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Needing your opinions on this mug portrait



41 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick the one you like the most:

    • [img]http://gyazo.com/6498c24aaae4fa7590bdff2365707f62.png[/img] Tana Blue
    • [img]http://gyazo.com/a918ec899844412a573014b1c9bf636a.png[/img] Dozla Green
  2. 2. Add a bandana?

    • Yes, bandanas are awesome
    • No, it's fine as it is
  3. 3. How is the hair colour?

  4. 4. Vanguard Ike's armour FTW

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This guy here is one of the two main Lords for the Silver Blade (working title) hack that I'm directing. But I'm pretty torn between these colours and I'd be quite happy with any one of them. I will more than likely go with the majority vote.

Also, if there are any pro muggers who are looking at this and see any errors, could they state them in a reply? That would be appreciated.


AstraLunaSol fixed the hair way back when the sprite looked like this:

customraven31.png lol

Various people have verbally aided me in tidying it up.

Thank you all.

Edited by V-Raven
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That's a problem... Maybe I'll have to use something other than Gyazo to upload them.

Bear with me.

Edit: Oh k, good.

Edit: Moved? I wanted it to be kept in FFtF so more people can view it. Oh well.

Shameless advertising in FFtF ahoy.

Edited by V-Raven
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Moved to Sprites. You may want to give credit to whoever helped with it as well, if you didn't do it yourself.

Also, try imageshack or imgur. Gyazo doesn't always play nice :P:.

Edited by Tangerine
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AstraLunaSol fixed the hair back when the sprite looked like this:


Various people have verbally aided me in tidying it up.

I'll edit this into the first post too.

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/me licks you all.

No taste ;~;.

Unless your hack has something to do with Tellius and Ike specifically, I don't see the reason for, frankly, being lazy. If the guy has nothing to do with Ike, you should at least show some creativity and come up with your own design for his appearance and not borrow from an existing character's design. Heck, while I think that original designs should reign supreme, even a modification of the design would be more appropriate than the guy having the exact same armor.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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Unless your hack has something to do with Tellius and Ike specifically, I don't see the reason for, frankly, being lazy. If the guy has nothing to do with Ike, you should at least show some creativity and come up with your own design for his appearance and not borrow from an existing character's design. Heck, while I think that original designs should reign supreme, even a modification of the design would be more appropriate than the guy having the exact same armor.

I wasn't being serious. People are entitled to their opinions of Ike's armour.

It doesn't have anything to do with Tellius or Ike specifically, except that the class of this character (when promoted) is Vanguard.

I very much like Ike's gauntlet and the style of it, so why not imitate something which you really like? I like it just as it is, so I don't particularly want to edit it because I don't feel the need to.

And quite frankly, I don't appreciate being called lazy. Especially when the editing and implementation of this armour and cape kept me up last night for near enough four hours from start to finish. Lazy in terms of creativity? Maybe yes, but I don't really care. I've got what I want and that's good enough for me.

Thinking about it, many people don't design their own armour, but instead splice it from other original mugs. I suppose that makes many of us lazy to your standards.

I appreciate constructive criticism, but I won't be making any design edits to the armour, except for the colour and any fixes that need to be made in future.

Edited by V-Raven
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For the record, I didn't vote nay because it was Ike's armor. I voted nay 'cause it's drawn rather poorly :<

That's fine. But don't leave it at that - please expand.

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Thinking about it, many people don't design their own armour, but instead splice it from other original mugs. I suppose that makes many of us lazy to your standards.

Except for the lot of us who do custom work kthx ANYWAY

the only two cents I have to add onto what Josh was saying, and to sound less harsh than that, would be that:

if you do like Ike's armor that much, why not style something inspired by it, but not exactly like it? I mean, it's kinda cool and all, but it's extremely obvious that it's Ike's In fact I'm 90% sure that the pauldron used there is from Flying Ace's Ike, so don't you think it'd be cooler to see something based off of that, but made into you own creation? I think it would.

And to echo Celice, it doesn't look very well done. The shading is choppy and poor, and not very smooth. Trim has to flow, bro.

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Except for the lot of us who do custom work kthx ANYWAY

the only two cents I have to add onto what Josh was saying, and to sound less harsh than that, would be that:

if you do like Ike's armor that much, why not style something inspired by it, but not exactly like it? I mean, it's kinda cool and all, but it's extremely obvious that it's Ike's In fact I'm 90% sure that the pauldron used there is from Flying Ace's Ike, so don't you think it'd be cooler to see something based off of that, but made into you own creation? I think it would.

And to echo Celice, it doesn't look very well done. The shading is choppy and poor, and not very smooth. Trim has to flow, bro.

I am aware there are also many who make custom armours. That's why I said "many" as opposed to "everybody".

The pauldron is not belonging to Flying Ace. It was made by myself, using the original as reference. If it was belonging to Flying Ace or anyone else, I would have given credit like I did for Astra.

As for the whole custom design thing, I agree it would probably be cooler, but as I said, I'm happy with an imitation of Vanguard Ike's pauldron.

Thanks for the appropriate constructive criticism regarding the shading. It is appreciated, and I will more than likely act on it when I get the time.

Edited by V-Raven
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As for the whole custom design thing, I agree it would probably be cooler, but as I said, I'm happy with an imitation of Vanguard Ike's pauldron.

Thanks for the appropriate constructive criticism regarding the shading. It is appreciated, and I will more than likely act on it when I get the time.

Okie dokie, I guess.

And I hope that works out for you ' 3'

Edited by seph1212
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Okie dokie, I guess.

And I hope that works out for you ' 3'

Thanks, me too. I'm not an experienced mugger at all, and I'm not gonna learn if everyone keeps doing my shit for me, so here I am.

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I've already removed Seth Red because it had the least votes... I was going to remove Ross Black but now it's on evens with Dozla Green.

If it gets to 35 votes, I'll remove the least voted for option then ask for people of that colour to vote between the last two remaining colours.

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