish in the end. Them little fishies. >.<

Oliver, because he doesn't require effort.

Oh, and with that, gentlemen, our drafting is over. You may begin on your playthroughs.

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Of course this is on. Just let me finish PKThunder's awesome draft, EM and NM :P. My progress have been delayed because I'm on a different pc and I'm finishing my 2nd newbie play through featuring Lucia, fake apostle and Pellulz...lol

Edited by Quintessence
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Prologue: 7/ 7 turns

Edwards dolo'd the chapter. Ok, so Micaiah gets A kill. Whatever.

Chapter 1:8/15 turns

I take advantage of the AI and Nolan screws up a lot of guys. Edward ends up getting mooch kills.Micaiah gets twi lvl ups. Edwrd gets his second lvl up. Nolan is on the verge of one level up.

Chapter 2: I'm dying here. God save laura! *sniff*

Ok, finally done. 10/25 turns

Took an extra turn to steal Zaitan's vulnerary. :3

Edited by Marth
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